Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

broken the case

Xiang Tianqi quickly found the location of the flowerpot fragments according to her sister's instructions.

"Blood!" One person pointed to the ceramic fragments of the flower pot scattered on the ground in the corner of the wall, with a conspicuous trace of blood on it.

Xiang Tianqi pushed away the onlookers and bent down to look closely at the blood stains on the ceramic fragments of the flower pot. The two strong eyebrows twisted together, and obviously there was a lot of anger.

At this time, Ye Fan also followed and broke through the crowd and rushed in. What's the matter?"

The members next to him came close to their ears and whispered to Ye Fan the reason for the matter.

The people who are talking in a low voice are exchanging their own views with each other.

"Is today's bonfire party to celebrate? A drunk young man came to pull out the girl's window..."

"I think it's possible..."

"Say this, I just saw a person sneaking by here..."

"Yes! I found that when everyone came, I saw a man dressed in the dark shadow and hurried away..."

When Ye Fan heard this, his expression suddenly tightened and said fiercely, "It's not bad that such a thing happened in the base. No matter who it is, I will definitely investigate it thoroughly."

Xiang Tianqi was ashamed and angry, but gritted his teeth and his eyes were red and stared at the blood stains on the ceramic fragments of the flower pot. A pungent smell of wine rushed to the front, and the air source came to the debris.

Ye Fan carefully looked at the blood stains on the pot ceramics. According to the information feedback from everyone, a conclusion in his heart slowly became clear: "The voyeur, a man, a man, has drunk a lot of rich cracked wine, and there are fragments on his body and escapes..."

Under a series of messages, Ye Fan still did not find the behind-the-scenes man, and he had no choice but to make a clumsy blow.

Xiang Tianqi's sister Xuan fluctuated and said, "Minister Ye, can you determine who it is?"

Ye Fan told the other party what he thought, and then launched a popular detection storm.

"Everyone gather here!" Ye Fan took advantage of the speaker and quickly gathered the scattered members around him.

In order not to rule out anyone's possibility, Ye Fan did not even let go of women and children. The members of the base stood neatly in two columns, divided into one column for men and women.

"This is not, and this is not..." Ye Fan personally came forward to inspect one by one, and everyone ruled out the possibility of committing the crime.

"What the hell is going on? There is no possibility of committing a crime, and there is no blood on the clothes. It may be true that no one is the culprit. Ye Fan said secretly with his neck and cheeks.

Xiang Tianqi urged Ye Fan to find out the behind-the-scenes manipulator as soon as possible. How about it? What did you find?"

Ye Fan shook his head to show that he could not find it.

Xiang Tianqi no longer controlled the anger in his heart. The leopard's body rushed forward, and the iron arm and tiger claws lifted a young man with an obscene and twisted face and roared angrily: "Did you do it! I used to find that you had bad intentions towards my sister and often used the convenience of work to harass her!" His hand secretly increased a little, clutching the other party's collar and lifting it high above his head.

"No, I didn't!" The obscene man shouted unjustly, and his hands kept breaking off Xiang Tianqi's locked big hand.

Ye Fan stopped loudly: "Xiang Tianqi, put him down quickly! Don't be stupid until the facts are clear!"

Xiang Tianqi took a soft phlegm and cursed, "Wait for me. If you do it, I will take off your dog skin!"

The man returned to the team with the help of his side.

"I have a way!" Ye Fan said happily.

Xiang Tianqi has long been disappointed with the moderate investigation method and hopes to demand breakthroughs from all key tasks.

"Say, where am I listening?" Xiang Tianqi responded in a muffled voice.

"Now that no one has the possibility of committing a crime, the target is on others!" Ye Fan deliberately sold the customs and said.

Seeing that things had turned around, Xiang Tianqi was in high spirits and asked, "Come on, it's those people!"

Ye Fan smiled and said, "Then click here. Those who are not present may be the criminals!"

"Wo! ~~~~" Suddenly, there was a turbulence in the crowd, and their thoughts began to sweat coldly for those who were not present.


After several minutes of points, a list of the absentees was released.

I hid in the dark shadow in the corner not far away. Through the scanning of spiritual power, I learned it according to the confrontation between the two sides. His tragic fate was coming, and he rubbed his rough hands in a panic.

"What can I do? It won't take long. After investigation, you will definitely be able to twist your own masterpiece. The consequences were unimaginable, and he bowed his head and beat his chest and repented.

Xiang Tianqi scanned the names of the people who drew forks on the list and urged, "Are these people there?"

Ye Fan's cheeks twitched, and the album of the list of base members recorded everyone's lives. He was preparing for the captain and was never recorded. But the information in front of us has never appeared, and there is a greater possibility.

Ye Fan sounded today's farce with Xiang Xialian, thinking about it and really pinching a cold sweat for himself. He prayed secretly, "God, don't have anything to do with the captain, Amitabha!"

Seeing Ye Fan's abnormal thoughts, Xiang Tianqi asked again, "These people are all there. Let's get a pair of certificates!"

"Well..." Ye Fan stuffed, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and lied, "Well, these people should be responsible for guarding the base wall."

Xiang Tianqi urgently urged: "What are you waiting for now? Hurry up and don't let them take advantage of it..."

Ye Fan nodded and agreed.

Xiang Tianqi turned around and came to his sister and said Kenseki, "Sister, you are afraid. My brother will definitely catch this hooligan and cramp and skin him to death..."

Xiang Xialian covered her brother's lips with a tired face and comforted her, "Brother, don't worry about me. Everything will pass!"

Xiang Tianqi saw that her sister was so good-tempered, and her heart softened a few degrees. Fu followed his sister's bun and said, "Well, you're tired too. Take a break here. My brother will be back soon..." The tiger arm forcibly twisted Xiang Xialian's shoulder and pressed it at the head of the bed, indicating that the other party fell asleep as soon as possible...

Ye Fan, with an uneasy mood, led the team to move to the guard post inside the base wall.

"Well!" Seeing the crowd rushing in his direction, he panicked for a moment.

"What should I do? In this way, you can find me faster and take advantage of the doubts on your body. At that time, even if you have sharp teeth, you can't get rid of the reputation of peeping. No! Like a trampled girl, she shouted in despair.

"Doubt?" In the rapid operation in my mind to clear the crime, I paused on this ** entry.

He slapped his forehead and said in frustration, "Why didn't we expect to eliminate the evidence of our sins, hey hey! ~~~~" With that, he put his palm into his pocket to find the existence of the zombie crystal nucleus.

"Nani?" After exploring the tip of his hand in his pocket for a few seconds, he found nothing. I immediately recalled the scene before washing.

"Ah!" I can only roar in my heart, and there is nothing in my empty pocket at this time. The zombie crystal nucleus was put back in the safe when he took a shower and replaced his clean clothes.

Originally, he borrowed the zombie crystal nucleus to quickly and magically repair his forehead scars, and sought a fruitless abortion.