Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 115 Time, Is it too late



In a room in YW City, where Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provincial Government-government is located, Gu Zewu, Chuyang and Deng Jianjun, the three giants of the military and political circles of YW City, are now full of sadness, and they are having a heated debate.

"We just sent a message from the sentry in the direction of HZ, saying that a team of nearly 10,000 fourth-order zombies had been found! At their speed, they should arrive at the base tomorrow afternoon!" Chu Yang said lightly.

Deng Jianjun was shocked: "So many zombies? Why did you suddenly come to the base?"

Chu Yang said, "This is not clear for the time being!"

Deng Jianjun whispered, "Nearly 10,000 zombies above the fourth level? If they are scattered, they can break through our fire blockade within three minutes at their speed. I'm afraid that the firepower on the wall alone may not be prevented.

Today's zombies are more difficult to deal with than at the beginning of Day of Destruction. They not only become stronger, but also have many more variants over time, making the majority of soldiers unpreventable when fighting with them.

Gu Zewu's shrugging eyelids opened a little, and suddenly asked blankly, "Is the direction of HZ the zombie in the previous direction of Huang Yangmei? I remember that the Huang Yangmei base that we have always wanted to subdue seems to have been broken by zombies in that direction. Another week has passed, and I really don't know how far the zombies will evolve! I really don't know, are we really their opponents? If it goes on like this, maybe there will be no place for us human beings on this earth at any time!"

Hearing the sigh of the old general Gu Zewu, the other two people in the room did not know how to answer for a moment. This is only a month. Not counting the foreign population, the population of the whole base city can be said to have plummeted by 30%. If those who have been affected by biochemical viruses are included, now the base is lucky. There are less than 100,000 people left, and more than 40,000 people died in a month, a tragic number.

Gu Zewu suddenly raised his voice and ordered, "Jianguo, give you a task. You should immediately recruit 100 soldiers and death squads in the base. Tomorrow, we will set out and try to lead the group of zombies away. If not, delay as long as possible."

Deng Jianguo wondered: "Is there any recruitment in the whole base? What if the news spreads and someone takes the opportunity to make trouble?

Gu Zewu suddenly became aggressive at that moment, and he only heard his ferocious face and said, "Who dares to take the opportunity to make trouble and shoot!"

After saying that, Gu Zewu slowly closed his eyes. Now he is too tired to deal with not only the zombies and mutants coming out of the direction of HZ, but also the intrigue in the base. Deng Jianguo and Chu Yang saluted a military salute at the same time and gently withdrew from the office.

On a rural path a few miles away from YW City, a huge team of hundreds of people, against the bitter cold wind, stepped on the already gone concrete road under their feet, moved quickly. The whole team was light and simple. In addition to the necessary survival materials, everyone lost all the unnecessary burden.

Unlike most people in the team, on the periphery of this team, every dozens of meters, a thin and strong man is patrolling around. They are all dressed in black mutant animal armor, carrying a large package on their backs, a sharp blade diagonally at their waist, and some other people's hands. He also holds a strange shield, completely dressed in the era of medieval cold weapons.

On the hillside not far away, seven hot figures stood quietly. Their whole body was bloody, as if they had just been killed from the blood realm. They were the first one, with a slender figure, a cold and handsome face, and his eyes were like electricity. A black long gun of nearly two meters was inserted diagonally. Behind him, the whole person looks like the bloodthirsty Shura, which is ferocious.

This person is Chen Jie. Behind him are Liu Wei, Chen Hui, Long Xiaosheng, Lin Ruomei, Lin Zheng and Wang Wei. They have just wiped out a group of zombies of more than 100 people.

Chen Jie received a report from outside investigators, knowing that YW City was about to be besieged by zombies, so he hurried and led a group of elite soldiers to YW City.

Of course, although they have tried to bring as few oil bottles as possible, due to the continuous encounter of survivors on the road, their team has expanded to hundreds of people over time. So many people walk in the empty wilderness, just like a meat bun thrown into the wolf's nest, and all kinds of mutants and zombies are pouring in. In order to prevent them from converging into groups, Chen Jie also had to lead everyone around the team to eliminate the mutants and zombies that showed signs of gathering in advance.

Chen Jie looked coldly at the winding more than 100-meter-long team below and ordered, "Let the boy Long Xiaosheng expand the scope of patrol again. In front of him is the most densely populated area of YW City! Don't capit the boat in the sewer at the end.

"Okay!" Chen Hui responded solemnly, quickly took out a flag from his underwear and shook it rhythmically in the empty field. With the transmission of the red flag, the soldiers led by Long Xiaosheng quickly opened the patrol area.


In YW City, after Deng Jianguo came out of Gu Zewu's office, he immediately arranged people to recruit soldiers in the base.

When the news that nearly 10,000 zombies were approaching the base spread, the entire YW base was quickly shrouded in fear. Although Deng Jianguo did not specifically explain it during the recruitment, everyone actually knows that this recruitment is actually equivalent to a dead man. This is simply a lifeless task, but there are still warriors who have been recruited one after another.

At this moment, all the religions, organizations and civil society groups in the base that do not deal much with the government, including the sect opened by the extermination religion in YW City, which has just been eliminated by Chen Jie, are all wise and do not take the opportunity to make trouble. On the contrary, they also cooperate with Deng Jianguo's recruitment. Everyone knows that once the zombies break through the defense of the outer base, with their private armed forces, waiting for everyone is a dead end.

The next day, tens of thousands of base survivors gathered early near the base quarantine area for the sake of their thoughts to see the warriors off. With the hope of the whole base, Deng Jianguo led 100 heavily armed dead men to set out, and they took away the future of the whole base.

Wang Pengkai is a newly married husband. He is very unlucky and full of longing for the future. As soon as he married a satisfied and beautiful daughter-in-law, he ushered in the end of the world. His parents died one after another on the day of destruction, and he himself was lucky to escape after his parents and wife sacrificed to protect him. Arrived at the YW city base. For more than two months after the destruction, Wang Pengkai has been deeply in self-reproach, always believing that he had killed his parents and wives, and it was difficult to sleep and eat day and night.

When he saw Deng Jianjun's recruitment notice, Wang Pengkai did not hesitate to sign up. On the one hand, he did not want to live such a muddle-headed, and on the other hand, he wanted to reassure himself.

The base has given the greatest support to this team with heavy responsibilities. After all, they will face tens of thousands of zombies. What is this concept? You should know that once a well-equipped and well-trained professional team is approached by a zombie, it may also face the price of total destruction.

Sitting on a military truck, Wang Pengkai listened to the instruction of the captain in the carriage, quietly glanced at the submachine gun assigned to him, and nervously wiped the sweat in his hands on his trousers. He lied a little when he applied for the expedition. In fact, he was not a speed evolutionist at all and had never touched a gun. Fortunately, their task is also very simple. They vent more firepower to the zombies in the shortest possible time. After attracting the attention of the zombies, they begin to escape and then complete the task. As for whether they can survive or not, they have their own skills.

Strangely, after driving for less than ten minutes, the military truck suddenly stopped, and then Wang Pengkai heard the captain roar madly: "Get out of the car and get ready to attack!" Hurry up! Hurry up!"

In the originally dull carriage, the pot exploded. Everyone rushed out of the carriage in a hurry and followed the captain to attack the formation on the barren snow. He vaguely heard the leader this time. Captain Deng Jianguo was busy commanding while roaring angrily: "Who is this next door to Mary? The information provided should let me know that I had to kill him!" Under his command, more than a dozen high-gun heavy machine guns quickly lined up in front of the convoy, and some veterans quickly loaded it.

It seems that something unexpected has happened, Wang Pengkai thought to himself. He tried his best to narrow his eyes so that he could see as far as possible, but before he could see anything, the dozens of high-gun heavy machine guns fired one after another, filled with smoke, and the huge launch sound was deafening. For a moment, Wang Pengkai was dizzy, and there was a huge tinnitus in his ears. His whole body was shaken, and he could only Seeing his comrades around him blushing, pulling their necks and trying to roar something, he couldn't hear a little sound.

Then, in a place where the line of sight was barely reach, a number of dazzling sparks were blown up. In the firelight, you can faintly see large areas of black dots scattered in all places. Repeatedly, about 20 rounds were launched. Wang Pengkai gradually saw countless dense on the horizon of the snowy sky. The little black spots are zombies, which can't be seen at a glance. They are agile and vigorous. Against the constantly exploding fireworks around them, they are like demons rushing out of purgatory, with fireworks representing death, approaching at a very fast speed.

It's close! Close! It has entered the shooting range of firearms.

"Fire!" A shocking roar suddenly roared out of Deng Jianguo's mouth, and then he smashed the M2 Browning heavy machine gun in his hand. In the dense metal impact, the dark and cold muzzles burst out of death. Deng Jianguo roared and subconsciously roared crazily. His whole body had completely entered A state of madness.

With the order of the attack, the captains of each group roared one after another, rushing back to their own team one by one, roaring at the scared new recruits, and even punching and kicking.

Some people were afraid, some people were afraid, some people left their weapons and sat on the ground and howled and cried. Some people even howled with fear, turned their heads and ran away, but they greeted him... Wang Pengkai watched his captain pull the trigger at a deserter with his own eyes. With a crisp sound of "bang", the recruit's brain A bright red blood flower burst out of the bag in an instant. The inertia of running supported his body to run forward a few more steps before falling weakly on the snow, and his limbs still twitched.

Whether you used to be a soldier, a mercenary, or a civilian, don't retreat or escape at this moment. The only thing you can do is to vent all the bullets in your hand. A battle between hundreds of human beings and zombies unexpectedly unfolded in the wilderness less than ten kilometers from the base.

Deng Jianguo was scolding the sentries who monitored this group of zombies at this time. The zombies had run to the gate of the base, but there was still no news from them. It is simply a fantasy to try to attract this group of zombies at such a close distance. This is simply an asymmetrical encounter. As a last resort, Deng Jianguo can only carry out the next task: delay as long as possible.

With the gradual shortening of the distance between the convoy and the zombies, these recruits who only joined the army yesterday finally overcame the fear in their hearts. All the soldiers began to roar like the dense shadow veterans. For a moment, the roar of artillery and the sudden sound of submachine guns rose one after another. It rained, and the powerful firepower covered nearly a kilometer ago.

The zombies were suddenly attacked so intensively, and the speed of progress suddenly slowed down, but then they saw that their speed soared and quickly dispersed, and their bodies became floating, which greatly reduced the effect of the covering attack that could best concentrate firepower. Soon, the first three directions of the whole fleet was completed. Surrounded by zombies, the soldiers saw ragged, blood-stained bodies and the crazy and twisted ugly faces. The stimulation of the food on the opposite side made them roar excitedly and rushed to the 100-person army like evil spirits.



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