Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

Fighty Dream

The position where I lay was calm and the stone firmly fell asleep, and the eyes under my eyes jumped frequently, flashing and stopped suddenly and there was a bright light in front of my eyes...

"Wei Dong is responsible for the task of seducing this goal this time, and still follow the old method. One person went to attract the enemy, and we ambushed and blocked it nearby. A scarred middle-aged man said.

"Well!" Before he could adapt to this body, an abstract oil painting with a distorted picture in front of him came to cover his eyes. In this way, the confused body moved uncontrollably.

Wei Dong, who is now deeply in his dream, trembled slightly but soon returned to calm, and everything was intact.

"No! I don't want to go! I don't want to go!" I kept roaring in my heart, but I couldn't make any sound. There is a miserable black and white situation between heaven and earth, and no matter how to resist, you can only continue to move forward.

The brain reflexes to stop the body from stopping, and then the brain pain action fails. When this picture appears in front of me again, it is so familiar. I know that I have returned to the scene before death again, and the dream has been repeated over and over again. Every night, it is troubled to appear, and the whole person is approaching and on the verge of madness.

I recalled the scene in front of my mind and knew that the dream brought back my thoughts back to the last moment of that tragic life.

"No? I don't want to go! ~~" Strive to fight for what is going to happen next. Things turned around, the five fingers of the right hand shook a little, and the control of the body and hands were regained.

When he didn't wait for himself to gain more command of his body again, the scar-faced man walking in front of him looked back at his right hand that had regained control. In an all moment, a pain appeared in his mind, and the reaction of his right hand again drooped silently, and the big man turned his head. Cold sweat and sweat, shortness of breath. There were 10,000 silent words cursing each other in his heart, and he could only be stranded in his chest for a while.

For a while, as the moving forward, the attacking scene gradually changed from black and white to color, without any previous restlessness.

At this time, a handsome and thin young man pulled his feminine voice and said as he walked. The orchid pointed slightly and said, "Brother Leopard, why don't you act? I'm almost black here." The big man with a scarface in front of him spoke coquettishly.

The body was uncontrollable and still followed the scar-faced man. The scar-face stopped and laughed with the shemale young man for a moment. He was restricted, but his brain looked at the pair in front of him with contempt.

Finally, after the happiness of the big man, he walked to a tin box room with his puppet.

"Drink! ~~It's him!! ~~~ hatred! ~~Revenge! ~~~" When I saw the man sitting on his back in the room, my mind was no longer controlled by the sea of anger. The silver teeth clenched and creaked, and the five fingers clenched their fingertips to pierce the skin, and their eyes were scarlet. The whole body could no longer calm down, and the qi and blood in the body were churning, and the corners of the mouth were red with doubts in a short time. However, due to the limitations of the body barrier, the body shape can never be controlled. I can only tremble in despair and listen to the other party's fish and meat.

A trace of fierceness flashed between the man's eyebrows and said with a charming smile, "Hey hey! ~Wei Dong! You will be responsible for the draw this time..."

Looking at the cheek, nothing can be heard, just resentfully hates the other party. Everything is so disgusting in my eyes. After saying that, the man leaned over and fell on his shoulder. How he took the stinky hand and fed the corpse, but everything was not controlled by himself.

After a short painful struggle, he said goodbye to the iron house man. I don't know when a heavy weapon came out of his hand, and the walking corpse followed several people to the outside world.

The picture was suddenly distorted and changed, and the scene in front of it was like a drawn ribbon, which became chaotic again little by little. He tried to shake his head to figure out the things in front of him. After a while, the old skills of the things in front of him appeared in front of him again. I thought I gasped a little, but the eagle's cold eyes hit him head-on. I only saw the familiar man. In a visible environment, a half-meter-long fire tongs of a zombie of the opposite sex easily divided the man's body into two halves. It didn't end here. The zombie's blood claws waved aside, and the rat beside him cut off his waist. The man did not die, but had blood bubbles in his mouth, and the internal organs at the cutting of his lower body were scattered on the ground. The man was about to crawl to one side with his hands and legs, and the blood claws of the zombie's blood claws fell again, bursting the man's head into a pool of blood. The zombie roared comfortably and licked the blood juice at the tip of his claws.

"Wei Dong! I heard it and didn't take action!" When the walkie-talkie at his waist sounded unwell, he recovered from his panicked look, knowing that it was deliberately done by the other end of the walkie-talkie, but the zombies in front of him.

The zombie's arm and the blood branch at the tip of the claw turned into a month and waved in the direction he belonged. A cold wind came to my face. The lightning and lightning did not catch the zombies' claws at all, and it did not hurt the skin.

The zombies failed to hit and rushed to themselves in the rainstorm. An invisible sea of blood overwhelmed him and couldn't breathe. The corpse claws fell, accompanied by a loud sound piercing the eardrum, and everything returned to calm. Only a few corpses and one zombie were left on the ground. A gun barrel in a tall building in the distance is booing black smoke...

The chaos between the brain is blurred, and the command of the waist walkie-talkie to take the crystal nucleus is the next command of the body. He poured his hand into the zombie's skull and searched for a hard object to appear in his hand for a while.

The purple-blue, dazzling, cold crystal nucleus in your hand gives you the first feeling. When I was attracted by the strange and enchanting crystal nucleus in front of me. A picture of heartbroken and soul-stricken pain came from his left cheek, and he fell into a bloody sea of sorrow. Everything is covered with scarlet tones. The sky turned around, and at the moment of the body to the end, a conspicuous figure galloped in the distance. The whole thought once again sparked life.

It's him! It's him! I~~I want it! ~~Kill~~~He~~~The only remaining thought in his heart, I don't know when an explosive device appeared in his hand. Explosives! ~~~That's great! The crazy hysterical shouted, "Ah! ~~~~" Then there was a loud noise, and the whole body floated lightly, and then suddenly fell down in the dark...

"Captain! No way! Enemy attack! ~~”

When I opened my eyes again, the first thing that was imprinted into my eyes was Xu Zheng's urgent shouting.

"Well! ~~~" Rubbed the painful temple and returned to normal after a few seconds.

See Xu Zheng's anxious look and help the qi and blood in his body. He said slowly, "What's wrong with Xu Zheng?" After saying that, he stood up and suddenly felt dizzy. If it is unstable, it will fall to the side.

Xu Zheng quickly rushed to his side and picked up Wei Dong, who was about to fall to the ground. He asked anxiously, "Captain, what's wrong with you?"

I woke up a little, pushed away Xu Zheng's help, and said weakly, "It's okay! I'm fine! What are you talking about?"

Xu Zheng scolded angrily, "Captain! What's the matter? There is blood on the corners of your mouth!"

"Hm?" His right hand held his mouth and appeared in front of him again. There was indeed a piece of blood on the cuff.

"Bleeding? My own? Dream?" A series of problems haunt my heart. Then it became clear that the doorway must be that I attacked my heart in a hurry in my dream, and the qi and blood churted the corners of my body's mouth before bleeding.

It's this dream again. From now, as long as you fall into the dream every night, you will dream this dream. The dream that has been repeated all the time. In the face of the enemy, you can't slaughter it. Every time you wake up, you will spit out a few wisps of blood, which has long been normal.

In the face of Xu Zheng's inquiry, he was speechless and had to change the topic.

"Xu Zheng said quickly, what's going on?"

(10,000 tasks are completed every day, and today's last update is presented. The geese tinued, and the man ttoed. Red votes to readers support, collect and follow, and support the audience. According to the comments, the thief is here to thank you~~~ 10,000 a day, never too much. Guaranteed quality and excellent quality!)