Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 312 One Hundred Death

The person who came from is Zuo Xun. Unlike Geng Shan, who has been following Liu Yao to fight on the front line, Zuo Xun spent most of his time in Jingwang Mansion in Xingyuan City. The reason is that Liu Yao is worried about Jiang Ting alone.

And Jiang Ting did not know that the reason why Prince Jing did not regain control of King Jing's Mansion after Liu Yao left was that she had always been guarded by such a master behind her.

Heizi was abolished, and King Jing no longer had a master who could compete with Geng Shan and Zuo Xun. Not everyone has the good luck of Liu Yao and can pick up a master in distress as a doorman for nothing.

Moreover, Liu Yao saved the man twice.

That mysterious Mr. Ye is not as useless as he showed. The man who abandoned his feet tomorrow morning can still escape under the black man's eyes. How can the disciples taught by such people not be strong?

Prince Jing knows very well that as long as he can't get out of Jing Ruitang, he can't win Liu Yao's calculations for many years. And since he cut his wrists and bleed and fell ill in bed, it was doomed that it would be difficult for him to win this game. Because Liu Yao is younger than him; and because Liu Yao is his son.

If there were no changes in Beijing, no great princes' rebellion, and no vassal kings in various places would not have allowed himself to gradually weaken and even be on the verge of death. As Sai Hua Tuo said, he should have been able to recover. But he gave up that opportunity. Just because he gave Liu Xi a chance, it was a pity that Liu Xi ran away. He also gave Liu Xu a chance and even gave him a lot of support, but Liu Xu was born to be a soft egg.

In the last few days, King Jing was quite aggrieved. He gave birth to three sons, and the one who was most like him and could best support the Liu family was the one he hated the most. He has been thinking, is it true that he can't raise a son? Or is the woman who is too happy to die and be too good at raising her son?

No one knows that for King Jing, the most unrelievable thing in his life is the death of his princess. Although the princess will eventually die because he indulges others in using fake drugs to harm her. But in fact, he has always understood that this is her own choice. It was she who chose to give up her life and made her body worse and worse. Because she wanted to die, he just helped her.

King Jing has never understood. Is it so painful to be his own princess? You have to choose the way of death to get rid of it. Don't they also have good memories? Why did she have to do so many evil things to make the relationship between the two finally come to the end of the breakdown? What happened at the beginning was just an accident. If she really hated him for liking other women, why did she save that girl? He even gave birth to a child!

She is his princess. But in her heart, he is not as good as a girl!

King Jing hated Liu Yao from beginning to end, not only because he was born of a humble girl. The more important reason is that in his opinion, Liu Yao is the princess's favorite person in the world. That kind of deformed desire to bring the whole world to his love made King Jing feel angry every time he thought of it, and he was even more disgusted with this son.

So, with the passage of time, even if we haven't seen each other for several years, King Jing's disgust with Liu Yao has become much deeper. That's why after he had chosen Liu Yao to come back as his heir, he repeatedly wanted to change his choice and let his favorite son Liu Xu inherit the throne.

However, in the last period before his death, King Jing had figured out that he did not hate Liu Yao, but for taking all the love of the princess from his own hand.

In fact, King Jing has always known that the princess loves himself. Otherwise, she will not be angry with other women, let alone treat him coldly. But since Liu Yao was born, she no longer loves him. She loves her son, but she doesn't love herself. This is unacceptable to King Jing, who has always had a distorted personality. Therefore, the two finally reached the end of irreparable rupture. Then, she died and left him alone in the world, becoming darker and more distorted.

King Jing figured it out, so he really began to recognize Liu Yao's status and helped Liu Yao at the cost of reducing his life expectancy. Everyone thought that King Jing's depression was due to the death and betrayal of Concubine Ye. In fact, this view is also correct, because the death of Ye Sidefei made him realize that his life was a joke.

He killed his beloved woman. Then, he was killed by his favorite woman, which is also a retribution of heaven. Therefore, King Jing has been waiting for the coming of death and has never hated it. Unfortunately, King Jing never thought that in the end, he was angry and killed by his son.

However, King Jing finally died. As he wished, even if he had more ties to the world, he would die.

And Zuo Xun came here this time to report to Liu Yao. King Jing died and was pissed off.

Then, Liu Yao was stunned for a moment and then suddenly knelt on the ground and cried. Then, he cried, and the cry gradually changed its tone. Although his tears flowed down, the crying sounded a little like a smile.

Zhang Qinglin stared at Liu Yao crying and laughing like crazy for a while. Finally, he couldn't help pushing Zuo Xun aside and asked, "Is your master all right?"

Zuo Xun looked at Liu Yao, who was lying on the ground to vent his emotions, and came forward to help him up. Qi Ran persuaded him with tears: "Please be my condolences. The prince's new funeral, and the royal palace needs you to go back to host it. You can't fall down..."

"..." Zhang Qinglin looked at Zuo Xun and was speechless. He said, although your master looks a little crazy, he doesn't have much sadness.

However, Zhang Qinglin knew that some words could not be said, so he had to take a few steps to the gate of the camp, opened the curtain and stared at the generals surrounding the tent. He stared and said, "There is nothing to do with you here. What are you doing around here? Get out of bed! Maybe we will send troops tomorrow. Don't hold me back! Get out! Get out of here!"

How can everyone be bombarded so easily? Those who dare to surround here are all generals, and they all ask Zhang Qinglin with a hippie smile: "General, we listen to the one inside crying miserably. What the hell happened? Isn't it that Dad is dead and sad?"

Zhang Qinglin stared at the general who said strange words and whispered, "Don't spread what you should say! Just know it, do you understand?"

"Hey, I understand. General, please rest early and we will go back."

"Get out of here." Zhang Qinglin waited for everyone to leave before he turned around and entered the camp. Sure enough, I saw that Liu Yao had cleaned up his mood and sat down and waited.

Fake model, really not ashamed! After scolding again, Zhang Qinglin walked over and asked, "Master, do you think we have the exact news now? Can we go to war tomorrow?"

Liu Yao sighed, got up and bowed deeply to Zhang Qinglin and said, "General, Liu has something to ask for. I hope the general can help me."