Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 50 Build our flesh and blood into our new wall



"Organize a team, face the enemy on the front line, and those who dare to retreat will die!"

Chen Jie exploded and shouted out the situation of the people of Jiulian, saying what Jiulian needed to do at this moment, and further attracted zombies to quickly attack Chen Jie's position. There was a loud roar from the zombies, and a large group of zombies rushed up to the position.

The battle is inevitable!


With a gunshot, a leading second-order elite in the zombie group was lost and fell to the ground by Chen Jie.

"Tang Sheng, Zhu Jie took the gun." Chen Jie threw out the only two heavy weapons in his hand. At this time, he could not care whether the Tang monk and his apprentice would rebel.

"You two, and those brothers with guns in your hands, wait for the zombies to shoot within 200 meters! As for others, prepare fortifications, take their own combat weapons, and be ready to fight close at any time. The zombie virus is not completely irresistible. At that time, I will see how brave everyone fights to save those warriors who have been scratched and bitten by zombies, so don't be afraid. Zombies are not invincible.

Chen Jie shouted and continued to call names in the zombies. He understood that with a few broken pistols and pig-killing knives in the hands of these so-called warriors, they could not kill these mutant zombies at all. Among the more than 200 people present, only he and Tang Seng and Zhu Jie's two heavy weapons in his hands could be eaten and destroyed. These guys, as for those domestic garbage pistols, are not bad enough to deal with ordinary zombies, and they are really too much to deal with these elite evolutionists.

One shot at a time, Chen Jie shortened the shooting time to the shortest, but the zombies still rushed over quickly. Zombies have entered within 200 meters!

"Fight!!" Chen Jie roared and took the lead in shooting. The real man with a domestic Colter pistol lying in the fortifications pulled the trigger at the same time.



After a burst of volley, dozens of second-order elite zombies rushed to the front and were knocked to the ground by bullets, without the ability to continue to move forward and attack. Hundreds of ordinary zombies behind were beaten to the ground with holes and completely lost their pathetic lives.

Save bullets! Aim and hit! Thanks to all of you or the people's police, haven't you seen a big scene? Don't panic! What's the panic! Just treat them as crazy criminals. Don't worry, be calm, calm!!"

Chen Jie shouted, and more than a dozen policemen next to him suddenly calmed down.

Although they have more than ten days of experience in direct combat training with zombies, the newcomers are newcomers, and even many of them are not even ordinary policemen, and the ammunition in the town is limited, so it is impossible for them to let them go of gun training. It is the first time they have encountered such a large-scale zombie wave, one by one. The scared legs are weak, and it is already a good performance to retreat directly. At this time, it is very good to be able to shoot zombies. As for letting them shoot accurately one by one and shoot one one like Chen Jie, I personally feel that it is more impractical than letting God snow in June.

Chen Jie aimed at a second-order doctor elite zombie and pulled the trigger without hesitation. The doctor's zombie fell down. Then there was a second-order pregnant zombie.

The wall is not high, just a little more than 3 meters, and the workmanship is not fine enough. It is not so much a wall as a mound about 3 meters above the ground.

Although Chen Jie and the police guarding the city work very hard, Chen Jie is the only one who has a strong lethality, and the accuracy of the shooting method cannot be refined overnight. After killing nearly 20 second-order elites and more than 500 grape zombies, the first zombies have run under the fortifications more than two meters high.

"Throw down the prepared gasoline barrel and light it!! Then withdraw!"

It's not easy to hold on until now, and Chen Jie will stop when it's good. Otherwise, once the fortifications fall, no one can run away. You can't deal with zombies in a hurry, you can only slow down and eat them step by step.

Following Chen Jie's order, dozens of well-prepared gasoline barrels were thrown under the wall, and more than 30 people quickly retreated. Chen Jie ran to the end, shaking his hand and throwing a torch down.


A raging fire suddenly ignited under the wall, and dozens of elite zombies rushed to the wall and ran around with fire, suddenly dispersing the zombie team immediately behind them.

"Good opportunity." In his arms, Chen Jie pulled his only explosive weapon, the sweet potato*, and threw it far away at the chaotic zombie group.

With a "bang", Chen Jie saw a small half of the zombie team being blown off from a distance. At a glance, there were at least 4,500.

"It's a pity. If there are a few more* like this, can this small wave of zombies be easily solved!" ( At this time, Chen Jie was not satisfied. I just want to say that I have seen a bitch, and I have never seen such a bitch as you, Chen Jie.)

With the blocking of the fire and the containment of the wall, Chen Jie and others did not have to worry too much about the stupid attack of the zombies in a short period of time. It took the group to return to the town in just half an hour. Then he quickly retreated to the second wall outside the town and waited under Chen Jie's command. Although Zheng Xuzhao, the owner of the town, is an unforgiving bitch, he is also a smart person who knows how to leave a way out for himself. In his room, there was not only a tunnel that could retreat directly to the town, but also in order to prevent the sudden attack of zombies, a mud wall around the town was built during his rule, and even a second wall was built on the road sea near Ninghai City behind Jiulian. Although it was crude, what happened? None is better than nothing. It's just a pity that it was not the high-level evolutionary zombies he expected that extered him at the beginning, but Chen Jie, an outsider who broke out. He can only tell the truth and his life!)

At this moment, behind Jiulian Town, under the second wall, is already crowded with survivors.

Those are old and young who have just come out of the houses. At this moment, they are listening to Chen Jie's arrangement and gathering to the already prepared blocking site, not far from the No. 2 wall.

"Pick up your bows and arrows, pick up your knives and guns! Let's protect our family and land!" Guan Ying's name sounds like a woman, but she is full of men when she does things. At this moment, he was roaring hard with a big knife: "Brothers and sisters of Jiulian, now the Jiulian has reached the most dangerous moment. Let's build our flesh and blood into our new Great Wall and use our own hands to protect our homes, our women and our children. Now, men go first! The man died and the woman died! The woman is dead, the child! In a word, as long as there is another person in Jiulian here, we can't let the zombies take a step forward. If the country is not a country, what's the family? I've had enough of such days. Now, it's a man who takes up arms and goes up the wall with me to win such a glimmer of hope for our home and for our family.

The people under the wall did not gnaw, but silently held the weapon in their hands and walked up the wall without saying a word. With guns in their hands, the evolutionists have been in the city for a long time, and the rest of them are holding homemade bows and arrows and shovels, kitchen knives, iron bars and other ordinary survivors.

Before the zombies attacked, Chen Jie quickly divided the small wall into four positions. The south gate facing the zombies was defended by Chen Jie, led by 20 policemen with guns and 10 evolutionists, 30 strong men, and the side doors on the east and west sides were defended by 6 evolutionists with 100 strong men respectively. The northern wall at the end is guarded by 100 strong men.

As for the remaining 30 strong men and those strong women, they are regarded as a reserve team, led by Sha Jin and Zhu Jie, the master and apprentice of Tang, and are ready to support at any time. Wang Xiaoli and Chen Lanlan command more than 60 children, more than 30 old, weak, sick and disabled, and are responsible for the general logistics dispatch.

At this moment related to themselves, everyone in Jiulian Town moved, and no one ran away, let alone retreated.

Chen Jie looked at the time, exactly 2 p.m., and there are still more than 4 hours before dark!

I hope I can stick to it! Chen Jie secretly said that he seemed to have been very unlucky since his rebirth! Tragedy!

The town is silent, and everyone's mood is so silent. But the zombies will not pay attention to your mood and quickly broke through the first defensive circle and invaded Jiulian Town. When Chen Jie and the others came back from the investigation, they had closed the door between the two walls of the town and supported several large trucks behind them. Now the zombies are frantically destroying the gate and surrounding walls led by more than 20 second-order elite zombies.

All the hands are in place, waiting quietly at the head of the city. Only more than 60 children, large and small, are running back and forth on the four sides of the city, carrying a box of bullets, holding a bundle of arrows, or holding stones of the right size.

The zombie pounded the door, and the creak of the city wall was very clear on the quiet land, and the continuous howls of the zombies spread far away on the empty land, and the lingering sound echoed.

The squeak is getting louder and louder!!

The wall that supported for more than three hours finally collapsed under the gnawing of hundreds of zombie rats. Under the command of the intelligent zombies who did not know where to hide, the remaining 2,000 zombies directly ignored all the buildings in the town and came straight to the two walls where Chen Jie and others stopped.

"Hidden! Hidden!!"

Suddenly, Chen Jie shouted loudly. It turned out that there was a large black rain of arrows in the sky.

The sudden wave of arrow rain destroyed Chen Jie's plan. Many unhidden big men on the wall smashed the injury, some on the head, some broke their feet, and some hit their hands.

For a while, the morale of the fighters facing the zombies on the wall plummeted.



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