Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 55 make a friend



Shaking his head, Chen Jie took out the map that had been prepared for a long time and said to the driver next to him, "I have a school team here, so our next goal is to speed up and try to get there in the afternoon."

Chen Jie refers to the Dongshan Mountain where He Minghao, Zhou Hang and other little red bird students are stationed 20 miles away from the county seat of Ninghai County. After the conflict with the Hangzhou military, Chen Jie ordered the Redbird students to retreat to this location as soon as possible. According to Chen Jie's memory, there seems to be a small arsenal here, but it's too long, and Chen Jie doesn't know where the arsenal is hidden. And later, as the situation deteriorated, Chen Jie did not search for this place well. Even at this moment, Chen Jie did not know whether the little red bird student was still stationed in the place he requested.

In addition, there are 83 survivors and 9 evolutionists in the newly recruited team. As for guns and ammunition, after a battle, there were only more than 500 bullets left in Jiulian Town, and Chen Jie left 300 rounds. At present, there are more than a dozen guns, but less than 200 bullets in a total of three convoys leaving him. Chen Jie is now going to the arsenal to join the large army to replenish ammunition and increase his combat capability.

Three cars are driving slowly, trying to minimize the sound of the engine. The vigilant was even more absorbed in looking around.

"Captain! Some people in the truck want to get off.

"Eh? What's the matter?" Chen Jie was stunned for a moment, opened the door and walked to the truck behind him.

"Brother Chen, we want to get off here." A middle-aged man said with some embarrassment when he saw Chen Jie coming.

"Why? It's in the barren mountains.

Brother Chen, less than 10 miles away from here, there is a temple with more than a dozen monks who have been practicing all year round. The land is remote, and the mountain road is very steep, and the terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. I think it will be a modern version of the Peach Blossom Land. If possible, we people want to take shelter there.

Looking at the expectant eyes of the middle-aged man, Chen Jie sighed, "Okay, you go, but be careful on the way."

Chen Jie gave them two Colt and two magazines: "Here are two magazines, and you can hold two guns. Don't shoot, try not to shoot. And how much food can you get in the car? That's all I can do."

"Thank you, Brother Chen! Thank you!"

The middle-aged man gratefully took the gun, carried a bag of unshelled rice, and took his wife and children to Dongshan Temple, followed by more than 40 locals from Jiulian Town. It seems that they have had this idea for a long time.

After this separation, the team suddenly shrank by two-thirds, leaving less than 20 people, and most of these more than 20 people are little children following Wang Xiaoli. There are less than 10 strong men who are healthy and have combat ability.

"Well, move the supplies from the rest of the car to this car and remember to pull out the gasoline from the car."

After a slight adjustment, the convoy was reduced to three cars and slowly drove in the direction of Dongshan where Red Bird students were stationed.

More than two weeks have turned the originally prosperous business district into a zombie hunting ground. In the vast land of China, human beings are no longer masters, and the role between hunters and prey has also begun to change. In front of an evolved zombie, more and more surviving human survivors began to be hunted by zombies one by one, and their flesh and blood were swallowed up.

Ninghai City has become a real hell. Those remaining human reinforcements have become more cautious and their lives have become more difficult.

In the past, there was no one on the road where the car came and went, and there were car wreckage and scattered zombies all the way. On such a road, two Dongfeng trucks and a coal truck are driving.

Chen Jie sat in the co-pilot's seat and looked at the dead and desolate scene outside the window and asked He Ze, who was driving, "How much time does it take to reach the mountain I mentioned?"

He Ze smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know much about it either. I haven't driven to the mountain you mentioned, and what you told me is just a rough location, and I still can't be very clear about the specific location you mentioned. However, from the perspective of GPS, we are still half the way from the hillhead of the west gate of Ninghai City.

Chen Jie nodded slightly and stopped talking. He just looked out and raised the possible danger.

Suddenly, more than a dozen abandoned cars appeared on the lane and completely blocked the lane.

"Daw! Blocked again!" He Ze cursed in a low voice and stopped the Dongfeng card.

Chen Jie and his party have encountered many times on the road that they were blocked by abandoned cars. It was Chen Jie and several other evolutionists who forcibly pushed away the abandoned cars one by one, so that everyone could continue to move forward.

It was because there were blocked abandoned cars in the driveway that Chen Jie and his party walked so slowly. There was even a time when the lane was blocked for too long and had to change lanes to spare a long way. If it weren't for these reasons, Chen Jie and others could drive to Chen Jie's destination in less than 5 minutes.

The car stopped. As soon as Chen Jie got out of the car, six men in strange clothes, holding 81 rifles and all shaved heads rushed out from both sides of the road and pointed their guns at Chen Jie and two Dongfeng trucks.

A bald man with a long knife scar on his face and a fierce face shouted to Chen Jie with gloomy eyes: "Don't move! Otherwise, we will shoot."

The girls on the two Dongfeng trucks saw the group of fierce men with guns, whose eyes were full of fear and lay on the car.

Chen Jie looked at the fierce bald man, frowned, and instantly launched a level 2 skill shadow step, and rushed to the six people with an irregular pace like a ghost.

On the Dongfeng truck, Chen Jie jumped and rushed to the leaders of six bald men like a demon god.

Looking at the galloping Chen Jie, the six bald men were horrified and raised their guns and kept shooting at Chen Jie.

A single bullet shot around Chen Jie, but it was near Chen Jie's body. No bullet really hit Chen Jie, which had no impact on Chen Jie at all.

After launching the sneaking, Chen Jie's body was completely hidden in the dark, and his speed was extremely fast, more than five times that of ordinary people. He rushed to the scar-faced man a few times, and the alloy knife in his hand cut at the scar man.

The scar man looked at Chen Jie, and his eyes were full of horror. Regardless of the safety of his companions around him, he raised his gun and shot at Chen Jie.

Just as the scar-faced man turned the muzzle of the gun, Chen Jie shook his body and turned behind the scar-faced man with lightning speed, and cut the head of the scar-faced man.

"Kka!" With a sound, a big good head rolled to the ground.

"Shut, stop! Otherwise, I can guarantee that your companion will die more than I did!" Just then, a confident man's voice came from next to him.

Chen Jie's eyes glanced, and suddenly saw 20 more bald armed men holding Type 81 rifles and Type 79 submachine guns on the road.

The more than 20 bald heads first blocked the lane with two agricultural tractors, blocked the retreat of the Dongfeng truck, and then held long guns at the more than 20 survivors brought by Chen Jie on the Dongfeng truck to coercive Chen Jie.

Among the 20 well-equipped militants, a 1.8-meter-tall middle-aged man stood among the 20 militants and quietly stared at him.

"Say, what do you want! If it's not too much, I can agree."

Chen Jie's mind moved, rushed to the back of the middle-aged man, used a middle-aged man as a meat shield, and stared coldly at the 26 armed men who were not good.

The middle-aged man felt the cold touch of the imitation Tang knife on his neck, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart and did not dare to act rashly. He smiled and said, "Little brother, what a good ability. I'm Qin Changsheng! You can call me Brother Changsheng. I don't know what to call the little brother?"

Chen Jie stared at Qin Changsheng and said in a low voice, "My name is Chen Jie. Brother Changsheng, why did you stop us from going? We don't seem to have offended you, have we?"

These 26 militants are ferocious and fierce, and you can know at a glance that they are not easy to provoke. Once the skin is torn and there is a conflict, I'm afraid that few people on Chen Jie's side can survive except for barely reaching the fourth-level evolutionist, and even he may be careless and life-threatening.

Qin Changsheng stared at Chen Jie and said slowly, "Chen Jie, I made it clear that this time I came out to find supplies and search for survivors. You all go back to Huang Yangmei with me. I am not talented, and I am the supreme leader of Huang Yangmei. Our Huang Yangmei has perfect protective facilities. After returning to Huang Yangmei, I promise that you don't have to worry about food and clothing, and you don't have to worry about the zombies outside.

Chen Jie refused directly: "Sorry, Brother Changsheng! We want to go to the survivors' base in Nanjing.

Qin Changsheng frowned slightly and immediately dispersed. He smiled at Chen Jie and said, "People have their own aspirations. Since Chen Jie, since you want to go to the survivors base in Nanjing, I won't stop you. But it's not easy for me to come out. I want the supplies from a Dongfeng truck.

Chen Jie's tense string slightly loosened and said, "Yes!"

As long as people don't die, everything is easy to say. There is no problem with your ability to search for materials carefully.

Qin Changsheng made a gesture, and his subordinates were about to put the muzzle down. He smiled at Chen Jie and said, "Chen Jie, you should let me go now."

Chen Jie's hand loosened, and the alloy battle knife was removed from Qin Changsheng's neck.

Qin Changsheng rubbed his neck and grinned at Chen Jie, "You are so fucking awesome. Boy, you are the most awesome person I have ever seen besides the instructor.



(ps: I went to take my temperature today, and it was 38.5 again. Junlin felt that he was going to be burned stupidly. However, I feel that there is salt water today, which is much better than before, and there is a little recovery. I wish it would be better soon. Such a day is really hard. I miss Junlin. This is the first time I have been to go to the hospital since I went to college, and it is also the rhythm of the hospital every day. I am speechless... In fact, Junlin can't figure out what he is talking about. He is a little dizzy. Let's take a look!)