Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 11 Rat Tide, Scum Group Give Me



A sound of "Puff~"

The Swiss army knife in Zhou Juncheng's hand was deeply inserted into Chen Jie's back. Chen Jie was too late to turn around at this time. His right hand Tang knife suddenly rolled back. Chen Jie's strength is far beyond ordinary people, and at this time, his power completely burst out. The speed is so fast that it can't be seen clearly. Yes, except for a few third-order evolutionists such as He Minghao, no one can see this sword clearly.

At this moment, how can Chen Jie care about killing Zhou Juncheng? Will it affect the relationship between Little Red Bird University and the government army? It is a matter of life and death. Of course, he uses the strongest martial arts skills and the strongest strength. Will he still show mercy and seek death?


A terrible sword light flashed, and a column of blood sprayed several meters away from Zhou Juncheng's throat, and drops of red blood fell on the asphalt floor. Chen Jie's back is also inserted with the Swiss army knife about 10 inches long.

It seems that the two of them have died together.

"If your army doesn't give me an explanation today, it will definitely not be fun. Come on, take these people down!"

"Brother, how are you? Brother! ......”

Just as He Minghao was furious, Chen Lu cried, and there seemed to be a sharp roar like a knife in the dark sky in the distance!

Song Qianwen suddenly opened her mouth:

"Minghao, what seems to happen to the sound? Tell everyone to be ready to fight at any time."

"Don't resist, don't resist. Mr. Song, the latest news of the army... Three kilometers away, a large group of mice appeared... The distribution extends to a 30-degree angle, and now it is rushing straight to us at an alarming speed.

Zhou Juncheng's deputy suddenly opened his mouth to stop the army soldiers preparing to resist, and then his voice began to tremble and nervous. In less than five seconds, he continued:

"It's not good! There is also a large group of zombies attacking behind us! They seem to want us to make dumplings! Mr. Song also asked your students to stop for the time being. Our business needs to be dealt with. Now the most important thing is the rat tide ahead. Without the support of the rear army's firepower, we are in a very dangerous situation!"

When they heard that they had been hit back and forth, all the people present at Little Red Bird University were shocked in vain, as if they had been hit by thunder and lightning, and screamed:

"Is the group of rats coming?"

"There are also attacking zombies behind!!"

"The army can't provide fire support for us!!"


Before the continuous voice of everyone's questions fell, they heard a heartbreaking roar.

With this sad cry, a large group of black cat-sized mutant mice rushed towards them in front of them.

"Fuck, this mouse has become an essence! How can it be so big! How can there be so many!"

The mutant mice gathered together to form a dark tide, coming from four directions, in all directions, to Chen Jie's retreat team.

"Run, run!" Behind the defense formed by the guard of Little Red Bird University, a large number of leaders of civil organizations looked at the countless mutant mice. Before they approached, they were in a panic and began to roar loudly before they approached.

It's just a pity that the motherless retreat brings a slower speed and only chaos.

"Fure, what is this! Everyone really wants to die! No one can survive such a motherless escape. Stop it! Stop it! Have you heard it one by one?"

Zhao Jie, an adjutant of Zhou Juncheng, looked at the messy defense line destroyed by the people who fled crazily and evacuated, and suddenly became angry.

"I can't deal with the evolutionists of Little Red Bird University, and I can't deal with you poor people!!"

He ordered in a low voice: "Look at the fourth row of the third regiment, the second battalion and fourth row! Whoever dares to retreat will kill me!"

At this time, some soldiers must be kept to monitor those who have been scared away to deal with various accidents that may occur. These newly recruited soldiers can't deal with zombies and mutant beasts, but it is more than enough to use guns in this case.

The group of people who were frightened by the giant rats as big as cats looked at the soldiers with guns and trembled with fear, but they no longer dared to move randomly.

He Minghao was also furious and shouted at the chaotic crowd with the imitation Nepal in his hand: "Fuck! You bastards! It doesn't matter if you don't come up to kill zombies and monsters, but whoever wants to pull my legs again and mess up the crowd, don't blame me for cutting off your heads with the big knife in my hand!"

The remaining team members around Little Redbird University also pointed their guns at the noisy people, and their eyes were cold. As long as the person dared to move again, the dense rain of bullets could tear them to pieces.

"Do you want to run! Do you think you can run away? If you leave here and there is no defense line, I'm afraid you will die faster! Now take my orders, you scum who just took the opportunity to coax and break the defense line, picked up the weapon in your hand and attacked the mouse in front of me! As for you, if you also want to try this, you can make a random retreat again!"

Zhou Hang, who had not talked much, found out some scum who had just been confused and used them as the object of killing chickens and monkeys.




A cold light flashed in Zhou Hang's eyes and looked at the cowardly prisoners. An arrow stepped forward and cut down a chaotic element that had just been found. Blood splashed everywhere. He stepped on the man's back again, cut off his skull with a knife, and then stared at the group of people who had been taken out by him fiercely. A glance.

"Let's go!!" Being stared at by a murderer like Zhou Hang, the group of scum who were caught by Zhou Hang's killing chickens and monkeys were even more afraid. Under the threat of death, they rushed to the black giant rats with steel knife shields released by Little Red Bird University.

Of course, some of the scum's movements are also facing the causes of mutant beasts. If they face zombies and zombies that can easily infect themselves with the virus, this group of people will never rush forward like this, and even if Zhou Hang forces them again, it may cause a change in the crowd.

I have to say that Zhou Hang used this trick at this time, which is a very correct choice.

"Let's go!!!" A scum caught by Zhou Hang rushed to the giant mouse with a steel knife and cut off the head of a giant mouse with a knife.

These giant rats have evolved from virus infection, but they are still in the early stage of mutation. Compared with humans, higher primates, their movements are still slow and their bones are fragile. Even heavier wooden sticks can skew their heads, not to mention steel machetes.

So, they just look scary, and it's really easy to deal with. Of course, this only refers to a small number of giant rats. When countless giant rats gather, the momentum and destructive power, even if Chen Jie can't retreat, I'm afraid he will die.

And now Chen Jie and others are facing such a tide of giant rats, which has even exceeded the ordinary small corpse tide.

So, the group of scum who were found out by Zhou Hang showed two completely different performances.

Some of the scum were provoked to courage by Zhou Hang's fierceness. Whether it was against the enemy or to himself, some were scared away by Zhou Hang's behavior. They rushed halfway and were scared by the tide of giant rats and turned around and began to flee back.

Bum! Bang!

With the sound of gunfire, those scum who ran back opened a gunhole in their heads, and blood gushed out and fell to the ground feebly.

At this moment, the army and Little Red Bird University surprisingly agreed.

Zhou Hang roared loudly, "Run away and kill without mercy!" If you kill 5 giant rats, you can retreat in the specified direction.

Back to death, there is still a glimmer of life to advance and kill the enemy. Under the threat of death, the regrettable scum held steel shields and machetes with red eyes, and rushed madly to those scattered giant rats and constantly cut the mice under the knife.

Of course, this is accompanied by bloody lives. The people who can kill giant rats in the rat tide are either evolutionists or special forces or trainers before the end of the world. Most of the scum caught by Chen Jie has been lost in the first wave of charge.

However, human potential is indeed huge. As long as the fear is overcome, those scattered rats that can't form groups are not the enemy of those scum caught by Zhou Hang at all.

Those giant rats, which are just big but have scum in combat effectiveness, were killed by those fierce and lifeless scum buddies before they could get up from the ground.

There are more than 100 scum who were picked out by Zhou Hang just now. More than 100 scum with steel knives have been aroused by a total of more than 60 people. These 60 scum fiercely brother dealt with these virus-less rats. It was really fierce and killed with a knife!

And one of them was 1.9 meters tall, and a bald man with a man with a head on his head was the most conspicuous among the group of scum. He held two steel knives and completely abandoned the shield provided to him by Little Red Bird University, like a tiger.

In such a while, most of the ordinary scum brothers who were inspired by blood have only killed seven to eight rats, but he has killed a full 18 rats, and two of them are giant rats, which are purple rats that have evolved to the second level.

"Brother Zhou, it's time for them to retreat!" Zhao Jie looked at the group of people rushing for a while and said to Zhou Hang beside him.

"Good! Everyone retreated in order. Students with guns and brothers in the army, shoot and kill these giant rats!"

