Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

Details of the mutant beast

"Mutant beasts are infected under the apocalyptic virus and resist the mutation of the virus. They are the same immune bodies as humans. However, mutant beasts have lived in the wild since ancient times, and birds and beasts have their own survival skills. Under the doomsday virus, after the mutant animals become immune, their physique becomes more fierce and fast, and they know that their intelligence will grow higher and higher. When it comes to the general intellectual growth of purple gold claws and the level of seven or eight-year-old human children!" Looking at the confused eyes of the three people, he added, "As for the mutant beasts, there is also a detailed level distribution."

told the three people, "If you see them in the future, you must see them clearly before acting, or you will suffer a big loss. Mutant beasts are different from zombies. Like humans, they are the darlings of biological immune bodies. With the improvement of intelligence, we will become extremely difficult to kill them, and there may be casualties. Their grades are as follows!"

"Iron claw cut throat level, sharp claw gravel level, blade claw broken gold level, purple gold extinguishing wind level, black eyes night dominate level, lone walker, beast king. Increase from low to high.

The three people got the answer, and the gap in their hearts became clear! But I saw a different color in the other party's eyes.

Ye Fei and others also knew that they could not question anything about Wei Dong, but the captain knew anything, and a stone pressed on their hearts could not be solved.

Wei Dong saw the expressions of the three people and understood what they were thinking. He blurted out with the pre-prepared excuse: "These things, one of my iron friends engaged in biological research, told me before the end of the world broke out, so I was prepared to live until now!" After saying that, he put on a secretly sad expression.

thought: "You can't say that you are a boundless thing such as rebirth. Taking advantage of scientific research accidents, you can point the destruction of the end of the world to a secret biological scientific research institution. Since your imaginary friend has died, it is much easier to die without proof. In this way, you can have an explanation for everything you know in the future. Thinking of this, he said bitterly, "This is a lie, and the first source of panic must be said!" Hey! Who knows the distress in his heart!"

Ye Fei and the other two also knew that there were some mistakes in asking, and the captain's authority was unquestionable. Thinking of this, I hinted in my heart that I could never make such a mistake again.

Ye Fei was the most agile and asked, "Captain, haven't you talked about the value of these mutant beasts?" Solve the current deadlock.

"Hehe! ~~Forget!" He also leaned on the old seller and farted and said, "Everyone knows from the introduction just now that mutant animals are made by all kinds of pre-end animals. Their different diversity leads to their different value. The blood-toothed rat king just now has little effect on food. Take the mutant dog as an example. Everyone knows that dogs were indispensable partners in human life before the end of the world. It is well known that dogs are domesticated by wolves, but it is also a long process. After the outbreak of the catastrophic virus, a large number of human-raised dogs became mutant animals under the invasion of the virus. Some survivors survived, and the dogs raised around them either lived or died. The dog next to the lucky survivor also became an immune system and survived, and the mutant dog had feelings with his owner before mutating. At this time, the survivors can instruct the mutant dog to fight for themselves.

Ye Fei's eyes lit up and asked, "Captain! If you say so, can mutant dogs still serve as assistants around them?

I was a little confused for a moment and explained in detail, "Please listen to me continue to talk!"

"Well, adventurers in the end of the world usually use some highly combat effectiveness mutant beasts to fight for themselves. Of course, it's not very simple. I also introduced it just now. Some mutant beasts have increased their intelligence a lot as they grow up in the end of the world, and some are comparable to human beings. You can think that animals keep their memories and know the crimes committed by human beings before the end of the world, such as abuse and eating! If human beings have been eaten and killed by animals for tens of thousands of years, they suddenly know this one day and have the capital to fight against human beings. Do you think they will easily lean down and fight for themselves? The mutant beast king who evolved to a certain strength in the late end of the world will gather the populations under his control and attack the gathering place of human beings. He wants to rule human beings and conquer the destruction that human beings have committed against them for tens of thousands of years! Therefore, it is difficult to have a mutant beast to help fight for himself, and it is even more difficult to have a strong mutant beast partner!" Speaking of this, I recall that most of the rich corpse hunters in the end of the previous life usually bought or risked to capture mutant beasts with slightly better growth qualifications at a high price!

Look at Ye Fei's wide eyes and have fun! Thinking: "Who knows that a powerful beast can fight for himself, he will be excited and unable to calm down!" Thinking of this, I also eagerly hope to capture a powerful beast, er! It's too extravagant. He laughed at himself and said, "A beast is hard to find a lot of money. The lowest-level iron claw-cut throat mutant dog needs to go to a small 500 survivor base, and we have to wait for the opportunity! After all, a loyal beast is much more reliable than any powerful subordinate!" Later, in the end of the world, in addition to himself, there are human rights here, and any person and thing that can create value in the end of the world are the objects of transactions. And powerful characters and corpse hunters are under the control of the whole world. Even if the financially powerful consortium comes to the end of the world, everything depends on strength.

Wang Hu asked carelessly, "Since the mutant beast is so good, we should form a team to capture hundreds of strong teams!"

When he heard Wang Hu's shameful words, his head was covered with black lines and laughed, "Wang Hu, do you think you are playing online games? Let's form another mage priest team to catch a mutant beast with a train skin in the copy of the mutant beast!"

Wang Hu didn't find any difficulties and asked, "Isn't it possible?"

"Well! I'm here to popularize the knowledge of mutant beasts! Avoid going back to see strangers like Wang Hu, humiliate me!" He swept Wang Hu with his white eyes.

Wang Hu consciously shrank his neck!

"The mutant beasts formed by mutation are much stronger than us humans in terms of hand-to-hand combat speed before the end of the world, although we have hot weapons for a moment of courage. However, in the later stage, after the mutant beast reached the purple gold wind-extinguishing level, the bullets ejected by ordinary hot weapons, and the mutant beasts easily caught the bullet track, thus easily dodging! Do you think they are tough? We humans need to reach the level of demons to barely avoid it! Speaking of this, everyone must know the power of mutant beasts!" He introduced himself lukewarmly.

Ye Fei half-knowingly said, "Captain! Since the mutant beast is more powerful, didn't you say that someone can still capture it and train it to be its own fighting beast?

"Good question! Ye Fei! Speaking of the whole point, he raised a thumbs up to praise Ye Fei. Then he added: "There are many difficulties in capturing mutant beasts and training them into their own beasts! For example, you have to first look for a better-growing mutant beast, and then defeat it through battle. Give it to the trainer for training, and remove all the factors that damage the owner of the mutant beast. After a long captive training, I want to domesticate a wolf into a dog. Finally, we also need to look at the variables that will occur in war beasts, such as loyalty, growth, fighting and so on! Generally, mutant animals are difficult to domesticate because of their intelligence, and their ferocity is not ordinary small, which is very difficult. Usually, corpse hunters who capture mutant beasts themselves will look for some cubs as targets, so that more mutant beasts are difficult to find. Therefore, it is too difficult for a corpse hunter to have a better war beast. The statement of a copy of a train skin to Wang Hu will make people know that it will eliminate big teeth!"

Wang Hu covered his old face with shame...

Xu Zheng asked, "Captain, what happened to the magician during the domestication of your mutant beast?"

"The magician is the profession of domesticating beasts into pets like the beast trainer before the end of the world! But they can't be underestimated. The scarcity of war beasts leads to the importance of the profession of magician trainers. Every base force on the divided side will pay a lot of money to train the magician. As long as you attract a magician, there is a great help for the growth of the strength of the base. First of all, the trainer has the advantage of domesticating mutant beasts and becoming a war beast. The most important thing is that the magician has the ability to communicate with foreign beasts under some opportunities, and can establish good communication with mutant beasts! They should be called beasts and can build an invisible good impression between beasts, which we can't visit. Magic trainers establish a good impression with mutant beasts. Many magicians can use a single mutant beasts as war beasts. The strong mutant beasts output heavy firepower, and no one can easily deal with it!"

Wang Hu's words come out again. He said, "Captain! Since the magician is so powerful, why do they train war beasts for us? You can lead thousands of war beasts and fight with the blood of zombies! Both sides hurt us human beings and enjoy our success!"

"Well! I'm speechless!" He said shamely, "It is very rebellious for magicians to domesticate war beasts. In addition, the time they spend is not short, and it will take at least 3 months. If according to your Wang Hu's method, there are 200 war beasts, the magicians have long died. According to their own strength, they can only increase by 1 beast per level!" After saying that, I recalled a strange force in my previous life. They were a gathering base composed of beautiful women! They are not a place of wine and color, but lead all their strength to flatter the existence that they dare not peep at. Yes! The gathering place of the magician's power. I also clearly remember that the base owner is called Yunyan Hanyun, what a poetic name. She used her master's orbial power to teach the female members of the base in a special way. They used their expertise to domesticate war beasts to build a strong army of war beasts. Although they did not have high combat effectiveness, they had the assistance of war beasts to firmly stand in the end of the world. For a moment, the whole person fell into infinite YY. If Wang Hu hadn't woken himself up, he wouldn't have been trapped in the mud.

He kicked back Wang Hu's ignorance and said, "The magician also has a level corresponding to our corpse hunter!"

"Drizzle listening to the wind level, heart debate mixed level, caress the heart level, animal language communication level, beast exorcism level, beast seal level, nirvana level"

Ye Fei asked, "Does a magician have so many levels?"

"Yes! The magician depends on the other backbone of the corpse hunter!"

"Yes, captain! Since the magician is so important, should we also pay more attention to this aspect?"

"Ye! Yes! This kind of thing can't be asked for. Let's talk about it in the future!"

With a new understanding of the mutant beast, everyone exchanged their views with each other for a while.

(The plot has begun to break into the small ** period. Ladies and friends, let's surge! Red tickets, come! ~~~)