Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 14 I need you to do this



"No, if it goes on like this, if it continues without the strong support of the military, I'm afraid that no one here can survive except themselves, and even in the current form, their lives may be in danger."

"No, I can't put the opportunity for my life on the illusory rescue force of the warlords, and I still need to act on my own!"

After observing and thinking for a while, Chen Jie finally made up his mind and strode in the direction of Zhao Jie, the top military commander on the field at this moment.

"What can I do for you?"

Looking at Chen Jie coming towards him, Zhao Jie frowned and asked directly. Zhao Jie's attitude is very complicated. On the one hand, he is very excited about Chen Jie's killing of Zhou Juncheng, a handsome young man in his team. On the other hand, he is very worried about Chen Jie killing Zhou Juncheng. As an old man in the army, he knows very well the influence of the Zhou family in the military before the end of the world. In a word, this is a contradictory combination of soldiers with a little power but full of a sense of justice.

At this moment, Zhao Jie is in a very bad mood, not only because Zhou Juncheng passed away, but also because there are far more mutant rats than he expected, and there seems to be a mysterious conductor behind this mutant rat group, which makes him feel very tricky and has a desire to retreat. .

Gasoline is also a very precious resource after the end of the world. The gasoline in the fire truck just now is all the stock gasoline that he can collect and use at this moment.

In this form, even if the gasoline of the main fire truck is sprayed, I'm afraid that the mutant rats with mysterious command will not have too much damage to their bodies and bones. Zhao Jie can't completely waste precious gasoline on a group of rats that are destined to be completely destroyed. He must be prepared for his own way back.

A car without gasoline is not as good as an ordinary bicycle!!

"Should we withdraw or not? What will happen to these survivors if they lead the army? For a while, Zhao Jie fell into self-denial.

"I, what am I doing here? What do you think I will do when I come?"

Chen Jie stared into Zhao Jie's eyes and said solemnly, "This mutant rat group has a commander. I want to take people to hunt the commander of this mutant rat group. However, with so many mutant mice, I need certain people to find out the commander of this group of mutant mice for me. Of course, or, I need certain people to attract the attention of the mice in this mutant mouse group for me, so that I can find and solve the command mice better and faster.

"What do you need me to do? Or should I say what you want me to do?"

"I need you to find 10 death squad warriors driving cars full of * into the rats and causing chaos to pave the way for my actions. Of course, our university does not take advantage of you, and we will also find 10 people to enter the rat group.


"I knew you would agree! In addition, I have another request, because I need to lead some evolutionists into the mouse group for decapiting, so 10 minutes. Although my people are strong enough, I know that my people's military literacy is not very high, so I hope you can bring people to stay here with my people for 10 minutes. If I don't come back in ten minutes, you can decide whether to leave or not. Finally, if I really don't come back, I hope you can protect the students of our Little Redbird University as much as possible within your ability.

At this moment, Chen Jie also learned to pretend to express his selflessness and show his sense of existence.

In the current situation, if Zhao Jie escapes from here with his men, those convoys of large and small forces that have just been suppressed by Chen Jie with bloody means will definitely follow Zhao Jie's convoy to escape from here. At that time, only the survivors of Little Redbird University will stick to this place and are likely to be completely destroyed by the mutant rat herd.

As for the departing convoys, perhaps, Zhao Jie, who is equipped with heavy weapons, may be lucky enough for a few people to escape back to the location of the military forces, and other survivors of large and small sharp-sight organizations who follow may become food that evolved into rats and eventually become feces!

Therefore, Chen Jie has prepared for the worst of all this that may happen, so he came to discuss with Zhao Jie.

Zhao Jie is different from Zhou Juncheng. He is upright, even pedantic, and even powerful, but he is a real soldier. As long as there is a glimmer of hope to survive, he will fight like Chen Jie. However, one of the differences between the two is for the people and the other for better development in the future. Maybe this is the difference between heroes and heroes!

If Zhao Jie promised to act with him, he would also promise Chen Jie to stay here and hold his position for 10 minutes, whether for those survivors or those compatriots who gave their lives for the people.

That's why Chen Jie came to discuss with him.

"Good! I promise you that I will find 10 top soldiers of the army. Although there is no guarantee that they are all evolutionists, I can guarantee that they must be elite soldiers who have experienced the war. And I will also take people to stay here for 10 minutes. But 10 minutes later, if you haven't come back yet, I will take someone to retreat immediately.

"Finally, I also agree to your request. Within my ability, I will try my best to protect the safety of the survivors of Little Redbird University, and I will do my best to help them. Of course, I can't absolutely guarantee how well they can live.

Zhao Jie looked at Chen Jie, hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and said.

I can't save more survivors by risk. Do I really want to give up so many survivors for my life!!

That's all! That's it! In order to keep more survivors alive, Zhao Jie agreed to Chen Jie's request.

Thank you very much! Compared with a young master like Zhou Juncheng, you are a real soldier!"

"Thank you, this is the highest appreciation for me."

Chen Jie returned to his camp and first pulled out 10 lucky or unfortunate scum from the crowd who were eager to drive for their lives to carry out what could be said to be a deadly task. Then, Chen Jie looked around at the school guard evolutionist he saved and formed, and said in a low voice, "Here, I want to talk to you!"

"In the current form, all of our lives will be threatened and even in danger! Not only those organizations without evolution, but also we will be in danger! So for everyone's safety, I'm going to assassinate the commanders of this group of mutant rats. This task is life-dead, and I can't guarantee that it will be completed and ensure everyone's safety. So, who would like to go with me and take a step forward? I don't want to go, and I don't force myself."

No one did hesitate to take a step forward, which made Chen Jie extremely moved.

The members of the school guard are all young red bird students carefully selected by Chen Jie who can follow him everywhere. Each of them is a fierce person with full of blood and fierce fighting spirit.

This time, Chen Jie, as the leader, did not hesitate to risk his life for everyone's safety, which greatly aroused their courage.

We can't let the leader fight for everyone's safety every time. We should keep up with the leader's footsteps.

Chen Jie was moved to take a look at the school guard he set up at a great price and said in a low voice, "Okay, you are all good! You didn't let me down! This time, Brother Hao, you and I will assassinate the commander of the mutant mouse herd. The rest of the people obeyed Zhou Hang's command and stayed here for ten minutes, if they didn't see me back after ten minutes. You just break through and get out of here. Zhou Hang, you are the supreme commander of Little Red Bird University from now on. You have to cooperate with Zhao Jie of the army to stay here for ten minutes and can't leave. I'm sure you won't let me down!!!"

At this moment, among the many evolutionists of the Little Red Bird University Guard, in addition to Chen Jie, He Minghao, Jiang Yuning and Zhou Hang are the strongest. The troops that assassinate the leader of the mutant mouse herd need to be the most elite. Zhou Hang was appointed as the temporary commander because he is the strongest strengthener among the school guards directly under Chen Jie, and also the hero who is currently the closest to or even surpasses Chen Jie in some aspects. His military literacy and political talent are far from ordinary civilian students of Little Red Bird University. In parallel. As for why Jiang Yuning was left, she was a pawn left by Chen Jie to restrain Zhou Hang. Similarly, this time, it is another test of Chen Jie on Zhou Hang and even the Little Red Bird University.

Zhou Hang responded with a solemn face: "Yes! Team Chen!"

"Team Chen, to be honest, in fact, I didn't like you very much at the beginning, but at this moment, I admire what you have done. I promise that I will take good care of this one for you.

After the arrangement, Chen Jie quickly launched the stealth technique and quietly galloped behind the mutant mouse group with Tang knives. He Minghao was fully armed, like a shell about to be fired, and quickly ran towards the mysterious golden rat surrounded by more than 10 purple rats behind the mouse group.

The speed of the two is very fast. Before long, Chen Jie has sneaked around the golden rat. At this moment, He Minghao has also come to a big tree less than 10 meters away from the golden rat. Of course, close to the golden rat, Minghao also paid a considerable price. At this moment, the wounds all over his body also seem to show that Brother Hao was not so calm all the way.

