Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 169 Enter the Jungle



What Chen Jie didn't know was that at this time, in his backpack, a faint crack appeared on the three edges of the diamond-shaped crystal box from the bottom.

I don't know why it may have appeared because Chen Jie accidentally broke it, but anyway, Chen Jie did not find that there was a crack in his box at this time.


The big pot of rice, which has lasted for several days, makes everyone eat very comfortably, has food to eat, and makes those aunts well.

Those old men who had been working all day gathered together and said some dirty jokes, which made everyone laugh.

People! This kind of life seems to be enjoyable, much better than those sad days before. The villagers don't have to worry about bandits robbing things, and the big masters are also on the right track. Everything seems to be fine.

However, behind this beauty, an upcoming storm is brewing, and Chen Jie has not arrived.

On the tenth day after Chen Jie left the base, he walked into the jungle for the fourth time. In these days, the construction of the base has begun to take shape. The city wall is almost half completed, and the rest have also kept up with the pace.

At this time, it reflects the powerful role of the power of many people. Under the command of Chen Jie, each has its own duties and division of labor. Everyone's power is used on the blade, which can also be the strength of the masses.

Entering the jungle for the fourth time, Chen Jie walked the road he had walked three times before. He only looked at the end, but it seemed to bring him a completely different feeling. This feeling came and suddenly was also very strange.

Chen Jie himself can't explain what that feeling is like, but he can clearly feel that it is like his past, looking very familiar and giving his family-like taste.

This is a very strange phenomenon, but many of us may have encountered such a situation.

Walking forward, the jungle is getting deeper and deeper, the trees are getting denser and denser, and it is getting wetter and wetter. Chen Jie felt that his whole body became difficult to breathe. Looking up, you can't see any sky at all. Only dense trees are pressed above your head, which is a natural house.

This is the protective color of the jungle and the true color of the jungle.


After walking for more than an hour, he followed his grandfather to the fourth end when he was a child, just ahead, which was a spring. Chen Jie still remembers that the spring water was very sweet. Many years later, Chen Jie recalled that the spring water was more delicious than any drink before the end of the world.

At this time, the spring surrounded by bluestone was in front of me. The spring was still the previous spring, and there was no change at all, except that I don't know when a line of words appeared on the bluestone outside the spring water.

A line of red words is very bright, just like what Guingang wrote in reality, and every stroke is very clear.

However, when he saw that line, Chen Jie couldn't calm down. He saw that the blue stone wrote:

"Turn around, it's the beginning! The road ahead is hard to walk!"

Chen Jie looked at this line in a daze and felt that his whole body was not good. This Nima was a little suspected of teasing him.

Holding his head and squatting on the spring and looking at his reflection in the water, Chen Jie muttered to himself, "Turn around, you will look back!" Why do you always look back? Is there no other clue?

Maybe the person who made this smoke-bile really can't think of any other way, so he used such a clumsy method, which is simply an extraordinary trap.

However, Chen Jie, a cheating guy, really met him. I can only say that the other party is much more cheating than Chen Jie.

The reflection of himself in the water seems to be much older, and the years have already carved marks on Chen Jie's face, and even Chen Jie has not noticed it since then.

He really hasn't looked in the mirror for a long time. Even his shadow in the water is a little strange to himself.

Looking at this almost strange self, Chen Jie was determined to be distracted!

What on earth has he been doing over the years? What's the value? What did he do this for?

What has he brought to this already chaotic world?

Maybe it's not just that sentence, maybe just like this simple sentence, turning back is the beginning, and the road ahead is difficult to walk!

He was reborn once, which is equivalent to God giving himself a new choice, but he is still the same as he is now. He has gained a lot and lost a lot.

At this moment, Chen Jie rarely began to reflect on himself. He really needed to face himself. If he didn't really face himself, he probably didn't get any improvement.


On this day, Chen Jie sat in the spring for a day, like a statue, motionless. No one knew what he thought and thought of there that day.

However, in the evening, he stood up resolutely, turned around and left without looking at the line of words.

When he walked into the jungle for the fourth time, he still chose to turn around. Every step he turned around was very slow and had no ability to move. He walked step by step, as if he had picked up what he had left behind.

Chen Jie's life is not very prosperous in the first place. He only has one more opportunity than others, but he has a chance to make a new choice.

However, he still has no choice but to have another chance, but he is more prepared and more mature than before.

Chen Jie's choice is his own path, his own, and his future. He is his own path and his own.


At ten o'clock in the evening, Chen Jie gathered the battle team together. When everyone was about to fall asleep in the middle of the night, Chen Jie suddenly gathered everyone together,

Everyone was very confused and stared at them. They didn't know what had happened. More than 100 pairs of eyes looked at Chen Jie, but they didn't understand what Chen Jie was going to do?

"Big boss, what are you going to do when you call us all? Is there any task?" The big master asked this question on behalf of everyone.

Chen Jie looked at the group of members of the battle group that had just been trained and made small achievements. This is the short ten days, and these people are no longer in front of him.

They now look like a soldier, like a soldier, not the previous group of bandits.

"Everyone has been training for several days. It's time to pull out and practice." Chen Jie looked at the group of lively soldiers in front of him with a smile and said.

Chen Jie has been saying that actual combat is the best training, and only in real combat can these fledgling soldiers get the best training and improvement.

Chen Jie said so and did so. Just when he came back in the evening, he went out specially once to check the situation of the zombies around him.

In a small town less than ten miles away from here, the activities of zombies are very frequent. More than 100 of him have passed there, and he can almost cope with it.

"Brothers, tonight, I'm taking you to the real battlefield. Do you have confidence? If anyone has no courage or dare not go, you can tell me now! Don't run away on the battlefield. Chen Jie looked around at the crowd, and his momentum suddenly changed. At this time, Chen Jie absolutely did not like Chen Jie, who looked very cute, humorous and talkative before your format.

At this time, Chen Jie is like a knife, a sharp knife, and anyone can't help trembling.

After the people who were still playing saw Chen Jie's face, they couldn't help but be shocked. They were so scared that they quickly shrank their necks and looked serious.

Chen Jie's eyes slowly glanced at everyone standing in front of him like a knife, and everyone's expression was captured by him without revealing anything.

"We are a group of disciplined soldiers who dare to fight. If you don't have the courage to fight for your future and your future, stand up now! I won't say anything, and no one will say anything.

Chen Jie's voice sounded like an alarm bell in everyone's heart, which echoed in everyone's heart and ignited the flame in their hearts.

Life forced them to look like they are now. They don't want to continue like this. No one stands up, and everyone's face shows a very solemn look.

They are going to become a real warrior who dares to roll in blood, not a warrior who will only bully the people.

This is not what they want, and it's not what Chen Jie wants at all.

What Chen Jie wants at this time is to stand in the hearts of the group of people in front of him, which is their real fighting heart.

"Hasn't anyone stood up?" Chen Jie looked around and asked. Where Chen Jie's eyes swept, everyone raised their heads arrogantly. They wanted Chen Jie to prove his determination and courage.

"Good! Since no one stands up, I will say the ugly words first. You can stand up here, but on the battlefield, the only thing you need to do is. Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy! This is the only thing you need to do! If I find that someone dares to run away or do something else in battle, I promise, and the gun in my hand will not agree. Do you understand?" Chen Jie shouted loudly.

"I understand!" Never before would the sound be so loud and thick today, and everyone's voice seemed to come out of one mouth.

With unparalleled momentum and strong determination.

Even the women around watching the bustle also felt the momentum on them, which is the momentum that soldiers should have.

In this one, the father is proud of his son and the wife is proud of her husband.

The blood of the battle is burning, and Chen Jie takes this group of soldiers who have just embarked on this road and let them become real warriors.

Only those who have experienced battles are qualified to say that they are real warriors.


Daming Town, a town with a population of about 100,000, has lost its original appearance. Now, this is the world of zombies.

However, during the exploration, Chen Jie found something that surprised him very much. The zombies here were a little different from those in other places.

