Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 89 You should be punished for doing something wrong



Chen Jie's sudden words made the noisy house briefly fall into silence. Then I heard Chen Hui's crying voice: " boss, you finally came back, and I said that you must be fine. Those grandchildren said you..."

"Chen Hui, you are really confident in me! However, as you said, I'm back intact!" Listening to Chen Hui's slightly aggrieved voice, Chen Jie's heart moved slightly. He was a man who could be trusted. He was a real brother.

Chen Jie smiled and waved his hand to Chen Hui and others, signaling to calm down and let them out soon.

Then his voice suddenly became cold, and he said like a chill, "Huang Xiaobo, you are an unfamiliar wolf cub. Do you kneel on the ground and wait for me to fall, or do you want me to do it myself and cut you one by one?"

"What if you come back!" Hearing Chen Jie's voice, Huang Xiaobo said harshly, "If you come with those brothers, I will be a little afraid of you. But now, you have only one person, and I have more than 100 subordinates and the strong assistance of the YW base. What do you want? What can you do? What about your brothers? It won't be dedicated by you one by one again! When you come back alone, one bullet of my brothers is enough to drown you. Besides, your brother, your foundation is in my hands. If you don't want me to kill them, you'd better be smart!" Although he said he was not afraid, Chen Jie's long-standing invincible image made his voice tremble slightly and uneasy.

"Major, leave us alone. Most of these people who betrayed us were coerced by Huang Xiaobo and YW base city. As long as you kill this son of a bitch at the first time, we won't regret anything. Kill them! Kill them!" Chen Hui shouted before Huang Xiaobo finished speaking.

"Is that so? It seems that I am not too failed to do things, and not so many people have betrayed me. In three months, the firearm era will be completely over. Let me use rockets to solve the enemy for the last time!" Chen Jie took the remaining rocket from Liu Wei behind him and adjusted the distance. He aimed at Huang Xiaobo's group of men standing at the door of the house. He didn't know what had happened. Then he said lightly, "You guys are so close to that boy, I think they have two minds long ago! As I said earlier, those who betrayed me will die without burial!" After saying that, he gently installed the button of the rocket launcher.

The outlet of the rocket launcher opened in an instant, and a white rocket with a long flame tail hit the crowd directly. With a loud noise, the flames and shock waves caused by large shrapnel and explosions completely tore up hundreds of people. In less than a few seconds, at the door of the smoky village administrative villa, there were only a pile of broken limbs and several "lucky people" who were not dead but were burned and cut into seriously by flames and shrapnel! "

"Now, your hundreds of men are gone!" Chen Jie said lightly, and then climbed into the house. Looking at Huang Xiaobo with a shocked face, he said coldly, "Don't be against me, don't be against me!" I don't know if I will revenge on the same day! I will protect my brothers desperately, and I will show no mercy to the enemy!"

As soon as he bent down and entered the isolation room, Chen Jie heard a gunshot, and then there was a slight numbness in several parts of his body. He slowly looked up. It turned out that Huang Xiaobo and his men were shooting at him with a panicked face.

"Isn't it a little surprising to see me?" Chen Jie completely ignored the shooting of Huang Xiaobo and others, but greeted Chen Hui and others who were locked in a transparent glass room. Fortunately, everyone is there. Only Chen Hui's mouth full of dung seems to have injured his left shoulder, but it doesn't seem to be a big deal, because the guy is now waving to Chen Jie with a grin.

"Huang Xiaobo, Bo Ge! Hello! Ha ha..." After greeting the team members, Chen Jie walked to Huang Xiaobo with a cold breath, and then said with a smile, "Isn't it said that one bullet can kill me? Where's the person!"

"Okay, I'll admit it!" After all, Huang Xiaobo is a hero who does great things. He also knows that he must have no way to live at this point. So he didn't beg for mercy, but said with a trace of despair, "I should have thought that people like you who are favored by God are not so easy to die. The mastiff garden was burned, and the king dragon in it was killed by you? Also, how did you know that I was here with your people? Do I have traitors?"

"Yo, there are so many problems!" Chen Jie smiled coldly and said in Huang Xiaobo's initial tone, "Ha ha, since you asked, I will let you be a clear ghost!" Speaking of this, he whistled violently.

"Seeing my appearance, I think you should also understand that the fire in the Mastiff Garden was burned by me. As for Wang Long, offcause, of course, I killed it!!" Chen Jie said slowly, "Are there any traitors under your men? Please, don't make everyone think as dirty as you. It's just that you didn't end it well! Someone in the base carefully escaped the disaster and secretly followed you. Finally, hehe... Think about it, with your cleverness, you should also think of it!" After saying that, he raised the M4A1 blankly and aimed at Huang Xiaobo and his seven or eight dead men!

"Give me a good time!" Huang Xiaobo closed his eyes in pain and said tremblingly, "For the sake of killing a lot of zombies with you and making a lot of contributions to the base!"

"NO, NO, NO! I can give everyone here a happy life, but you..." Chen Jie shook his finger and said slowly, "How can I give you a happy life with your great achievements in betraying me and blaspheming pure brotherhood?" Although he said it lightly, the murderousness and coldness in his voice made everyone shudder.

"Would you like to commit suicide? It's difficult!" Chen Jie quickly pulled out a few military thorns from his waist and shot straight through Huang Xiaobo's hands, dispelling his attention from preparing to commit suicide. Then he took out a test tube, which was the highest concentration of zombie virus so far. After carefully using salt water, Chen Jie finally tried to measure it. He didn't dare to inject the virus directly into Huang Xiaobo, otherwise it would be boring to become a zombie as soon as he shot!

"Puff!" With a soft sound, the "reagent" has been adjusted, and the silver-white high-concentration virus was shot from Huang Xiaobo's right arm. Except for an unevolved friend who did not survive the first shot, there was a strong confrontation in Huang Xiaobo's body, and the white blood cells in his body and the high-concentration virus were fighting painfully!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

The pain of high-concentration virus entering the body is indescribable, and Huang Xiaobo and others howled in an instant. Lying on the ground like a burnt shrimp, his red body trembled. As soon as the virus enters their bodies, it invades their blood circulation system, destroying their blood vessels one by one along the blood, and then the internal organs. It won't enter their hearts until the end and end their lives! Of course, they will eventually become bloodthirsty zombies without any reason! The most painful thing in the world is to watch things happen, but you can't change it!

"Please, kill us! Kill us!" Huang Xiaobo's eyes were congested, his face was purple, and he begged Chen Jie in pain. Due to severe pain and the cracking of blood vessels, dark purple blood flowed out at the corners of his mouth, which was the result of the destruction of his internal organs. He wanted to commit suicide, but the severe pain almost made him unable to do anything, and suicide became a delusion.

"Everyone has to bear the consequences for their own choices!" Chen Jie looked at the tragic situation of several people and was not moved at all. If he comes back even a few hours late, I'm afraid he will see the bodies of these dear comrades-in-arms. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but be afraid, and his hatred for Huang Xiaobo was even deeper. This is the first time that Chen Jie has been so cruel. If someone betrays him, he must kill the chicken to warn him!

Irrespecting the growing howling of Huang Xiaobo and others and the blood flowing from the corners of their eyes and secret parts, Chen Jie turned around and walked to the door of the virus research room and laughed at several people inside, "Yo, I've only been away for more than a day. Are you so embarrassed?" After solving the internal problems and knowing that his comrades-in-arms were fine, he felt much better

"If you laugh and can't open the door again, you will definitely be more embarrassed than us!" Watching the boss solve the enemy safely, Chen Hui breathed a sigh of relief and said to Chen Jie, " boss, we must kill those scum from the YW base when we go out this time!"

"Of course, but now, let me let you out first!" Chen Jie nodded and said that he agreed with Chen Hui.

"Wo!" With a soft sound, the thick iron gate slowly opened.

"I'm sorry, commander, we let you down."

"Don't talk like that. I'm also responsible for this incident. Well, thank you for your hard work these days. Everyone has a good rest. In a few days, our temple front village base will send troops to YW City, so that the dog official can taste our strength.! In addition, I also left you a good gift. I can discuss how to deal with those people. Speaking of this, his voice suddenly became cold, and he looked at the dozen people who squatted in the corner of the wall and trembled. They are Huang Xiaobo's other colleagues in this base. At the moment of Chen's masterpiece battle just now, they were caught by Zhang Qiang!



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