Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 144 Think about it



All these tragic scenes showed Chen Jie's strength, Chen Jie's decisiveness, and Chen Jie's ruthlessness for those unwilling people at the base!

When they saw the scene of purgatory, everyone was moved by the tragedy at that time, but some, even more people, were really shocked by Chen Jie's strength, such as Gu Zewu, one of them.

The way superiors look at and consider problems is always different from that of ordinary people, just like the way an economist and a military strategist look at problems. When most people consider the impact of Chen Jie's bloody killing, Chen Jie and Gu Zewu are thinking about whether this huge performance will make their enemies really believe it, draw snakes out of the hole, and then annihilate it in one fell swoop.

Chen Jie is actually not a person who is too good at disguise and talking, so he chose the simplest, most effective and most shocking way to kill people.

He used a bloody life to tell everyone at the base that if someone dares to question the authenticity of his order, what he will pay will be his life.

He used a batch of bloody lives to announce to the interested people hiding in the dark: At this moment, the hope base is very unstable. This is a very rare opportunity. Come and attack quickly.

Under the sunset, the sky has come to an end. Far from the camp, there is an independent large tent, which is different from the noise outside. At this time, although the whole tent is full of people, it is extremely quiet. Everyone here is serious and sits upright.

All Chen Jie's confidants, including the dead Chen Hui and Long Xiaosheng, who should have been busy investigating the situation outside, gathered in this tent at this moment. In a dull atmosphere, everyone began to report on their latest information.

"Big Boss! The matter has been investigated clearly. Long Xiaosheng walked into the room and looked at Gu Zewu, who was sitting close to Chen Jie, and made a respectful military salute to Chen Jie.

Chen Jie nodded slightly and asked to the dragon roar, "What do you say?"

Long Xiaosheng reported to Chen Jie: "According to the report of the waiting team, we hope that the area around the base has indeed been blocked by a secret force. And I got the news from many refugees who fled from the south that the zombie attack at the YW base seems to be a game made by the little devils. At this moment, the southern part of Fujian has been divided by the little devil and Lao Jiang, and the vast majority of survivors have been absorbed by these two forces.

Is that all? Is there anything else? Did they join hands?" Chen Jie continued to ask Long Xiaosheng.

Long Xiaosheng shook his head with a heavy face: "I don't know for the time being! However, according to the current situation analysis, the two should work together.

"Dog, I said why are you so weak recently? It turned out to be overcast." Chen Jie's eyes condensed as if he had pressed a big stone in his heart.

"Thirty, tell me your guess?"

Long Xiaosheng hesitated for a while before saying to Chen Jie, "In my opinion, it is an unchangeable fact that the little devil's "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" will form an alliance with Lao Jiang. However, it is not certain which of the two is the master or the servant. Judging from the current situation, the little devils are willing to form an alliance with Lao Jiang, and even willing to succumb to Lao Jiang's blood. But what about the real situation? Are the little devils really willing to obey the command and rule of Lao Jiang? Is this possible, big?"

"The little devils have always been an ambitious nation, so they will never be willing to follow the rule of Lao Jiang. They must be willing to do so."

"Why? The reason?"

" boss, when you talk about this, I remember an information, but I don't know whether it's true or not. According to a tongue we arrested, recently, Lao Jiang has been to the little devil camp, and the two were very unhappy. But in the end, Lao Jiang got a lot of evolutionary cores from the little devils, and the little devil's "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" will also borrow two battalions of soldiers from Lao Jiang's line.

"Life? Why didn't you say such a big situation earlier! Something should have happened, something big has happened!! This is an opportunity!! A powerful opportunity for us!" Chen Jie frowned and his heart flashed.

"But what will be the big deal? The little devil's "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" will also be a warrior with four regiments! How can he be so embarrassed that he wants to second the soldiers of Lao Jiang Yi? By the way! The corpse group should have changed in Zhangzhou City. Otherwise, the little devil's "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" will not be so nervous!!" Chen Jie carefully analyzed the enemy that the little devil's "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" may defend against, and finally thought of a terrible enemy for him.

Zombies are the sworn enemies of all human beings. Zhangzhou has more than 500,000 zombies, which is also an extremely horrible enemy. The little devil's "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" will come from afar, with a serious shortage of troops. There are only four regiments of more than 2,000 soldiers, and half of them are Chinese people. There is a deep conflict between Chinese soldiers and Japanese soldiers. It is also very stressful to deal with more than 500,000 zombies. In terms of strength, the combat effectiveness of the little devil's "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" club is far lower than that of Lao Jiang's, which is the biggest reason why he is willing to succumb to Lao Jiang's line.

After Chen Jie figured it out, he immediately proposed to attack Lao Jiang.

For Chen Jie's decision, even Liu Wei and Zhou Zheng feel that Chen Jie is crazy at this moment. They couldn't help shouting, "Chen Jie! Are you crazy? You don't know our strength. According to the investigation, Lao Jiang has at least 8,000 troops, and the little devils have at least 3,000 troops. The total number of us is not as many as any of them. If your guess is wrong, then we can..."

Everyone's eyes also fell on Chen Jie.

Chen Jie said in a low voice, "I'm not crazy! This is our only chance!! Since the little devils have made a plan for the zombie attack, and they have no reason to give up halfway because of us, there is only one willing, that is, they are dragged down by something. And what drags them down may only be zombies from the south of Zhangzhou. In this case, he should have no time to take care of us. Of course, or they still have spare strength, but in the face of Lao Jiang, whose strength is far stronger than theirs, I dare to conclude that they will definitely stand by and sit on the mountain to watch the tiger fight. At that time, as long as we try our best to eliminate the scouts sent by Lao Jiang's vein, we can rush out of the encirclement network. In this way, we will have the opportunity to slowly divide and eat Lao Jiang's veins. At that time, the conspiracy of the little devils will not be so easy to succeed. You should know that at this moment, we have the whole hope base as the foundation. It won't take long for us to have 3,000,5000 or even 8,000 teams.

Zhou Zheng frowned at Chen Jie and said, "Chen Jie, have you thought about it? As you said, this is just a guess from you. The little devil's "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" will only second troops to deal with zombies in Zhangzhou. What if he doesn't deal with those zombies and just simply paralyze Lao Jiang?

"If that happens, we will lose a lot because of your wrong decision, and our brothers will pay the price of blood!"

"What's more, the accuracy of the information provided by Whistling still needs to be identified!"

