Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

empty city

When I went up and took a closer look, a half-closed hole at the end of the corridor appeared in front of me.

You can see the effect of the hole at a glance, the entrance of ventilation and sewage. Looking around, he muttered, "This ventilation entrance doesn't have to be so big!" Curiosity comes with it.

"Let's go and have a look!" Xu Zheng, who was beside him, entered through the vent together.

When entering the inside of the vent, his eyes lit up and sighed, "I didn't expect there to be a hole here!" The eyes looked curiously in the dark room.

After entering the vent, the unique blood stains of zombies appeared again under his feet, spreading like a long snake into the darkness, and carefully raising his vigilance and staring at the things in front of him.

After walking more than ten meters, the light source projected by the outside world became weaker and weaker, so I had to hold the flashlight to illuminate the way forward.

After the two powerful flashlight flashlight, the distance ahead was clearly illuminated. There is a lot of moisture gathered on the bare walls around, with morning dew on it, and the temperature is much lower.

Xu Zheng complained: "This place is really TMMD evil. It's so cold! ~~~" After saying that, the words came so far that the two of them couldn't hear...

He walked forward in a low voice in the dark and was suddenly shocked. He said to himself, "Be quiet! ~~~”

Human beings usually have fear and ignorance of things in the dark. All their actions to scold Xu Zheng are not only an instinctive expression, but also to be careful about the unknown.

After advancing more than 20 meters, the square ventilation path came to the end of the road, and a rusty iron gate appeared in front of him. It may be that no one has been in care of it for a long time. The paint on the door is curled, and a horrible human face appears on it.

He had no intention to stay at the strange scene, and his eyes carefully fell to the lower end of the iron gate.

Looking at the blood stains on the ground disappear after reaching the iron gate, he said to himself, "What's the matter? The blood stains are gone here!" ~~~”

Xu Zheng asked, "What's the matter, captain? What did you find?"

He went underground and hit the light in his hand, making the blood stains of the zombies on the ground clearly appear in front of his eyes. He explained, "The blood stains of the zombies in my defense line just now extend here, and I feel that there is a reason why I came here to see what happened." Pointing to the blood on the ground, he added, "Look, this blood will disappear when it comes here!"

The rapid operation in the brain quickly got the inner clues and said, "There is only a single line of blood stains without going back and forth blood stains. I think zombies have been here!" After saying that, he looked at the iron gate in front of him.

Xu Zheng looked down his sight and said, "Then let's go and have a look!"

He slowly pushed the door with his hand and said disappointedly, "Locked!"

The locked iron gate in front of him, the blood stains disappeared here, how did the zombie pass through here, the zombie would not open the door, and a series of questions fell into his mind.

Xu Zheng laughed and said, "It doesn't matter, just open it?" Then he prayed, "Captain, use your knife!"

I didn't think much about it. I took it out of the knife bag behind and handed it to you.

As soon as Xu Zheng took it in his hand, as soon as he touched the handle of the blood soul, a chill invaded a few strands and stretched out. He hit a thrill and exclaimed, "What a spiritual knife!" The strange light flashed in his eyes, staring at the blood soul in a daze.

I'm interested in it: "You also know knives?"

Xu Zheng shook his head decisively and said, "I don't understand. I just heard from the instructor that a real weapon must be stained with blood and kill creatures before it can be called a weapon. Without blood feeding the knife, no matter how sharp you change hands, it's just a tool.

"Oh?" As soon as I heard it, I immediately asked.

Xu Zheng scratched his head and said with a smile, "This knife should have been stained with the aura of many creatures, and it is also human aura. From the moment I first touched the palm of my hand, I could feel the cold sweat inside. Envy stroked the knife body and shouted, "What a knife! ~~”

"Real?" Recalling that he also thought so when he found the blood soul, he asked eagerly in the dark curtain, "Why do you say that?"

Xu Zheng said, "Once my instructor showed us a dagger he carried with him, which was the dagger he had completed several attacks and killing enemies of foreign forces, and cut the necks of more than a dozen people. When I touched it, the palm of my hand was as cold as today, but it was not as cold as this machete. He exclaimed in his heart, "If the dagger is a glass of water, then this machete may be a vast sea..."

I was overjoyed and said ecstaticly, "I didn't expect that my original conclusion was right. This knife is really not an ordinary knife, hehe! ~~~~”

After a few minutes of chatting, the opening of the door begins.

Looking at the locked iron door in front of him, he frowned and asked, "Can these be opened?" The thick iron door in front of him fell into his eyes, and there was no keyhole handle on the flat door body...

Xu Zheng raised the blood soul in his hand and said, "Captain, just look at me!" After saying that, he leaned over the iron gate and inquired.

"There is!" With a happy sound, the blood soul knife was inserted along the gap between the door and the corner of the wall. After debugging, the knife body was raised upward, and the sound of metal friction came from the opposite side.

Xu Zheng wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "Open!" After saying that, he pushed his big hand and turned the iron door to the side.

After the iron door was unlocked, the channels at both ends opened, and a cold wind hit, and the eyes were dark.

The strong light of the flashlight dispelled the black fog on the opposite side, and the scene of a distance of dozens of meters inside appeared in the eyes.

I was not in a hurry to inquire, but glanced at the flashlight and found that there was no danger, so I was relieved.

Based on the cold wind after opening the door, it is concluded that there must be other entrances in the passage ahead. Thinking, "If this is the case, there will be a lot of variables here..."

He said to Xu Zheng beside him, "Be careful later!"

"En" Xu Zheng answered!

He took out the blood soul and shook his hand, carefully looked around, and explored the depths of the channel.

Hand-held flashlight lighting, and the right handle knife slowly pushed forward.

After advancing hundreds of meters, the same cement wall was thrown behind him and swept forward with the blood stains on the ground.

Xu Zheng muttered, "Captain, you find that this place is very familiar!"

"Oh?" After receiving the question from Xu Zheng, he also looked curiously at the scene around him for a moment.

He said with Xu Zheng as an appointment: "The underground water!"

At this time, he and Xu Zheng returned to the underground waterway again and clearly recognized this place according to the memory in their brain.

Xu Zheng asked puzzledly, "Why did you go back to the underground waterway?"

Facing Xu Zheng's question, he couldn't say why for a moment and said, "I don't know. If you continue to explore the past, you should be able to find the answer!"

Knowing where you are, the tension also relaxes and groping forward with the blood stains in the distance.

After a few minutes of trek, the two returned to the previous battlefield of fierce battle with the loss, where the blood stains were also covered by many lost blood pools.

Seeing the scene in front of him, he exclaimed on the spot, "I know what the situation is..." Close to telling Xu Zheng about the fierce battle of yesterday's zombie night attack.

He said seriously, "The corpses who poured in from nowhere last night must have come in through the ventilation channel."

Xu Zheng asked curiously, "Captain, how can you determine the corpse group entered by the vent?"

He sneered and explained, "Before we entered the underground waterway of Times Square, we also saw a large number of corpses gathered inside the building through the telescope. Why is there no trace of zombies now!"

The smiling face piled up into a ** and said, "I can definitely judge that the corpses in Times Square and the surrounding area must have entered the underground sewers from various passages, and we unconsciously killed them all, so it is today's scene, an empty city in Times Square."

Xu Zheng raised his eyebrows and said excitedly, "This is really mixed with joy and sadness, good and bad!"

He pulled back from his joy and said admonishly, "In this battle between the underground and sewers, we have suffered heavy losses and many factors of command mistakes. In the future, we must cheer up and face the test of the crisis in the end of the world..."

Xu Zheng nodded and responded softly.

Understanding the inner dark curtain, the haze in his heart cleared up, gently patted Xu Zheng on the shoulder and said, "Go back!" There is no need to stay here!"

Xu Zheng: "Yes!"