Reborn False-faced Princess

Chapter 66 I'll wait for you

All the way, silently drove the car and followed the carriage of the prime minister's house closely and came to a place surrounded by mountains and rivers. However, for a long time, he saw a very old tower. He got out of the car and looked around and saw the carriage that Xia Shi was riding.

"Why did you come here now?" Xia Shi lifted the kai car curtain and said to the Kim family in a bad tone.

Jin looked at Xia Shi's angry face and quickly said, "When I met the eldest lady when I went out, I chatted with the eldest lady. The young lady knew that the concubine was here to worship her ancestors, but she wanted to come together, but I couldn't stop her..."

Jin's helpless look glanced at Xia Shang's eyes, and stopped half of his words. Xia Shi heard Jin's words and looked around and found Xia Shangzhou's figure.

"Does Shang Zhou still know how to come back? Are you still the prime minister's home?" Xia Shi looked at the intact Xia Shangzhou standing in front of him and thought that he had gone to the Holy Palace to pick her up several times during this period, but he didn't even see her. He couldn't help but feel a little angry, and his voice was also mixed with a trace of yin and yang strangeness.

"Thank you very much for your concern? It's just... Shang Zhou made it difficult for the prime minister. Although Shang Zhou didn't want the prime minister to be his family, the prime minister's family was indeed Shang Zhou's home, which was also something that Shang Zhou could not change. Xia Shangzhou said politely to Xia Shifu's body, with a trace of helplessness on his face.

"Is the prime minister still in charge of your family?" Somehow, hearing Xia Shangzhou's ruthless words, Xia Shi not only had no pleasure, but also felt more depressed, and his tone was a little cold.

Xia Shangzhou looked at the man in front of him for some unknown reasons and said, "What the master said is very true."

After saying that, she didn't intend to kai again. Seeing this, Xia Shi also had no words. He got out of the carriage and found that the carriage she was riding was actually Baiyan's carriage.

Bai Yan got out of the carriage and said to Xia Shi, " Prime Minister Xia, I haven't seen you for a long time."

He snorted coldly. Xia Shi nodded lightly and had no words. In his heart, Bai Yan and his daughter already had a marriage contract. No matter how high his identity is, he should call him father-in-law. Since he is one generation lower, he naturally does not have to respect him too much.

"What kind of attitude is this? Or does the prime minister think that the prime minister is the father of Shang Zhou, so he can be so rude to the prince? Xia Shangzhou looked at Xia Shi with an arrogant face, and his voice also cooled down.

"Even if the prince is my husband, don't forget that since Shang Zhou is a member of the prince, he has nothing to do with the prime minister." Xia Shangzhou's face was like frost and glanced at Xia Shi coldly. She actually felt that the person in front of her was so powerful and unreasonable.

Bai Yan was in a much better mood when he heard Xia Shangzhou's words to defend himself, and the corners of his mouth also rose slightly.

When Xia Shi heard Xia Shangzhou's words, he couldn't help but be a little angry and said, "Are you in a hurry to get rid of your biological father?"

"Father? Shang Zhou was really scared. Did the prime minister think that you were my biological father at this time? When Xia Shangzhou heard Xia Shitian's shameless words, he couldn't help laughing and said with a trace of disdain.

"Xia Shangzhou, how did you talk to my father!" Xia Shangyun frowned and said aggressively.

Seeing this, Xia Shangzhou couldn't help smiling at the corners of his mouth and said, "Did you hear it? My sister's father, I am a sister, but I dare not rob it..."

For Xia Shangzhou's sarcasm, Xia Shi also frowned and said, "Yun'er, how did you talk to your sister?"

"Dad..." Xia Shangyun looked at Xia Shi's angry face and couldn't help shouting with a trace of coquettishness. Xia Shangzhou looked at the people in front of him and felt so disgusting.

"Grandpa, why don't I know that the ancestors are going to come out? This makes me, a direct lady, very embarrassed. Xia Shangzhou did not discuss that topic, but instead mentioned the matter of offering ancestors, and his eyes were also mixed with a trace of inexplicable meaning.

The so-called ancestor worship is to gather the direct line of the family and go to the ancestral temple to worship every year. Throughout the ages, all the direct line has come forward, and there has never been a concubine to follow. This Xia Shi is good, the name is random, and the etiquette is almost forgotten.

"Do you still have the face to say? Where have you been these days? Didn't you know to show up on such a big day today? Hearing this, Xia Shi couldn't help but say more angry.

When Xia Shangzhou saw this, he couldn't help but feel a trace of guilt, and said with a smile, "Where have I been?" I think the stepmother of this answer should be clearer than anyone else, don't you think? Dear stepmother?"

When Jin heard Xia Shangzhou's words, she suddenly trembling and looked at Xia Shangzhou with a smile, for fear that she would expose the assassination of her

Seeing this, Xia Shi said unhappily, "Where have you been and what does it have to do with your stepmother?"

"Yes, of course there is..." Xia Shangzhou looked at Jin, but Kim felt that the look was so long.

My heart thumped, and Jin quickly said, "Master, if you don't go in, you will miss the hour..."

Xia Shi glanced at Xia Shang's eyes on Monday and turned into the ancestral tower with a cold snorting. Xia Shangzhou raised the corners of his mouth slightly, turned his head to Bai Yan and said, "Prince, I'm going in first."

Bai Yan also smiled and said softly, "Go ahead, I'll wait for you here."

Slightly stunned, Xia Shangzhou said, "I don't know how long it will take to worship the ancestors. I think the prince should go back first."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I have nothing to do when I go back to the palace." Bai Yan reached out and grabbed Xia Shangzhou's little hand and said softly. Xia Shangzhou felt the touch in his hand, and his little face was also slightly red.

"Then... I'll try to come out as early as possible." After saying that, he turned around and went to the Zita. Bai Yan looked behind her and looked at Xia Shangzhou, who seemed to be fleeing, and couldn't help but expand his smile again.