Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

Fight Soldiers retreat from the enemy

"Dudu! ~~~" A car whistle sounded in the distance, and dozens of blood-stained Raptors driving towards Li Hongtu through the zombie barrier.

"Li Hongtu! We saw you!" Ye Fan said excitedly.

When I saw Li Hongtu's vehicle in front of the leader, a strong and strange huge zombie appeared in his eyes, tearing and hammering on it crazily.

Ye Fan asked in surprise, "What is that?"

The other party was silent and anxious, and ordered his subordinates to drive away as fast as possible.

Li Hongtu can't drive, so he can only anxiously stare at the destroyed Lei Lihuang corpse behind the car and prayed secretly in his heart: "God! Help me!"

In the front line of life and death, the driver Nanshan will not care about anything and will try his best to control the truck and want to get rid of the thunder emperor's corpse with all kinds of difficult actions!

For the matter, the Leili Emperor's corpse has learned the previous lesson, imprisoning the body with one arm and freeing the other arm for fierce destruction.

Emperor Leili's corpse was furious and angrily dismantled the truck parts. At this time, the vehicle where Li Hongtu was located was more like a hairy chicken, trembling in the cold wind, which was really funny...

Soon Ye Fan led the team members to drive quickly, and the two streams of vehicles turned into a front line and moved exclusively in the round-trip lane.

"Keep up with that car!" Ye Fan pointed to Li Hongtu's vehicle in front of him and said.

The heavy truck moved forward at a high speed, and the excessive speed brought strong winds repeatedly. It rolled up the garbage paper bags on the roadside, and the floating light and shadow drove away strongly.

"Blam it!" Ye Fan pointed to the Lei Li Emperor's body on Li Hongtu's car and said nervously to the driver.

Li Hongtu's body shook, shook several times, and returned to stability again.

"This time, I hit the zombies fiercely!" Ye Fan ordered.

"Come again!" Li Hongtu's dangerous situation in front of him made him anxious, focusing on escaping quickly, and did not immediately see Ye Fan's movements behind the car.

The driver Zhongnan saw Ye Fan's vehicle behind him and immediately recognized the sound and said, "Minister Ye, it's Minister Ye!"

"Oh?" Li Hongtu pulled back his perspective and looked back.

Ye Fan organized the truck to hit it quickly, and the body swayed strongly several times, and the body of the Lei Li Emperor coiled on the car retreated a few minutes.

When Li Hongtu saw Ye Fan's rescuer, the haze in his heart immediately disappeared, and he gestured gratefully.

"Aw!" Ye Fan's expression was still firm, staring at the movement of the thunder emperor's corpse.

The thunder emperor's corpse, which had been invaded three times, turned its eyes and looked at Ye Fan. A beast-haired corpse face vividly made an angry look, and the three-foot sharp mouth with interlaced canine teeth roared at Ye Fan.

"Bang! ~" The glass of Ye Fan's front-edge car splashed a foreign object, which was sticky, conspicuous and fishy.

"Meat crumbs! ~~~" Ye Fan saw the source of the foreign body at first sight, which was somewhat puffy and rolling, disgusting.

With a small extra song, Ye Fan returned to rescue Li Hongtu.

"Don't stop, install it again!" After several collisions, the Lei Li Emperor's corpse occupied by Li Hongtu's car began to be unstable and almost threw out of the car. He could only use the confinement of the corpse arm to maintain his present advantage.

"Oh! ~~~" As the hegemon of thousands of corpses, Lei Lihuang's corpse has never suffered this. In its eyes, Ye Fan's action is more like playing with it, the arrogant zombie strongman.

"Grip! ~~~" The body of Emperor Leili stopped the destruction of the vehicle, and the body curled up with one hand and leaned down into a ball, and his voice kept making a grunt.

Ye Fan said puzzledly, "What is it doing? Why did it stop?"

The driver hit the car again according to Ye Fan's instructions. The body of the Lei Li Emperor suddenly stood up unpredicted, and the two cars were about to crash...

The strange behavior of Lei Lihuang's corpse immediately attracted Ye Fan's attention. The other party's cracked mouth suddenly opened, and the sharp teeth opened to both sides in violation of the human structure, until the huge mouth was completely opened, the size of a basketball...

" Spit! ~~~" After completing this series of actions, Lei Li Huang's corpse quickly spewed out a large amount of bright red** from his abdomen along his mouth...

"I C, what is this! ~~~" The window was quickly covered by sudden sewage, and there was no source of sight in front of it. He hurriedly lowered the speed and hid aside.

"W wiper! ~~Turn! ~~~" Ye Fan immediately ordered the wiper to be cleaned.

What no one expected was that the residual liquid gushing from the abdomen of Lei Lihuang's corpse had a corrosive effect. The window glass immediately emitted a piece of smoke, and the wiper cleaning did not work...

The vehicles following him brought gusts of wind next to Ye Fan, surpassing the slow-moving vehicles...

"It's not good! I'm single, Li Hongtu's place is more or less lucky..." Ye Fan sweated coldly for Li Hongtu for a moment.

"Break!" Ye Fan smashed the front window glass with a tomahawk, and the debris splashed on the ground.

Without the obstruction of the front line of sight, everything becomes logical.

Ye Fan shouted, "Quick! Catch up with the vehicle ahead! ~~~”

During the period when Ye Fan slowed down, the Lei Li Emperor's body was undisturbed and launched a final offensive against Li Hongtu and hit the two-person seat position in the carriage with a gun punch.

"Well!" Li Hongtu and the driver Zhongnan were concentrated by this sudden blow, the iron fist of the thunder emperor's corpse, which was broken through one or two centimeters of steel plate. Under the spine and waist drum, they couldn't stand the fierce force and spit out blood and rushed forward.

"Break! ~~" Without the restraint of seat belts, the two of them sent their heads forward and hit the glass in front of the window. The driver Zhongnan hit the most powerful bloody head on the glass, and the glass fragments burst into pieces.

Zhongnan burst into blood on his forehead and leaned down on the steering wheel without a sound and fainted...

The driver Zhongnan will faint, and the truck will run uncontrollably. Li Hongtu's abdomen was churning, his liver was broken, and his heart was broken, and he endured the severe pain in his body. He pushed away the fainted Zhongnan general and turned the steering wheel with one hand. The mission line was about to drive into the next building and the vehicle was rescued.

"Well!" Li Hongtu was seriously injured, and blood gushed out of various organ wounds in his abdomen. Only he knows that the internal injuries in his body can no longer keep him awake...

Coincidentally, the driver Zhongnan will faint at the moment of fainting, his big foot quietly stepped on the accelerator and rushed out uncontrollably.

"I can't drive!" Li Hongtu secretly complained in his heart. Now the situation can't stop, so he can only bravely go up. Swing left and right in a hurry and turn the steering wheel...

Due to Li Hongtu's poor driving, the body's eyes were shaking uneasily, and the body of the Lei Li Emperor coiled on the car was extremely unstable, and he almost got out of the frame several times...

Ye Fan was chasing quickly and quickly crossed dozens of cars to the front of the convoy.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ye Fan could no longer keep calm and shouted, "Knock me over and throw this monster out!" ~~~”

"Oh! ~~~~" The body of Emperor Lei Li was unstable, and the body fell to the side. In the roar of anger, the arm of the corpse grabbed an iron pipe in the car body at the moment of rolling down to the ground.

Li Hongtu did not know what was happening behind him at this time, and still drove this crazy truck in a panic.

Emperor Lei Li's corpse howled, and a corpse grasped the frame tightly and refused to throw it away. It has been dragging out a hundred meters away, leaving a blood mark and flashing away quickly...

Ye Fan stared at the opportunity and said, "Cruled over the monster's body!"

"No!" Ye Fan failed to get a heavy truck and drove past the body of the Leili Emperor.

The driver looked anxious and sweated a little. He explained, "Minister Ye, it's too difficult. The vehicle in front of us shakes too much. It's too dangerous for us to take the exam..."

Ye Fan looked blameless and said, "It doesn't matter. If you don't do this, after Li Hongtu and others die, our whole fleet will also be destroyed..."

"Roar! ~~~" The corpse of Lei Lihuang let out a roar, and the wheel crushed a corpse leg, and the bones and blood slag were rotten, dragging a blood mark.

The heavy truck was behind the body that crushed the body of the Thunder Emperor, and there was a brief friction between the body, splashing a mass of sparks and galloping away.

"Good! Great!" There was a burst of cheer in the car.

"Aw!" Ye Fan said excitedly with his eyes.

Emperor Leili's corpse was in pain and roared, and his imprisoned hand almost came off.

Maybe because of the desire for flesh and blood and inner anger of the thunder emperor's corpse, he refused to throw away his body.

"Wow! ~~~" Ye Fan's heavy truck roared past Li Hongtu's vehicle, and the Lei Li Emperor's body was frustrated again and howled, and his thick limbs below his thighs were crushed into meat and broken bone fragments and remained on the kilometer.

The Jedi counterattack began, and Ye Fanxi raised his eyebrows and continued to urge the driver to push up.

"Oh! ~~~" The corpse of the Lei Li Emperor made a dodge and hid it under the car. Ye Fan's offensive could not progress and follow closely behind the car.

Looking at the thunder emperor's body hidden under the car, Ye Fan had no choice but to wait anxiously.

"Whistle! ~~~~" Ye Fan was waiting intently for the next opportunity to crush the Leili Emperor's corpse, and suddenly there was a harsh roar in his ears, and his head was dizzy. At the same time, everyone felt uncomfortable and covered their ears in a mess to avoid sound.

After a few seconds of whistling, it suddenly stopped and disappeared. The slightly sober people's ears and noses were bleeding, and their eyes were blurred.

Just as everyone was surprised by the disappearance of the strange sound, Ye Fan looked up and looked forward, and the body of the Lei Li Emperor broke away from under Li Hongtu's car.

The car is on the road, passing by... The body of the Leili Emperor hurriedly avoided the passing wheels and quickly disappeared behind the whole team.

Ye Fan looked through the rearview mirror, and the figure of the Lei Li Emperor's body was quickly submerged by a large number of corpses and disappeared...

"Dong! ~~~" The internal injury made Li Hongtu unable to continue driving, and his eyes fell on the seat and fainted. Without driving control, the truck rushed into a residential house at a fast speed, and the body fell into a dumb fire.

Ye Fan said, "Quick! Stop and save him!"

The heavy truck stopped the car with a sob. The next moment, he rushed out of Ye Fan's figure and ran to the position where Li Hongtu's car was trapped with a battle axe.

"ji!" Relying on the strength of the strong soldier-level Mahayana period, the two left the pieces of the zombies who stayed in the house, and the blood of their limbs flew across. Finally, they found the traces of Li Hongtu and Nanshan General in the innermost flattened cab. Carry it up and leave...

The rescue operation was completed to appease Li Hongtu, who was seriously injured and was in danger. Nanshan drove away before the zombies and the convoy chased after him.

"Captain, Li Hongtu is injured, and we have withdrawn to the base!" After he was sending Shi Jingtian's motorcade out of the surrounded by zombies, Ye Fan's report suddenly came from the microphone.

"Good! Go back quickly!" I was slightly overjoyed, and the expression on my cheeks also stretched half a little.

"Stop!" He stopped the heavy truck for a moment before the corpses behind him, quickly pulled out the pre-prepared traction rope, accurately found the buckle on the Shi Jingtian command car, and built a trailer rope between the two vehicles.

The leopard's body flashed, quickly returned to the cab, and drove away the unxiled heavy truck on the accelerator.

"What are you talking about? The righteous man who rescued us pulled the command car with a tow rope!" Shi Jingtian learned from the report of the soldiers behind the motorcade.

Observant Hou said, "Yes! It may be this lifesaver, changing the way to quickly get us out of the zombie threat! ~~~”

"Thank God! ~~~" Shi Jingtian prayed secretly in his heart.