Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

under the destruction of the group of corpses

Kill! Leading the team members to fight back, the weapons in their hands slammed into the corpses, cutting out the cold light and shadow. After touching the corpse, it fell like a piece of wheat that fell in front of the harvester. The general situation killed and tore open the corpses in front of him again, and quickly covered dozens of corpses on the soles of his feet. However, the two teams of people closely followed him and threw the dead zombies under the tower regardless of blood stains.

"Who, throw it in time and throw it into the corpses underground! Smash these bugs!" Wang Hu supervised 12 people beside him and struggled to carry the bodies of the dead zombies. Like a wheat picker, he worked hard to carry the fallen zombies one by one, threw them into the corpses on the ground, and fell black waves.

Use the geographical advantage of the spiral ladder to repel the zombie offensive again and again. Under the strong counterattack, the war situation is biased towards its own side.

The bloody battle knife in his hand cut out a half circle, put the three dead zombies in front of him into the knife, and took a trace of time to look at the corpses in the distance.

"Wo! ~~" The zombies broke through the barrier of the corpse wall. After the fierce offensive, the zombies broke their limbs and arms under the tower, splashed blood on the ground, and the scattered organs stained the area of more than 30 square meters of the ground into a bloody world. The army of zombies trampled on the ground and scattered all kinds of stains. The broken minced meat mixed with blood plasma, and the earth infected new colors to form a terrible scenery.

In the battle with zombies, the team members counterattacked with the advantage of geographical advantages, with cold light and shadow in their hands, splitting down and cutting off half of the attacking corpses. Next, the remaining zombies were solved by the subsequent team members.

"Kill!" Previously, he was chased and killed by the zombies and was busy running for his life. At this time, the situation fell one by side. Everyone hit back the resentment in their hearts to the zombies. The knife fell down, and the blood was seen flying across the face, and the broken limbs were thrown out of an arc and flew away.

The two zombies greeted in front of him with the blood soul sword in his hand. His eyes stared at the other party's attack trajectory tightly. As soon as the moon came out, a blood line was on the two bodies, from left to right at the neck gate. His head and body separated, fell heavily under his feet, trembled a few sounds, and he couldn't die any more.

When the blood soul sword was taken back, the corpses were neatly clustered together, and the fierce force came with their heads held high.

"Big fish!" He smiled ferociously and picked up his blood soul and half-covered it. Before the zombie moved first, the lightning flashed on his side, and the dragon jumped up in the air, and the blood soul in his hand split straight down from the sky. The zombie was cut from the top to the bottom, and the body was broken into two halves and fell softly on both sides.

After the blood soul blade split the corpse in front of him in half, the zombies next to him caught their existence, and their sharp claws attacked this side in unison, and their canine teeth and bloody mouths went side by side at the same time, nibbling at their bodies.

With a flash of light, I collected the movement of the zombie, and moved back, and the zombie's offensive was instantly resolved.

"Hum! ~~" The cold eyes quietly watched the zombie attack the place where he stayed for a second. The blood soul in his hand was accompanied by a gloomy smile on his cheeks, and the tiger's body shook hard and split down again.

The zombies failed to attack, and the sharp-clawed dog's teeth and bloody mouth stuck together in twos and threes when they were gnawing and fell empty. The blood soul aimed at the opportunity, tried to cut it down, and provoked a blood fog in the corpse. The blade of the two corpses scratched, the brain flowed out of the spiritual cover, and a corpse dropped a broken arm and howled angrily.

The blood soul blade in his hand turned, and the carp re-locked the target with its tail and cut the last corpse under the horse.

The law of movement of zombies has been calculated for a long time. The previous blow was nothing more than to lead the zombies out of the hole and gather them together to destroy them.

In the group of corpses**, he killed the zombies like a broken bamboo, and howled everywhere he went. He killed a corpse in front of him, left with his front foot, and the follow-up team members behind him, the blood axe Huo Huo cut obliquely, cleaning up the remaining zombies. It was not until I was a little weak that I slowly retreated backwards.

Erase the blood of the zombies splashed on his cheeks and looked into the corpses after a short break. An amazing discovery was that the corpses that came in at the exit blocked by the corpse wall were not as fierce as before. Looking at the thousands of corpses in the waterway hub space, he was keenly aware: "There are not many corpses left in the pursuit team. It is not difficult to find that the corpses are not as close as the previous ones." Thinking of this, I burst out laughing. From the siege of the corpses, their lives are on the line, life and death escape, and the zombies rise up and fight back. Now the dangerous situation has finally improved, and a ** bloomed excitedly on my face.

Taking advantage of the momentum, he shouted at the fiercely fighting team members in front of him: "There are not many zombies. Let's fight back!" Regardless of his physical fatigue, he picked up the blood soul sword and stepped forward to kill him!

After receiving a festive message from Wei Dong, the team members were in high spirits and killed the blood axe in their hands, and the axe front roared at the zombie's body with a strong wind. The tomahawk in the hands of the team members was like a meat grinder, rushing forward and fighting back, swallowing up all the zombies in the torrent of steel.

When he killed the front of the team with a knife, Xu Zheng cut his blood and put the zombies in front of him under the axe. He came close to his body and said, "Captain! The zombies have run out, and the remaining zombies can no longer become a climate. They will kill the remaining zombies in one blow.

"None! Now the general trend has been decided, but we can't rush over!" He shook his hair and said gloomily. Originally, it was the tragedy that led to the reduction of many people's deaths. Since you are the leader of the team, you have to be responsible for the underground players.

Then he said, "Wait! Anyway, the zombies will come to the door by themselves, so why should we risk the danger to attack it!..." Explain the emergencies to Xu Zheng one by one.

Xu Zheng wrapped his hair and said, "Captain! Or are you quick-thinking..."

"Don't flatter, go and help Ye Fei and Wang Hu!" He laughed and cursed angrily.

Xu Zheng cleared his throat awkwardly, and the leopard's body quickly flashed into the corpses. Several axes staggered and chopped, and the corpses fell to the ground in an instant.

Looking at the team members fighting fiercely with zombies under the spiral ladder, they are fighting back. The tomahawk opened and closed, and the blades were staggered and the gloomy beast rushed straight to the bag, slowly taking into the few remaining zombies. The fierce and powerful fighting style is extremely bloody. Where the axe front passes, it will definitely take away a piece of meat from the zombie's body. The remnants of the axe front flashed, and cold light and blood passed by. Tore open the skin of the corpse, more than ten centimeters of blood line crawled, losing the bondage and protection of the skin, and the blood of the internal organs scattered on the ground, dripping down the leaky hole of the spiral ladder.