Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 43 The Rest of Life

The smoke was permeated. No matter how big Leng Changxi hid on the stone pillar made a big action, the people outside couldn't see it. He stretched out his slender middle finger and index finger and carefully hit the narrow hair-like gap. I don't know how Leng Changxi found that there was a dark grid on the top of the stone. Suddenly, Leng Changxi tried hard, and the slender I don't know why my fingers have such great power. They naturally removed the stone that sealed the dark grid, and immediately a cool and moist wind blew out of the dark hole.

"This wind is wet." Qin Yunuan also felt it, "It means that there is water on the other side of the hole."

When the smoke dissipates, Chen Jingrui will definitely send someone in again. Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan can't hide for a lifetime. Leng Changxi put half of his body into the hole and confirmed that there were no poisons and insects in it. After turning to Qin Yu Nuannuan, he said, "Nuannuan, keep up."

Qin Yunuan hesitated a little, and Leng Changxi said firmly, "Believe me, my intuition tells me that a cunning woman like Chen Guan will definitely leave countless back roads for herself, and this tunnel is likely to be one of the back roads."

Yes, it should be difficult for anyone to think of such a hidden and incredible tunnel except for Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi who took refuge here.

Qin Yunuan gritted her teeth and climbed along the tunnel with Leng Changxi. When she first entered, it was very narrow, only enough for one person to crawl forward, but it didn't take long. The space immediately became larger and could make people bow forward. At this time, the two had no time to care about what would happen to Chen Jingrui's side, but they listened to it vaguely behind them. The screams seemed that the group of people accidentally triggered other organs, and the sad screams were endless. Qin Yunuan frowned: "I smelled the insects."

Leng Changxi paused and heard Qin Yunuan say, "It's not in this tunnel, but behind us. It's very light. It should be in the hall with the night pearl."

"Oh," Leng Changxi nodded, "that's none of our business."

The two walked faster and faster. Suddenly, a faint light appeared in front of them, followed by the loud sound of water.

It's a waterfall!

Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi looked at each other. The front must be a waterfall, otherwise the tunnel would not be wet like this. Qin Yunuan mobilized all her previous memories. She didn't remember where there was a waterfall on the map. Judging from the signs on the map, the Savage Valley did not even have a tall cliff, and where The terrain has formed such a magnificent waterfall.

No, there is a place.

The two thought almost at the same time and said with one voice: "Little hut."

Yes, it is the small hut where the eldest princess lives. There is a 50-meter-high cliff, and there is also a river under the cliff. It is not surprising if there is a waterfall upstream.

At this point, the two became more interested. Leng Changxi took Qin Yunuan's hand and carefully moved to the mouth of the cave step by step. The soft sunlight came to his face, but it hurt Qin Yunuan's eyes, who had been in the dark for a long time. The waterfall went down three steps away from them, and the sound of water hit the bottom violently. On the stone below, over the years, a piece of originally sharp and angular stone has been washed round and smooth.

Water vapor rushed to her face and hit Qin Yunuan's delicate little face heavily. Taking advantage of the light, Qin Yunuan saw clearly that her and Leng Changxi's clothes had been gray and stained with a lot of dust, and even her face showed an unspeakable vicissitudes.

Leng Changxi looked down calmly, estimated the height and the angle of entering the water, turned his head and hugged Qin Yunuan, and buried Qin Yunuan's little head in his chest: "Nuannuan, don't be afraid."

"Changxi, you..." Qin Yunuan was stunned, but immediately followed by a sense of weightlessness. In an instant, Qin Yunuan's whole body was wet by the raging water. She did not dare to open her eyes. The next second, it seemed that her whole body was immersed in the cold and piercing water, and the powerful waterfall water fiercely washed Qin Yunuan's body, as if to wash her heavenly soul. In the same way, Qin Yunuan couldn't swim. She relied on Leng Changxi to pull her with one hand to swim towards the place where the water flow was gentle. When she swam to the shallow water area, Leng Changxi was exhausted.

The water was bitterly cold. Qin Yunuan struggled to climb out of the water, dragged Leng Changxi to the shore with the little strength, and then knelt down next to Leng Changxi. The two looked at each other and smiled silently. Yes, they escaped, and they finally escaped from the hellish weapon factory.

Just as the two looked at each other affectionately, the waterfall water suddenly turned and was distorted by a strong wind. A heat wave rolled out of the original hole, with the smell of flames and burning. Presumably, the people inside had triggered some mechanism. I thought it was just this heat wave, but then, Qin Yunuan saw that the whole mountain seemed to shake violently, like an earthquake.

"Warm, let's go." Seeing this was not good, Leng Changxi didn't know where the strength came from. He picked up Qin Yunuan and ran to the open space in the distance. Behind him, accompanied by the sound of the rumble mountain breaking and collapsing, and countless falling stones like meteors, Leng Changxi flew to protect Qin Yunuan tightly under his body. Through the gap between Leng Changxi's sleeves, Qin Yu Nuannuan saw A large piece of the mountain in the distance was smashed, and the water of the whole waterfall splashed. When everything calmed down, the mountain had been broken. The original waterfall retreated a lot for no reason, and the rocks below fell from the mountain and received the ruthless erosion of the waterfall again.

"Mr. Tuoba, Mrs. Tuoba." In the distance, a familiar shout attracted the attention of Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan, and there was actually someone underneath.

Qin Yunuan turned her head and found that it was Acha who had been left in the tribe before. He was followed by two younger brothers, who looked a little haggard and unhappy.

"It's really you." Acha was very excited to see Leng Changxi, "Sir Tuoba, I thought you couldn't come back."

"Why are you here?" Leng Changxi remembered how far they were allowed to take the eldest princess.

"We don't know where to go," Acha said as he took off his sheepskin coat and handed it to Leng Changxi. Leng Changxi did not refuse. The water was really too cold. He dusted his coat and wrapped it in Qin Yu's warm and trembling little body. Acha looked at it, smiled and continued, "Then we decided Come and wait for you in this small hut."

"Where's your mother?" Although Leng Changxi doesn't have a coat, he can use true qi to protect his body. He is much warmer.

Acha only pouted in the direction of the small hut. Leng Changxi was about to take a step, but Qin Yunuan suddenly stopped Leng Changxi and frowned, "I smelled an expensive spice and a slight smell of horse dung. There should be someone coming to the hut." After saying that, Qin Yunuan looked sideways at Acha and said, "Acha, tell the truth."

Acha was a little embarrassed and lowered his head: "To tell the truth, I'm afraid that Mr. Tuoba will kill me."

Leng Changxi turned his head and said, "You say it directly."

Acha took a deep breath and said, "Not long after we arrived at this small hut, a pair of people came, all armored long knives, led by a very powerful person, who was about to pick up his wife. Naturally, we wouldn't allow it, and my wife refused to leave, saying that she would wait for Mr. Tuoba to come. The group of people have been guarding the house now. , saying that he would wait for Mr. Tuoba to arrive and have a good discussion.

After listening to this, Qin Yunuan frowned slightly. The smell of spices she smelled was by no means ordinary spices, but for imperial use, and the smell of horse dung was not as bad as ordinary horse dung. Most of them were fed with good grass on weekdays. If this is inferred, is it...

Before Qin Yunuan said anything, Leng Changxi had already strode towards the small hut. As expected, several of the most advanced sweaty BMWs around the hut were burying their heads and eating grass. One of the most energetic horses was staring intently at the door. The saddle of the horse was also inlaid with a string of gems, luxury Extremely extravagant.

Several people in black armor at the door guarded the door. Seeing Leng Changxi's bad intentions, they were even more vigilant to pin the long knife around his waist in front of him.

"Who is coming?"

"Daqi Leng Changxi." Leng Changxi spoke bluntly and did not hide it.

Acha opened his eyes wide below: "Cold...Leng Changxi? Is Mr. Tuoba the god of war of Daqi, the legendary young warrior?

Qin Yunuan replied flatly, "Don't you look like it?" Now is not the time to discuss this. The three of you stay here and send us any signals. After saying that, Qin Yunuan also followed Leng Changxi up the steps. The door had broken many holes. He could see a man with black armor and sharp eyebrows like a blade sitting inside. He looked young, but in his early twenties, but his shrewd eyes were not even comparable to the veterans who had been on the battlefield for many years.

This will be a difficult person.

Qin Yunuan came forward and silently took Leng Changxi's hand, just like Leng Changxi would do the same when she felt helpless and afraid countless times.

"Let him in." The tone inside is leisurely and disdainful.

The bamboo door was opened, and the decorations inside were still the same as before. The young man was sitting facing the door, with a beautifully made horn pot in his hand, which smelled of wine. At this time, he drank alone. If it hadn't been for this armor, he would only think that he was a leisurely mountain farmer and a rural Taoist priest.

"Where's the eldest princess?" Leng Changxi did not relax his vigilance.

The young man raised his eyes and sneered coldly: "In a very safe place, but I said General Leng of Daqi, you didn't ask my name when you came in, and it was a little impolite to ask only the whereabouts of the eldest princess."

"Do I need to ask?" Leng Changxi stared into the young man's eyes. To be honest, Qin Yunuan, as a bystander, looked at the young man's eyebrows and eyes were similar to Leng Changxi, not to mention eight points, but also five points of similarity.

"Jing Yuanchu." Leng Changxi directly called out the man's name, "The thirteenth prince of Xixia, am I right?"