Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 59 How cruel!



After the mantis catches the cicada and the yellow finch, I really didn't expect that I would plan others all day long, and others also plan themselves behind their backs.

Because it was blocked by a metal box, the fist that hit Qin Changsheng's chest was not very powerful, but even so, Qin Changsheng was still blown out, and then hit the wall over there, hitting a big hole.

So it's no wonder that Qin Changsheng snorted coldly and said that he had suffered a big loss this time!

Qin Changsheng touched the blood at the corners of his mouth and grinned.

"You two can hide until now. That's good. It's really good!"

"Hey, this is not to say that your teaching is good, isn't it?"

"Yes, I taught it well. However, it seems that I am still better in the end. I didn't teach my apprentice to starve to death!" Qin Chang vividly moved the metal box in his hand, indicating that Zhao Simeng did not win.

"Damn it!"

And Zhao Simeng, who broke through the metal box, also had a big fire. He didn't look at Qin Changsheng's injury at all, but grabbed the box and looked inside. But where is the colorful stone in it?

"I told you that your boy is not my opponent, and his good subordinates are not right. This is your own death!"

Qin Changsheng over there was not seriously injured and laughed ferociously after getting up from the ground. The stone had already been pinched in his hand. Unexpectedly, at the moment he fell to the ground, he took the stone out of the box, and then turned around to block Zhao Simeng's sneak attack with a box that had lost its function.

In the face of this result, Zhao Simeng, who had been prepared for a long time and was ready to sneak attack, did not panic at all. He did not panic after not win, and did not care about Qin Changsheng's threat at all.

"Qin Changsheng, hand over something" Zhao Sixiao's eyes looking at the stone are shining, which is actually very attractive to any evolutionist. It was because of this stone that she and her brother gave up their leisurely life under Qin Changsheng. Both of them are ambitious people. They will not stay in one place for the rest of their lives. What they want is freedom, absolute power control, and absolute power suppression.

It seems that poison-drugs are attractive to drug addicts. This can't be explained simply by science. It seems that there is a kind of attraction there. This is an event that ambitious people will live, but sooner or later.

"Chen Si, call someone, kill their brothers and sisters for me." Qin Changsheng vaguely felt something wrong. Why didn't the soldiers around him fire?

Unfortunately, Chen Si took a cold look at Qin Changsheng and didn't respond.

Seeing them like this, Qin Changsheng's heart sank. Did these people betray him? Suddenly, he felt a great crisis. But this shouldn't be! Chen Si doesn't need his own assistance to enter the ranks of evolutionists. How can he betray himself? Is it...

Qin Changsheng thought of a possibility, but for a long time, he threw the idea out of his mind. This is impossible. If the other party had already mastered how to make an evolutionist, there was no need for this!

How did he know that how to evolve was such a series of events that Chen Jie secretly sent a voice and hooked up with Zhao and others.

Not long ago, Chen Jie saw that Chen Si had been dissatisfied with Qin Changsheng and wanted to bite Qin Changsheng at any time. Just a short time ago, Chen Jie finally understood the reason why this real villain submitted to Qin Changsheng. Therefore, Chen Jie's few quarrels made the real villain immediately commit adultery with the long-antiate Zhao brothers and sisters. Seeing that Chen Si betrayed Qin Changsheng as agreed, Chen Jie was not happy, but on the contrary, he felt a danger and pressure.

This little man is not easy to control! It seems that we need to use more snacks in the future!

The development of the matter was a little beyond his expectation. He didn't expect Zhao Simeng to make such a sudden move. Now Qin Changsheng is alone, which is very different from the two defeats he expected. He wants to eat all this person, but this development does not meet his own requirements!

"Qin Changsheng, I said at the beginning that our brother and sister are just to repay our kindness. We are not your subordinates, so don't order me in the tone of your superiors and subordinates. Zhao Simeng's tone was so bad that he didn't even look at Qin Changsheng.

"Master Qin, Brother Zhao can give me more benefits, so I'm sorry! He promised to make me an extraordinary evolutionist immediately after solving you. He has a potion about how to promote evolution. So hey hey! I'm sorry!" Chen Si really has a strong wall grass character, and as always, he is a real villain.

Hearing the two people say this, and the soldiers around him did not move. Qin Changsheng also knew that this was the critical time, and his life and death were at this moment

"Hmm! Don't think I'm not prepared for anything! Do you really think I can't do anything about you!" Qin Changsheng suddenly sneered and threw out a test tube potion.

With a bang, the medicine was broken, and then everyone's faces suddenly changed greatly and spewed out a large mouthful of blood.

Only Qin Changsheng did not react at all. Seeing everyone spit blood, he immediately ran to the entrance of the passage over there.

"Have a good experience of the last time! Betray me, just a few of you, hahahahaha! You are not good enough. Go back and drink mother-milk for a few more years!"

Leaving this sneer, Qin Changsheng disappeared into the channel. And everyone who stayed in place looked extremely ugly at this moment. Among them, those soldiers and ordinary people such as Wang Xiaoli brought by Chen Jie are the most tragic.

In less than half a minute, his face turned pale and vomited blood. It looks like this blood is free of charge! One by one, they spit out, and then their eyes glowed and fell down. Then...

Zhao Simeng, Zhao Sixiao and Chen Jie are in better condition, but their faces are also very bad.

High concentration of viral gas! Damn, this is a biochemical agent! Don't tell me that this biochemical crisis was caused by such people? At this moment, Chen Jie became popular. It's really amazing that stealing chickens can't eat rice! This time it's a big loss! Direct biochemical virus, awesome!

"Fuck, Qin Changsheng has been preparing to silence everyone here for a long time! Fortunately, I turned against it, otherwise I really don't know when I will die!" Zhao Simeng pushed his feet hard and kicked hard on the ground, directly kicking out a deep pit.

"I really don't know what Qin Changsheng thinks? With such a dangerous biochemical virus agent in his arms, he is not afraid of accidentally breaking and paying for himself!!" Zhao Sixiao muttered a few words.

"Call, call it Mao! No matter what he thinks, it turns out that his approach is right. It's such a small reagent, and we have all been cheated.

The drug that was smashed just spewed out a lot of gas, and the composition of those gases was quickly confirmed. Indeed, as several people thought, this was clearly the kind of virus that turned human beings into zombies, but it was scattered in the form of gas.

So Chen Jie was so angry just now that he doubted whether this biochemical crisis was an intentional result. If this is really the case, this fact is too terrible.

Originally, these people who survived at the beginning and were not infected by air had a certain resistance to biochemical viruses. However, such a high concentration of the virus is unbearable in the air.

You can feel that the destruction of these high-concentration viruses in the body is only the first reaction to spit blood. If you can't get out of here quickly, it's only a matter of time to get infected.

Of course, Chen Jie and others as an evolutionist are the best. The evolutionist itself has high resistance to the virus. Although it was panicked by sudden changes, it quickly reacted.

Chen Jie grabbed Wang Xiaoli behind him and fed her flushed evolutionary nucleus and quickly ran in the direction where Qin Changsheng had just left. And the Zhao brothers and sisters did not lag behind there, and they also moved quickly with Chen Jie.

However, this made others suffer. The three reluctant evolutionists of the deputy mayor looked pale and reluctantly followed the team. Of course, Chen Si, a real villain, followed him. This little man was in good physical condition and did not mutate at the first time, barely keeping up with the pace of everyone's retreat.

But the other soldiers and the children brought by Chen Jie have all lost their resistance. Several have even appeared in the state before the corpse transformation.

Only those with strength can survive!

This sentence is obviously good. Only Chen Jie and Wang Xiaoli, the lucky ones who really ran out, the Zhao brothers and sisters, the three deputy mayors who ran out with perseverance and a pair of shit luck, and Chen Si, a real villain.

However, when they ran all the way, they saw an amazing scene after a distance of about 500 meters.

This scene made all of them look stunned.

With a roar, a zombie rushed to Chen Jie, who was running in front of him.

was followed by countless other similar roars.

"Let's cooperate first and solve the problem together!"


"Daw! Where did the zombies come from? Chen Si raised the AK in his hand and beat a zombie on his head.

In fact, there is no need to guess at all. Looking at the clothes of these zombies, this is simply the team originally led by Qin Changsheng. I don't know what happened. They all turned into zombies.

When a group of people finally rushed out from behind, they saw the front of the road full of zombies wandering to life...

"Help!" The screams not far away attracted the attention of Chen Jie and a group of people.

"There are still people!"

It seems that not all of Qin Changsheng's men have been infected as zombies, and some of the lucky ones are still alive.

Sure enough, Chen Jie saw a large group of zombies chasing more than a dozen people from afar, and the dozen people fled desperately and without a direction.

There is no safe place. In front and behind, the whole retreat road is full of wandering zombies, and they are all survivors around him, Qin Changsheng's subordinates.



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