Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

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"Roar! ~โ€

"What's the sound?" The tip of the ear jumped frequently, and there were bursts of roaring behind the corpse wall. I subconsciously quickly turned my eyes to the place where the sound originated.

The scene in front of him once again lifted his tight heart, and his hands were sweating wildly. The zombies took advantage of their innate advantage to keep hitting the corpse wall, and their blood claws tore the wall of the corpse. The corpse wall is like butter, and it is so fragile under the claws of zombies. The sharp claws were inserted into the body and penetrated. As soon as the claws moved, the body in front of him was torn apart and smashed to the ground. The body was cut several times under the zombies**, and half of the exit of the corpse wall collapsed. The body was damaged by the zombies, and the organs were stained with plasma.

The sound behind the corpse wall came from the tip of his ear, and it came to mind. He quickly sorted it out and analyzed that the zombies were still not abandoned and were rushing.

As the degree of destruction of zombies continues to increase, the corpse wall begins to loosen significantly. Everyone also noticed what happened on the corpse wall, and the thunderstorm got up and held up the weapons in their hands to watch nervously.

"Warning!" He shouted harshly, and in an instant, everyone was ready to form a defense circle to surround the corpse wall again.

Ye Fei, Xu Zheng and Wang Hu came and asked anxiously, "Captain! Zombies are destroying the corpse wall!"

"I know!" He agreed, his eyebrows locked, and angrily looked at what happened in front of him. The thinking in the brain runs rapidly, and the next action plan is sought.

The corpse wall blocking the zombie attack in front of his eyes became more and more loose under attack. The sound of the zombies cutting the body with their sharp claws on the other side was faintly heard, and the air quickly filled with disgusting fishy smell, pungent and dizzy. After hundreds of battles, I was used to all kinds of tragic and bloody scenes, but this time hundreds of bodies were destroyed by zombies, and the smelly and corrupt organs and blood still made everyone roll in their stomachs for a while.

"Calm down!" Strongly telling himself, his eyes followed the search for a response plan and looked around. The carpet quickly swept through the environment, and there was a huge towering steel-cast dome in the middle section in the distance, which rose from the ground all the way to the dome.

"Go! Everyone, come with me!" After saying that, order the team members around you to leave!

The brigade ran to the high tower building in the center. After running fast under his feet, his eyes stayed on the tower for a few more seconds. The cylindrical tower with a diameter of more than ten meters leads from the ground to the dome, which is completely different from other stone pillars supporting the dome. A spiral staircase on the huge cylindrical tower connects the ground to the top. At the top of a platform composed of a steel frame, with various gate box devices on it, it is definitely the central control center of the water conservancy system.

"Up! Everyone go up!" He came to the tower and roared sharply, pedaling the circular ladder and driving up quickly.

"Dip! ~~~" 110 climbed quickly, and the boots under his feet fell on the iron ladder and were subject to force transmission, and the iron ladder began to shake unsteadily.

When the front troops of the team came to the iron ladder, the exit blocked the corpse wall of the zombie invasion. Under the impact of the zombie destruction, a wheel-sized gap appeared in the wall, and the zombies scrambled to drill indoors.

"What to see! Zombies rush over! Speed up!" Seeing that the zombies had broken a small hole, and it was estimated that the corpse wall could not stop the zombie invasion for a long time, he immediately roared.

Roar! ~~Serious zombies pushed away half of the wall bound to the exit, angry, roared fiercely, and cast the irritiness in their hearts. After staring angrily, the scarlet eyes collected the surrounding environment through the unique vision of the zombies. Near the tower in the middle of the space, they used their thermal vision to catch the direction of the people and galloped.

Wo! ~~~As the degree of damage of the corpse wall increases, the more zombies shoot in front of them and roar against the corpse wall that blocks them.

The corpses in the distance approached quickly, and the roar of the zombies in their ears became clearer and clearer. They turned their back to the direction of the zombies and galloped up quickly under their feet.

Half of the wounded existed, and the marching speed of the team was greatly reduced. They supported each other and ran up the iron ladder.

took the lead in pedaling to the highest point of the tower, and a large-scale structural welding platform of more than 100 square meters appeared in front of him. After careful instruction, I gradually got an understanding of the building in front of me.

This should be the general control center of Tianfu's groundwater profit system. This large steel giant beast device standing high on the tower under its feet is the center that blocks all the passage of water sources from the outside to Tianfu City. When I saw the dazzling instrument in front of me, my head was suddenly covered. What I thought in my heart: "Since it is the center of the water conservancy system, there should be an export! Why have you been trapped here for several hours and haven't found the exit?

When you are trapped, your eyes stay in the round water gate more than one person high in front of you for a few seconds. Looking at the dome above his head, a large circular ship door appeared in front of him. I thought quickly in my mind and came to a conclusion. From the ship door of the dome, this may be the gate of the underground waterway to the ground.

It is not known that every city's drinking water facilities are very important, the proper protection is good, and strict and strong prevention is essential. In case of the poisoning of evil forces, the government authorities will spare no effort to build a high level of security protection.

Thinking about this, there is a big problem in front of me. Since there is a gate to the top, where is the switch? It's easy to control your own weapons. If you had been asked to take care of a lot of instruments and equipment, you would have been white. When he bothered himself to find the switch, the zombies in the distance accumulated a lot, and once again formed a huge group of corpses.

Xu Zheng led the crowd to the platform, and the sweat on his forehead showed that he was eager to die and consumed a lot of physical strength. He said, "Captain! The zombie attack is coming!"

Looking at the corpses not far away, the sardine-like population spread a huge net and rushed towards the tower.

The bustling team members under their feet, Panlong stepped up around the iron ladder. He frowned and said secretly and anxiously, "It's not good! The wounded restricted the speed of the team too much, and one-third of the team members did not come up!"

"Xu Zheng! Ye Fei! Let me go down!" He shouted loudly and raised the blood soul in his hand and galloped down the iron ladder, and the three figures flashed straight down.

Fortunately, the iron ladder was very humanized in two rows of two-way roads to avoid crowded collisions. They, Xu Zheng and Ye Fei quickly rushed to the underground of the tower.