Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 23 breathtaking

Leng Changxi's spear was made of black iron. The iron was cut like mud. A spear stabbed through, and blood splashed out. The scout walking at the front quickly flashed, and half of his arm was still splashed with blood.

After Acha was the first to rush to kill and make sure that everything around him was safe, he checked the stabbed adult man in a brown thick cloth coat. Leng Changxi's spear directly pierced the artery at his neck, so that blood splashed. It seemed that the adult man was not dead yet. Acha narrowed his eyes and kicked at this The panting man stepped down and heard the crisp sound of flesh and blood kneading together. The man was completely out of breath.

The dark brown thick cloth clothes on this person are exactly the same as what Leng Changxi saw on the hillside. It can be judged that this is a member of the mysterious tribe. The man's hair is scattered and dirty, and there is also a small bite mark on his ankle, like being bitten by some beast. Presumably, that's why He will lag behind others and stay in the fluorescent lake.

"It's a pity," Wanyansu came forward and sighed, "If you leave a living mouth, you can still know how to go to the following route."

When Wanyan Su said this, many of the generals and soldiers began to silently complain that Leng Changxi was too arbitrary and killed people like this. Only the front scout was grateful to Leng Changxi. Almost at the moment Leng Changxi took action, he clearly felt a gust of wind behind him, and the dead man held it tightly in his hand. A bone knife made from a cow's bone proved his intuition at that time. If Leng Changxi hadn't saved him, he would have died at such a close distance.

"Not necessarily." Qin Yunuan suddenly came forward, threw a silk rope tied to his wrist, stretched out his fingers and pinched it at one end, and the other fell in the wind. "Look at the direction of this silk rope floating up, where is it heading?"

Wanyan Sufang wanted to answer, but found that the magnet he brought suddenly lost its directness in front of the fluorescent lake.

"What's going on?" Wanyan Su held the magnet in the soldiers' hands, and the curved spoon made of the magnet in the middle was spinning aimlessly and could not stop.

"This lake is strange." There is humanity immediately.

"That's all." Wanyansu put the magnet in his hand aside. There was nothing strange about this Savage Valley.

"There is no need for magnets to guide the way." Qin Yunuan turned her head slightly, and her jade-like goose egg face soaked in the moonlight. Under the light of the fluorescent lake, it was like a glowing cloud, which made people feel warm all over.

"Changxi, the wind is strong by the lake. Look at the direction of the rope in my hand and the front and back of this man's clothes."

Leng Changxi turned over casually and said, "There is sand in the front, and the back is very clean."

Outside the fluorescent lake is a circle of fine and soft sand, such a lake is by no means common in this forest area, but because of this sand, Qin Yunuan can know a lot.

"That's all right. This shows that this man is going against the wind. Your Highness, just let the soldiers go with the wind in the right direction."

Is it really that simple?

Wanyan Su doesn't seem to believe Qin Yunuan's so decisive judgment.

Qin Yunuan shrugged his shoulders: "In addition, Is there any other way for Your Highness?"

Yes, now that there are four sides, it's better to leave this place quickly.

Wanyansu immediately ordered all the soldiers to walk along the lake, and the bodies of this mysterious tribe were hurriedly buried by the sand. Acha took the initiative to work for Leng Changxi. Since Leng Changxi saved him, his attitude towards Leng Changxi was very different.

The lake is blue, and the water waves with blue plankton are as gentle as a woman's fingertips. It is playing with this quiet and mysterious lake. The lake is like a mirror. With the help of the moonlight, it can illuminate people clearly. The soldiers are tired of walking. Many people can't help scooping it with water when walking by the lake. The cool and thirst-quenching lake, even Wanyansu, who walked in the front, seemed to be enchanted when looking at the lake. It was so beautiful, as beautiful as a fairyland.

Qin Yunuan's eyes were covered by a layer of white veil, and she only felt blue in front of her, but she didn't feel anything strange, but Lu Wuyi suddenly shrugged her nose and said, "This lake is strange."

Suddenly, a soldier in the team rushed directly to the deepest part of the lake and kept shouting, "Son, Dad is here. Dad is coming to save you. Don't be afraid."

The soldier rushed out, and immediately someone grabbed him. He didn't know where the soldier's strength came from. He tried his best to break free from the two people holding his arm and went to the center of the lake in a trance.

Leng Changxi took a step forward, and Wanyan Su hurriedly commanded. Only Lu Wuyi said calmly: "This man's eyes are godless and his consciousness is far away. Obviously, his soul has been taken away by the lake."

"What do you mean?" Qin Yunuan turned her head and asked.

Lu Wuyi took a slightly fearful look at the lake with blue light and tried his best to restrain himself from being confused by the blue light in the water: "My father once diagnosed and treated a patient. Since he went out of a long trip, this man has always believed that his wife who had died for many years was still alive and said that he had seen him. The locals thought He was evil and drove him out, but his 80-year-old mother begged my father to treat him. His father spent a lot of efforts and failed to diagnose the cause. This was neither a heredema nor a mental disorder. Until one day, the man somehow told my father the reason. He said that he was in a place far away in the north. Seeing a mouthful of lake water, he magically saw that he respected his wife all the time. In order to see his wife all the time, he often went out and always went to the lake once a year. But he knew that one day, he would never see his wife in the lake again, and he always believed that his wife Zi climbed out of the lake and wanted to come back to find him.

"See your wife in the lake?" Qin Yunuan frowned, "Why is that?"

"I don't know," Lu Wuyi suddenly smiled and said, "Anyway, from his mouth, the lake can illuminate people's deepest secrets and desires, but it varies from person to person. Some people can see their dreams come true in the lake, and some people see the secrets that have been hidden for many years. However, this is just a legend.

Leng Changxi has been listening to the two in front of them silently. It was not until they said that he turned his head and pointed to the group of soldiers who were somewhat upside down in the lake and said, "Look at them, do you still think it's a legend?"

In the lake, the soldier who first shouted to find his son has gone to the waist deep, with his son's name constantly in his mouth, but those who want to hold him face the lake and make very strange movements, happy or sad, immersed in it. , can't extricate yourself.

At night, a group of people danced wildly in the lake and read words. It seemed that even the wind became strange.

Wan Su sent people to sort out the team, but it still had no effect.

"Yasu, don't look." Wan Yansu saw that Yasu, who was standing by the lake, suddenly looked solemn, as if he had drifted far away.

Who would have expected that Yasu suddenly turned around slowly and pointed to her reflection in the lake and said, "Your Highness, you see, our child is also back."

"Yasu!" Wanyan Su shouted.

Qin Yunuan knew that Yasu had been pregnant a year ago, but for some reason, she had a misfertilization without warning in the third month. For this reason, Yasu was silent for a long time. The lake is really not simple. It is like a devil who can read people's minds and read every trace of desire in your heart, but this is also The most terrible thing is that it has completely controlled your mind, just like a gambling addict who wants to enter the gambling house every day.

Wanyan Su originally wanted to hold Yasu, but she was dragged to the front of the lake and forced by her to look down at the blue lake.

"Your Highness, look, Your Highness, our child is one year old and not cute."

Wanyan Su wanted to struggle, but he was afraid of hurting Yasu. At this time, Leng Changxi strode forward, pulled Wanyansu from Yasu's arms and pulled Yasu back.

Yasu was pulled by such a big force and almost fell down. Fortunately, she fell into Qin Yunuan's arms. Yasu gasped and took a long time to return to normal. The team over there is being sorted out by another deputy general Wan Yansu. The soldier who called his son has walked into the center of the lake. Seeing that the lake is about to flood his head, he is still shouting his son's nickname.

"Changxi, we should go." Qin Yunuan suddenly found that Leng Changxi stood motionless by the lake, like a statue. Inexplicably, Qin Yunuan had a bad feeling.

The lake has soaked Leng Changxi's trousers. Almost unconsciously, Leng Changxi took another step forward. Qin Yunuan couldn't help walking to Leng Changxi's side. The cold lake stimulated Qin Yunuan's calf. She gently touched Leng Changxi's hand. Leng Changxi's hand was actually colder than this lake. fen.

Leng Changxi looked at the lake with stunned eyes and only felt that the rippling lake seemed to begin to show a magical picture, which could be touched, but in his ear, it was the sound of shouting and colliding with weapons.

Suddenly, a large piece of red appeared on the lake. Leng Changxi was so scared that he took a step back. What appeared was just a woman in a red happi suit. Her playful eyes were bright and she saluted the man in armor opposite her. In this courtesy, there was quite a royal family. The demeanor, and standing beside her is actually Leng Changxi's father, the king of Ning. King Ning escorted the eldest princess to Xixia to marry, didn't he?

"Thank you for saving the general." The eldest princess was extremely polite to the so-called general, but she didn't expect that the general said, "The eldest princess of Daqi? Should you pay back if I killed these people who tried to kill you for you?


"The price is not high. I just need you to stay with me for one night."