Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

ultra-high winning bid

Ha ha! Now that the enemy's Lushan face has been untied, he will not be so afraid. The most important thing for adventurers and corpse hunters living in the end of the world is to win step by step and prepare for a rainy day, and everything must be in their own hands. The hidden corpse is certainly terrible, but in the battle just now, Wei Dong has roughly understood the strength of the enemy, which is nothing more than a fairly powerful zombie.

With a sharp axe wave, the two corpses died at the same time, and there is no doubt that the open area in front of them is obvious. In the hands of Wei Dong, who died several corpses behind him, several cold blood shadows crossed, and the last few zombies fell at their feet unwillingly. The hidden corpses could not control their manic bloodthirsty and roared. Wei Dong was well prepared. After solving the surrounding corpses, there was no harassment from the enemy group. His confidence soared on the first floor of the blood axe. The blood axe was as urgent as a caged beast, and the target was facing the hidden corpse head. The fighters' favorite way of fighting is this straightforward, open and closed tactics. After all, they are fighting to the death. Of course, it is a winning move! When Wei Dong was confident and sent a bloody axe with a fierce blow, the scene of hidden corpse killing flashed in his mind. The next second, I trembled and was shocked. The hidden corpse moved forward in a panic, and the blood claws of his right arm steadily catch the attack launched by Wei Dong. In addition to amazement, the offensive in his hand has not diminished. When the sharp axe was picked up by the hidden corpse arm, Wei Dong did not stop. His left hand cooperated with his right hand to manage his hair, tightly grasped the handle of the axe, and poured this point with all his strength. While holding the handle of the axe, a dark force was pressed down. The intelligence of the hidden corpse is obviously not so high. It's a trick! The whole body was crushed by its own cow force, bent its knees, and knelt down on the floor tiles. The corpse knelt down like a spider web to crack a small invisible crack. At this time, the hidden corpse has been extremely violent, and the disaster began. Using the secret fast body method, it often captures many living people who have fled. How can they meet such a difficult role today? The hidden corpse ran its poor IQ and began to looked at the living person in front of him angrily.

Seeing this, the situation was biased towards his side, and the sharp axe in his hand suddenly raised. The next moment, the fierce axe mixed with the roar of the wind cut down again. The hidden corpse could no longer be indifferent and turned the attack into a parallel support of the defensive arm. With a harsh sound of broken bones, the hidden corpse escaped from the disaster at the cost of an arm and a section of the body and a bone of the body. The bone spurs came out of the conspicuous rupture, and the dirty blood slowly dripped down one end.

Wo!!! The hidden corpse lost an arm in pain, and his arrogant heart was severely beaten by Wei Dong. He ignored the broken arm and crazily pulled out the only spared left claw, and the five blood claws curled up with a heart-drawing gesture to take straight to Wei Dong's heart. Wei Dong was so close to the hidden corpse. Seeing that the attack of the hidden corpse was so fierce that he could no longer defeat the hidden corpse, he had to give up and move sideways. The hidden corpse claws were close to his collar. The keen senses clearly sensed that the hidden corpse blood claws had attacked and brought strong wind. The disgusting corpse on the blood claws almost fainted Wei Dong, and a small brain appeared in his brain. Dizzy, the hidden corpse grabbed Wei Dong's short gap, and the direction of the blood claws changed to the side of Wei Dong's body and attacked fiercely, from scratching to scratching. With a wave, he wanted to tear Wei Dong's blood body.

"Drink!" When Wei Dong was sober, he was killed by a hidden corpse. Suddenly, the brain exploded into a piece, and the hidden corpse's blood claws attacked, and he could not attack or defend. The disaster of killing and damaging the body roared. Seeing that it could not be avoided, he jumped back slightly and dodged again!

It's so dangerous! Wei Dong exclaimed, "This hidden corpse is too strong. zombie with intelligence and no intelligence is different. The hidden corpse of the opposite sex can actually attack such a tricky and fierce that I can't stand it..."

In addition to amazement, the bloody eyes of the hidden corpse became more and more scarlet, with a desperate posture, roaring and momentum to attack again. Wei Dong's eyes swept away, and his eyes fell on the hidden corpse. Suddenly, his expression changed, as if he understood the shocking secret. The deep eyes flashed, and the ruthless face was replaced by a sinister and strange smile, and a big exclamation came to his heart. No matter how strong the hidden corpse is, its unnatural IQ will disappear in the nature of zombies. Even if the zombies evolve to the peak of physical strength, their inner negative emotional factors such as brutality, ferocity, anger, madness and so on will firmly hook them. Now the hidden corpse in front of them has wandered in a state of madness. A person or enemy full of hatred and anger is not terrible, but a clear enemy..."

Wo! ~~~ The mind flashed, and a good strategy to defeat the enemy gradually emerged. Wei Dong didn't wait for the hidden corpse attack, but he strode to meet it with the electric wind speed. The tomahawk immediately hit the well-known move of the passers-by to smash Huashan Mountain and fiercely at the head of the hidden corpse. The tomahawk was strong and powerful, and the bull power flew down quickly like a falling stone. At this time, the hidden corpse no longer had a calm offensive. He used his one-arm blood claws in a chaotic position in Wei Dong's position, scratching, scratching, digging, picking and other killing moves.

Seeing this, Wei Dong cooperated with his upper body to avoid the shelling of the hidden corpse frequently. In addition to avoiding, Wei Dong closely searched for the fatal gap of the hidden corpse. After a while, he could see a little sweat on his forehead and didn't even pay attention to wipe it. Hawk's eyes angrily glanced at the hidden corpse in front of him.

"Hmm! It's now!" The figure turned to the right, and the hidden corpse claws roared. After Wei Dong found that the hidden corpse had a regular attack sequence, he decisively responded. Avoiding the attack of the hidden corpse, the chassis of the corpse followed the claws and showed half of the back to Wei Dong. Wei Dong did not think about it. The blood axe in his hand hit the back of the hidden corpse fiercely, and did not consider killing it with a blow. At present, the hidden corpse is a victory.

Drink!! The fierce axe vented on this blow with the fire in his heart.

Wo! ~~~~ The hidden corpse roared on the spot, and the spine of the back broke into a ball. No matter how strong the hidden corpse is, it can't resist the limitations of the body structure. The body staggered at Wei Dong's feet, without the control of the lower spine. The hidden body was like a whale in the sand, shaking the effective torso of the upper body. Finally, a broken arm turned over, and the tomahawk in Wei Dong's hand waved again.

Puff! The two halves of the head of the hidden corpse, and the fragments of the brain are blurred, and they can't die anymore.

Ye Fei had already slaughtered the remaining zombies and came to Wei Dong's side. Wei Dong exhaled a breath of meat and said slowly, "Well! I'm so lucky that I have often encountered heterosexual corpses, powerful corpses and other zombies for several days. Such a high bid would not have been so high in the previous life!"

In fact, this is not the case. In the previous life, the survivors' base was generally located in a rare interpersonal area, but there were not many heterosexual corpses. Weidong's opposite base was built in dense urban locations. It's no wonder that there were not so many powerful corpses! ~~