Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 163 Con annexation 2



This is the real source of the discomfort of the three of them.

However, Chen Jie's sentence completely untied the pimple in their hearts, and the three people suddenly felt extremely comfortable, and naturally there was nothing to say with Chen Jie.

The second head and the fat man also bowed to Chen Jie very happily and shouted, "We swear to follow Brother Chen to the death."

There is too much water in this, so Chen Jie just listens to it.

After several people returned to work, Chen Jie said, "Since this is the branch of our base in the future, we have to follow my rules. First, you are not allowed to rob villagers in the future, and secondly, you are not allowed to kill the animals in the mountains.

Since this is Chen Jie sitting in the village now, it is naturally up to Chen Jie, although the three masters are still disgusted with Chen Jie's approach.

After all, they must eat and drink here. The villagers' food and the beasts in the mountains are the source of their food. Where are the people! All of a sudden, he returned to the most simple and savage era of drinking blood.

Chen Jie's eyes swept over the three masters and said slowly, "I know that you are more or less resistant, and yes, this is your source of food after all. My order is to force you to cut off your food, and I don't think it will dry on anyone."

After a pause, Chen Jie continued: "But have you ever thought that we are not savages of primitive society, but people who came from modern scientific and technological civilization, and we also know a problem of ecological balance. This place, why is it like this now? I think you guys should understand?

The three masters said this looked at each other face to face. To be honest, they have never thought about this problem. You should know that the blood of everyone who came out of the end of the world is boiling. Their hearts are very crazy, and there are almost few people who can think about these things.

Because no one knows when they will die or when they will become that terrible zombie, this is a red fruit reality that has always been in front of them.

Human nature in the face of death and chaos is often to create as much chaos as possible and enjoy more at the end of their life.

However, when Chen Jie said this at this time, it hit like a death knell in their minds. Indeed, Chen Jie was right.

This place can still remain the same as before in this world that has been submerged by the end of the world. This is basically the credit of the beasts in the jungle. Although I can't figure out why it is because of the beasts, it is certain that this matter is absolutely inseparable from those beasts.

The three people who figured this out felt more or less guilty, and they didn't expect it at all before.

Chen Jie's voice sounded in their ears again: "I know it's not easy for you to live here, but no matter how hard it is, you have to have a head. The three of you don't even have a long brain."

Chen Jie raised his eyebrows and stared at the three leaders. Although the three leaders were uncomfortable, what Chen Jie said was indeed reasonable, and they had to bow their heads very seriously and said, "Big brother, that's right. Criticism is right.

"I fucking criticize you for your own good. Sooner or later, you will be cleaned up and you won't even be able to collect a bone." Chen Jie's criticism doesn't seem to be over yet.

Just when the three masters thought that Chen Jie's long talk was coming to an end, Chen Jie took a sip of tea, but continued to say, "There is one more thing I have to tell you. You said that hundreds of old men, you don't want to make food by yourself, and you rob the common people, and you are shameless. I'm embarrassed to say that you are the people brought out by Chen Jie in the future. There are many places here. If you have guys, wouldn't it be better to grow your own things?

This idea doesn't mean that the three masters like to rob, but they didn't expect it. Chen Jie reminded them in an instant.

"Oh, that's right! We can farm our own land! Damn, why didn't you think of it before? The big man clapped his hands and shouted.

"Yes! We have a lot of human resources here, and there are many wastelands here. We can completely grow it ourselves!" The second head is also very excited.

Chen Jie's proposal made the three masters excited! People who don't know think these three people have found some kind of treasure or something!

Chen Jie had a black line. Damn, he thought that these three muddy things were too lazy to plant to grab them, but he didn't expect that these three things were the reason they didn't think of at all.

Chen Jie also felt completely drunk in an instant. He rolled his eyes and scolded, "You are really three idiots! That's it. The food problem should be solved by yourself. The climate conditions here can grow three stubbles of rice a year, which is enough for more than 100 people to eat. Another thing is that your strength is too low. Such strength in the outside world is scum, which is not enough for others to compete, so you must improve your own strength from now on.

"But, brother, how can we improve this strength?" The three masters asked puzzledly that the improvement of this strength made them feel that they had nowhere to do for them, a farmer who accidentally found a treasure basin.

"It's not urgent, it's up to me! Then you will know that the only thing you have to do is to listen to my arrangement. Chen Jie said confidently, but the smile in his eyes seemed to mean that some people would suffer.

"Okay, we heard the eldest brother, the eldest brother let the door go east, and we will never rush to the west." The big leader laughed and said that they felt the benefits that Chen Jie was about to bring them. Now they still have a fart resistance in their hearts, and they can't wait for Chen Jie to quickly lead them out of the current situation.

"Good! Now I, one of you, will divide your people into two groups according to their strength and physical strength. Those who are old and weak will go to farm. Those who are in good health and strong will be divided into battle groups. Chen Jie arranged, as if he were a high-willed general who guided the mountains and rivers.

The three masters are happy to allocate their own people. This 120 people can be said to be three mountains and five mountains, seven long and eight short men, and all kinds of people.

It is also expedient for Chen Jie to divide like this now. If there is no other better way, he can only divide like this.

With the motivation, the efficiency of these three masters is really not bad. For these 120 people, many of them can basically be named. Not to mention who is in good or bad, and whose strength is strong, and there is no need for other Lori Basso's troubles, just call directly. Words.

So-and-so went to the farming and so-and-so went to the combat team.

All this went very smoothly, and it was basically divided in less than three hours.

This is still a small episode in the middle of the division. At the beginning of the division, everyone was very strangely around the three masters, which also confused the three masters.

The boss put his hands on his waist, swept his eyes in front of everyone, and asked, "You guys, what are you doing?"

More than 100 people surrounded the three people in the middle, and there was no expression on their faces, but it was clear that these people must have something on their minds.

" boss, I heard that someone is going to annex our base?" Finally, a bold little brother asked, this matter has been widely spread among them, and just now, everyone is still discussing this matter!

" boss, let's do it! To kill them, how dare you hit the attention of our base. Someone shouted loudly, which was extremely loud, which quickly resonated strongly with others.

Everyone shouted loudly, and their arms waved hard because of excitement: "Dry! "Pry him, kill him!"

The faces of the three masters suddenly became bad. The calm face of the big masters shouted very unhappily, "What are you going to do? Do you want to rebel? The three of us are still fucking standing here!"

The loud voice of the big boss calmed down the turbulent crowd, but everyone's eyes still had a strong angry look.

If the eyes can kill people, it must be a very good combat effectiveness.

"Shut up! I clearly tell you that it is not annexation, but with the unanimous agreement of our three masters, we have decided to serve Chen Jie for the future of our base. The big man said proudly at this time that when he spoke, he saw himself and the future of the brothers around him.

This is a problem he has never thought of, but at this time it clearly appeared in his mind, man! Originally, he lived by living, but if one day there is something that can make his life shine again, his life will change dramatically from then on.

"Chen Jie? Who is Chen Jie? I haven't heard of it!" As soon as the words of the big man fell, some people in the crowd raised questions. Indeed, the name Chen Jie is indeed a little unclear for those who survived due to accidental factors in troubled times, so they have never heard of it at all.

"No matter who Chen Jie is, I can clearly tell you that following him, we will live a better life in the future. We will no longer live like a mouse with a tail." The big owner raised his hands to comfort the messy noise and shouted.

