Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 165 Con annexation 4



This was originally a relatively common thing, but the villagers almost stunned them. I didn't expect that Chen Jie, a young man, dared to talk to this vicious gangster like this and scold him directly.

Everyone began to speculate about what Chen Jie did. He had never heard of the name Chen Jie before, but how could he not only know Father Chen, but also be obedient to the boss of this fool.

They didn't expect that Chen Jie had only been here for two days.

Chen Jie took the big man all the way up the mountain. Along the way, Chen Jie also noticed that those white animal feces like salt grains were rarely seen in other places, but the more they went to the mountain, the more they basically everywhere.

Sure enough, Chen Jie saw Father Chen on the mountain, and what surprised him was that he also saw Qiluo.

Two people were buried there picking up animal feces. Chen Jie went to Father Chen and said hello and shouted, "Dad!"

Dad Chen had dry smoke in his mouth and kept "um" in his hands.

At the moment when Qiluo saw Chen Jie, he suddenly hung a touch of shyness on his face and shouted timidly, "Brother Chen!"

The big boss was directly ignored by the old man and Qiluo. The work in their hands did not stop at all, and they were still busy picking up animal feces.

Chen Jie also squatted down and followed the old man and Qiluo and picked them up. Chen Jie picked them up, and the big boss naturally had to follow, although there was some reluctance in his heart.

As usual, Father Chen still poured all the feces of the animals he picked up on the top of the mountain and poured them into a line.

This made the big man very confused. He couldn't understand why the old man put these white things on it.

Father Chen is a mysterious person. Like Chen Jie yesterday, when there was such a question in the heart of the big boss, Father Chen took a sip of dry smoke and said earnestly, "The feces of these animals can resist zombies."

The animal's feces, the big owner hurriedly wiped his hands hard on his trousers, but the movement of wiping him suddenly stopped.

I was surprised to look at the three pairs of eyes staring at him closely, and I was a little overwhelmed.

Father Chen sighed, and the dry smoke pot hit hard under his feet, pointed to the white line in front of him, and said in a heavy tone, "This is the dividing line between us and the zombies!"

Chen Jie stood next to Father Chen and looked at Father Chen with a serious face. In fact, he didn't understand. Can this dividing line really stop the attack of zombies?

However, the next scene quickly changed Chen Jie's mind and even subverted his thoughts all the time.

Father Chen looked at the messy world outside this dividing line and said slowly, "I have smelled zombies. I haven't smelled them for a long time."

Chen Jie should be the most powerful among these people. He has always been very ** for zombies, but at this moment, he can't feel the smell of zombies.

Although he had a deep doubt about Father Chen's statement, he did not express any opinions, but stood beside Father Chen seriously and looked outside carefully.

Outside this mountain village is a downward slope, and below the slope is a high-speed kilometer, leading to the largest city here, which has been occupied by zombies.

The outside world is full of a breath like nitric acid, which makes people's breathing a little uncomfortable. Chen Jie has only stayed in this mountain village for two days, and it has become a little difficult to adapt to the air outside.

This is indeed a very magical phenomenon. This dividing line completely distinguishes the small village from the outside world. It is so clear that even the air is very clearly divided.

How on earth did this work? Chen Jie, who has a strong curiosity about things he doesn't understand, has been thinking about this problem in his heart.

However, it seems that no one can give him an answer to this question at present.

"They are coming!" Father Chen seemed to talk to himself and said calmly as if he had told Chen Jie.

Chen Jie hurriedly looked outside. At this time, he finally sensed the breath of zombies, which was very strong, and it was not only one or two zombies, but a wave of zombies.

The tide-like zombies squeezed away the dying shrubs outside and climbed up the hillside densely. It was as if they felt very rich food on the hillside, prompting them to seize their footsteps and rush to the top of the mountain.

Chen Jie's scalp was also numb when he saw the zombies coming up like a tide. There were really many zombies in front of him, densely packed the whole hillside.

In Chen Jie's hand, I don't know when the black long gun had already appeared in his hand, and the dark long gun was full of strong pressure and the smell of blood.

This is a long gun stained with blood. When this long gun appeared, the zombies who climbed up crazily suddenly stopped, their pupils turned out, leaving only a white maggot in their eyes, looking at Chen Jie.

This long gun has unparalleled power and has brought such a strong influence on the zombies at the moment he appeared.

It was not only the zombies, but also when Chen Jie, the big leader standing behind Chen Jie, took out the long gun. For a moment, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave and was soaked in cold ice water.

Instead, Father Chen and Qi Luo were very calm. They were very calm when they looked at the tide-like zombies outside, and when Chen Jie took out the gun, they were also very calm.

This surprised Chen Jie very much.

This made Chen Jie more convinced that Chen's father and Qiluo were definitely not mortals. They must all have stories.

"Put it away! They won't rush over." Father Chen said leisurely to Chen Jie.

Chen Jie put away the long gun suspiciously, but as soon as his hand was displayed, the long gun disappeared in his hand. Outsiders didn't know where the long gun had gone.

The zombies are very fast. The speed of climbing up the hill is much faster than when they were individuals. Soon, the zombies stood opposite Chen Jie with their arms waved.

Chen Jie and the big boss took a step back in instinctive alert, but Father Chen and Qiluo looked very calm, staring at the zombies standing in front of them as if they were nothing.

What Chen Jie didn't expect was that those zombies really stood outside the dividing line and couldn't move forward, as if they had set up a high wall in front of them, and they couldn't move forward at all.

It's just a forceful wave of rotten arms and grasping forward, and the nose is shrugging vigorously, as if smelling something.

When they smelled something, their footsteps suddenly stopped and then took a few steps back.

After seeing the actions of these zombies, Chen Jie also smelled it carefully, but there was no smell and he couldn't smell anything at all.

Dad Chen said lightly, "You can't smell it. Only zombies can smell it. Those gases can only be seen by zombies. Look at the following.

Chen Jie hurriedly looked down, and there was nothing below! However, the zombies quickly retreated, and the expressions on their faces were very ferocious.


Chen Jie's eyes suddenly gathered and looked at the white dividing line under his feet, and the white feces were decreasing!

And the speed is very fast. The original pile of animal feces with a height of almost half a meter disappeared in an instant.

The expressions on the faces of the zombies became more and more ferocious. After arriving, they directly turned their bodies and fled directly. The zombies who had just swept away like a tide quickly fled like a homeless dog at this moment.

Come and go quickly.

Chen Jie noticed that when the zombies exceeded the boundary line about ten meters, the white feces no longer disappeared.

This is really an amazing thing, and Chen Jie is very surprised by such a thing that can be called magical.

He finally understood why Father Chen insisted on coming here to pick up animal feces every day. If Father Chen hadn't insisted on coming here to pick up animal feces, I'm afraid the zombies would have invaded.

After getting this answer, Chen Jie strengthened his plan not only to do it, but also to do it quickly.

Chen Jie understood the reason for this, and the big owner also knew the reason for it. He really couldn't wait to find a crack to get in.

Dad Chen is using his life to save people living in this valley, including him and his brothers, but what are they doing?

They bullied the people, shot things, and bullied the old man.

Is this still a person?

The boss stood in front of Father Chen with a face full of shame, lowered his head, and said very sincerely, "Dad, I'm sorry! Thank you for your hard work."

Dad Chen took out a pinch of tobacco again in that small pocket, pinched it in the cigarette pot, scratched a match and lit it, took two sips, and said, "It's no big deal, man! What do you know when you live to be old? I just live a little longer than you and know a little more about the feelings of human beings and animals.

What Father Chen said doesn't seem to have anything to do with what the big boss said, but if you listen carefully, that's what it is!

However, no matter what age you are, you will always pay for your mistakes.

It seems very good that the big owner can wake up at this time today.

In the following time, four people rebuilt the dividing line, building it higher than before.

When he went back, Chen Jie told his plan to Father Chen. Father Chen just kept listening and did not express any comments or opinions.

After Chen Jie finished speaking, Father Chen said, "You have to tell the villagers about this matter face to face." After saying that, he looked up at the same big head and said, "You'd better say it yourself."

When Father Chen said this, Chen Jie also understood what Father Chen meant. He nodded and said to the big boss, "Big boss, go and talk about it!"

The big boss nodded, looked up at Chen Jie and said, "Brother, you'd better call me Ajie in the future!" I'm under too much pressure to be the big head.

Chen Jie laughed and said, "Oh, it's true! I really forgot to ask your names. It was an accident!"

Subsequently, Chen Jie directly followed Chen's father to the village, while Ajie, the big boss, returned to the base.

This valley is a valley with various mysterious colors, but if it is built into a base, it is definitely an awesome base.

You don't have to fucking take on the attacks of zombies here. It's like a hanging hero. Only when they harvest the lives of those zombies, there is no zombies attacking them at all.

So, if Chen Jie builds this place into a base, the only enemy is human beings, other bases with bad intentions. And there is no need to think about zombies at all. Zombies are his training ground.

Thinking like this, Chen Jie is really excited. This is a good thing. In the future, he will take this place as his second base as another hand hidden behind him.


In the evening, the alarm bells in the village howled again, and the sound took over the waves. The villagers' door was opened from inside again nervously. The villagers in various coarse cloth rushed to the huge playground with various weapons.

"The bandits are coming, the bandits are coming!" A man's voice sounded violently over this quiet village.

The faces of the villagers wrinkled with hatred again. These bandits really bullied people too much. The villagers rushed out of the playground and out of the village with anger.

