Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 73 Unpaced

Even though Qin Yunuan took the initiative to evoke Qin Yun makeup, Qin Yun makeup still did not dare to approach. In her heart, Qin Yunuan was no longer the concubine who was beaten and scolded in the lieutenant's mansion. She knew that Qin Yunuan's current strength was far above her.

Qin Yun looked at Qin Yunuan cowardly and didn't say anything, but just looked at him cowardly.

"If everything is okay, I'll go first."

"The third sister, stay." Qin Yunzhuang still summoned up the courage to call Qin Yunuan. At this time, Leng Changxi had left knowingly. On such a big step, there were only two sisters with a very delicate relationship.

Qin Yunuan looked at Qin Yun's makeup, who wanted to stop talking, and just laughed.

"Third sister," Qin Yunzhuang said timidly, "This time, I helped you, but my father's side..."

"What?" Qin Yunuan snorted coldly, "I told you from the beginning that my father and the third prince are on the same front. Since you dare to do it, you must be prepared to be abandoned by your father."

"But Sima Rui killed his brother," Qin Yunzhuang said unscrupulously, "No, no, although he didn't kill his brother himself, his brother also died because of him. What's wrong with me avenging my brother? Father, father loves me so much and loves his brother so much that he won't."

"Qin Yun makeup, you'd better wake up." Qin Yunmian pinched Qin Yun makeup's chin with her fingertips, so that Qin Yun makeup had to look directly into her eyes. "If the father really regards his children's lives so important, how could he agree to join hands with the third prince to play the death of Qin Linfeng from the beginning? Why didn't Sima Rui break with him after indirectly killing Qin Linfeng? How can I have the heart to send you into the palace as a chess piece? Because he clearly knows in his heart that his glory and future are more important than you, or because he has lost a son and a woman who can help him, he has paid so much and can't retreat. I believe that Sima Rui also took a fancy to him, so Yicai bit him to death and let him go.

Qin Yunzhuang suddenly woke up: "What about tomorrow? Sima Rui was arrested, the Qin family member.

Qin Yu warmly glanced at Qin Yun's makeup: "What do you think? Qin has his own magic weapon to escape. Don't worry."

"Of course you don't worry," Qin Yunzhuang suddenly pulled Qin Yunuan's sleeve and said, "You and your brother have entered the Ningwang Mansion. Ningwang Mansion has made great achievements this time. Naturally, it is a big reward, but there are so many people in the Qin family, how can you leave it alone?"

"I don't care?" Qin Yunuan only felt funny, "Sister, it was your father who abandoned me and Baochuan in the back room. It was you so-called relatives who let us die. It is your good mother who scolded us in every way. Now, you blame everything that the Qin family may have happened to me."

Qin Yunzhuang immediately realized her lost words. She could no longer shout at Qin Yunuan as in the past. Their identities were different and their strength was very different, and she had to admit it.

"Princess Ping, I don't want to..."

"I don't want to say more." Qin Yunuan turned her head and suddenly called out Leng Shuang, "Ceng Shuang, let's go."

Qin Yunzhuang knew the skills of this maid in purple and did not dare to make aback. She had no choice but to look at Qin Yunuan's back slowly go away until she met Leng Changxi, who had been guarding outside the hall. The two held hands, looked at each other, and then left.

On the carriage, Leng Changxi has been reluctant to let go of the little hedgehog in his arms. He put his slightly bearded chin against Qin Yunuan's forehead, and from time to time he would bow his head and kiss Qin Yunuan's earlobe, eyelids and nose.

"Ok," Qin Yu warmly straightened up shyly and said softly, "Now you can tell me what happened last night?"

Leng Changxi just hugged Qin Yunuan tighter, said something simple about everything last night, and deliberately concealed some more dangerous things. After saying that, he just rubbed it repeatedly on Qin Yunuan's neck: "It's you. It's too risky. If you hadn't left a signal with the sixth prince of the patriarch's mansion, you would have used it. The fragrance conveys the message and lets me know where the secret path is. Do you know how dangerous it is to get along with Sima Rui alone.

Qin Yunuan nestled in Leng Changxi's arms: "I'm so worried about your safety. I don't think so much."

The carriage was driving on the palace road, but suddenly there was a high shout from the rear.

"General Leng, stay."

I thought it was the person who reported the news in the Leng family army, but I didn't expect that the person who came was the eldest prince Sima Ruo.

"General Leng." Sima Ruo came quickly. Although Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi's carriage did not walk fast, it also made Sima Ruo sweat heavily in this cold winter.

Seeing Sima Ruo coming in a hurry, Leng Changxi narrowed his eyes slightly, and then directly got off the carriage.

"The eldest prince?"

"General Leng, I have something to ask for peace."

Qin Yunuan poked out her head. Sima Ruo looked around and lowered her voice and said to Qin Yunuan, "The child in Sai Chun's belly..."

Princes Sai Chun, the eldest princess, is now pregnant in August, which is the most critical time. Since the last house arrest incident, Yun Guifei and Sima Ruo have been more strict to protect Sai Chun, but now they don't know what's wrong.

"Sepun's pulse has become very weak. I asked Dr. Zhang Ruting to see any clue. I'm afraid that someone took advantage of it and added something that shouldn't be in Saichun's tonic." Sima Ruo hurriedly explained while taking Qin Yunuan to the Chenxi Palace.

"Big prince, don't panic," Qin Yunuan tried to appease Sima Ruo's heart. "There are some things that may be scaring yourself."

"Sesun can't have an accident at this time," Sima Ruo's face made Qin Yunuan feel a little strange, and even with some ambition. "Now that the third brother is going to be sent to the imperial mausoleum, the court needs to be rectified, and the power of the sixth brother has not yet become a trend. Princess Ping, this is the best time for me to rise again. You Do you know?"

"The eldest prince?" Qin Yunuan looked at Sima Ruo, whose eyes were full of power and arrogance. In an instant, the person in front of her who was once elegant like a fairy actually revealed a kind of ferocity that only the devil has.

Qin Yu's heart thumped and asked something that he had always doubted but dared not be sure: "Big prince, where were you when the sixth prince had an accident last night?"

Sima Ruo's body trembled suddenly, and his eyes were already fierce.

Qin Yunuan approached without fear and said, "Such a big thing happened in the palace that the Empress Dowager was stared by Sima Rui's people, but why was there no news in the Chenxi Palace? Why? Big prince, can you tell me?

"What should I tell you?" Sima Ruo's tone has begun to become unnatural.

"And Princess Yun, why hasn't the palace of Princess Yun suffered any loss?" Qin Yunuan opened his eyes wide and said, "Prince, did you and Yun Guifei expect Sima Rui to take this action for a long time? But you didn't expect to inform the emperor in advance to report to the Empress Dowager. You concealed it in order to watch Sima Rui and Changxi's quarrel. You fishermen will benefit. After this incident, Sima Rui must You will be detained and executed by the emperor, and the Leng family army and the 18 shadow guards will also be traumatized. At that time, you will be ready to go and have some plans.

Qin Yunuan's small body exudes an extremely powerful aura, pressing Sima Ruo step by step into a corner where there is no one. Qin Yunuan can see Sima Ruo's inner struggle and entanglement. Sima Ruo is unwilling to fight from the bottom of his heart, but he has a mother who is too keen on power and interests. How can the strong character of Yun Guifei make Sima Ruo let go of the position of crown prince?

"Why should I harm General Leng?" Sima Ruo smiled far-fetchedly, "Even if according to what you said, I want to compete for the position of prince, but General Leng is just a foreign minister. No matter how strong he is, he can only be a minister after all."

Qin Yunuan suddenly owed her body and said clearly, "Big prince, don't you know that according to the law of Daqi, the person who can inherit the crown prince is not only the emperor's direct prince, but also the nephew of the collateral line?"

Sima Ruo looked at Qin Yunuan in a daze.

"Actually, like Sima Rui, you have long known that Leng Changxi is the son of the eldest princess, Changxi, who is qualified to inherit the royal family of Daqi, right?"

"I don't want to," Sima Ruo was stunned for a while, and suddenly became sad. "But I have to fight. My mother said that if I don't argue, there will only be more people who will die. I have seen too many people leave me. The little prescription that grew up with me when I was a child, my wet nurse, and me first A loving woman, they..."

Qin Yunuan slowly retreated a few steps and seemed to suddenly think of something. Therefore, General Menghua was placed under house arrest by Sima Rui, and Yun Guifei and the eldest prince were likely to know it.

Oh, my God, General Menghua, shouldn't he be Yun Guifei's own brother? In order to lure Sima Rui into the game, Concubine Yun can even give up her own brother and leave it alone, so that Menghua can live a life as a prisoner in the dark and dark secret path.


"Cold frost!" Qin Yunuan suddenly shouted loudly, and a purple suit immediately jumped off the wall and waited for the order, "What's the news from the barracks?"

Leng Shuang arched his hand and replied, "The emperor's secret edict ordering the killing of the fake general Meng is already on the way."

"Go and stop." Qin Yunuan ordered calmly, but this order stunned Leng Shuang's eyebrows and asked her to stop the emperor's secret edict. Isn't this looking for death?

"You don't even listen to me?" Qin Yunuan frowned and shouted sharply, "We must arrive before the secret edict arrives at the barracks. If possible, bring more people to protect General Meng."

"But the third young lady..." Leng Shuang was puzzled. The one in the barracks was obviously a fake. Now the emperor is angry and is sweeping away the influence left by the three princes in Beijing on a large scale.

Qin Yunuan suddenly clenched the corners of his clothes and sighed in his heart, Sima Rui, Sima Rui, you are really a master, and you have cheated us all like this.