Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

The Soul at the End

Sitting on the co-pilot in the front car of the fleet, his eyes were dazed at the desolate doomsday scene behind him.

I took out a pack of cigarettes from the inner pocket of my jacket and skillfully put one on my lips.

Bang! The hard steel lighter flint stroked, and the fuel rope instantly lit a faint firelight. In the cold wind from the window, the flame shook slightly and refused to extinguish.

Put the candle in your hand close to the cigarette on your lips and take the opportunity to quickly light the end of the cigarette.

"Hm!" The throat cooperated with the lungs to inhale vigorously, and one end of the smoke bursts brightly. Close the lid of the fire machine to extinguish the flames, and concentrate on tasting the cigarettes in the fingertips.

As an old smoke gun, he playfully played a few difficult moves in smoking. Smoke quickly spread throughout the carriage. The cold wind pouring into the window keeps diluting...

He closed his eyes pleasantly and focused on smoking the strong-grilled tobacco of the Iron Fist brand. The mist elf rolled happily back and forth between the lungs and throat, and his body moaned and trembled.

After several days of fierce battle, the whole person's mind was exhausted. At this time, the cigarette at his fingertips became his only sustenance.

"Goo-dong! ~~" Zhang Yuting's voice in the driving position shrugged, saliva flooded in his mouth, the corners of his eyes kept scanning himself, and his nose shook to absorb the residual second-hand smoke in the space...

I heard the embarrassed voice of Zhang Yuting beside me and opened my eyes and smiled. Without saying a word, he took out a cigarette from his pocket again, lit it and handed it to Zhang Yuting beside him.

Zhang Yuting said with a smile, "Thank you, captain, hehe! ~~~โ€

He responded by himself: "Stop talking, it's all men who know that you are addicted to smoking. Give it, smoke it! ~~~~" died a reminder: "Pay attention to safety!" After saying that, he closed his eyes again and settled down.

The communication between smokers often can bring the two people closer by an ordinary cigarette.

Zhang Yuting opened the moist box with a cigarette and said, "Captain, this cigarette is very good, strong enough, strong enough, very manly..." The cannonball kept talking.

He was secretly boring, and the topic between smokers was refreshed for a while. Hu Tianhai talked about things all over the world.

"Oh? You know it very well. It depends on your age in your early twenties. You don't have much experience until so many things!" From Zhang Yuting's explanation of various high-end and low-end cigarettes, it can be clearly seen that this person knows a lot.

Zhang Yuting said shyly, "I'm flattered. I have lived a rich life for several years by the blessing of my elders."

If you talk for dozens of minutes, the other party can despise the ** topic, so it's fun to laugh.

"Bang!" The front of the car hit a zombie in the middle of the road at a uniform speed, and inertially put the zombie dozens of meters away and fell into the green belt beside the road without sound.

When the motorcade drove through the Times Square area, the number of zombies met on the way forward increased.

Zhang Yuting shouted strangely in his voice: "Oh~! ~~~~~" He stepped on the accelerator and accelerated five or six meters away from the zombie. The next moment, the zombie on the opposite side pretended to be far away.

He talked happily with Zhang Yuting and asked curiously for a moment, "Yo! Not bad! The driving skills are great! ~~~โ€

Regardless of the constraints of the two levels, Zhang Yuting praised himself without modesty: "Ha ha! ~~That's it! In those years, I was the car god of Nanjiang City!"

"Oh? Car god? Nanjiang City?" He followed Zhang Yuting's words and then asked, "Nanjiang City is an important provincial capital in the south of China. How can you fall here thousands of kilometers away from here?"

Zhang Yuting was in high interest and said unobstructedly, "My family is in Nanjiang City, and I came to practice driving skills to prepare for the World Championships..."

"Oh!" He said, "That's your high-tech and technical..."

"Haha! ~~~Yes! The driver who lost my hand is no more than two digits..." Zhang Yuting brag for a moment.

Listening to Zhang Yuting boasting, he laughed secretly. The devil's smile appeared in his heart: "Hmm! ~~The boy looks very rampant. You don't even know that the emperor of the car is sitting next to you..."

I slowly recalled the painful scars of my previous life. The corpse hunters will drive vehicles far away when hunting zombies, so everyone is a master of driving skills. In order to chase zombies and escape for their lives, the driving skills of corpse hunters are now world-class masters. Looking at Zhang Yuting, who didn't know the depth in front of him, he no longer embarrassed the other party too much, but secretly smiled aside.

He said to himself: "When Grandpa rolled and crawled in the end of the world, the hunting team would call himself, that is, with good driving skills, he made a good name in the world of corpse hunters in the end of the world. "The Car Emperor!"

When Zhang Yuting saw that he stopped talking, he thought he was angry and asked cautiously, "How is the captain?"

"Hehe! ~~~It's all good, concentrate on driving your car! ~~" He said with a smile, threw away half a cigarette with his fingertips, took out a new cigarette and lit it, curled up in the car seat and tasted it silently.

When Zhang Yuting saw this, he also drove the vehicle to the destination knowingly.

"Bounce! ~~~" More and more zombies on the road ahead of the convoy surrounded the road and rushed to the road.

As the leader of the team, the car body was the first to come into contact with the embrace of the zombies. The coal-type heavy truck made by itself, the powerful engine hit the nearby zombies, fell next to it or fell under the car, and was run over into meat by the follow-up vehicles.

"Bounce! ~~~" As the convoy moves forward, the number of zombies increased, and high-frequency collisions on the body of the car. The dull sound of the collision between the body and the metal of the car body disturbed me that I could no longer rest assured. I opened my eyes and looked around.

I saw Zhang Yuting's face panicked and locked beside him. His previous arrogance completely disappeared and hurriedly avoided the zombies that came up.

My eagle's eyes swept the surrounding environment, and half of me were in my heart. Then I looked at Zhang Yuting in a hurry and joked, "Ha ha! ~~~What's wrong with the car god? It seems that you are very busy."

Zhang Yuting's white cheeks turned red and said shyly, "Captain, the impact of the zombies is so fierce that the car body is almost unable to resist."

I leaned lazily on the car seat and lay back on my back, but I felt it briefly and immediately became clear. Many zombies rushed and hit the car, and the truck shook obviously. I know that if a high-speed vehicle is in the current situation, if a car is not careful, it will turn over and the vehicle will fall aside. But there is no rescue, only the zombies embrace each other...

More and more zombies have accumulated in groups and frequently hit the front of the car.

"Well!" Zhang Yuting exclaimed, and the clenched wire plate in his hand was almost thrown away. The car body shook violently and returned to normal operation again.

A strong zombie rushed to the opposite side and jumped on the window. The powerful impact was pushed far away in an instant, but the zombie left a longitudinally staggered spider web-like crack on the window. The glass in Zhang Yuting's driver's driver's seat was the window, and many cracks caused his eyes to be unclear, which made him confused.