Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

Unexpected visitors

"Dangdang! ~~~ A rapid alarm sounded, setting off the twilight of the second day in the peaceful base.

My sleepiness suddenly burst out and asked eagerly, "The alarm was triggered there!"

Ye Fan rubbed his sleepy eyes and said, "I don't know, the alarm was triggered in the early morning!"

"Alarm!" Ye Fan repeated and shouted nervously, "There is a danger!"

"Come with me!" He shouted loudly, lifted the blood soul sword he carried in an instant, and flew across his shoulder to the sound source.

A command post was left behind: "The fighters gathered at the site of the incident at the base, and the members of the logistics went to hide in the room!"

Far away from the whistle tower, two or three cold and pale team members struggled to knock on the copper pot alarm device. The sound of metal tapping continuously brushed inside and outside the base.

He quickly walked to the sentry and put his arm on the other party's shoulder from behind: "Okay, don't knock. Tell me what's going on!"

"What a familiar! It seems?" He quickly collected the memory in his mind, "Li Hongtu, right!"

Li Hongtu held his hands gratefully and said excitedly, "I am! Thanks to the captain, you can still remember me!"

He asked with a smile, "What happened? You have to trigger the highest level alarm device!"

Li Hongtu pointed to the direction of the army of zombies on the wall and said solemnly, "This morning, before dawn, I found that the corpses outside the wall began to retreat in other directions."

Listening to Li Hongtu's detailed description, he suddenly became distracted, and the zombie army retreated to other places by itself. There was only one possibility that there was a higher-level zombie order. He thought anxiously: "If this is the case, the safety of the base will become variable. The initial strength of the Z-level pursuer and the mid-to-late strength of the rover Z-level are just a few zombies I have seen, and there may be higher-level zombies in the zombie army..." For a while, the sense of crisis quickly rendered to Ye Fan beside him.

"Don't leave out a detail and say it in detail!" He said solemnly.

Li Hongtu felt his eagerness and did not dare to say in detail, "We are strange to observe the direction of the zombies after discovering that the overall situation has retreated!"

Li Hongtu pointed to the huge observation mirror behind him and continued, "We looked at the corpses with the lookout mirror and found a convoy with military equipment 2 kilometers away from the base!"

"A convoy with military equipment!" Hearing this noun, his towering body trembled violently, put his hands on Li Hongtu's shoulder and asked anxiously, "Tell us the situation of that convoy in detail!"

Li Hongtu was scared by his bursting action, and the fierce name circulating in the base still made him fierce. He replied in a timid voice, "Two armored vehicles hit their heads and broke through the corpses to obstruct, followed by five machine gun jeeps, followed by dozens of container trucks!"

"Is that it?" Obviously, he was not satisfied with the message in front of him and pursued it with a little urgency.

Li Hongtu's neck trembled several times and whispered, "There are also fifty soldiers in military uniform, guarding each truck, with a uniform 95-series rifle."

Seeing that he didn't understand his voice, Li Hongtu said in a mess, "Captain, there may be some source of what I said. You can use the look at it yourself!"

I was awakened by Li Hongtu's inquiry and came to the skillful result of the observation mirror. I looked at the lens, and my eyes suddenly galloped a few kilometers away from the base.

"Southeast, 1.5 kilometers away!" Li Hongtu reported the number and explained that the team is now in position.

"Turn!" The watch mirror played like a flower in his own hand, and the mirror hole quickly turned and quickly found the team in the direction of the corpses rushed away!

"Dong Dong! ~~~" After finding the military convoy in his watch mirror, there were also bursts of * and bullets in his ear.

"Fant leader! Our three-row soldiers were banded up by the zombie at the end of the line, and now they are trapped!" Tao, the observer in the co-pilot's seat in front of Shi Jingtian, roared.

"Let's go back and rescue them!" The observer shouted anxiously.

"Xiaohou, there is no way out at this time. If we go back, all our brothers will die!" Shi Jingtian's eyes were red and said words against his conscience.

"Damn!" The observer squeezed out a bang between his teeth, sat on the seat angrily, and his fists were tightly pressed together, unconsciously piercing the skin.

Observant Hou Lai's chest was full of flames and cursed resentment: "Damn it! There are fewer and fewer brothers under the pursuit of zombies, and then I will be next! Hate! Hate! ~~~~โ€

Shi Jingtian cut his heart and saw three or four trucks at the end of the convoy being swallowed up by the corpses through the rearview mirror. The two rows of steel teeth bite together angrily and made a bouncing sound.

On the roof of the jeep carrying the machine gun, the shooter angrily hooked the trigger, and the 12.5 mm anti-aircraft machine gun projectile tilted in the group of corpses, and his red eyes were red. His hands shelled all the sea of corpses with hatred in his heart.

At this time, the machine gunman pulled out a long chain, and the muzzle of the gun spewed out of the noisy and ferocious snake letters, raising blood mist in the sea of corpses. Without deliberately aiming, each bullet flew out at a high speed and ran through the zombies in the group.

"Puff!" The large-caliber 12.5 high-fire projectile raised blood holes at the front of the corpse group, and the impact of the blood point has been disappearing until the bullet irrigation...

The messages from the observation mirror were engraved in his eyes one by one. Ye Fan was surprised to find that his face was unpredictable, smiling or not, angry and strange...

"Captain! Are you all right?" Ye Fan asked carefully.

He looked at the watchtower a few more times and said in a low mood, "A light armed army!"

Ye Fan asked, "What should we do?" Save them?"

He waved his big hand and said fiercely, "No! Watch what happens!"

For a moment, on the sentry tower, the three silently turned to the site of the incident and quietly looked at the next progress.

Put your arms around your chest, army! Government! Soldiers, motorcade! A series of messages immediately flew in his mind.

"What the hell is going on? A convoy of light military forces dares to appear in the doomsday of zombies!" After thinking secretly for a few seconds, my eyes suddenly jumped, and my thoughts gradually became clear.

"Collect materials scattered in the end of the world! There is a shortage of materials in the government gathering place, which makes them risk looking for it in the outside world! It must be like this!" A voice in his heart explained.

"Hehe! ~~~" He looked at the dozens of empty buckets behind the motorcade, and his eyes narrowed together and smiled on his cheeks.

said secretly in his heart, "This quasi-military team has at least 50 people. If all kinds of light and heavy guns are added to their base combat effectiveness, they can make more tactical choices to reduce the original blood 1 cold blade to casualties. The lowest! On the premise that it can be lethal to zombies and mutant beasts in the early stage of the world, this batch of guns that Shanshan came here is still very timely!"

Immediately, an undetected smile came out from the corners of his mouth: "Ha ha! ~~~It's great to send such a precious weapon at my most difficult time! It's like giving a pillow when people are most sleepy!"

"Good! OK! OK!" He secretly shouted three cheers.

On the sentry tower, he, Ye Fan and Li Hongru paid close attention to the current progress and had different moods.

The outline of the captain of the car in the distance appeared on the horizon, and long fire tongues gushed out on both sides, and the blood harvested the invading zombies.

However, the side of the zombies, followed by the numerical advantage, is not afraid of death from the crazy attack on the team. The pure land space on both sides of the zombie army is getting smaller and smaller.

While thinking about how to get the weapon of this paramilitary team, the convoy that broke through the battle with the zombies in the distance suddenly turned in the direction and rushed to its side.

The perspective was closer. After several military punches at the end of the team were swallowed up by the corpses, the pressure on both sides of the team was greatly reduced and grew along the road where garbage was abandoned.

Observant Hou Lai looked along the front of the road through the telescope, and the appearance of the desolate base in the distance appeared in his eyes. Shi Jingtian, the commander behind the car seat, said, "Commander, look forward along Zhonghua Road. There is a fortification 1 kilometer away, which should be a gathering place for refugees themselves!"

"Real?" Shi Jingtian, who was anxious to find the way to break through, stretched his eyebrows slightly, raised his eyes and looked over.

The military telescope played an important role at this time, and Shi Jingtian held the mirror tube in his hand and swept away at the building in front of him. The naked eye was slightly swollen and painful, and the bodies in front of them drove away from a towering sentry tower, with a straight body and a tiger and leopard standing here. Turning the camera again, I saw the cold and hard man's deep eyes looking at him as if they had found it!

"Well!" Shi Jingtian just looked with a telescope and swept over the resolute man, which was as scary as a hungry wolf peeping at night.

"Step on the tower! ~~~~" The sound of the machine gun in my ear slowly stopped, like a dumb and oilless car, popping out from time to time.

Observant Hou Lai hurriedly reported, "Mun commander, it's not good! There is a shortage of fire ammunition for the on-board machine guns in the team, which can probably last for three or four minutes!" After saying that, a pair of eager eyes stared at him tightly.

Shi Jingtian woke up from surprise and asked in an exhilarating voice, "What are you talking about?" The rapid sound of machine guns outside the car, and the information in the compartment was not clear.

Observator Hou Lai roared angrily, "Leam, we are almost finished. There is no ammunition!" ~~~~โ€

Shi Jingtian heard the news like a bolt from the blue, and his teeth began to tremble slightly. The scene of ran out of food quickly appeared in his mind. The zombie army rushed in, broke the window of the car and poured it in, broke his brain, and filled their five organs with fresh and tender internal organs. I don't know if the zombies will eventually turn him and the soldiers into a mass of feces.

According to the scene contacted after the outbreak of the end of the world, Shi Jingtian began to quickly recall in his head that all kinds of soldiers who died tragically under the blood claws of zombies, and there was also a pair of iron-boned tough blood, and there was also a fear of death at this time!