Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 106 Wonderful Scene



Under Chen Jie's order, Chen Jie's mixed army with a total strength of more than 1,000 came out of Suxi Town and marched towards Pujiang County, the headquarters of the Extermination of the God Religion.

Lin Zheng and Zhang Xingxing, as the senior leaders of the annihilation religion, and Chen Jie took the lead in the direction of Pujiang County in a military Hummer.

Under the leadership of Zhang Xingxing, the elder of the Extermination God Religion, Chen Jie and his party quickly sneaked into the vicinity of the Extermination God Religion.

As soon as Chen Jie and his entourage came near the extinction religion, they heard the sound of fierce gunfire and explosion.

"I knew that nothing good would happen if I was in such a hurry to ask you to die. Sure enough, something would happen." A cold light flashed in Chen Jie's eyes, and he thought quietly in his heart and accelerated his pace at the same time.

Chen Jie and his entourage climbed a small hill and saw what happened in the direction of Pujiang County from afar.

In the direction of Pujiang County, a group of militants holding rifles and dressed in neat military uniforms are frantically attacking Pujiang County, the pearl of southern Zhejiang.

These militants were probably born with authentic martial arts. They are well-equipped, including rifles, light machine guns, heavy machine guns, grenade launchers, rocket launchers, grenades and mortars.

The evolutionary level of these individuals is not necessarily very high, but with their rich battlefield experience, effective organization and planning of offensive strategies and sophisticated weapons and equipment, they are almost afraid to rise to the annihilationists in the direction of Pujiang County.

Chen Jie took out a pair of binoculars and looked at the battle of the group of militants from afar and thought quietly in his heart: "The combat effectiveness of this unit is not weak. If it is a sniper battle, even the soldiers of his elite battalion may not be able to break their defenses. However, if there is an encounter, I'm afraid these individuals are not those under their own. The enemy of human beings. Although they have high combat literacy and excellent weapons and equipment, they are not evolutionists. These teams should be the regular army of the government before the end of the world, and they should not be the enemies of their combat teams that they have learned in militarized teaching and actual combat in the future. At the beginning of the world, when the two meet, they may have a slight advantage, but with the passage of time, the evolution of zombies and mutants will become precarious.

"King Kong protects the body, knives and guns are invulnerable!"

"King Kong protects the body, knives and guns are invulnerable!"

"There is me in the teaching, and I am invincible!"

"There is me in the teaching, and I am invincible!"

Just as the annihilationers stationed in Pujiang County were defeated, 500 dark adjudicators dressed in black rushed out of the county. They all had a lengthened and widened blade of death (scythe knife) and shouted the slogan "Long live the leader, sacrifice for the religion" to those who attacked the county. The militants launched a deadly charge and a deadly counterattack.

Different from the dark adjudicators dealt with by Chen Jie. Although these dark adjudicators launched a decisive charge, they stood extremely dispersed with each other. It is a little difficult to completely block them from the defense line with a steel barrage.

Seeing that the dark adjudators of the Extermination launched a decisive counterattack, the militants also turned all kinds of light and heavy firepower from the wall to the adjudges who attacked them crazily and began to shoot crazily.

Under the cover of that dense rain of bullets, many black-clothed adjudicators were beaten into living sieves by bullets in their hands before they rushed into the enemy 10 meters away.

Of course, due to the fearless counterattack of these adjudicators, the militants outside Pujiang County are also nervous. The original exquisite shooting techniques have also begun to water, and those defense lines composed of steel bullet screens also have loopholes. Coupled with the high evolution level and fast movement of the dark adjudicators who rushed out, and they still adopted a scattered attack method, the heavily armed military personnel outside the city only killed more than 300 dark adjudicators. In addition to the believers who were shot, many dark adjudicators crossed the rain of bullets, broke through the enemy's defense line, rushed into the positions of the militants, and waved the death sickle in their hands to cut at the militants.

As soon as those dark adjudicators rushed into the positions of the militants, they immediately slashed at the militants, often cutting those militants directly to death with a knife. The people in those armies could not even form effective resistance, and they were not the opponents of the annihilating divine adjudiators who rushed into their defense line. .

"Devils, they are demons."

"Lao Liang, be careful!"


"Ah, save me!"

"Commour, we are not their opponents. Let's retreat!"


The dark adjudicators killed the army soldiers who came to attack Pujiang County crazily like demons. Those soldiers were killed and collapsed directly. Many people dropped their guns and fled directly to the rear.

"A group of baby soldiers, rabble, blinded such sophisticated weapons in their hands! If these big guys are in the hands of these 500-persons under me, I will solve it casually. Liu Wei looked very angry.

"I can't say that. All I can say is that these people are too many weapons in their hands. Without guns and ammunition, they are completely dumb. There are so many of them, and they don't even have more than one palm of evolutionists. These individuals have made a clear mistake in choosing the direction. Of course, in general, as you said, a mob!" Chen Jie looked at the performance of those militants and preached calmly.

As Chen Jie said: these army soldiers who came to encircle and destroy the world are completely relying on their advanced weapons to dare to fight against those world-mie theists. They chose the wrong direction of development, so most of them focus on how to operate firearms and produce firearms-like hot weapons, and they do not think about their own evolution. Most of them are not evolutionists, so as soon as they are approached by those evolutionists who have reached the sixth level or above, they completely fail. They lose the courage to fight, and they can no longer form effective resistance.

"King Kong protects the body, knives and guns are invulnerable!"

"King Kong protects the body, knives and guns are invulnerable!"

"There is me in the teaching, and I am invincible!"

"There is me in the teaching, and I am invincible!"

Those dark adjudicators shouted crazily, rushing towards the lambs to be slaughtered - the army that could not form a limited resistance, and swept the soldiers of those armies as if they were chasing sheep to their positions. It was very bloody and refreshing.


"H Long live the Lord! Long live! Long live!"

"H Long live the Lord! Long live! Long live!"

"For the glory of the Lord!"


Seeing that the army soldiers who were so overwhelmed that they couldn't raise their heads just now were killed by the cold dark abyrinators like an ice hole in the divine religion, and the ordinary annihilation the priests who resisted on the county wall were also boosted their morale and shot back one by one.

The big counterattack is about to begin:

A tall, riding a supercar motorcycle, and the electric-looking elder of the God of Extinction took the lead in leading a 50-person, a bloody believer riding a motorcycle, rushed out of Pujiang County and rushed to the militants.

Behind him, 12 Tianangxing and 23 helmsmen also took the initiative to rush to the people's army that had no counterattacked with more than 600 subordinates.

Just when Liu Wei, Zhou Zheng and even Chen Jie felt that the overall situation had been decided, a group of soldiers in black suits suddenly appeared in the battle team behind the people's army. Those soldiers in black suits took a grenade launcher and kept shooting at the dark adjudicators.

A grenade bombarded the dark adjudicator.

Those dark adjudiators who were finally cultivated by the annihilation religion were directly killed by the grenade gun. Even those shadow tribes members who reached the eighth-level evolutionist level could not fully defend against the power of the gun grenade. As for those dark adjudicators with less than the eighth level of evolution, once they are bombarded by howitzers in the hands of the black suit, their bodies will be directly blown to pieces, and their flesh and blood are flying all dead.

Almost at the same time, the gunfire that had stopped because of the escape of other militants sounded again, and all kinds of light and heavy machine guns shot wildly at the fleeing army soldiers, seminarians, and dark adjudicators.

In such a crazy shooting, those army soldiers who abandoned their guns and were being hunted down, together with the annihilationists and dark adjudiators, were directly beaten into a sieve together.

At the same time, the firepower hidden behind the army was even more powerful. Machine guns, howitzers and mortars continued to shoot at the annihilationists who rushed out of Pujiang County for a big counterattack again. Those troops who rushed out to carry out to carry out a big counterattack seemed to be directly covered their heads by the steel barrage. The bird has completely lost its direction: it can't move forward or retreat.

And the motorcycles that followed the elders of the Extinction became the gathering point of hatred for the first time. In the rain of bullets, they were directly blown up, and the direct line of the Qingluan Peak on the car was also completely bombarded by the continuous howitzers.

As for the 12 Tiangang Star and the 23 altar owners, there were more casualties in the terrible rain. Only the most powerful Tianyong Star and a 93 altar owners who rolled and crawled in the bunker finally successfully fled back to Pujiang County.



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