Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

Winter Four

Seeing Ying Bo's flat face, every team member wanted to teach him a lesson.

He waved his hand and said, "Earling Bojing, hurry up!"

Yingbo saw it for a long time and said pitilessly, "I used to work in the security company in Tianfu City, and my positions were all random. I was lucky to work here!"

Xu Zheng asked, "What's the matter?"

Ying Bojing impatiently returned Xu Zheng's inquiry and said, "Listen to me, or listen to you!"

Xu Zheng is secretly angry. If it hadn't been for his own suppression, I'm really afraid that Ying Bojing would not have been accidentally injured today!

Ying Bojing's obscene handful of meat breasts continued, "I have worked here and know the scene inside clearly. Because..." I didn't say anything about guilt.

Looking at Ying Bojing's hand rubbing, he immediately understood that Ying Bojing was a black and white hand, and he did not expose it. He said, "Continue!"

Ying Bo was refreshed and said in a loud voice, "I used to be very good with the old man in the water and electricity room here, and I often farted in his place. After a long time, we got along with him, and soon we discussed a plan to "move goods" together. After saying that, I deliberately added the word "general goods" very heavily!

Xu Zheng laughed and said, "It's stealing!"

Ying Bojing replied without shame or anger, "If you don't tell it, you are still a good friend!"

After saying that, Xu Zheng raised his middle finger directly!

Yingbo said bluntly, "Of course, you have to be familiar with the route to move goods!" The hydropower room controls the water and electricity affairs of the whole Times Square, and successfully opened a channel under the guidance of Lao San. We just shipped a large shipment from the sewer *, and we have harvested a lot of that ticket, which has been two or three months!

Xu Zheng asked, "Is it feasible? That's a sewer!"

He said affirmatively, "It's feasible! Your concerns are understandable. Don't worry, now that human beings no longer use sewage channels in the end of the world, and it has been frozen in the cold winter. I believe our actions will not have much impact!"

With a careful plan, the team rushed out.

In the telescope, Ye Fei, Xu Zheng and Wang Hu have all reached their respective combat positions and said to themselves through the walkie-talkie: "After a while, try not to make a sound when entering the waterway. The team's umbrella moves to the destination!"

"I understand!"

Under the leadership of Ying Bojing, they came to the waterway to open the entrance, and everyone bent down and filed in one by one.

Walking at the front of the team, the underground waterway where the body is located, standing at shoulder height, and reaching out can easily touch the walls on both sides of the waterway. Looking around, as expected, the three feet of underground sewage in the waterway has been frozen, and it is extremely smooth to walk. Everyone half lowered their heads and went forward unbearably.

Tick! Tick!

The only sound in the underground, everyone was wary of the small steps around, and the cat slowly moved to the destination with its hands on both sides of the pipe walls.

Cough! ~~ A member of the team inhaled cold air and couldn't help coughing.

Cough! ~~The sound spread far away in the closed pipe...

I suddenly tightened my mind and my pores all over my body stood up. Suddenly, I felt that there was danger around me, regardless of the loss of mental strength, and half of the mental power in my mind was about to escape. In the underground and sewers, in a tight tubular environment, there is no factor that hinders your spiritual exploration. The spirit rushed to the beach like a sharp wave, with a water pipe wall supporting it, and quickly rushed to the distance.

After exploring, he turned around and asked Ye Fei, "Do you feel anything?"

Ye Fei shook his head and vetoed, "No, nothing!"

"Am I suspicious!" He thought to himself, "Ha ha, is it people's sixth sense?" Seeing everyone as always, I feel relieved.

The image transmitted back by mental power is when it is about to take back the detection of mental power in the brain. A bloated young mouse appeared in the mental influence area of the brain. In the end of the world, I haven't seen other animals for a long time, and I interestedly swept a wisp of spiritual power on the young mouse.

The young mouse supported its hind limbs and aimed at the direction of the team's movement with its head the size of a pinball. Its ears kept shaking as if it were receiving a message. Finally, a pocket nose sniffed the smell in the air. When his mental strength detected the whole body of the young mouse, his body trembled. Ye Fei saw that his body was abnormal and quickly asked, "What's wrong, captain?"

Spiritual detection clearly saw the appearance of the young rat, strong and sharp front paws, the remaining meat between the rat's teeth, a batch of bright red hair, two long. A magical scarlet ruby in the dark. Regardless of his posture, he quickly booed the team members before and behind him! He lowered his voice and ordered Xu Zheng, Ye Fei and Wang Hu, "Order the team to keep quiet! Stand by!"

Seeing that he was so abnormal, Ye Fei lowered his volume and asked wisely, "Captain, is it dangerous?"

He no longer answered Ye Fei, and the spiritual power in his mind gushed out crazily and drove towards the position of the young mouse just now.

"Well!" The cold sweat on his forehead instantly covered his cheeks, "As expected!" After the young mouse chirred several times, the number of similar species slowly increased. Similarly, every mouse has a pair of scarlet eyes.

When I saw this, I could no longer calm my inner shock. The eagle Bojing was pulled over, and the leopard said angrily, "Hurry up and find the exit. We don't have much time!" The voice is not loud, but the expression is unusually ferocious.

Yingbojing saw his situation and stopped farting perfunctorily, and his feet were a little faster! The group behind him followed closely.

The narrow, low and narrow underground sewer was very aggrieved, and soon sweated. The team members also knew the reason why they ordered something, so they no longer asked to speed up their feet and move their hands and feet together.

In addition to rushing, I stayed my mental strength in the gathering place of young mice. In the space at the other end of the waterway, tens of thousands of red-eyed giant rats have been assembled.

A well-hearing team member muttered to his friend next to him, "Brother, do you hear me?"

"What did you hear?"

"Listen carefully, there is a voice behind us, getting closer and closer!"

Another person quickly put his ear to the wall of the pipe, so that he could hear the sound from the distance more clearly. Yes! It seems so!"

After talking, the two walked over and said, "Don't stop, keep up with the team!"

Looking at themselves, the cold-blooded demon in the popular legend, the two of them chased the back of the team like a rabbit stepping on their tails!

With a cold sweat on his cheek, he was not very relaxed. He deliberately covered up the matter, but he was afraid that the team would completely collapse and escape when he heard the news, and finally died in the sea of bloody rats. Slowly recall the situation of the blood-toothed rat sea in the previous life.

A mutant animal in the end of the blood-tooth mouse, a product conceived under the invasion of the virus. Blood-toothed rats were known for their tenacious vitality before the end of the world. They hid in garbage and sewers, relying on food discarded by humans to thrive. After the catastrophe outbreak, mice were also infected with the virus. Unlike humans, they can't resist the virus and turn into zombies. The survival ability and resistance of rats are very strong, and usually half of the mouse population in an area is mutated. A single blood-toothed rat can kill a woman with bare hands. Unfortunately, the mutated blood-toothed rat will continue to gather together according to the original community race, and its intelligence will also improve significantly. Managed by the blood-toothed rat king, as soon as the target of the attack is found, the rats will turn into an boundless sea of rats and devour them up. Inexhaustible, the endless sea of rats can eat everything along the road. Generally, blood-toothed rats usually live in a dark and humid environment, which may be the reason why they are afraid of light. There is a saying in the end of the world that can avoid blood, yin, golden wings and bones (a powerful mutant beast and bird), and will not encounter the sea of blood-toothed rats! You can see how dangerous the sea of rats composed of blood-toothed rats is!

After a while, the team walked two or three hundred meters, and the rat sound behind them became clearer and clearer. Everyone turned around and cast a questioning look at Wei Dong.

I have completely discovered the blood-toothed rat group, and there is no hidden possibility. Immediately roared, "Come on, everyone, run out of the exit!" There is an enemy attack behind the team!" After saying that, the girl rushed forward. Using his hands and feet, his body floated forward, and his back foot struggled to pedal. A little ice crumbs splashed at the origin, and his body soared in the waterway and jumped two or three meters away the next second. Without help, his body fell to a distance of three or four times on the ice, regardless of the frozen hands on the ice. Put your hands firmly on the ice. After several gasps, he radicalized dozens of meters forward. Everyone saw that Wei Dong's method was wonderful, and he started to exercise in a row.


The blood-toothed rats form a torrent of black water coming from afar.

My spiritual strength has been locking in the movement of the blood-toothed rat group. Heaven did not help himself. With its keen sense of smell, the blood-toothed rat group did not easily catch up with the team. In the dark underground water, the scarlet eyes of the blood-toothed rats can be seen vaguely from more than 100 meters away, and the wind rushes 5 meters per second.

He could no longer quietly hide from the sea of blood-toothed rats and shouted at Xu Zheng in front of the team: "Quick! If you don't want to die, run quickly! If we catch up, we will all hang here!"

With their own booster, everyone ran desperately to the exit!

At this time, the strength and physique of the Mahayana period of the strong military period are vivid. Several rainstorms under the palm of the cow's feet rushed to the front of the team. He roared at the eagle beside him, "How far is the exit!" Time is tight, and I don't want to waste the precious time of escape.

Ying Bojing gasped and said, "It's almost there, right in front!"

Looking in the direction pointed out by Ying Bojing, "Well! It's still more than 30 meters away!" The iron palm under his feet rushed and thought anxiously, "This can't be done! The blood-toothed rats chased closely behind them, and the team could barely keep up with the speed of progress. When an iron ladder leading up and down in front of him was placed in front of him, it completely troubled Wei Dong. Thinking: "Even if all of us get there, it will take a minute or two to climb the iron ladder to reach the ground! Looking at the blood-toothed rat group behind us, it will not leave us time. It is preliminarily estimated that it will come into contact with the tail of the team in more than ten seconds, and then wait for the result of the destruction of the whole army!"

(Well! Give another 3,000 update. Ha ha! The daily update of 1W is very hard, friends, please support it! Hit the red ticket in your hand to the thief! Work harder today and update the remaining 4,000!!)