Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 130 I disappoint you



"When I look back, there is no wind, rain or sunshine when I return."

The light rain ticked all night. Grey, cold! Hu Lei's moods at this moment have been difficult to distinguish between true and false.

At this moment, he was a little at a loss.

In the Hu Lei 57 Brigade camp, it was a hot scene. A large group of people were arguing fiercely. They were discussing their future ownership? Not falling? What should I do after it drops?

In the heated discussion, they gradually got the answer, and they finally chose to surrender.

Looking at the drizzle, Hu Lei couldn't help but feel all kinds of feelings in his heart. Blowing the misty ginger tea in the cup, Hu Lei slowly poured it into his mouth. A hot feeling rose from his stomach, expelling the chill in his body. He couldn't help glancing out of the window and cursed the ghost weather in his heart: "It's going to rain, and my mother is going to get married. It's time to change the master. Go and let the brothers prepare. Let's go to Chen Jie's place to plead guilty!"

"Yes, my lord!"

After Hu Lei gave the order, he walked back to his seat from the window and sat down and heard a noise.


Suddenly, the deafening rolling sound sounded, which was the footsteps of thousands of troops and horses marching. The footsteps were neat and powerful. Every step fell, the earth seemed to tremble. The footsteps became louder and clearer, with a destructive momentum. Hearing this sound, you can know that these people were facing their own camp. Coming from...

Hearing the shocking pace, Hu Lei and Zhou Jie frowned unconsciously. Didn't you agree to give a night to consider it? Do you want to do this?"

At this moment, there was a hurried footsteps outside, creaking, the door was knocked open from the outside, and two soaked soldiers stepped in.

"Briff, there are many people in black in the south of the city... are going to our camp."

"Briff, the Chuyang department on the east side of our side was collectively defeated and integrated by Chen Jie."

Hu Lei looked at the group of people in black outside the window, but his face was a little grim and said, "Go and inform the battalion commanders to come to the room for a meeting!"

Half an hour later, a map of the conference room includes the entire FZ province. The map is completely arranged according to the actual pattern of FZ province. The mountains and rivers including cities, national highways, provincial highways, zombies, mutant beasts and human bases are all displayed here.

"What's wrong? Did you change your mind and do it alone?" Lao Zhao and Wei Ping entered the conference room one after another and asked when they saw Hu Lei holding a small flag.

Hu Lei nodded and said, "Waiting for the emergency report ahead, a large number of Chen Jie's team suddenly appeared at the south intersection of the base city and were gathering urgently. They were divided into three parts. The troops in the middle road were continuing to come to our camp. The soldiers and horses on the left road were running towards Chuyang, which was stationed on the east side of us, while the right road was an emergency spread. In other words, they It has formed a huge encirclement for us and Chuyang!"

"According to the order of our generals and soldiers of Chuyang, just two hours ago, more than 4,000 defenders around Yangji Village were directly defeated by Chen Jie's black armor troops, and almost all of them were destroyed. Chuyang's army was in emergency!"

Zhou Jie and others looked at each other but there was no surprise in their eyes, but the news came suddenly.

"Bidcommander, the army of Chuyang can be said to be the strongest team in the YW base except for our troops. How can it be defeated and lost in such a short time? According to the equipment in their hands and Chu Yang's character, he should know that he had a gun in his hand at this time and would not panic. He will definitely hold the troops in his hand firmly. How could his defenders be completely caught off guard and collapse in just an hour!"

"Can detailed information be sent back?" Zhou Jie also had such doubts. As they knew before, although Chen Jie's soldiers and horses were strong, it was only a small part. Most of the combat teams under him should be the same as himself. How could he be so powerful?

This time, Chen Jie's troops suddenly dispatched the destroyer army in Zhang Xingxing's hands and the women's army under Lin Ruomei, according to Hu Lei and others. These two troops are all troops that Chen Jie has just incorporated in Pujiang County. This is not Chen Jie's direct unit. How can it be possible?

In such a short time, Chen Jie dares to send these two troops. Isn't he afraid to blow up the camp?

"There are only sporadic descriptions, and the black guards of the brigade have been found in the south of the city. As for the specific situation, it is not clear for the time being!"

"Report!" Before Hu Lei's words fell, there was a loud report from soldiers outside the door: "The latest war report, the team that besieged and suppresses Chuyang's troops is now divided into two ways, returning directly to the YW base with prisoners all the way, and went straight to my camp. The troops that came to our army were the most elite shadow tribal warriors of the world religion, which was very fast. The combat effectiveness is very strong. Because the other party covered up, when our service found the enemy, we sacrificed six people. According to the return service report, the black guards of the Chuyang tribe are less than 3 kilometers away from my camp!"

"Immediately sound the alarm, send messengers to convey orders, and each battalion is in place. Go!"

"It's really stormy, but in fact, why is this? The team is going to surrender. What's the point of your move? Chen Jie, your behavior at this moment makes me see you clearly!" Hu Lei said secretly in his heart.

In the end of the world calendar, on March 23, 2022, the unprecedented encirclement and suppression of the YW base was staged in Hu Leishan. Chen Jie's army took the lead. The two newly integrated annihilation army and women's army appeared for the first time, breaking through the front line of Chuyang and YW defense camp, and did not even give the base government a little room for manoeuvre. All the way out of the YW base, the gate south of the city opened.


The footsteps are getting closer and closer. It can be seen that thousands of soldiers in black armor are walking at a neat and uniform pace, dressed in black, with an A-K-47 and a Tang knife, approaching Hu Lei's camp step by step. Hu Lei's eyes are like a torch, staring at the figure in front, and can't help opening his mouth.

"Deng Jianguo, Liu Wei, you two are still here. Do you dare not say that the zombies were attracted by your so-called new leader? If not, our group of people have already thought about or surrendered or retired. Do you still need to set out a large army like this? This is really a wolf's ambition, which is obvious!" Zhou Jie, the commander of the major battalion, shouted at Deng Jianguo and the others.

If Liu Wei and Lin Ruomei haven't heard of it, they still approach the door of Hu Lei's camp step by step...

In the rear, Hu Lei's face was as heavy as water, and his eyes stared at Chen Mo fiercely. Obviously, his heart was suppressed with boundless anger. Suddenly, he slowly stretched out his right palm and gathered a wisp of law...

At this time, a hand suddenly rested on Hu Lei's shoulder, making him stop and turn his head to see that it was Wei Ping.

Wei Ping's eyes are also not very good-looking. Before he has successfully established his career, is Chen Jie going to kill the donkey?

If people like Chen Jie really become their own leaders, will they still have a way to live? Will their brothers still have a way to live?

Look at these soldiers and horses, they are all newly integrated rebels. What is this? This is to train our soldiers, and this is to use those troops that are not direct line as cannon fodder!!

However, although he looked very bad, he was still very calm. When he saw that Hu Lei was going to fight with all his strength and fight hard, he stopped him as soon as possible.

"No!" He shook his head gently, "Let's take a look at the reaction of Liu Wei first. At this time, he must also be very clear about our choice. He has no reason to act. If he... we will take action again."

In the words, Wei Ping's murder is over.

Liu Wei's next words are not only related to the choice of Hu Lei's position, but also to the life and death of himself and others. On this issue, Hu Lei and Wei Ping did not dare to take it lightly.

"The side of the couch is not allow others to snoo. It can only be blamed for the high prestige of Officer Hu in the army.

Hearing this, Hu Lei's face was even more gloomy, but he still didn't stop...

"So that's it!" Liu Wei said such a reason. Although Hu Lei was still very uncomfortable, he could barely accept it. Perhaps, if I were in Chen Jie's position, I would have such a consideration!

The merit is high, and the soldiers under him only recognize him, Hu Lei, but not Chen Jie.

In this way, if you are at a critical moment...

"This Chen Jie is a person who has achieved great things. He is decisive and unstable, but he dares to take such a big risk. I admire him."


Thousands of the World Health Organization have been shocked. Under the leadership of Liu Wei, they have arrived in front of the main gate of the camp. Looking at the closed wooden door, Liu Wei raised a big knife, and the surface of the knife was cold, shining with endless faint light.


Liu Wei shouted. As his words fell, thousands of extinctists stopped at the same time. At this moment, Hu Lei's camp was silent in front of the main gate, and the sound of the evening wind could be faintly heard...

Deng Jianguo looked at Hu Lei. He knew that Hu Lei was one of the few people in the whole base who could make him admire and convince him.

And Hu Leicheng's eyes are like a torch, forcing Deng Jianguo and others. Even if the enemy is strong and I am weak, and even if his life cares about other people's words, he does not avoid it.

Some soldiers stationed in the camp confronted thousands of annihilation, and the generals on both sides did not say anything, but the murderous atmosphere has erupted like a mountain torrent and tsunami, and the atmosphere on both sides is tense...

"What about Chen Jie? Let Chen outstanding come and talk to me."

"It's really worthy of Hu Lei, and it's really worthy of being the person who wants to get rid of it. Hu Lei, I'm not mistaken. Seeing this, Chen Jie smiled and was not hiding. A teleportation appeared in front of the gate and clapped his hands

The sudden applause undoubtedly surprised all the people on Hu Lei's side. They looked sideways at Chen Jie and stammed. The long knife on Zhou Jie's waist had come out of its sheath, and the sniper hidden in the dark transferred the design point to Chen Jie's head.

"Unfortunate, you let me down."

"Maybe! You should know that I can't gamble and dare not gamble at this time. Chen Jie was completely unconscious of being under the enemy's gunpoint. His behavior was as usual and still so arrogant.

Hearing Chen Jie expose his shortcomings, Hu Lei's face changed greatly. Is it really not going to give me a way to live?

