Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

On the ancient knife

The embarrassment just now is still vivid. Wei Dong has not been with Ye Fei and Xu Zheng for a short time. After all, shameful things are not a glorious thing. Chatting and boring visits to the simple and hidden magnificent court building in front of you...

Wei Dong wandered alone and went into an office from time to time. In the end of the world, the corpse hunter is also half a shabby merchant. If you travel to a place, you can't help groping here and see that there will be unexpected gains! Like antique dealers, they are as knowledgeable as picking up leaks. Some important buildings before the end of the world must be taken care of first, such as military camps, hospitals, office buildings, etc. Usually, when corpse hunters collect items in the base can exchange for certain necessities. Wei Dong remembered the most memorable thing. What did a sloppy drunkard corpse hunter in the end of his previous life look like... The members of the corpse hunter team did not accept the oil bottle and took him to start hunting together. I don't know where the good luck of this sloppy drunkard found a hidden military warehouse. After a quiet and orderly operation, the corpse hunter team sold the warehouse, and the sloppy drunkard got a large number of doomsday resources. Anyway, he had a very well in the end! Thinking of this, Wei Dong couldn't help smiling secretly. After all, this kind of thing is unavoidable. If this idea is the driving force, it is estimated that it will not be long before he will be buried in the sea of corpses. Big feet strode forward, leaving the sound of feet in the aisle...

Wei Dong came to the door of the innermost office on the first floor and looked up slightly and a marble sign appeared in his eyes. Five powerful characters, the president's office. Well, that's it. Go in and have a look. Maybe it's a big fish!" He walked in with a smile.

The wooden door is half-closed and half-open, and the pride inside is not weak. Wei Dong gently kicked away with a shout, and the scene in the room was fully panoramic. As long as you are a qualified corpse hunter, you will feel that your hands are more useful than your feet, and your feet will only be used to escape. What about your hands? But they will open a way for themselves to survive, and ordinary corpse hunters usually cherish their hands for a second life. Wei Dong kicked the door and knew that he was a strong man in the end of the world.

Looking around, the simple and elegant decoration shows that the original owner is an enjoyable person. He doesn't care about it and starts to look for his own things and walk back and forth.

The redwood floor walked with Wei Dong's footsteps and made a banging sound. After a while of unsuccessful search, Wei Dong accidentally found a large number of bright materials in a drawer of his desk, er! Isn't this what Ying Bojing's hand just now? Wei Dong suddenly became angry and said hatefully, "Why are this man's hobbies and Ying Bojing so special? It really makes me confused!!" Stealing chickens doesn't make you lose a handful of rice. Why are you so unlucky today! He shook his head helplessly and walked out. ~~~~ the sound of footsteps!

When Wei Dong walked out of the office for a meter or two, his expression changed, the tip of his ear moved slightly, and his feet moved mechanically, ~~~

No! What's going on? Standing still and thinking for a moment, I suddenly understood that there was a voice in my heart: "There is a dark grid!" The sword eyebrows beat and he was reincarnating back to the office.

Wei Dong walked back and forth to explore the differences, ~~~ Yes! There is nothing wrong with this sound. There must be an underground organ. Hawkeye half squinted looking for the hidden device that triggered the opening.

Drink~It's here! When Wei Dong's cold eyes swept through a corner of the decoration, he immediately clearly found the opening device. Lower your body and look at it carefully. The situation is not good! The all-high metal mirror touch electronic lock with a wry smile. When is it now? There is still electricity there. It is estimated that this mirror touch electronic lock is useless and can only be forcibly destroyed.

Immediately took out the sharp axe from the back and cut it down with five or six efforts. The fierce axe dragon wants to tear the redwood floor on the bullseye. After several sounds of tartar metal collisions, the metal seal hidden under the floor smashed a monster-billed hole. Next, a burst of pry, busy, hidden in the dark ** in the sun!

Wei Dong took out the things hidden in the high-strength sealed box and put them on the table. He sat in the boss's chair and carefully observed his hard work. A matte mirror smooth metal office suitcase, which looks like a good thing from a distance, otherwise it won't be so dense, waterproof, flammable and so on... Wei Dong swept away the lack of energy just now and opened the suitcase with great interest.

Wei Dong, who was in a hot mood, shivered when his fingers touched the suitcase. What's going on! Don't pay attention to continue..

When a thin seam was opened in the suitcase, there was a sudden abnormality in the suitcase, and an invisible chill hit Wei Dong's heart. Wei Dong's heart was suspicious, and the movement in his hand accelerated a little. He opened the suitcase, and suddenly burst into a dazzling light, and a brief blur appeared in his vision. Take a close look and solve the mystery. Dozens of yellow and bright gold bricks lie seductively and neatly in the groove of the suitcase, horizontally and vertically and horizontally, and ten or twenty cigarette box-sized gold bricks are arranged flat. Then he swept aside, and the two transparent glassware were tightly sealed. Wei Dong picked it up and recognized the substance inside with his eyes, drilling! Wei Dong was not attracted by the attractive property in front of him, but became more angry. He said angrily, "Old 11 got this thing after a hard time!" I can't help complaining. If it were before the end of the world, people would have a crazy pursuit of these yellow and white things, but now no one cares about them. Drink! In the end of the world, some base owners and consortiums still hold the restart of civilized society and have a strong greed for some yellow and white things, but in the early stage of the disaster, passers-by will understand that food is worth more than those things. In Wei Dong's eyes, this is nothing more than garbage!

Take out the annoying vulgar things in the box and begin to explore other places.

After Wei Dong opened his suitcase, his keen thoughts always felt as if he were shrouded in a cold fog, but he couldn't say. The negative state of the zombie crystal nucleus in my heart became more and more intense at this time, with small fluctuations in my heart, such as bloodthirsty, killing, fighting, etc. When Wei Dong's doubts were puzzled, something wrapped in a red silk cloth appeared in sight.

Well! When Wei Dong's eyes turned there, he couldn't help teasing himself, the kind of cold trembling that can only be found in the cold wind! The sweat on the forehead was obviously very surprised! Wei Dong felt that this thing was strange and did not dare to touch it easily. After all, strange things are too strange in the end of the world. If he inadvertently produces bitter results, he will have to make up for the loss. Let's be conservative!