Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 50 I suddenly think you look like a person



"Chen Jie, aren't we going to save the citizens..." Song Jia suddenly asked.

"No, our task now is to collect useful things before the army arrives. Otherwise, they will block many supplies as soon as the army comes. Moreover, it is the responsibility of the army to rescue the citizens. What we have to do is to take care of ourselves..."

Chen Jie glanced at Song Jia and said with no expression.

Song Jia is Song Qianwen's cousin and a junior in the Little Red Bird Management Department. She is a freshman. She has just come to the headquarters from Hangzhou Bay Campus as an outstanding student cadre to attend the graduation ceremony. Although she is not a big beauty, her eyes are big, bright and her skin is also very white. When she speaks, she speaks softly, but she is also a small family. Jade's little beauty, but unfortunately, she is a little confused and not very sensible. Fortunately, she has Song Qianwen, a cousin who is a teacher in the headquarters, otherwise I'm afraid...

"But..." Seeing that Chen Jie refused her, Song Jia pouted and always felt a little unbearable. She felt that what she should do now should be to save people. There are not many survivors in various commercial areas near College Road, but there are many survivors in the caring community not far from Red Bird. They must still be afraid now. It is always facing the pressure of zombie attacks, water and electricity, and food shortage.

"Nothing, but if you are soft-hearted, you are an evolutionist and can save yourself. I won't stop you, but I hate people who disagree with me. From now on, don't stay in my team." Chen Jie ignored Song Jia's poor grievance and said coldly.

Soong Jia hit the wall, but she didn't expect Chen Jie to be so difficult to communicate and so impassable. She bit her lip and still said a little unrelinched:

"But... those citizens who care about the community near the school..."

"I have already said that soon there will be troops to clean up spiders, and we don't have to worry about the safety of citizens. Song Jia, I have said earlier that in the end of the world, excessive kindness and softness will only mislead others and ourselves. Now it's the end of the world. Do you still want to be a provincial three-good student with both virtue and art? If you want me to say that a guy like you who has no opinions and is full of helpers will suffer a big loss sooner or later, you will be unlucky. Don't involve your cousin behind you, and don't involve your friends around you.

Chen Jie's words were a little heavy, but they were also telling the truth, but Song Jia was an unconsidered girl after all. She was a little weak and was suddenly turned red by Chen Jie and whispered:

"But...human life is at risk. Compared with these materials, human life is the most precious, isn't it... You obviously have the ability to save them..."

"Yes, you are really the reincarnation of a saint. Sympathy is overflowing like a torrent of rivers and endlessly. Unfortunately, you were born at the right time. If it were in the era of war, you would definitely become the Virgin Mary who has been passed down through the ages. I didn't say long ago that you want to save people by yourself. Don't forget that you are also an evolutionist now. If you want me to say, it's really a waste to use the evolutionary nucleus on you! Waste! Do you know? In addition, I would like to give you a suggestion. If you have to save your so-called caring community, you can ask Jiang Yuning next to you to help you. She likes to help others the most.

Chen Jie sneered and turned his head away. He didn't want to see Song Qianwen's idiot cousin evolutionist anymore. There was a serious conflict of values between them. Chen Jie experienced a doomsday catastrophe and deeply knew that the whole city's escape was as dangerous as hell. All he wanted to do was alone. Be good and consolidate your position. Of course, it would be better for those who can protect the school well. After all, in Chen Jie's eyes, Little Red Bird University is already his own force. Song Jia, the so-called evolutionist, sympathizes with all survivors, but she does not have the ability to help others, which makes her sympathy cheap and ridiculous.

"You... why are you so hard-hearted? Everyone says that you are a great hero... It's for me... It's for me to worship you so much before..." Song Jia choked in a low voice.

"Please, don't worship me. I'm sorry to tell you that I'm a selfish and unscrupulous person. Don't put the hat of a hero on my head.

"Xiang Yu is capable of carrying the tripod. Compared with the dark Liu Bang, he is a hero. But the reality of history cruelly tells us that the sky is unpredictable and the Tao is unpredictable. Xiang Yu, who was a ten thousand enemies, Xiang Yu, who carried the tripod, Xiang Yu, who loved Yu, Xiang Yu, who loved Yu Ji, abandoned his compatriots who were born and died, abandoned his dear Yu Ji, and abandoned the dignity that heroes should have, irresponsible and desperate - like a panicked child running to the Wujiang River, confused. I committed suicide.

There is also "Dongpo Ciyun: the east of the river, the waves are exhausted, and the romantic figures of the ages..."

In ancient and modern times, there have been many people who think they are heroes or confident that they have become heroes. They have been crawling and rolling in the stormy times, but they have gradually been washed out of history. Hero, this word has been entangled with the mood of more than a few people who have fought east and west. How many people are buried under fame and fortune? Zhuge Liang is a hero. In the Three Kingdoms, he is a generation of Confucian generals with feathers, elegant talk, self-compared wind music, the ability to call for wind and rain, and the talent of heaven and earth. Longzhong set three points, burned the new field, the grass boat borrowed arrows, six out of Qishan, and seven captured Meng Huo all vividly reflected this point. He is resourceful and close to the demon, and he is a strange person; the Three Kingdoms are integrated and a great man. In his words, he has exhausted his heart and blood, but unfortunately he is a bitter man, but he failed to fight down the Han Dynasty for a lifetime. But he is a hero who knows that Liu Chan can't help him. His personality is respectable, but the reality is sad after all. Heroes should consider moral people when they do things, but heroes can act without scruples. If you really want to give me a name, then I hope to be a hero, not a so-called hero! I still want to live a few more years!

Chen Jie casually broke the glass of the supermarket counter next to him and said coldly.

"Jia, stop talking, Chen Jie is right. This is not suitable for this time!"

"But, but... sister, that's a living life! We can save them, can't we..."

"Stop it! I know, I know! Didn't I say that the timing is not right!"



"How can you do this? That's all living life! You won't save it, will you?" Song Jia seemed to quarrel with Song Qianwen and ran out alone.

"Chen Jie!" Watching her sister leave alone, Song Qianwen was so worried that she could only stare at Chen Jie with tears in her eyes.

"Go to Jiang Yuning and let her follow. Nothing should happen!"

"Ye, thank you!"

Under Song Qianwen's plea, Jiang Yuning closely followed Song Jia, who left with negative anger.

The two beautiful women are great saints. They are very kind-hearted and want to help others. They have left, but will the rescued people really repay their kindness and learn from them to help others in the future life as they imagined?

Chen Jie said he had no hope for this.

Sure enough, an hour later, Song Jia and the two returned to the team. Because Song Jia, a kind-hearted and brave three-good student in Song Province, was stunned by the so-called good people after saving four good people, and was almost killed by the bow girl. If Jiang Yuning hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid that the kind beauty Song would really come back. No, Jiang Yuning took a lot of effort to comfort the crying Song Jia and bring her back to the army.

"Chen Jie!"


"Maybe what you did is right. The world is more chaotic than I thought. It is full of zombies and corpses everywhere, and the society has completely collapsed... Law? Conscience? ...I really didn't think that someone would be cruel to you after being rescued by you..."

Jiang Yuning returned to Chen Jie and sighed to him rarely. After all, after the previous Chen Jie massacre, she didn't have a good face to Chen Jie. She didn't say a word to Chen Jie for a long time, and even had a tendency to part ways with Chen Jie.

The sun shone high, and bursts of heat waves came to his face, and the majestic wind mixed with heat made Jiang Yuning's hair dance gently, dusty and beautiful, like water hibiscus.

Jiang Yuning has a sense of justice, but after witnessing all kinds of misery and fragments everywhere. After experiencing injuries and betrayals, she also began to be confused and didn't know where to start. No matter how many zombies she killed, it was a drop in the bucket. She couldn't help too many people. Most importantly, should those people be saved??

"That's why I said that it's enough to take care of yourself and the people around you. Even the savior can't save the situation in Hangzhou. I don't oppose the sense of justice and compassion, but the premise is that you must have enough strength to maintain your justice. If you can't even guarantee your own safety, then run to meddling, then It is purely brain-damaged, not chivalry. You know, in the end of the world, the most dangerous thing is not zombies, but people who have no legal norms. People's hearts! People's hearts!"

Chen Jie did not say cold words to Jiang Yuning or teased Jiang Yuning. Instead, he sighed, and there was a trace of remembrance and melancholy between his eyebrows.

"Are you... talking to me? Just now... Did you really say what you said just now?" Jiang Yuning's eyes flashed and said with a little surprise. After all, in her impression, Chen Jie has completely become a selfish, cold-hearted, ruthless and completely bottomless person after the Zhang Yi incident.

"What? Why don't you let me be young? Do you want me to talk to you all day? OK, I'll accompany you to the end." Uncomported by Jiang Yuning's strange eyes, Chen Jie's face changed and he said in an elongated voice.

"No, I just suddenly feel like you are alone!"

"Who is it?"

"Cao Cao!"

"Hehe! Maybe!" Chen Jie smiled.

"Ancient saying goes: the tyrant is fierce! British, many kinds of sages!

There are many kinds of heroes who are ruthless. Heroes and heroes all admire benevolence and righteousness and cherish the world.

However, heroes embrace benevolence and righteousness, so that benevolence and morality can make people in the world defeat me and have no self-seeking, so they can practice benevolence and righteousness from beginning to end;

The heroes cover the world and sweep the rivers and mountains with their ambitions. It is better for me to defeat the people of the world than to bear me. My heart is barrier-free, and I will do benevolence and righteousness according to the times, so it is not complete. Whether there is or not, it makes people think that it is benevolent and false.

Heroes can sacrifice their lives for righteousness, kill themselves to become benevolent, and seek the well-being of the world, which is the backbone of heaven and earth; those who follow me will die, and those who oppose me will die.

It is irresistible to let go all over the world with my heart and add the whole people with my ambition. There is no need to believe what you say, but you can achieve your will and change your power.

If you want to reach the top first, then do benevolence and righteousness. Because of its heroic nature, it is difficult to grasp that once it rises to the top, it may not be able to practice benevolence, or it will completely reveal its brave face, and poison the innocent.

If you can practice your benevolence, the world will be at peace. Then make the hero a hero. Therefore, the king of the founding of the country has always been a hero, which is why... I agree with Sister Yu Ning. Chen Jie, I also think you are very similar to Cao Cao at this moment. I think you will be a very good hero!"

Around Chen Jie, Xu Yuqing, who hasn't spoken for a long time - this girl who Chen Jie was very optimistic from the beginning suddenly came to such a period.

"Haha, I wish I were really like what you said. I'm just a nobody who wants to protect himself and his family! As for Cao Cao? Xiaoxiong? All I can say is that you think too much! I want to be him, but unfortunately, I don't have the strength!" Chen Jie shrugged his shoulders and said as if nothing had happened.

Of course, only he knows what Chen Jie is thinking in his heart at this moment. Cao Cao's dark belly, Cao Cao's cold blood, Cao Cao's decisiveness, Cao Cao's civilians, all these things are so attractive to Chen Jie. Chen Jie has a ambition in his heart: in this era of nonsense, establish his own foundation and leave a little mark in the rolling red dust of history.

I don't want to be a hero in this life! Xiaoxiong is my ultimate belonging!

