Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

Base Prospect Construction

As soon as Xu Zheng returned to the base, he hurried to the conference room and reported to himself about the control center.

"Xu Zheng, speak slowly!"

"Good class!" Xu Zhengqing moistened his throat with a cup and said in detail, "I learned from the control center that the facilities inside are very comprehensive!"

"What is the comprehensive law?" I asked Xu Zheng puzzledly that the purpose of appointing Xu Zheng at the beginning was that Xu Zheng, who was from the military, should know more about the control center!

Xu Zheng said, "I initially detected that this control center should be built according to the specifications of a level 3 underground bunker!"

"Eh? Another level 3 bunker! When Yunhao Daonan introduced to himself at the beginning, he seemed to be talking about level 3 or something. He didn't take Xu Zheng's words in mind, and suddenly became more interested in the knowledge of the control center. He asked Xu Zheng, "Xu Zheng, tell me what a level 3 bunker is!"

"Good!" Xu Zheng said, "Military facilities have their own building specifications. Level 1---6. Level 6 is a single bunker quickly built by individual soldiers, and there is no problem with blocking a bullet cold wind and so on. Level 5 has made a qualitative leap. Have you ever seen the air-raid shelter?

Click to understand!

Xu Zheng continued: "The air-raid shelter is a level 5 bunker. As for level 4 social personnel, few people know, and usually some military enthusiasts know something about it. Have you heard of the military fortress? Military fortresses are generally valued by the military as an important strategic position. Of course, it is not painful to spend a lot of money to build them!"

Ye Fei urgently asked, "Since the level 4 military bunker is so important, how powerful should the level 3 control center in our hands be!"

Xu Zheng smiled bitterly and said, "Ha ha! ~~Level 3 military bunker is only an early product of the modernization theory in the 1980s and is a central processing headquarters. In order to reflect the combat value, the level 3 military can no longer be a bunker. It is a huge command base, like an independent underground village, with a large amount of materials, food, drinking water, etc. It can maintain the consumption of 10,000 or 20,000 people in the base for 2 years. The modern and rapid battle should come to an end in a year or two, and the senior intelligent personnel in the base will return to the ground safe and sound! Of course, this is not the most frightening. A senior civil engineering expert has studied it, such as a level 3 underground base, as long as it is not directly hit by nuclear weapons, the personnel inside will not lose much!"

Hearing this, I couldn't help taking a breath of cold air and asked, "Xu Zheng! What about the upper level 2 and level 1?

Xu Zheng obviously had no answer to his question. A few seconds later, Xu Zheng smiled awkwardly and said, "Captain! I'm just a small soldier. The instructor inadvertently told us the information of level 2 and level 1 bases.

"Oh!" In a faint response, I heard that the control center was such a strong architectural system, and my heart had long been full of blood. If it hadn't been for the people around, I would have run around naked to vent my excitement. The corners of his mouth twitched a few times and asked with a usual expression, "Xu Zheng, tell me about the internal situation of the control center. You are an expert in this field!"

"Okay!" Xu Zheng said proudly, "The situation in the control center is as follows. Two or three military cartoons at the four main entrances and exits, and the underground horizontal and vertical passages can lead to the corner of the whole talent city! The drainage and smoke exhaust system is intact. The most important thing is that the control center adopts an independent power system, with diesel and steam dual-powered 66 engines to generate electricity, and the facilities of various control centers are still intact, so it is not a problem to maintain the operation of 20,000 to 30,000 people.

After listening to Xu Zheng's introduction, I thought to myself: "That is, the underground control center can reach anywhere in Tianfu City. It's great. With such convenience in the future, can't you eliminate the zombies in Tianfu City? It's just a matter of time~~~" A trouble appeared in his mind and asked, "Xu Zheng! Did you hear Yunhao Daonan say about the 32-bit key?

Xu Zheng thumped and said, "Listen to Yunhao Daonan, they only have 16 keys in their hands, and they can only start the ordinary operation in the control center!" Isn't it?" He turned to Wei Dong in amazement and asked.

He said seriously, "Yes! That's right! Get all the military forces around you to strengthen your strength!"

Xu Zheng explained seriously: "Captain! I have also thought about this problem, but how to unlock the 32-bit key?

"The control center will not fly away in our hands, and there will be more time to crack it in the future! I believe that as long as you can find an elite in cracking, isn't it easy to get?

Xu Zheng said, "Captain! At the beginning of the catastrophe, the surrounding forces fought separately and formed anarchy. Even if we get a 32-bit key, we will achieve very little!"

said with a simple smile, "Xu Zheng, grasshopper legs are also meat, learn!"

Ye Fei and Xu Zheng looked at themselves at the same time and felt disdainful! ~~~

He smiled and quickly reconciled the scene and said to Xu Ye, "From now on, we are going to show our skills to speed up the pace of the expedition, and we need more trustworthy people!" Turning to Xu Zheng, he continued to ask, "Xu Zheng! How about the Wang Hu I asked you to pay attention to? There won't be any variables!" After all, the end of the world is full of uncertain factors. You should be careful in everything, especially when selecting people. The betrayal of former teammates in the end of the world is not a secret sting when you think of injury!

Xu Zheng repeated his original serious look and said affirmatively, "Captain, don't worry! Ye Fei and I each managed the group, and we all lived together with the team members. If there was anything second-minded, I would find out at the first time. This person can believe it"

I hope there won't be any situation. Since you use people, there is no doubt about using people. Xu Zheng's guarantee and his own consciousness decided Wang Hu's position in the meeting!

said, "Xu Zheng and Ye Fei now have 162 players. After the control center arrives, I plan to station a team there, and hereby break up the original two groups into three groups."

Xu Zheng said, "Captain, do you want to develop two bases!"

"Yes! The cunning rabbit still has three caves. We should be more careful in the end of the world. The most important thing is to strengthen our strength!"

"I see, captain, how did you arrange it!"

After the battle group was divided into three groups, Wang Hu was appointed as the leader of the three groups. Xu Zheng and Ye Fei, one of your groups are going to the control center to stare!" Of course, I also have to keep a hand. If I don't fully trust Wang Hu, I will still leave him by my side and slowly observe! Xu Zheng and Yefei are the partners they brought out before the end of the world, and they are very relieved to send them to the control center!

Xu Zheng, Ye Fei also knew his concerns and volunteered to stay by his side without saying a word!

Thinking about it, he finally decided to let Xu Zheng, who was familiar with the situation, go to the control center, and the little think tank Ye Fei stayed by his side.

Ye Fei saw that he had something else to say and asked, "Captain! There is nothing else that hasn't been said!"

It's worthy of being a partner for such a long time, saying what's on his mind. He said, "Where did Ye Fan go? We can't go on without him!"

As Ye Fan's brother, Ye Fei answered most clearly, "Ye Fan! What about the inventory of the materials harvested today in the warehouse?

"Oh? Are you still busy this late? I don't understand.

Xu Zheng also explained very clearly: "Captain, you are really a shopkeeper! I don't know how hard the logistics is. I'm going to help the two leaders if I have nothing to do.


"Yes! As the chief deacon of logistics, Ye Fan not only needs to count the materials obtained on that day, but also needs to settle the crystal nuclear labor matters of the team members. It's really not easy for so many things to fall on Ye Fan!" Xu Zheng said.

Thinking of this, my face is also blushing. It is true that the owner of the base here is not very conscientious. The same important logistics has not asked for a long time. In retrosceively, Ye Fan really did a good job and did not make mistakes or complain about himself. In addition to secretly happy, I decided to appoint several helpers to Ye Fan to build the infrastructure in the base in detail! The division of labor of various departments is clear and orderly, so that the base can continue to develop in an orderly manner. Thinking of this, he said to Xu Zheng and Ye Fei, "Ye Fan's logistics should be studied!" You can't give all the porridge to Ye Fan!"

"Yes! I think a department corresponding to all affairs should be established in the base, of course, which is related to us!" Xu Zheng said.

Ye Fei said with approval, "Well! The quality of the crystal nuclei hunted by the team members is incomplete, and if the low-level crystal nuclei that can't be used cannot be used, they will eventually lose their value. There are also food and sundries and other items harvested outside the base, which are abandoned because they cannot be used for a long time. So we should establish an exchange mechanism! We alone control the right to exchange!"

Xu Zheng said, "Why don't you let them exchange or open a commercial street on their own?"

"Hehe! I have thought about it for a long time, but without a market rule, the three of us can't control the progress of the situation, and it's easy to make the whole base smoky. It will be different after we control the conversion of all materials. Under the fair and just exchange mechanism, I believe no one will refuse! It's very good for us."

Xu Zheng asked, "Is it feasible?"

After listening to these, I also had a bottom in my heart and said, "It's feasible! Now that the members of the base are no longer aware of the secrets, we must control the trade rules in the base and not let some people with opposites have time! Of course, there may be other power trade in the future, and the market trade here will be stable. The base comes forward to trade with other forces, which is much stronger than the transactions of the members of the base!!"

Finally, under heated discussion, the related things in the base launched solutions one by one! A well-structured department has been established!

Logistics is divided into several departments, and each department has its own duties in detail. The Ministry of Trade is responsible for exchanging team members to obtain various items from outside the base. Of course, each item has a corresponding subordinate department. Team members can exchange the things in their hands for crystals of the same value. When they have to buy what they need, they can use the crystals in their hands as currency and purchase them from the subordinate departments that sell such items. At the same time, the logistics supply department emerged. Team members only need to arrive at the supply department and purchase the subordinate department that supplies such items! Ye Fan manages all relevant affairs as the logistics supervisor. As for the personnel of the supply department and the trade department, he chooses from the women, children and the weak in the base, as long as he is moral and excellent without bad matters. Let them keep their duties and pay the corresponding labor every day. In this way, the software facilities of the base have been initially formed, and I am relieved!

(First offer 3000 one update, and the remaining 4,000 one update! Friends, don't rush it, give it to you right away! The thief promises to give you more than 8,000 works every day! Support! If you have support, you will be motivated! Red ticket, monthly ticket! Come on! Come!!)