Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

Winter Six

Follow Wang Hu's sight, "Well!" In addition to climbing up, he blocked the light source projected above, and a small shadow appeared under his feet. Although seven or eight blood-toothed mice were afraid of light, they saw that there was a gap under their feet. The electric light bounced to the shadow and climbed up the tree in an orderly manner along the hemp rope that fell to the bottom! Seeing this, he shouted, "This is still going to work!" Speed up your hand and move as many people as you can with your feet. Who would have thought that rats are far better than humans in climbing this. Even if they are stronger, they can't beat the speed of the blood-toothed rat. In the blink of an eye, a blood-toothed rat will be forced under the palm of their shoes. The sharp teeth gnawed up fiercely, and his feet curled up to avoid the danger of injury. The blood-toothed rat was hit and attacked again.

Seeing the fierce attack of the blood-toothed rat, he couldn't stand it and shook the rope to block the attack of the blood-toothed rat. Not to mention that it is really effective, the rope in the swaying arms shakes the seven meat and eight elements of the blood-toothed rat that followed under his feet. Whenever the blood-toothed rat launched an attack, he shook the rope in his hand vigorously, and the attack of the blood-toothed rat failed! Excited, the palms climbed up alternately. As the jade body approaches the exit, the obstruction of light becomes more serious. A black shadow the size of a truck tire appeared under his feet, and the blood-toothed rats no longer had to worry about it. The group rose to the rope where Wei Dong was located!

Temporarily got rid of the tail chase of the blood-toothed rat under him, and looked down. Drink~~~ The blood-toothed rat has formed a population to attack itself!" The hand crawls up quickly.

When his body was still one or two meters away, Xu Zheng handed over his big hand to pull himself up. A dark force burst out in his hand, and three times turned into two times upwards. The tip of his hand touched Xu Zheng's big hand, and a huge force came from his right hand, and his whole body flew up.

As soon as the toes stood steady, he took out the blood soul machete between his waist and cut off the hemp rope. The blood-toothed rat screamed and fell back into the darkness. He sat aside and gasped and said secretly, "Wow! ~~It's so dangerous that I won't be in the limelight again!" But at first thought, my efforts have paid a great reward. At least the team members did not intend to suffer casualties, and their own danger was worth it this time! ~~~

Seeing that they were out of trouble, Xu Zheng, Ye Fei, Wang Hu and others quickly came forward to ask how they were doing well.

"Captain! Are you all right? It was so dangerous just now!"


For a moment, the words of inquiry filled my ears and said, "I'm fine!" Looking around Zhou people carefully, everyone's eyes were wet to varying degrees, especially Wang Hu, a straight bloody man, who cried regardless of the old man's image. The sufferer turned around as a comforter and comforted the sad and weebove Wang Hu.

He smiled and patted Wang Hu on the back and said, "I'm fine. Wang Hu, don't be sad. Don't I stand here well now? Look!" After saying that, he turned around several times to let Wang Hu see if he was injured.

Wang Hu burst into tears at the corners of his eyes and laughed, "It's ridiculous!"

Ye Fei and Xu Zheng added: "Yes! When we saw you fall into the squirrels, you almost fainted. Fortunately, captain, you are safe and sound!"

"Hehe! ~~~~" After laughing, Xu Zheng pointed to the blood-toothed rats in the waterway and said, "Captain! What should I do? I'm afraid we're on our way back..."

He waved his hand and explained, "Who said that we can't go the same way? Let's see how I can eliminate the rats in the ground!" After saying that, a half-monthly smile appeared at the corners of his mouth and said hatefully in his heart, "Hum! I suffered a lot just now, and now it's time for me to fight back. He clenched his fists and claws angrily and looked at the blood-toothed rats at the bottom of the exit.

In the darkness of the underground water, there are countless scarlet bright eyes, with fierce eyes in their eyes, chirring sharply. After a while, several rats slowly poured into other passages around the waterway and joined a new round of war to fight against themselves.

Looking at the massive group of rats at the bottom, he laughed fearlessly and said, "Hmm!! Call it! Keep calling your companions! It's better to call the rat clans in the whole Tianfu City area. Looking at more and more gathering rats, a good strategy suddenly came up in my mind. Xu Zheng, Ye Fei and Wang Hu ordered: "Quickly get a large number of flammable materials and combustion aids! I'm going to kill today!"

"Yes!" The three took the team to look around.

He looked at the blood-toothed mouse under his feet and said with a yin smile, "Hum! When all the rats arrive, the next step is to change my peace!" He thought for a brief thought: "The group of rats gathered under your feet is a big threat underground. Why not kill it all now! In the future, if you go underground again, there will be no more pain today!"

When they were thinking, Xu Zheng, Ye Fei and Wang Hu led the team members back with a large number of combustibles and flame retardants in their hands. Take a general look, "Well! Yes, there are gasoline, sofa leather covers, quilt covers and sheets..." Carefully calculate how to wield the most lethality of the items in front of you and cause great damage to the blood-toothed rat population. After some thought, there was a detailed plan in my mind. Assign team members to splash sheets, leather covers, furniture and other items with gasoline according to their own plans. The team was divided into two groups, one responsible for breaking fuel and one responsible for throwing flammable items stained with fuel. With the preliminary plan, the next thing will be much simpler.

Everyone was busy and understood their own plans and relieved to serve what they had in their hands.

Of course, as a captain, although he did not participate in the production of flammable substances, he calmly paid attention to more and more blood-toothed rats under his feet. In the separate dome space at the exit of the underground waterway slowly, as the number of blood-toothed rats increases, such as the dough fermentation is higher and higher. Suddenly, he found that the blood-toothed rat was not afraid of the light and rushed up desperately. He sighed in his heart: "What's the matter? The blood-toothed rat is fierce and no longer afraid of the light source?" Curious, his eyes began to visit the blood-toothed rats in the lower world. Huh? Nothing?" I thought for a moment and said, "No! There must be a demon in abnormal calmness. Did you leave it there!" Immediately start the detection of mental power in the brain. Several mental powers that could not be seen with the naked eye gushed out of holes such as ears, roaring, eyes, and nose. They squirmed like tentacles and quickly thought of the rats.

Under the spiritual detection, the millions of scarlet eyes of the rats flashed dizzy. After a lot of hard work, I couldn't help but be a little disappointed. When my spiritual power detected the edge of the maximum range I could peep, I had to take it back. The spiritual power is reversed like a wave, and thousands of threads return to the brain.

"Huh? Is this?" When the last few remaining spiritual powers were about to return to their arms, they were surprised to find that in a hidden position in the underground waterway, hundreds of unusually strong male blood-tooth rats surrounded a snow-white-haired red-eyed female blood-toothed rat surrounded by a small piece of open space. I feel very confused when I see this. White blood-toothed rat? Female rat?" Mental strength suddenly paid attention to the white female blood-toothed rat. Mobilize the information in your mind to explain the strange blood-toothed rat in front of him. Finally, I came up with a shocking answer. Yes! Blood-toothed Rat King! The ruler of the blood-toothed rat population! How dare you be lucky to see it here! Although there was an explanation of the blood-toothed rat king in his previous life, no one has seen the true face of Lushan, and everything he has seen has become a skeleton. In addition to excitement, he patted his thigh fiercely, which made him feel a little painful. He grinned and said, "It's earned. Blood-tooth Rat King's fur and flesh are rare materials!" Because I know that zombies can hunt crystal nuclei to improve their self-physique, mutants also have some unique benefits. The stronger and rare mutant beasts are extremely precious. The hair of mutant beasts is a side dish to withstand the cold and rain, and the fur of high-level mutant beasts can also resist bullets and swords. There is no need to mention flesh and blood. The flesh and blood of a mutant animal of equal weight can be equivalent to the zombie crystal nucleus. Because the flesh and blood of mutant animals do not need to be cooked, eating them directly has obvious effect on strengthening the body. After eating the flesh and blood of the mutant beast, the strength of the same warrior is much stronger than that of the warrior who does not eat the flesh and blood of the mutant beast. Thinking of this, I can't wait to hunt the treasures on the blood-toothed rat king.

"Ha ha~~~" After a burst of secretly joy, a big problem is placed in front of you. How can you not hurt the Blood Tooth Rat King, trap him, and then hunt him! After thinking about it, Xu Zheng, Ye Fei and Wang Hu also completed the follow-up work and came to report to themselves.

"Captain! We are ready for what you arranged! Please have a look!"

At a general glance, the board is "not bad!" Give a thumbs up.

Xu Zheng asked, "Captain! When are you ready to start?" After saying that, his right hand made a throat cut.

"Do not panic! Wait a minute!! ~" During the words, dozens of minutes passed, and the blood-toothed rats under their feet piled higher, and there were still a few meters away from the edge of the ground.

Ye Fei didn't know what his plan was, so he cast anxious eyes and asked, "Captain! What are you waiting for?"

I continued to pay attention to my feet silently, but in fact, I kept scanning the position of the blood-tooth rat king. I don't know that the blood-tooth rat king's intelligence has improved, and there has been no abnormality for a long time, and he still retreats in the distance. This made me anxious and scolded, "Why don't you move? Do you want me to go down and treat you?" For a while, there was a secret battle between the two people and mice. Over time, the group of rats under their feet is getting higher and higher, and they are about to jump out. Xu Zheng, Ye Fei and Wang Hu urged them several times and were retreated by themselves one by one.

Looking at the mice slowly approaching under their feet, the dark and shiny needle-pointed fur and ferocious blood eyes, he also began to retreat and was ready to order the burning of rats immediately.

Just as he gave up, his mental power scanned the moving message from the end of the blood-tooth rat king. Move!" A secret cry. The blood-toothed rat king moved the lazy rat body and staggered towards the exit. The blood-toothed rat king may be mature, and the little brothers immediately broke through the high wall. The delicious flesh and blood** stimulated it to keep calm and move its little claws towards the target.

My mental strength detected such an important message, and despite the gaze of the team members around me, I twisted my waist and danced Mike Jack on the spot.

"Hey! ~~" Everyone's head is full of black lines. If you build it, you can collect it. The mental strength has been locking the position of the blood-tooth rat king, and see the blood-tooth rat king moving to the exit. Calculate the time it takes for the other party to escape, and immediately launch a fire attack as soon as the other party steps into the attack point designed by himself!

After the blood-toothed rat king stepped into the place he set. He decisively ordered, "Start!" After saying that, everyone couldn't wait to light the burning matter in their hands.

Wow! ~~~ Dozens of fires illuminated the room brightly over time, and the blood-toothed rat king under his feet suddenly felt wrong and impatiently went in the opposite direction under the escort of the blood-tooth mouse guard.

He stared at what happened under his feet with cold eyes and snorted, "Stay here!" Ordered to the team member responsible for throwing the burning object, "A group of attention, throw the burning object at all entrances of the underground waterway!" After saying that, dozens of red flames, pulling a snake's tail and roaring to several passages into the underground waterway. Five holes in the 8-hole waterway channel were blocked by fire, and four or five fires smashed the pot in the rats. After passing, they attacked in an orderly manner and rushed to the safe zone indiscriminately.

Seeing that the blood-toothed rat group was about to escape, after more than a dozen burning objects in their hands were ignited, they once again turned into meteors and threw them into the remaining 3-hole channel.

"Good!" He shouted and saw the fire completely block all the remaining escape channels of the rats. Beasts are afraid of fire and can't escape from every animal. The blood-toothed rat, who was afraid of the light source, was even more afraid of the flames and crashed into a ball for a while to avoid the fire around it.

I looked at the chaotic blood-toothed rats in the foot sewer and flew out of the air happily. However, after a while, the blood-toothed rat group had a little order under the control of the Rat King, making a circle around the Rat King to make an open space for him. The aberified fur of the blood-toothed rat king is so conspicuous in the black population of ordinary blood-toothed rats. Ye Fei also saw it and pointed to the position of the blood-toothed rat king and asked, "Captain! What is that?"

He smiled and said, "The Blood-toothed Rat King, a rare mutant beast. It's very precious. I can't tell you clearly now. I'll tell you in detail when I get back to the base in the evening!" After saying that, his eyes returned to the Blood-tooth Rat King.

He snorted coldly: "It's time for me to recover the original aggrieved interest!" Immediately ordered: "Group 2, pour down the gasoline in your hand!" Finally, he emphasized, "Don't pour oil into the white blood-toothed rat, do you understand?"

"Yes!" Dozens of round-waisted thick men began to pour down the fuel in front of him!

Woo-hoo~~~~~ The fuel fell down to a large number of positions in the mouse group. The originally oily hair of the blood-toothed rat is brighter after being stained with firewood. But before they took care of their fur, the burning fire around them splashed a little bit of fire. A blood-toothed rat ignited, and the pain of flame burning prompted the burning blood-toothed rat to run around to find out the fire. At this time, he was in his arms, and the blood-toothed rat that invaded the oil in the waterway had the momentum of sparking the field, and quickly bred ten mice from one rat. Soon, one to ten, ten to one hundred, one hundred to thousands, geometric numbers increasing. However, after a while, the whole group of blood-toothed rats fell into a sea of fire. As for the amazing mobility of the blood-toothed rat king, it collided around to avoid the damage of the fire under the protection of the blood-toothed rat guards.

When you look underground, everywhere the blood-tooth rat king goes, whether it is a burning blood-tooth rat or an unharmed blood-tooth rat, it will give up an open space for the rat king to take refuge, but it is still impossible to avoid some fire burns. Looking at the ground with great interest, the white fur of the blood-toothed rat king was covered with burning ashes, and a white mouse turned into a chipmunk, which was extremely ridiculous. However, there was no damage to the fur of the blood-toothed rat king, and he instantly aroused unprecedented interest in the fur of the blood-toothed rat. At the same time, he was admired by the strange group animals such as blood-toothed rats. The rats suffered and the blood-toothed rats caught fire. The Rat King gave priority to the hope of survival, and the blood-toothed rat in the flame burning could continue to obey the order of the Rat King and make an open space for its inventory! He withdrew his thoughts and looked at the blood-toothed rats in the fire under his feet.

(I didn't sleep last night, and my eyelids only fought. Er! Today, a large number of 10,000 chapters are dedicated to friends, 4,000 chapters are presented, and there are 6,000 chapters in the afternoon, please look forward to it! Supported by red tickets, you can also collect it!)