Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

The truth is revealed

He pretended to be stupid for a few seconds, grabbed everyone's appetite, and said seriously, "Is it fake evidence?" He threw a mist bomb at the watchman.

Ye Fan's situation suddenly turned around, and his anger soared in his heart. His face was full of anger and roared at Xiang Tianqi, "Wang your hand, no more unreasonable trouble!"

Xiang Tianqi's neck couldn't help shrinking, and he was speechless for a moment: "I..."

He said with a smile, "Ye Fan, don't convince him like this..."

Ye Fan retreated and replied faintly, "Okay!"

As the general manager of the logistics department, we need to dredge the trivialities of large and small chickens in the base. Today, this incident was also a sudden accident. Yes, Ye Fan was in a hurry and finally ignored it and let himself deal with it.

He cleared his throat and said, "Since you said that there is a possibility that the evidence in my hand is false, I will show another more real evidence..."

Xiang Tianqi was straightforward and wanted to cleanse his sister's stains. He never thought that he was so easy to talk, and the fear in his heart was eliminated by more than half.

Xiang Tianqi said, "Then show it quickly!" Throwing the hot charcoal to yourself, there is a tendency to fight back.

"Give it to me!" He said in a commanding tone and moved barefoot to the ventilation window on the cold ground.

The micro-expression of his close gaze on the crowd aroused the silent crowd at the most fluctuation.

"Look at it here!" With that, he pointed his finger at the white powdered wall of the ventilated window. Explained step by step: "This is my new evidence..."

There were several stains on the wall, circled in circles. Ye Fan was puzzled. He came to his side and asked in a low voice, "Captain, what's going on?" His eyes looked around the stain on the white wall.

Everyone talked endlessly, and soon some good people saw the inner doorway.

"This is similar to the stain of ** traces..." Member A, on his deathbed, added, "It seems to be very manly..."

"Man?" Others followed and whispered questions.

Member A's cheeks were obscene and said with a smile, "You can know by looking at the stains on the wall... Hahaha! ~~~”

On the white and flawless wall, a large stain on the lower body appeared in everyone's vision.

"That should be..." A young man who didn't understand the facts muttered.

The young man's guardian quickly covered his tongue and said with a ashamed face, "What does the child say..."

Although he pretends to be calm on the surface, he listens carefully to the wind on both sides.

"Well! It's a shame that I was seen all in disguise! ~~~" His cheeks twitched several times, and his original firm face stared at Xiang Tianqi tightly,

Xiang Tianqi listened to the comments of others first, and according to the current situation, a mystery in his heart gradually became clear.

Seeing that Xiang Tianqi's expression fluctuated violently and his hands and feet kept trembling, he obviously could not accept the fact in front of him.

Xiang Xialian was in the back corner of the crowd. Seeing that the situation came to an end, the locked Liu Mei gradually relaxed. But she is not worried about her future fame...

My own dealings with people makes me reasonable and right in the crowd's undercurrent of discussion. I thought to my mind: "Now in front of everyone, the implementation has been clarified. Although he is not wrong, he can't get rid of his responsibility completely. What's more, he fights with a young girl, which is very harmful to the weather and his reputation. Passing by and not acting bravely will make the brothers and sisters in front of you embarrassed in the future!"

He turned his head, approached Ye Fan's ear and whispered, "Please leave everyone!" That's all!"

Ye Fan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment and understood his meaning. The sunshine and smile appeared on his cheeks and said to the base members gathered in the warehouse, "Let's all disperse! Let's break up!" Many times on his face, he urged everyone to leave.

The onlookers never thought that there would be such an end. They left unwillingly in Ye Fan's indignation and went back to their posts and became busy.

When everyone left the empty warehouse, there were only Ye Fan and Xiang Tianqi, and Xiang Xialian, who was hiding in the dark, refused to appear for a long time.

"Xiang Tianqi, go back!" I can't simply say it calmly. At this time, I talk more like a saint in the past.

Xiang Tianqi woke up from his anger, and the two expressions on his face kept changing. Self-sembalment and anger alternate with each other.

"Why don't you leave?" Ask yourself.

Xiang Tianqi struggled for a long time before squeezing out a question and answer that he would never forget: "You didn't do anything to my sister, did you?" The old red-faced mosquito said softly,

Xiang Xialian, as his own sister, obeyed everything, and the facts in front of him made him have no reason to reject and difficult to agree. The care for my sister is still worried about her.

"Well!" I didn't expect Xiang Tianqi to ask this sentence, inside and outside the thunderbolt, petrified in situ.

"Is there any?" Xiang Tianqi was emotional for a moment and asked and answered harshly.

Xiang Xialian, who hid in the dark, could no longer keep calm, and her delicate body ran several times. A bear hugged Xiang Tianqi and sobbed sadly: "Brother! Stop asking, nothing!!"

Xiang Tianqi turned around, his face disappeared, and whispered with concern, "Speak out, my brother will avenge you!" ~~~”

Ye Fanbao's body was shocked and came forward and said, "Xiang Tianqi, don't make trouble. The captain is patient. I'm almost gone..."

waved his hand to stop him and said, "Okay, Ye Fan, let's go!"

"Captain!" Ye Fan.

"Let's go!" I repeated it again.

His departure was hindered by Xiang Tianqi's fierceness, and the two sides pushed Xiang Xialian out and pulled himself away from the other party!

Xiang Tianqi looked at her sister with pain and tears, and her face was wet with tears in the corners of her eyes, and she wanted to revenge herself regardless of her innocence.

Xiang Xialian burst out of amazing power from nowhere and blocked her runaway brother Xiang Tianqi behind her with her thin body.

Xiang Xialian shouted in a hoarse voice, "Brother! Don't make things difficult for Wei Dong anymore. It has nothing to do with him! ~~~”

After several pushes and quarrels, Xiang Tianqi was finally moved by his sister's persistence and softened his heart and calmed down a little. He pulled up his sister's wrist and left for the outside world.

turned his head at the end and said viciously, "Wei Dong, I hope this is a misunderstanding. If this kind of thing happens again next time, I, Xiang Tianqi, will kill you desperately..."

"Okay, brother! Stop talking, let's go!" Xiang Xialian said, holding her brother's bear's paw in her arms and walked out.