Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 80 I will marry her

Who is the black hand?

Leng Changxi looked down at Qin Yunuan's slightly raised little face. His white face was as beautiful as jade, and he obviously cared about him with inquisitive and nervous eyes. At least, he felt that he cared about him.

"I don't know." Leng Changxi hastily skipped this answer.

Qin Yunuan lowered her head and did not ask much. When they were still more than ten steps away from the backyard of the Ningwang Mansion, the two abandoned their horses and walked. The back door had been struck by 18 shadow guards. They went straight along the path to the yard where the birthday banquet was held. The sound of singing and dancing still sounded slowly. Ningwang Mansion was still peaceful and happy. No one I didn't expect what kind of thrilling it was just now in the woods just a few miles away from King Ning's Mansion.

Leng Changxi was in front of him, Qin Yunuan was behind him, and it was time for him to temporarily separate when he arrived at the yard where Qin Yunuan was abated.

"Today..." Qin Yu warmed her voice, "Anyway, thank you, but in the future... take care of yourself." It's really strange. When she knew that Leng Changxi had been pretending to be Su Chenghai to deceive her, her heart was clearly alert and built as strong as a Great Wall, but now that she really broke the layer of window paper, her heart seemed to be more peaceful. Maybe she had never hurt her when he was Leng Changxi or Su Chenghai, and she had always been Help her, maybe, only the enthusiastic one in the forest...

When thinking of that hot kiss, Qin Yunuan's face will always open unconsciously.

Leng Changxi did not break it, but just looked at Qin Yunuan with a smile. Although through the mask, Qin Yunuan still seemed to appear in front of him under the moonlight, Leng Changxi's face as perfect as the person in the painting.

While there were few people, Qin Yunuan returned to the banquet. Fang Ziying woke up and came back. She watched Qin Yunuan leave for a long time and asked her where she had gone with concern.

"I'm drunk." Qin Yunuan's face is still rosy. Tonight, she is really drunk.

After saying that, Qin Yunuan looked up at the chief again, looked at the empty seat, and asked Fang Ziying, "Why did Princess Ning disappear?" She is the protagonist of today's banquet.

Fang Ziying rubbed the still swollen temple and said, "It seems that I'm not feeling well. I went back early to rest."

In the dark yard without lights, Leng Changxi saw that Qin Yunuan's figure had disappeared under the flowers, but his eyes had not been withdrawn. He kept looking in that direction, as if his mind could also turn a corner and go with Qin Yunuan.

He is not ready to go back to the banquet. Anyway, there are always some people who don't want him to appear. More importantly, there are still too many things to deal with tonight, but when he turns around, he sees the figure in the octagonal pavilion with a fish lamp lit. A moment of surprise flashed in his eyes and slightly blessed his body. This is his most respectful. Respectful performance.

"Mother concubine." Leng Changxi whispered to Princess Ning in the pavilion.

Princes Ning has beautiful eyebrows and beautiful eyes, and her face looks like peach and apricot. Even if she is angry, she still looks gentle. She has raised Leng Changxi for 20 years. As a mother, she knows her son's best. When Leng Changxi hurriedly left the banquet, her heart also seemed to tremble. She knew that people around the yard had been arranged by Leng Changxi for a long time. But she also knew that the only thing that Leng Changxi's men would not stop was her.

So, everything between Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan fell into her eyes. She frowned slightly, as if she was extremely worried.

"Mother concubine," Leng Changxi approached, and the dim fish lamp reflected on Princess Ning's deeply sad face. "It's windy outside. Why are you waiting here? I'll help you back."

Princess Ning turned her head, as if the child was angry: "Changxi, you are so confused."

Leng Changxi knew what she meant and withdrew her hand and said, "What? Isn't it good?"

Princess Ning said bluntly, "Do you know who she is? However, she is a three girl from a concubine in the lieutenant's mansion. Her mother is still an embroidered mother. Although the rumors about her in Beijing are good recently, saying that she is wise and generous, kind and courteous, but the concubine is a concubine's daughter is a concubine's daughter. Like your eldest brother and your second brother, even if they think about the seat of this world, they can only think about it after all. Think about it."

Leng Changxiyun replied lightly, "What my mother cares about is just identity?"

Princess Ning was stunned, looked back at her extremely firm-looking son and sighed, "You know that I have always loved you the most. I don't have the girl you like... However, your grandmother will definitely not agree." The old princess was born in the Jingguo Mansion and pays the most attention to her family status. Besides, now the old princess is somehow involved with Dou, the direct mother of the Qin family. Looking at the old princess's protection of Dou, she may not accept this sworn enemy.

Princes Ning's mind is simple and pure, which is also the reason why the old princess and Princess Ning can live in harmony. If a shrewd mother-in-law meets a careful daughter-in-law again, it will be strange that she will not fall out, but Qin Yunuan is a smart and keen little hedgehog, which Leng Changxi has also considered. what? He naturally has the ability to protect the woman he looks at.

"Mother concubine," Leng Changxi's words and the summer wind have a slightly cool and deep taste, "I will marry her. No matter whether you are willing, whether your grandmother is happy or not, and whether the world is willing or not, I will marry her. Since I dare to marry her, I naturally dare to allow her a peaceful life."

If Qin Yunuan could hear this, I'm afraid her heart would be warm again. She once described the future so loudly in a man's mouth.

That night, Qin Yunuan fell asleep very late, while Dou Qing'e, who was proud of spring breeze, got up very early the next day.

As usual, Tong'er got up and immediately brought warm water in. She looked at Qin Yunuan in a daze in front of the makeup box, holding a mahogany comb in her hand and combing her hair. She said funnyly, "I think the third girl's face is red. Isn't there something good?"

Qin Yunuan suddenly turned around, but the comb fell to the ground and stared at Tonger and said angrily, "It's really three days that you have gone to the room to lift the tiles. Now you are more naughty than Baochuan."

After rinsing her mouth, Qin Yunuan asked about Man'er's situation again. She learned that Man'er's wound had recovered very well, and her face gradually turned pale, and she also put down a lot in her heart.

Qin Yunuan took the newly combed cross bun, a long hair hanging down from the side of the ear, and formed two beautiful arcs from the back, making the whole person cute and quiet, coupled with a goose-yellow bead flower on her head, adding a little girlish lightness.

"Where's Baochuan?" Qin Yunuan asked, "It's time to call him up for breakfast. Don't miss the time of Shangzu's learning."

As soon as the words fell, Liao's mother ran in sweating and said, "Third girl, the second young master was picked up by Aunt Xiu beside his wife."

"What?" Qin Yu stood up warmly and practiced with Baochuan on the first day she came back. Dou Qing'e really thought that she was still the mother of the Qin family. "Mother Liao, don't worry, take your time." Even if she took it, Dou Qing'e did not dare to pinch Baochuan at will. Qin Yunuan still has this confidence.

"It's the maidservant's fault," Liao's mother said and shed tears. "In the morning, the maidservant called the second young master to get up and dressed the second young master. Aunt Xiu came in person and said that the lady was going to inspect the second young master's recent homework and asked the second young master to go to Cuixuanyuan. The maidservant thought that she could not let Aunt Xiu take her away. She said that she would come to ask for instructions from the third girl, but Aunt Xiu's attitude was tough. Not only that, she also let the two little maids who accompanied her hurt the Xue girl who stopped the door. The maidservant couldn't resist. Seeing that Aunt Xiu took the second young master away, she could only come to discuss with the third girl immediately.

Take away Baochuan and hurt your maid, Dou Qing'e, your arrogance is really getting more and more arrogant.

"Go," Qin Yunuan frowned and straightened his neck. "Go to Cuixuan Courtyard."

She would like to see how arrogant Dou Qinge, a female tiger without claws, can be.

Just entered the door of Cuixuanyuan, Qin Yunuan saw the maids who were sweeping away from her one by one. Most of them, they went to inform Dou Qing'e again.

And Qin Yu warmed his feet into the drooping door and heard the sound of Baochuan reciting poems loudly. He didn't know when he began to recite it. The sound was a little hoarse, while Dou Qing'e leaned lazily on the circle chair, with exquisite refreshments and crisps beside her hand, closing her eyes to refresh herself while listening to Baochuan's back. The sound of the book sometimes nodded, and a disgusting smile floated from the corners of his mouth.

Qin Yun makeup is also on the side.

When Aunt Xiu saw Qin Yunuan coming, she twisted her body and said to Dou Qing'e, "Madam, the third girl is here."

"Yu Nuan met her mother and greeted her mother." Qin Yu warmed her body with a faint smile on her face. Looking at it, Dou Qing'e's smile slowly expanded, but she opened her eyes and showed a surprised look and said, "Yo, it's Yu Nuan. I didn't even notice that Baochuan's endorsement was too loud and full of breath, but I fell down. I didn't expect that the three girls from the imperial lieutenant's mansion would also know how to give their elders.

This is a great mockery.

Qin Yu warmed his body slightly and picked up Baochuan, whose legs were a little numb. He interrupted Dou Qing'e's spiritual oppression of Baochuan without trace. He replied, "It's not Yu Nuan's lazy, but his mother has been recuperation in Guo'an Temple a while ago, and his father ordered not to disturb him if there is no big event. Yu Nuan's yard is all How dare you bother about trivial things? It's not like the eldest sister's yard. Everything is shocking, so naturally you have more contact with your mother.

This paragraph also shook off the bad deeds of Dou Qing'e's mother and daughter.

Dou Qing'e's mouth tilted, lay back again, waved her hand at Baochuan and said, "Why did you stop? Keep reciting. I love listening to Baochuan's endorsement the most, and I sleep much more soundly.

Qin Yu's warm voice suddenly became extremely gloomy: "Mother, let's stop everything."