Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

Flood discharge facilities

After waiting happily for Xu Zheng for a few minutes, the unique sound of cowhide boots gradually came from the distance of the waterway until Xu Zheng emerged from the dark pipe.

How's it going? Where are the drawings? The distribution map of the underground sewer network that I anxiously want.

Xu Zheng took out a wrinkled cowhide engineering drawing from his pocket and carefully spread it on the clean ground. He said, "Well! What a coincidence that I found this drawing in a hydropower control room!"

Ye Fei sighed secretly, "This is too shabby!" At least decades!" With that, his fingers pointed to the wrinkles on the edge of the drawing.

Xu Zheng said with a smile, "I really want you to be right. Look, the date marked on completion on February 32, 1999!" Point out the date labeling explanation on the drawing.

"Oh? That's what he said!" He muttered to himself.

Ye Fei asked, "Why?"

I glanced at the drawing, held my cheek to sort out the information in my mind, and slowly explained, "I initially observed that this is a flood discharge groundwater network!"

The three were puzzled on their faces and added, "Look at this drawing, there is still a long way to go!" With that, he pointed his finger along the line of the drawing.

Wang Hu asked, "What does this mean?" The underground water is not just drainage. Captain, how do you know that this is a drainage facility!"

"Hehe! ~~~" It felt very pleasant to see through the mystery. After laughing a few times, he said, "Although the role of this underground waterway is not written on it, it only introduces the distribution of the line. But after careful observation, it is not difficult to find that our location is right in the center. When the zombies chased, I paid close attention to the direction of retreat. The location we want should be in Tianzhanjiang. He pointed to a thick line and added, "This leads to the Tianzhan River, and the water flows through here to the rivers and lakes. There is a basis for saying that it is a floodwater waterway.

"Ye Fei! What was the most important event in 1998? He asked with a smile.

"Flood fighting!" Ye Fei blurted out, and then showed an incredible expression on his face.

"Yes! It's flood control! According to the date on the drawings, everyone has been wrong for a year, that is, this underground waterway was built to discharge floods!" He said with a happy face.

Wang Hu Dawu asked again, "What is this?" Point to a thick line spreading to the end of the drawing.

"Oh?" Take a closer look, and there is indeed such a thick line marked on the drawing. In order to get a hint of information from the drawings, I drew a circle according to the route marked by the thick line. Looking at the position between Tianzhan River and the two lines, according to a series of information analysis such as Tianfu City, a conclusion was reached in an instant.

Tianfu City is located in the Central Plains of the Yellow River. Since ancient times to the present, there have been continuous floods, and hundreds of thousands of kilometers above the territory are often affected. Looking at the distribution of waterways on the drawings, the answer comes to mind.

He resisted his inner joy and said, "This may be a small part of the flood network!"

Ye Fei was surprised to hear such information and said with his tongue, "A small place!"

Knowing the important new underground base in the end of the world, Ye Fei couldn't believe his ears for a long time.

"That's right! This is just a small part of the flood network!" He said in a stunned tone.

As a professor in the military field, Xu Zheng is well aware of the tactical importance of connecting all underground sewer networks. Surprisingly, he said, "That is, we can take advantage of the underground to open up the inter-urban network, avoid the threat of zombies on the ground, and easily remove places beyond our reach!"

"Ye" He replied deeply, "Xu Zheng, you have forgotten one thing, that is, after we occupy the underground flood discharge network channel, we can shuttle through the city without threat and recover the lost land controlled by zombies!"

Listening to such a hot-blooded plan, everyone's animal blood boiled, and Tianfu City in front of them made everyone suffer a lot. Suddenly, a pie fell and easily recovered dozens of cities, which no one dared to think of before.

Ye Fei quickly understood the role of underground water and asked, "Captain! In this case, what should we do next?

"Plan?" He thought for a moment and said, "Take care of all the matters of the underground water first, and then plan in the future!" When it comes to use!"

glanced at the drawing with joy, and a strange dark shadow appeared in his eyes.

"Huh? What is this?" The curious vision stayed for a few more seconds. The more I looked at it, the more I felt a problem. I summoned Ye Fei, Xu Zheng and Wang Hu to get close to me and pointed to the dark position on the drawing and asked, "What is this?" How could it appear on the drawing? This supervisor stopped when it arrived. It is completely unreasonable to think about it. Building any building has its role, and it will not cost a lot of money to build useless parts for no reason. The shadow in front of me is covered, and I can't figure it out if I don't paint the usual drawings.

The surprising position on the drawing, no matter how the four people think about it, they can't tell the reason. Until Wang Hu's inadvertent words inspired the three people who fell into the alley.

"Go and see, you will know!" Wang Hu said bluntly.

"Drink~~ It's really confused. When you encounter problems, you just want to think about how to solve them. It's best to go and have a look at it on the spot!" He laughed secretly.

"Since Wang Hu said it, please bother you to be here. I'll go back!" Saying with laughter, he left Wang Hu and a few people in place, and he walked to the destination with Ye Fei and Xu Zhen.

On the way, Ye Fei asked antagonistically, "Captain! Do we really want to see it? Looking at the route on the drawing, it takes at least half an hour to walk!" I'm afraid of angering myself.

"Hehe! ~~So long? Then let's run forward!" With that, he ran quickly into the distance. Behind him was a large group of people, roaring towards the destination. The boots landed and sounded! As everyone went away, it slowly disappeared into the distance.

He spit out a mouthful of meat gas in his throat and calmed down the tossing of his lungs. Take out the drawings in your arms and identify them carefully.

"No mistake, that's it!" Look around and compare some of the controls around you, and then everything is accurate.

Following Ye Fei closely behind him, Xu Zheng ran over, sweating on his forehead and gasping for breath. The red face said, "Captain! Is this it?"

Running to the destination with all his strength, he did not stop resting halfway. Although he has a strong 2nd-level physique, he is also somewhat tired. Ye Fei, who was slightly inferior to his own strength, Xu Zheng and the two of them were not so good, leading the exhausted team members to report.

(Fourth update, what about the red ticket? What about the collection? It hasn't risen yet. It's sad! ~~~~~~It's sad~~~~in the words with tears...