Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

Successfully escaped

After a hard search, more than half of the time still failed to find any signs of life on Xu Zheng. The pulse stops beating, the pupil dilates, and retreats with time. Xu Zheng's physical questions gradually declined.

At this time, there was an uneasy and shocking thought in his heart. Could it be that Xu Zheng couldn't stand the severe pain and finally returned to the west? Scientists who have studied human extreme endurance have also proved that when a person is in an extremely dangerous and difficult environment, the human body itself will have physical resistance. The most famous example is that a year old man suffered a car accident while traveling with his grandson. His grandson was trapped and his life was in danger. The old stingy didn't know where the power of family affection broke out. He overturned the 2 tons of car with his weak body and successfully rescued his grandson trapped under the car. Then he died immediately, and some people said that he died of physical exhaustion. But a conclusion defeated anyone's doubts. Two or three adult men may not be able to overturn the two-ton car settlement. Finally, under various scientific research, it was surprising to find that there is an unknown substance in the body of the old sting, which is produced in the skull when the car body is overturned. Through careful research, this substance is a catalyst. The old stingy burst into unprecedented amazing strength with this thing. Unfortunately, this substance is highly toxic. If an adult produces more than two milliliters in the skull, it will be carried by blood in the body and left all over the body. Four or five seconds later, he died without any abnormal calmness.

Thinking of this, a bold and uneasy answer came to my mind. Xu Zheng's own strength is rare when his body endures the pain from the strong 2nd guard level. I thought Xu Zheng was strong and did not use the corpse energy of the mutant beast*. Unexpectedly, Xu Zheng's body would form such a substance, and finally fainted without support when it was exhausted.

Looking at Xu Zheng's life quietly at this moment, a chagrin filled his brain. Recalling that before the end of the world broke out, he accidentally excavated Xu Zheng as his right arm. After one thrilling battle after another, it came to this day, and it was only after eating the blood-tooth rat king's corpse. The feeling of pain surged up in my heart, and my eyes were scarlet. The silver teeth are clenched. Looking at Xu Zheng's peaceful and expressionless cheek beside him, he was stunned and said secretly, "Xu Zheng! We won't leave you! Hold on!" After saying that, Shensi returned to Xu Zheng once.

No heartbeat, no pulse is still the same, and the questions are clear and colder. For a moment, I felt unprecedented panic and unquestionable worry about Xu Zheng's comfort.

No heartbeat? Emergency rescue by medical staff. OK! That's it! Then, put Xu Zheng's body on the ground and face up. Then he put his hands together and put them steadily flat at the upper heart of Xu Zheng's chest. He prayed secretly: "Xu Zhen! You must live! Let's play together and can't lose you!" Press it fiercely, fast and frequently. Xu Zheng's forehead body also shakes frequently with the pressure. After dozens of efforts, Xu Zheng still did not respond at all as normal and died!

He burst out in a moment of urgency and scolded angrily: "Xu Zheng! TMD wake me up!! ~”

The dark air in my heart subsided a little, but knowing that Xu Zheng did not wake up, everything was in vain! The movement of the hand moved again! Every time I press it, a dirty word bursts out. Halfway through the time, Xu Zheng was still silent. The wetness of my eyes was uncontrollable, and the corners of my eyes blurred. The man didn't shed tears, and the jade beads locked his eyes and refused to fall.

Seeing that Xu Zheng had been fainting, regardless of whether anyone saw it, he quickly brushed it and wiped away the tears.

When the sleeves were brushed, another well-known method of emergency first aid was recalled in my mind. Yes! Artificial breathing! Thinking of this, his old face turned red, but then the first aid Xu Zheng was imminent and he couldn't think too much about it. According to the method of artificial respiration, take a breath of fresh air to fill the mouth, lean down and approach Xu Zheng's mouth, and also assist the process to open his mouth. At this time, without thinking much, his mouth pressed against Xu Zheng's lips, and all the evil thoughts in his mind were forgotten at this time.

"Uh~~~" Xu Zheng fainted and only felt that he was in an endless dark environment. The body paused like mist for a while, and several waves of force pushed from the bottom of the body to float up, stopping and walking. But I don't know that Wei Dong is saving him. After many meetings back and forth, the endless darkness finally changed. A touch of light was first a shining point. Xu Zheng knew that the opportunity to leave this place was in front of him and desperately drifted away to the light point.

The thrust of stopping when walking is so weak! Xu Zheng sighed in the dark. But the toss also floated to the vicinity of the light spot, and the light became more and more shining. Just as Xu Zheng was glad that he was about to get out of trouble, the thrust disappeared and his whole body began to slowly decline. An unprecedented feeling of comfort and relaxation filled Xu Zheng's brain.

Just as Xu Zheng enjoyed this bursting fast 1 sense, an ominous psychology appeared in his mind. Thinking back and forth, he suddenly panicked, and the dog and wolf drifted away to the light point like a hungry tiger.

While Xu Zheng was in service, he heard the ridiculs of his comrades-in-arms who survived in the hands of Death that he was critically ill and was about to die at that time, the same situation as he is now. First, he wandered in endless darkness, and then the surrounding environment became darker and darker until he could not see his body at all. When the sky and the earth are completely dark, a dazzling bright spot will suddenly appear, which is like calling to go, and where the body is drifting uncontrollably. Close to the light spot, the surrounding environment is surrounded by the world of light, and then the patient will wake up. After that, I knew that I had just escaped from death.

Xu Zheng, who was familiar with these, quickly moved his strange body to quickly approach the light spot. Floating! ~~~

When his body was completely surrounded by the light, Xu Zheng couldn't stand the explosion, and his mind was short-circuited in an instant and returned to the darkness.

"Well! ~" Xu Zheng groaned and snorted, struggling to pick up his heavy eyelids, and the light drilled into his eyes at once. Fortunately, I was secretly happy. I, Lao Xu, escaped the disaster and went back to burn some incense.

Just as Xu Zheng was secretly happy, the light projected in his eyes was once again replaced by darkness. The leopard's eyes hurriedly adjusted the direction and looked at the incident. Wei Dong's face was a serious expression, and his lips bulged slowly towards Xu Zheng's mouth.

Xu Zheng has never seen such a situation. The leopard's eyes opened, and he looked at Wei Dong's pink lips slowly approaching. For a moment, he forgot what to react, like a flowery Lori, who pretended to be ready to taste and welcome the next thing.