Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 46 Enter Xiliang

Lu Wuyi frowned tightly, but the call in his ear became more and more real. Lu Wuyi began to feel afraid. He stretched out his arm and waved it to drive away these terrible sounds, but his hands were firmly controlled by a force. He only felt a burning heat on his face, and he was slapped.

Suddenly opened his eyes, Lu Wuyi only saw Leng Changxi's expressionless face.

"You." Lu Wuyi got up in a hurry and wanted to salute for fear that too much would attract the attention of others, so he lowered his voice and said, "Why are you here?"

"I ask you, do you know what the eldest princess eats every day?" Qin Yunuan came straight to the point.

The evening breeze made Lu Wuyi feel a deep chill, but it was not as cold as Qin Yunuan's eyes. The first time he saw Qin Yunuan's decisive and sharp eyes could only show that she finally guessed something.

Lu Wuyi lowered his head and said, "I'm also helpless."

"Sure enough, you did it," Qin Yunuan motioned to Leng Changxi. Leng Changxi immediately put the dagger in his hand against Lu Wuyi's throat knot. As long as he scratched it a little, he would cut off Lu Wuyi's artery and make him bleed to death instantly. "Say it," Qin Yunuan stared at Lu Wuyi, "Why did you do this? You There is no grudge against the eldest princess. Someone must have instructed you to do it. Is that person Jing Yuanchu?

Lu Wuyi shook his head and was helpless: "I... I can't say it."

"Can't say it?" Leng Changxi put the dagger closer to Lu Wuyi's throat. "Since you can't say it, your throat is useless. Can I cut it for you?"

"I..." Lu Wuyi lowered his head and said, "Okay, I've explained everything, but you have to promise that you can't let him know. I told you."

"You really cherish your life the most." Qin Yunuan looked at Lu Wuyi and sneered. If not, this person would not first turn from Sima Rui's camp to join Qin Yunuan. Finally, he stayed in Wanyansu's team and was now taken in by Jing Yuanchu. If Dou Mei both relied on the ability to understand the situation and understand moderation, and Lu Wuyi was completely with the ability to travel with the ability of fear of life and death. Walking in the major camps.

Lu Wuyi held his breath and said, "At first, I didn't know that the thirteenth prince was going to attack the eldest princess. He asked for several kinds of elixirs from me, light and heavily poison, and also asked about their respective usages. I thought he wanted some elixir to protect himself, but just half a month ago, when the eldest princess was infected with the wind and cold, I took it for the eldest princess. Only then did I find that the eldest princess actually fell in my Wangyousan. I can feel that the drugged person carefully confused the medicinal properties of Wangyousan with several other tonics to cover up the pulse, but after all, Wangyousan was developed by herself. I know best about the medicinal properties and reactions.

"What is forgetful?" Qin Yunuan asked.

"This is a pill that makes people temporarily lose their memory," Lu Wuyi paused and continued. "However, this kind of amnesia is also selective. At the beginning of the period, it is to get rid of the pain for those who are overly immersed in the sad past. Generally, it is the pain of losing children and wives, so this pill will only make people forget those unbearable. Looking back on the past and lovesickness.

"So," Leng Changxi's voice began to be a little erratic, "mother is gradually forgetting Jing Donghua?"

The eldest princess has been waiting for Jing Donghua in the Savage Valley for 20 years, which is the greatest pain in her heart. However, at this time, she has been able to see the moonlight, and the western cool of the capital of Xixia, is just around the corner. The eldest princess forgets how to recognize Jing Donghua again. If she knows that the eldest princess has taken it, she will be fine. I'm afraid that this Jing Yuanchu's purpose is not only this. At that time, the eldest princess and Jing Donghua will recognize each other, but the eldest princess does not remember Jing Donghua. There are only two possibilities. First, Jing Yuanchu will slander the eldest princess for being ungrateful, and even make up some unrealistic lies to aggravate the eldest princess's crimes. Second, Jing Donghua firmly believes that the person in front of him is not The eldest princess, two people who love each other face to face but can't recognize each other, which is a greater pain.

Qin Yunuan knew early that Jing Yuanchu did not have good intentions, but she did not expect that this person's means were so smart. Fortunately, today's eldest princess took out the white sugar cake, as Qin Yunuan did not realize this.

"Where is the antidote?" Leng Changxi stared at Lu Wuyi's eyes, "You are the one who made this forgetful, and there must be an antidote."

Lu Wuyi said tremblingly, "Didn't I just say that? The thirteenth prince took a lot of elixir from me and took away the antidote of Wangyousan.

Oh, it seems that Jing Yuanchu is really thoughtful.

"This is the elixir you made. You won't know the formula of the antidote." Leng Changxi stared at Lu Wuyi, "I want you to either write it down or match it."

Lu Wuyi was scared and trembled a little by Leng Changxi and stammed: "But... But even if I write the recipe, it is impossible to find all the raw materials at this time, especially one of them, which is difficult to find in this life."


Lu Wuyi chok and said, "The blood of Zhiyang."


"Only when people who find a physique are yang and are willing to offer a bowl of blood as a pharmaceutical introduction can they develop an antidote to forgetful worry." Lu Wuyi thought that such a condition would deter Leng Changxi, who was full of determination. Unexpectedly, Leng Changxi just smiled lightly: "This is simple, I can get it."

"How is that possible?" Lu Wuyi couldn't believe it. Leng Changxi looked down at him and didn't intend to tell him that he was actually a yang physique. He didn't want to expose too much in front of this person, but just said, "In a word, what I can get is that you must get the rest of the things anyway, and the thing to make antidote is In private, Lu Wuyi, I will stare at you all the time.

Leng Changxi stretched out his index finger and middle finger, pointed to his eyes, and hinted at Lu Wuyi's eyes.

The crescent moon in the distance was about to fall into the West Mountain. When the soldiers changed their posts, Jing Yuanchu was the first to get up when the sun was rising. From afar, he saw Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi leaning against the rock still sleeping. A trace of contempt and a successful smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. He thought that the first general of Daqi How powerful the army is. After being entrusted by the man, he was also cautious at first. However, it seems that his experience in Savage Valley has worn away the momentum of this tiger. Now Leng Changxi seems to be satisfied with a little comfort and has no ambition to continue to make progress at all.

Three days later, Xiliang, the capital of Xixia, returned from his mission three months away from Beijing, and seemed to be cheered and welcomed by the people of the whole city.

Qin Yunuan sat in the carriage and seemed to feel the upsurge around her. The people around her were all dressed as Western Xia natives. The men were all uniform robes, which looked very elegant. The women's clothes were particularly gorgeous and touching, with various silk ribbons on their chests, lined with a skirt and a A half-armed coat with a long sleeve in it, walking with a skirt swaying as if it were entering a big garden.

It seems that Jing Yuanchu was very popular, and the people passing by were excited to throw flowers at Jing Yuanchu to express their love for the thirteenth prince.

Qin Yunuan can even hear the talk of passers-by.

"This thirteenth prince is really a good person. A few years ago, when there was a drought in the southwest, he sold many treasures in the mansion to support the disaster victims and sent water and food to the disaster victims. He is really a savior-like figure."

"More than that, I also heard that on the day of the wedding of the thirteenth prince, even the street beggars had a bowl of chicken soup to drink. I think the thirteenth prince is not only rich, but also kind-hearted."

"Yes, these thirteen princes and imperial concubines are really a pair of kind-hearted people, much better than our prince."

Unexpectedly, Jing Yuanchu was compared with the official prince of Xixia in public. It seems that the position of this prince is a little unstable.

The star in the carriage gritted her teeth tightly. What she cared about was that everyone thought that the thirteenth prince and the bitch were a natural couple.

The carriage stopped in front of the post hall, and the thirteenth prince personally diseased from the horse to invite the eldest princess to stay and rest.

The eldest princess stepped on the wooden pedal, looked up at the antique post hall, smiled at Leng Changxi and said, "Do we live here?"

Leng Changxi nodded and looked at Jing Yuanchu with a firm inquiring tone: "We... live here, right?"

Leng Changxi deliberately emphasized the word "we" to tell Jing Yuanchu not to easily separate him from the eldest princess.

Jing Yuan smiled and nodded, "Naturally, my father's condition is not stable. When my father is better, I will naturally take the eldest princess into the palace to see my father."

Leng Changxi didn't look at him, because he didn't believe him at all: "This is the best."

When the eldest princess moves in, it is natural to choose the best yard. Although the whole post hall is not large, there happens to be an East Garden with a beautiful environment, quiet and peaceful environment, which is most suitable for the eldest princess to rest in.

The eldest princess lives in the main room in Dongyuan, while Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan chose an ear room to live in for the time. The main purpose is to take care of the eldest princess at all times.

"Xing'er will stay to serve you," Jing Yuanchu glanced at Xing'er and said in an ordered tone, "I have to go to the palace to visit my father first, and then I have to go back to the mansion to take care of some trivial matters, so I won't stay any more."

"Your Highness." Fortunately, he was a little reluctant. After all, Jingyuan returned to the prince's mansion at the beginning, didn't he go back to the woman surnamed Dou?

"Xinger, you should pay attention to your identity." Jing Yuanchu frowned, which was a manifestation of his patience to the limit.

Xing'er was stunned and didn't dare to say much. Not long after Jing Yuanchu left, Xing'er immediately recovered as before and commanded the slaves in the post hall to buy all kinds of furniture and furnishings.

Just when everyone was busy, a high female voice suddenly came from outside the yard: "Who is Leng Changxi, get out!"