Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 31 The Second Game, Continue to Kill



Naturally, Li Qiang didn't know that he had become Chen Jie's thorn in his eyes, and he had become the hottest figure in Little Red Bird University. What's more, he didn't know that the price of his head is now skyrocketing, which is enough for a little person to step down and embark on the road of evolution. From then on The great ** of children and grandchildren who are glorious and rich!

If he knew, maybe it would be another conspiracy and trick to target each other. He concocted a head to come out to find Chen Jie to receive the reward...

At this moment, he is observing Chen Jie from a distance with a telescope. He is very busy! Although Chen Jie's sudden move surprised him, in the final analysis, he was still under his control. This time, it seems that I have the upper hand...

When he met Brother Hao, he woke up. Chen Jie had completed Li Qiang's first request. So what's next?

Di Didi... Didi Didi...

A sound of the phone rang from Chen Jie's pocket and took out his mobile phone to have a look.

Unknown number? Now that communication has been interrupted, mobile phones have long been scrapped. I really don't know how Li Qiang made the mobile phone have a communication signal?

But at this moment, suddenly there is a voice?

Is there a lot of energy behind this guy?

"Good, it seems that you have finished the first game. How? Isn't it great that you didn't kill He Minghao, who may have betrayed you?! I'm very upset!"

Picking up his mobile phone, Chen Jie found that he was being monitored at this moment! And monitor that person! It's Li Qiang! Maybe he is paying attention to himself not far away at this moment!

But, hehe! You can see what I have done, but you can't hear what I said! You saw that I didn't kill He Minghao, and you saw that I was communicating with He Minghao, but you didn't know that I woke up He Minghao who was hit by puppetry! Think about me, hehe, there's no way! I feel really great at this moment. Do you know that your extra surveillance makes you in this confrontation...

How's it going? It feels good to meet old classmates and old friends, right? Isn't it wonderful? Presumably, are you gritting your teeth at this moment? Are you very entangled? Let me tell you, don't be entangled! If you are entangled, just kill the man in front of you that you hate! Kill it! ......”

The voice continued, the same as in the conference room on the eighth floor at that time, but this time, what Li Qiang dictated on the phone completely guessed Chen Jie's reaction. Chen Jie was laughing at this moment. Of course, this was just a secret smile in his heart and did not appear on his face. At this moment, Chen Jie seemed to be intoxicated by Li Qiang's voice...

"Well, no more nonsense. I guess you are waiting to catch it now, right? As a good understanding of others, I am kind to give you a way to vent your emotions. Now, let's play the second game! The game is fun!"

is coming! The second game!

Previously, Li Qiang said that the time was two hours to play games, but at this moment, he had just stabilized his mood, stopped communicating with Brother Hao, and sent him back to the Little Red Bird to organize a retreat. The phone rang, and the second game began. What a coincidence! Less than 15 minutes have passed, and there will definitely be other problems waiting for me for such a long time!

"Kill ten soldiers, ten survivors, and ten special guests who participated in the so-called award ceremony in the evening in the commercial venue on the 3rd floor of the Construction Building next to the administrative building! Remember, you have half an hour to complete this game! The choice is uncertain, as long as the number! Remember! Half an hour! I'm really looking forward to it... Chen Jie... I'm waiting for your arrival here! ... By the way, I forgot to tell you that the more people you kill, the more rewards you will get! Of course, as in the last game, the choice is in your own hands, and it depends on how you choose.


This is the end of the sound. Chen Jie did not throw out his mobile phone and eat a lot of wisdom. Chen Jie, who has been taught a lesson before, has already thoroughly checked whether he has any monitoring equipment, including mobile phones. He personally put his mobile phone into his trousers pocket, and then left the place without looking back...

Killing people! Isn't that the most wonderful process for Chen Jie now? As Li Qiang said, it's not good to give yourself a way to vent your emotions! Thank you very much!

After Chen Jie got off the building, he first determined the direction...

Because there is only half an hour of game time, he can't leave the business venue of the Construction Building where the award ceremony was held on the way to slaughter soldiers and survivors. After all, the last ten special guests to be killed are there. You need to set aside time to go there, and the wonderful thing will always stay at the end.

Luckily, not long after Chen Jie left the door of the building, he saw a group of heavily armed soldiers passing by not far away, who were the people who had been visited by the explosion caused by Wu Miao and others. The number of people is exactly more than ten, which is enough for Chen Jie to complete one-third of the game tasks.

Relying from the night, Chen Jie quietly ambushed in the dark of the roadside grass that the soldiers were about to pass. Facing more than a dozen soldiers with automatic rifles, Chen Jie was not afraid, but became more and more excited.

In the past, he may not be able to take action in the face of such an innocent people's army that may even be the protector of the people. But now, after three betrayals by relatives and friends around him and the military's repeated threats and oppression, although his evil psychology has not been enhanced, his attitude towards life, people who have nothing to do with him, and his attitude towards the military, etc., have definitely changed! It's better for me to betray the people of the world than for the people of the world to betray me!

At this moment, Chen Jie's mentality finally began to change.

Now, in Chen Jie's eyes, the protective gods - the heavily armed soldiers in the eyes of ordinary civilians are actually not much different from the lamb to be slaughtered... The only difference is whether the lamb to be slaughtered suits their own taste and whether it is meaningful to kill them...

Looking at the team of soldiers getting closer and closer, Chen Jie's eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and his heart was beating violently. Not because of fear, but because of excitement!

The right hand holding the dagger is trembling, which is the desire to fight! That's a disregard for life! That's the darkness hidden in the depths of my heart!

He did not move when the first person passed by Chen Jie. His whole body seemed to be like a stone at that time, and it was difficult for people to find out where he existed.

He already has the art of stealth, and his strength far exceeds that of the soldiers he targets. In addition, at this moment, with mental calculation, he has achieved a very perfect shadow. In the dark, he quietly waited until a man passed by...

"One...two...three...four...five...ten...Eleven..." After a silent count, and finally reached the last person...

When the last fully armed soldier of the team passed in front of Chen Jie lazily, Chen Jie stood up in an instant, and then before the man had no reaction, he stretched out his left hand to cover his mouth hard, and then held an alloy war knife in his right hand and gently cut his neck without hesitation.

The whole process will not last more than a second. Even Chen Jie cut off the soldier's neck and looked at him staring at the boss, and his eyes were full of confusion. When he was frightened, the eleven people walking in front of him had not found anything wrong behind him...

It is said that China's army is the first in the world, and its combat effectiveness, quality, etc. are all the first in the world. But that's relative to the military strength of ordinary people and small countries, and that's just team combat ability. For individual combat, the Chinese army is still not too hard enough. As for now, Chen Jie, who is far stronger than ordinary special forces, one is intentionful and the other is unintentional. This soldier even has no voice in the assassination of Chen Jie. I couldn't shout out.

Is the Chinese army invincible in the world? This is really debatable! At least in Chen Jie's opinion, this team of well-armed and heavily armed soldiers is really average! Even any team of school guards under his Little Redbird University can easily solve them. Of course, this is to throw away weapons and fight empty-handed.

There was not much time. After Chen Jie killed the first person, he instantly let go of his hand, opened his combat power, held an alloy knife, and then rushed at full speed and directly cut down the man in front of him, that is, the penulter of the team of soldiers, and then the man who was cut down directly hit the back of the soldier in front of him...

"Ouch! What's wrong? What are you doing?" Suddenly hit from behind, the soldier was completely at a loss. His first reaction was to be alert, but he turned around and found that it was the body of his brother behind him.

Next to him, there is also a young and slightly thin teenager. At this moment, the teenager's face is full of panic, as if something terrible is happening...

"What's the matter?! What's wrong?! 1112, why did you die? Can you tell me what happened? I hope you can give our brother a few reasonable explanations, otherwise..."

After the collision, the first ten people immediately found something wrong and looked back at Chen Jie standing next to 11.

"I don't know about this! I just vaguely saw something like a mantis chasing me! It's so fast! Jump so high! I'm so scared! So, I ran as hard as I could! As soon as he ran here, the monster killed these two.

"Six brothers, that thing is terrible. You must protect me!"

Shameless... At this moment, Chen Jie showed an extremely pitiful expression like a weak girl...

Real soldiers, even if they are divided into different factions and serve different people, they are qualified soldiers! It is the pride of the people! Unfortunately, the soldiers Chen Jie met to inspect the situation were real soldiers, real soldiers!

Serve the people! Although this sentence had become a joke before the end of the world, in fact, there are still many simple and lovely soldiers who can strictly do all this!

And things are also unfortunate. The soldiers Chen Jie met to inspect the situation are real soldiers, real soldiers!

