Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 30 Don't worry, I'm good at it



There are no zombies, no danger, only supplies. At this moment, not to mention those big soldiers who have not seen much in the world since the end of the world, even Chen Jie is also crazy about transporting supplies to his motorcade.

He knows that the current situation is very wrong, but he can't really enter Baoshan and bring nothing back!

"Kka! " click!"

"Wait, everyone put your things in the car first and don't move!"

"I feel very bad, as if something is staring at us!" Chen Jie is not the only one who feels this way. Zhou Zheng and Liu Wei are also on guard.

The axe helps those cannon fodder to transport materials in an orderly manner at this moment, and boxes of materials are constantly resisting the big truck.

However, Chen Jie looked carefully and found that something was wrong.

"Are there fewer people on their side?" In order to confirm his judgment, Chen Jie put down the box and began to look carefully at the situation around him.

But at this moment, Chen Jie heard a scream.

Something happened! In an instant, Chen Jie knew that there was a problem!

Is it the zombie king?! Chen Jie quickly ran towards the position of the truck driver's seat. He was not too worried. Now most of his team are veterans, and there is still no problem for elite evolutionists to deal with ordinary troubles.

But there are more and more screams, and the gunfire is also dense.

"Ren the car, damn it! It is the most difficult zombie creature! We have been designed!"

The locations of screams and gunfire are not together at all, in all directions, as if many places have been attacked.

More and more zombie animals are rushing in the direction of Chen Jie's motorcade.

Don't talk nonsense. Chen Jie already knew what had happened. When he saw a group of various zombie animals appear, his first reaction was to throw the box on his shoulder and jump into the car and roared at Liu Wei and the others: "Get in the car quickly, get on this one! Hurry up! Stop moving supplies! There is no time!"

Several trucks are not yet full, but now is not the time to deliver supplies!

Just now, Chen Jie saw two sixth-order zombie dogs rushing towards him and others!

"To get in the car, listen to Chen's team, everyone gets on this car. Don't save bullets, shoot me with my life!!" Liu Wei roared, stood up, held a rifle in his hand, and shot at the two sixth-order zombie dogs. With a bang, the spark dispersed and the bullet flew out.

The zombie dogs that first attacked Chen Jie and others were all about the peak of the sixth level. Almost in front of Liu Wei pulled the trigger, his figure suddenly bounced away and avoided bullets. Then he kicked the ground and rushed to the ground, sprinted as big as a lion, and then approached the big truck.

"Everyone stand firm, I'm going to turn!! Shoot with all your strength!!!"

Chen Jie roared, sweating coldly on his forehead. These are two six-level monsters, and they are not mutant monsters. This is a zombie animal! If you meet it alone, you can get rid of it by speed, or even kill it slowly, but now it's a brigade, not just you! In this way, the team is in danger.

Such an existence, even if one, even if a group meets, will suffer great losses. What's more, the three they meet are an incomplete team.

Fortunately, everyone is also a veteran who has experienced a bloody battle on the battlefield. The moment he heard Chen Jie's first sentence, he threw away the supplies in his hand and quickly climbed up the Dongfeng card in the starting process.

As for Zhou Zheng, who was observing the movement of the axe gang on the roof of the car, when he heard the roar of the monster, he quickly changed the direction of Gatlin and shot at the approaching zombie dog.

Razer Gatlin is known as a battlefield life cutter who can cause amazing lethality against ordinary zombies and even elite zombies, but I don't know if it can pose a threat to these two sixth-order zombie dogs. As for the other small zombie creatures that follow him, with the big guy's shooting skills, it is enough to kill them slowly, and relying on the degree of the big truck, it is enough to get rid of it. Now, Zhou Zheng is betting on whether Gatlin can be lethal to this sixth-order zombie dog! Otherwise, the consequences will be worrying!


For a while, sparks splashed on the truck, and two zombie dogs chased wildly behind, staring at the people on the car. If it hadn't been for Gatling's dense steel barrage, it would have greatly slowed down their pace and had already caught up with their speed. Even so, the distance between the two was rapidly approaching.

"What the heap! Can't Gatlin do any fatal damage to you? Xiaolin, take the howitzer and fire me. I don't believe it, and it can't cause harm.

Because he was controlling Gatlin, Zhou Zheng could not use the grenade gun with his own hands, and could only ask Xiao Chen, his most trusted sharpshooter, to go out.

"Okay, Team Zhou, just look at my performance!"

Xiao Chen clenched the grenade gun, half squatted and aimed, and tapped the trigger.

With a crack, a zombie dog's front leg was hit. Although it was not completely broken, it also greatly slowed down its speed. It was slowly unable to keep up with the speed of the truck.

And Xiao Chen's accurate shooting technique also caused people around him to look slightly and look at Xiao Chen in surprise. This boy is hidden deep enough!

"Captain, let me control Gatlin! I've wanted to try this big thing for a long time.

"Oc, let you play! I did a good job just now. I didn't lose anyone.

Immediately, Zhou Zheng handed Gatlin in his hand to Xiao Chen for control. He walked to the back of the truck alone. Looking at that, he was ready to fight with the zombie dog that caught up.


The uninjured sixth-order zombie dog caught up with him, and he waved his claws and wanted to catch the tail of the big truck.

"Hmm!" Zhou Zheng snorted coldly and was about to give it a fierce blow to its eyes and blow the head of the zombie dog through his eyes. At this moment......


8 gunshots sounded and hit the zombie dog's forehead, but after all, the zombie dog was a sixth-order monster, and Gatlin's volley did not cause a fatal blow to it.

It only saw its forehead slightly tilted, avoiding the fatal position.

"Bang..." It was another eight shots. At this moment, the zombie dog did not dodge. Its left eye was broken, but it did not feel any pain and still roared.

"Bang bang..."

Another eight shots, as fast as lightning, also hit the right eye of the zombie dog. The shooting position was extremely tricky. Even if the zombie dog clearly felt it and could avoid it, its body could not avoid it in time, because there were other people shooting around. If it avoided these three bullets, it would still suffer from others. More bullet vents. After all, there were 16 people in the car. In addition to Chen Jie and the guards in the co-pilot's seat, there were 14 people standing in the back seat of the truck.

"Bang!" With a sound, a grenade hit the zombie dog's head and blew up a big wound on its head, which was full of pus!


The zombie dog became blind in an instant. He roared and waved his claws and chased behind the big truck. When everyone saw a good opportunity, they quickly gathered fire and began to greet the wound on its big head. In a moment, the zombie dog's head was hit to a lot of holes, like a hornet's nest. It fell to the ground and was thrown away by the car. .

Zhou Zheng was stunned for a moment and immediately turned his head to look. He saw Liu Wei holding Xiao Chen's grenade gun and shooting at the other zombie dog he had just caught up with. He couldn't help frowning slightly and pondered for a moment. Even if he understood something, he quickly took out his pistol and shot.


At this time, a zombie monster rushed out of a nearby building, extremely ferocious, shaped like a pig, with a pair of thick tusks, and rushed out ferociously. It was a ferocious zombie pig king. Behind him were a group of zombie pigs chasing Chen Jie from afar.

"It's not good!" Liu Wei's face changed and roared, "Team Chen, accelerate, accelerate, go to a remote place!!"

Hundreds of zombie pigs are not a joke. Once they are surrounded, even if Chen Jie is surrounded, I'm afraid they can't retreat! What's more, this zombie pig herd has a king. The leading zombie pig king knows at a glance that it is the peak of level 6 or even the advanced existence of level 7. Liu Wei and others don't want to try whether their own firepower is strong enough or the zombie pig's skin is thick enough. This is not a mutant pig. Whether they win or not, their efforts and harvest will not be directly proportional.

You should know that zombie animals are different from mutants. The only thing that zombie animals are likely to play a role in big guys is the evolutionary nucleus in their minds, and the probability is still quite small. They are not mutants, but the favorite in the eyes of big guys.

For zombies, in Chen Jie's team, they all hold the mentality that they can not provoke as much as possible. This group of zombie pigs, at least to the current level of the base city in front of Chen Jie Temple, cannot be resisted, unless Chen Jie's people can completely control the two infantry fighting vehicles, or Chen Jie evolves to the seventh level, not the eighth level, or there are more than 10 sixth-order evolutionists. Unfortunately, in the current Chen Jie team, these three can None of them have been achieved.


Everyone is shooting desperately.

"It's not good! The gap has been narrowed and is about to be chased!" Liu Wei's face was full of anxiety.

"Everyone hold on and start."

Chen Jie stopped commanding and focused on dealing with the steering wheel in his hand. He stepped on the accelerator. Suddenly, with a "woo" sound, the big truck suddenly took a stimulant and soared up, and then turned sideways, that is, a drift, and was almost thrown out by Xiao Lin, who controlled Gatlin.

"Team Chen, don't be so fast. If you encounter something, you will hit it! It's too late to brake!" Zhou Zheng firmly grasped the railing behind the truck and shouted quickly.

"Don't worry, my QQ flying car technology is very good." Seeing that there was a corner in front of him, the steering wheel in Chen Jie's hand turned quickly and rushed to the left. The accelerator was loosened and the brakes. The car suddenly decreased, but it would still roll over with such a corner. After all, this is not a real QQ racing car.

" boss, this is not a game! I didn't expect you to be so crazy!" Zhou Zheng closed his eyes.

He really thought that Chen Jie was just playing with QQ flying car!

