Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 55

Jing Yuan smiled awkwardly at the beginning of an hour. Jing Donghua looked down at the two brothers and said with a smile, "Old Thirteen is not proud of his achievements. It should be rewarded."

Jing Yuanchu quickly got up and thanked him. Next, it was time for the ministers to remonish. With the wine and food, they were talking endlessly. However, this banquet was indeed useful before, but later, it became a commendation meeting for the ministers to praise the emperor's achievements. This time Without exception, just when Jing Donghua's ears were about to hear a cocoon, a young descendant suddenly stood up and said, "Your Majesty, with all due respect, Wei Chen has investigated the origin of this Lin Tianshi and found that no one had heard of this person a month ago. I hope the emperor can be cautious and thoroughly investigate Lin Tianshi's identity. Be clear and believe what he said.

As soon as this kind of words came out, a stone stirred up a thousand waves. Some people objected, some people agreed, and those who opposed were not willing to show weakness. They directly stood up and argued with this young and posterciated: "What do you know? There are no wonders in the world. Lin Tianshi traveled around the world and only recently traveled to Western Xia. This is what everyone knew from the beginning. Moreover, now Lin Tianshi has indeed cured the emperor's years of depression and diseases, which is also obvious to all. I said that you, a young descendant, should not be jealous of this heavenly master for making great achievements. It's red."

"You can't say this," the elder of the Three Dynasties just now said, "It's better to be cautious." After saying that, the old minister was very wary and looked at Lin Tianshi from top to bottom.

Jing Donghua did not speak immediately. Instead, he picked up a cup of warm tea on the table. His bones were not complete and he could not drink yet.

Jing Donghua's silence seemed to be a bigger catalyst, and the focus of the contradiction was on Lin Tianshi's identity. For a moment, you came and went at the banquet until an enchanting female voice broke the silence: "Yo, I have heard the noise of all the talents from afar. Everyone who understands the situation I'm arguing. I don't know the situation. Ha ha, I thought there was a fire in the palace.

At the entrance of the banquet, a bright figure like a peach blossom in March appeared in front of everyone, coated with powder, cherry lips and blush. Lianfei was like a sudden fairy. Today's Lianfei is carefully dressed, which is a little more gorgeous, charming and charming than usual. For a moment, it only makes people feel like such a beauty. It is so beautiful.

Several young juniors among the ministers had poor self-control and already had some reactions, which naturally could not escape the eyes of the lotus concubine. She covered her mask and sneered, only looked up to Jing Donghua and said sweetly, "There are some trivial things in my concubine's palace. I'm late. I hope the emperor won't blame you."

Jing Donghua's face did not change: "Who dares to blame you in this whole palace?"

"Is it just you, the emperor?" When flirting with the emperor in public, it is estimated that only Concubine Lian can do it. Concubine Lian came step by step and swaying. Qin Yunuan looked at Lianfei walking forward in the corner, as if she were looking at a picture of beauty.

But if Qin Yunuan saw it correctly, when Lianfei walked in front of Leng Changxi, she clearly lowered her eyes and looked at Leng Changxi very nostalgicly. Although she quickly took her eyes back, the most feminine ** and intuition told Qin Yunuan that there was absolutely something wrong with this Lianfei.

"She just looked at you." Qin Yunuan pretended to move his chopsticks to hold the bass in the plate and whispered to Leng Changxi.


Huh? Are you just a 'huh'? Qin Yunuan tried to keep calm on her face, but the sea of jealousy in her heart set off a huge wave. No woman could stand another woman's affectionate eyes to her husband, even though Qin Yunuan knew that the overall situation should be the priority at this time.

"She is a very strange woman," Leng Changxi looked at Concubine twisting herself and sitting next to Jing Donghua. "That day, I almost had an accident with my mother. She saved me, but I know that she can't be an ally. In fact, I vaguely feel that she just wanted to fight against the person who killed me."

"But the news we explored clearly said that this Lianfei used to be a maid in Jingyuanchu's mansion. Later, she changed her name and then entered the palace to agree. Later, she was promoted all the way to have her current status. Among them, there must be Jing Yuanchu's credit. If she is Jing Yuanchu's person, and the person who wants to kill you is Jing Yuanchu, isn't it herself? Contradictory." Qin Yunuan analyzed in a low voice and suddenly woke up, "No, we shouldn't care about the enmity between them. As long as we know that this happens to be an opportunity, the relationship between Lianfei and Jing Yuanchu is by no means as simple as master and servant."

"Hmm." Leng Changxi nodded.

On the other side, it has been noisy to a white-hot stage. Lianfei is ignoring Jing Donghua to pick up vegetables for Jing Donghua. Lianfei has a faint fragrance, which can make people feel very quiet and seem to forget a lot of things.

"Your Majesty? "Your Majesty?" Eunuch Xue, the personal eunuch beside Jing Donghua, carefully reminded Jing Donghua, who was a little distracted.

Jing Donghua came to his senses, but saw Lin Tianshi looking at him. There seemed to be something shining in his eyes, which was fascinating.

"Your Majesty, many ministers now require a thorough investigation of the old man's medicine and the identity of the emperor. I don't know, what does the emperor think?" Lin Tianshi didn't have legs and couldn't get up, but he bowed to be more humble.

Jing Donghua muttered to himself, but no one could hear what he was saying. His voice was too low.

"Your Majesty?" Lin Tianshi's tone was very soft, as if with a charming effect, "Your Majesty, do you believe in these so-called loyal ministers? Or is it the old man who saved your life?"

Jing Donghua's eyes were wrong, as if he had lost his soul. Jing Donghua slowly turned his head and said to Lin Tianshi, "I believe you. You saved my life. If you come forward, I want to reward you."

Jing Donghua said word by word, speaking surprisingly slowly.

Lin Tianshi frowned slightly: "Your Majesty, I'm sorry for my legs and feet. I'm afraid it's..."

"It doesn't matter," Jing Donghua's face was dull, as if he was possessed. "Come on, bring up the heavenly master."

Immediately, an eunuch lifted Lin Tianshi's chair. Jing Yuanchu's expression was still very calm, but he began to feel uneasy when he saw this scene.

"Come on, I want to reward you with this jade dragon in my hand. In the future, you can mobilize all the guards in the palace. Now, no one will say that you are from unknown."

At the moment, Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi quietly looked at the movement above, and saw that Lin Tianshi's eyes immediately changed from the doubt just now to a kind of ecstasy. Yes, it was an honor to mobilize the power of the 30,000 imperial guards in the palace to everyone.

"Come here and I'll give you the jade faucet." The jade dragon head is a black ring on Jing Donghua's right index finger. He has never left him. Looking at Jing Donghua slowly taking off the ring, Lianfei's face couldn't help but show a faint surprise.

Jing Donghua held the ring in the palm of his hand and got up slightly. It was just when he was about to give it to Lin Tianshi. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. The fierceness and shrewdness made Lin Tianshi suddenly realize that he was fooled.

Unfortunately, Lin Tianshi's legs and feet were inconvenient. Jing Donghua held the jade dragon head back in his hand, pulled down the bamboo-woven incense bag at Lin Tianshi's waist, and his hand leaned forward. His strong and powerful iron-plate hand had pinched Lin Tianshi's throat.

For a while**, the ministers completely couldn't figure out what had happened. Why did the emperor who was about to be rewarded by Lin Tianshi just now suddenly furious?

"Your Majesty?" Concubine Lian stood up anxiously. Unexpectedly, Jing Donghua didn't look at the charming Concubine Lian. He only waved his hand and immediately came up from around the banquet and surrounded the banquet. Two of them grabbed Concubine Lian rudely as soon as they came up.

"Your Majesty, why did you arrest your concubine? My concubine is right, your Majesty.

Jing Donghua only looked back at Lianfei, turned his head to the ministers and pointed to Lin Tianshi and said, "This old man deliberately approached me and tried to poison me. It's not enough to crack his car to vent his anger."

Xixia, like Daqi, was poisoned by poison, so she was also tightly guarded against this kind of sideways thing, so as soon as she said that Lin Tianshi actually had something to do with poison, the person who had just spoken for Lin Tianshi immediately closed his mouth and hid behind people.

Jing Yuanchu wanted to stop talking, and he could not be in the limelight too early at this moment.

But his appearance has completely fallen into Jing Donghua's eyes. Jing Donghua gave Jing Yuanchu a sharp look: "Old Thirteen, do you have anything to say?"

Jing Yuanchu only replied weakly: "I just feel that this matter needs to be found out... What I mean is that poison is a serious crime, and we must strictly investigate the source and eliminate future troubles." Jing Yuanchu looked at Lin Tianshi's eyes full of murder and fierceness. Lin Tianshi hesitated to say something, but his throat was tightly pinched by Jing Donghua.

"Source?" Jing Donghua raised his head and looked in the direction of Qin Yunuan. Qin Yunuan immediately got up.

Is it her? Jing Yuanchu looked at Qin Yunuan with a little more resentment.

Jing Donghua handed the sachet on his waist and the sachet that had just been taken from Lin Tianshi to Qin Yunuan. Immediately, an eunuch handed over a wooden tray. Qin Yunuan cut the two sachets with a knife and shook them out the spices full of spices. Among them were the worm's favorite fairy grass, and half of the spices were poured out, and the two insects Zi was shaken out of the two sachets.

One big and one small, one is darker, and the other is pure and flawless white.

"This is a mother gill," Qin Yunuan said, pointing to the larger dark poison, "and this one is a gill, which is a unique nuisance in the village outside the savage valley. As long as the gill is implanted into the human body, you can use the gi to control the attack and activities of the citron, and even control the thoughts of the people implanted gi Behavior."