Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 18 Copper Wall and Iron Wall



"However, Team Chen. This is really a battle with no chance of winning at all. Here I beg you to let them go this time. After all, we don't have many people. I made this mistake. If you want to punish me, just punish me! Please open your net and let go of this group of brave soldiers.

"You, of course you have to be punished. But this is not an excuse to forgive them. I have long said that the military law is like a mountain, and the military order is like a mountain. I ignored the command orders of the superiors before receiving the notice of the superiors. Say it yourself, didn't they really last a minute? No way! So, someone came and killed me."

At Chen Jie's order, Chen Jie's immediate team members directly pointed the gun at the heads of the eight team members and pulled the trigger.

With eight shots, all eight members of Wang Shuang's team who escaped from the battle were all shot.

Looking at the tragic scene, Wang Shuang turned his head unbearably. The team members around watching this scene are full of heart and have a deeper understanding of military law.

Chen Jie glanced at Wang Shuang and said lightly, "Wang Shuang's command is not good. Remove the position of captain of the fifth team. The fifth team is all integrated into the second team. Wang Shuang himself was relegated to the reserve team.

Just now, when Wang Shuang found that the sixth-order zombie king was invincible, he should have ordered a retreat. He did not issue an order to retreat, which was also an unforgivable mistake.

However, Wang Shuang himself is a qualified wise man. Of course, he is better at the pre-designed and on-spot response ability is very weak. If you have to use one person to describe him, it may be Chen Gong in the Three Kingdoms. Wang Shuang has the same problem of wisdom and strategy, but he comes slowly, although However, the problem is very thorough, and there are quite a first-class military teacher's demeanor, but the next time they have to think for a long time.

Wang Shuang was a little disappointed and nodded and said, "Yes!"

Chen Jie took a look at Wang Shuang and said, "Go to the second team to report and clean up the zombies."


Wang Shuang answered and immediately led people to the second battle team where Liu Wei was.

After Xiaotian left, the main officer of the second and third battle teams became Liu Wei. Chen Jie doesn't have a suitable and trustworthy candidate.

The main force injured in the town was annihilated, and the scattered zombies in the town could not resist many heavily armed team soldiers.

Of course, although the zombies were not the opponents of the soldiers, they were scattered. It was not until after 9 p.m. that the sporadic zombies in various houses in the temple village were cleaned up.

In the process of recovering the village in front of the temple, Chen Jie found more than 240 survivors, and the population was replenished again. Chen Jie's power suddenly became a small force with more than 300 survivors.

Of course, many survivors were starving when they were found by Chen Jie. It will take a long time and process to form combat effectiveness.

For good, after the protection battle of Huang Yangmei and the recovery of the front village of the temple, Chen Jie's teams also began to transform into elite soldiers after actual combat training. In a short time, Chen Jie doesn't have to worry about the battle team.

At night, after Chen Jie took a shower, he took a count of today's harvest.

The evolutionary core that solves the problem picked up by zombies from their heads will be recycled by Chen Jie and then redistributed.

In the first battle of recovering Temple Front Village, Chen Jie harvested more than 100 second-order evolutionary nuclei, more than 30 third-order evolutionary nuclei, more than 10 fourth-order evolutionary nuclei and three fifth-order evolutionary nuclei.

Chen Jie looked at the evolutionary core that exploded in the heads of more than 300 zombies and thought, "It's really important to pick up the evolutionary nuclear luck! Fortunately, I have gained a lot of material and population, but there is no outrageous luck.

Chen Jie knows very well that an evolutionary nucleus can greatly enhance human strength.

After taking those treasure bags of evolutionary nuclear unification, Chen Jie fell asleep with the fragrant Zhao Sixiao.

The next day, Chen Jie sent people to continue to clean up the zombies in the village in front of the temple, while letting Zhou Zheng and Wang Shuang lead the survivors to start a large-scale construction activity.

One morning, Wang Shuang and others also found a lot of agricultural vehicles and enough diesel. A truck-cart of stones were transported down from the Longtou Mountain behind the village, and then dumped them to build a dam on the outskirts of the village.

More than 30 people hold Type 95 to make wind on the outskirts of the village. As for the men and women who have recovered some strength in the village, a total of more than 100 people are now wearing gloves and building stones one by one. Without cement, Wang Shuang and others can only widen and thicken, with large stones as the foundation and small stones as columns to build the prototype of a dike along the more than 200-meter-long sorghum slope.

In addition, after careful calculation, Wang Shuang is also ready to use stones to build up other directions. Anyway, there are many stones on Longtou Mountain, and several mining sites have also been abandoned. A large number of material stones are placed on the hillside, as long as they bring them over.

Nothing was cherished until it was lost. Those villagers who were rescued by Chen Jie acted under the scorching sun and did not complain. Everyone fell in love with their efforts. Instead, Mao Xiaojun of the logistics department needed to pull down and rest one by one. Wang Shuang knew that his battlefield command ability was not good, so he put his intelligence into the defense construction of the village. This time, Wang Shuang racked his brains for the construction of the defense line in front of the village.

Team Chen, there are mountains behind the village, and several quarryes have made the peaks very steep in recent years, as long as you keep those gaps. There is a pond in the east, including part of the south. As long as we build a dam on the west side of the pond and guard the only exit, the east side will be relieved. Our only defensive weakness is the slope on the right side of the village and the straight road directly ahead. The slope on the right is okay. As long as you put a few big stones and a few big wood on the top of the slope, and then push it down directly, the zombies can't even go up. What I'm worried about is the straight road in front of you. In addition to the road, there are more than 100 square meters of rice fields outside. Zombies can rush in groups. Well, I'm really afraid that there will be another siege like Huang Yangmei!!"

"What are you going to do?"

"Team Chen, I have an idea that there is one, but I still need your confirmation. In addition to the road left, I decided to dig a few trenches on the rice fields outside. The wider and deeper the better. It's better to absorb the pepper river not far away, which is the best. In addition, we have to arrange a lot of obstacles, similar to the ancient horse. Finally, it is the wall that is being piled up now. We need to build a wall with stones to block this weakest place!"

Wang Shuang, who has been an urban sewer planner for a long time, really thinks much more and deeper than fighters like Chen Jie in arranging the defensive front. Wang Shuang, who knew that he had made no achievements in the battle, struggled to arrange these defense lines. Combined with the guidance of Zhou Zheng, a professional, the defense of Temple Front Village far exceeds that of the previous Huang Yangmei, and it is as close to perfection as possible in setting.

"Chen Jie, the amount of work is so large that it will take at least a month to finish it. I'm afraid it's so long..." Mao Xiaojun said worriedly as Chen Jie's back-tai housekeeper.

"Rome was not built in a day. We don't have to build all these defense lines at once. We can take our time. During this period, we will concentrate on sweeping the zombies within 20 miles and making every effort to ensure the construction of the village. As long as the village is built, we will not be afraid of the last zombie attack of more than 10,000. We must make every effort to ensure the strength of the defense line, otherwise we will be worried even if we go out. As for food, don't worry, I will solve it."

Chen Jie thought of Huang Yangmei at the beginning. If they could arrange more refuse horses to slow down the movement of zombies, they would not have fought so badly.

"Well, the temple village is not big, and the encircle land is less than one square kilometer, about 1,000 mu. All the defense lines add up to 4,000 meters, and we only need to strengthen less than 2,000 meters. Let's make a simple two-sided thing first, and it will be ready in about three or two days. Then turn the slope to the north into a Jedi, and finally build a defense line directly ahead. That's it. The scouts and temporary detachments are responsible for scouting and patrols. Other teams are divided into teams to take turns to guard, and the rest of the people are all put into construction. I think it's enough food for us to eat for a while. When the front is built, I can lead the escort out to look for supplies. Otherwise, to be honest, I'm really a little afraid. I'm really afraid. As soon as I leave, my home is gone!"



The temple village is changing almost every day.

First of all, the head mountain in the back, along the ridge, people took materials on the spot and blocked two of the only three passages, leaving only one of the largest ravine to be used as the west gate.

Then there is the pond in the east. The pool that once drowned many villagers about 4 meters deep has now become the umbrella of the villagers and completely become the death passage for zombies. As long as those zombies have not reached the sixth level, how many will come and how many will die.

As for the east, the only cement in the village has been used, and a 30-meter-long and 10-meter-high tower has been built in the east of the village. In the middle, there is only a gate 3 meters wide and 4 meters high.

And on the 100-meter-long walkway, 5 trenches alone are dug, almost every 20 meters. Each one is more than 5 meters wide and more than 3 meters deep. To the east of the trench, there is a wall more than one person high. As long as zombies fall down, you don't want to go out. Only a 3-meter-wide lane is left in the middle for passage. Usually, the suspension bridge is hoisted, and when passing, the suspension bridge is put down, like a small tower. Not only that, the middle interval is also set as a maze. The rejected horses tied up with coarse wood are dazzling. This will be the east gate of Teramae Village.

The first project on the north slope has also been completed. The villagers used all kinds of ingenuity to chisel the 50-degree diagonal angle of the original slope into 80 degrees, coupled with the rolling wood and huge stones prepared at the top of the slope. It is believed that after construction, it will be an insurmountable Jedi. Not only that, under the genius idea of Wang Shuang, the villagers have built a 2-meter-high and 3-meter-wide stone dam on the top of the slope at an altitude of 100 meters. There are also more than a dozen high-rising bunkers on the stone dam, monitoring all the movements within 5 kilometers to the north.

The only lack is the defense line directly in front of the village. On the one hand, it is because there is a need to leave a way to go out, and on the other hand, it is also because the cement in the village is not enough to build the wall, even if it is the most cutting corners.

Therefore, the most dangerous road ahead is only a few trenches, hundreds of boulders, and the wall has no shadow, and dozens of people are working here.

And Chen Jie and others are also discussing the defense line in front of the village, which is the weakest part of the village in front of the temple.

