Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 15 Is there any danger

Qin Lan thought as she walked and felt a little ashamed. However, if she hadn't stopped Zhang Duo that day, maybe nothing would have happened today, but she should also blame Zhang Duo for going to the bookstore with herself brazenly. Otherwise, how could there be today's situation? Things started because of themselves to stop what they said. Qin Lan thought so and found that there was nothing to lose face!

When I walked to the door of the teaching building, I accidentally saw a man walking with his hands in his pocket at the school gate. After a closer look, it was not Zhang Duo and that. He scolded in his heart, "What a lazy guy!" Go to Zhang Duo.

Qin Lan walked up to Zhang Duo and said, "Zhao Yu and the others want to beat you. Why are you like an innocent person?"

Zhang Duo was stunned and said, "When did this become evening news? How did you even know about it? This roadside community is too powerful, isn't it?"

Qin Lan said unhappily, "I'm telling you about business, can't you be more serious?"

"Is I so unscrupulous in your heart?" Zhang Duo asked rhetorical.

The two walked side by side on the road and walked to the teaching building. Qin Lan said, "Are you still in the mood to ask this at this time?"

Zhang Duo said with a smile, "It's a trivial matter. If they dare to come here, I promise they don't even know their mother."

Qin Lan retorted, "Who knows if you will run faster than a rabbit when you fall down!"

Qin Lan was talking when she saw 20 or 30 boys jumping out of the trees on both sides. The greening of No. 1 Middle School of the city was very good. As soon as she entered the school gate, there was a long tree-lined road leading directly to the main teaching building, with tall trees on both sides, and there were various fruit trees planted in it. Zhao Yu was the leader, who held a four-edged chair leg in his hand and looked at Qin Lan sadly. Then he pointed to Zhang Duo with the chair leg and said, "Zhang Duo, you don't have the guts to run."

Qin Lan hurriedly looked back. Zhang Duo ran faster than the rabbit, but he ran dozens of steps in the blink of an eye and almost reached the school gate in a flash. "He... he ran so simply!" Qin Lan really doesn't know how to describe the feeling in her heart. Let Zhang Duo not run away. What a joke? Dozens of people catch you with wooden sticks, but you don't run. I just didn't want Zhang Duo to be so straightforward that he almost made a quick decision as soon as Zhao Yu jumped out. This is too straightforward. Why doesn't he hesitate?" Qin Lan couldn't help thinking.

Zhang Duo has always adhered to the principle that big things are not good and turn around and run away. I remember that I saw a passage from a book that said "hiddenly accumulate strength, one blow will kill" and "If one blow does not hit, you will escape thousands of miles away". As soon as Zhao Yu appeared and saw the four-edged chair legs in his hand, Zhang Duo secretly shouted in his heart. This thing is a big killer. There is no need to be one hand. As long as Zhao Yu and the three of them have him, there is no way. He has practiced Xingyi boxing, but he has never learned the skill of empty-handed. As soon as he made a decision, he turned around and left.

When he was about to arrive at the school gate, he found that the school gate had been closed and locked. Han Guang also looked at Zhang Duo with a chair leg on his face, as if to say, "Can't you run? Run?" There were two sophomores standing beside him, each with a wooden stick in his hand, so he was fearless.

I don't want Zhang Duo to jump into the bushes. The speed under his feet does not decrease. He jumps up to the wall and jumps outside the wall in the blink of an eye. Han Guang and the three of them are dumbfounded. They say that this is the legendary dog jumping over the wall. This is too fucking fast!

Han Guang said angrily to the sophomore next to him, "It's all your bad idea. How can we lock the door? Open it quickly."

The sophomore student also knew that he had done something stupid, did not argue with Han Guang, and was busy looking for the key to open his lock.

Zhang Duo finally breathed a sigh of relief when he came out of the wall and said that the wall jumped white in the three years when you were a buddy! Turning around, I was dumbfounded. Several students climbed up on the wall. At a glance, they all jumped off the wall and went out to eat together in their previous lives. In their previous lives, they had a good relationship, but now they are chasing after Zhang Duo and can't help crying secretly!

At this time, I saw a bicycle coming, but it was too late to see its face clearly. Zhang Duo didn't care much and rushed straight over. The girl was so scared that she quickly braked. Zhang Duo said anxiously, "Lend me the car quickly."

The girl looked at the boy who chased after Zhang Duo and got out of the car. Zhang Duo took it and ran away. The girl is Li Qiannan who came back from the bookstore. Although she is not particularly outstanding, she is also dignified and beautiful, completely like a lady. She took the initiative to contact Zhang Duo several times, but Zhang Duo always played well at that time, and then forgot her behind, which made her very angry. These days, she often wonders what the scene will be like when she meets Zhang Duo again and how she should face it. It's just that she never thought that Zhang Duo would rush to her in an eye-catching scene, take away her bicycle and escape. I couldn't help but get angry and shouted, "Zhang Duo, you bastard."

threw the schoolbag over, and the schoolbag rolled over Zhang Duo's head, which scared him to shrink his neck and thought that the guy had thrown it over with a stick. Hearing Li Qiannan's voice, he cried secretly. No wonder he looked familiar.

Zhao Yu and others rushed to the school gate. Zhang Duo had already got on his bicycle and ran away. He was so angry that he shouted, dragged out his bicycle and chased him. A group of people were also a little angry. The door of No. 20 or 30 people were locked and they could not catch anyone, which was too embarrassing. They went into the carport to pick up their cars. In a short time, it converged into a torrent of bicycles and caught up with it.

Zhang Duo was playing hard and saw Lao Su staggering towards him. It's hard to call me! Stop in front of Lao Su.

Lao Su was drunk and was a little confused about the situation. Seeing dozens of people behind him killing Zhang Duo, he said from time to time, "Zhang Duo, if you have guts, don't run away." I couldn't help but be shocked. Thinking of the lies made up by Zhang Duo when he first entered school, I couldn't help saying, "You won't be robbed again, will you?"

On the first day of school, Zhang Duo was absent from class for a long time. At that time, the reason was to be robbed. Although Lao Su didn't believe it, he also kept it in his heart. Today, when I first saw this scene, I thought that Zhang Duo had been robbed again, but the voices of these dozens of people were really louder, and Lao Su was also a little nervous when he saw it. But the students in my class are right in front of me, and there is no reason to retreat.

Old Su came forward and shouted, "Who are you? Why are you chasing the students of our class?" At that time, it was getting late. Lao Su drank some wine again and saw that the student who stopped not far ahead of him did not recognize him.

Zhang Duo reminded him, "Teacher, they are led by Zhao Yu!" When Lao Su heard the words, he looked carefully and saw Zhao Yu standing diagonally across the car with a chair leg. On the side are Han Guang and Li Cheng, and there are some familiar faces, but some of them can't be named.

Unexpectedly, the students in their class called dozens of people to beat the students in their class. The school must have spread all over the world. The teachers of other classes saw the students squeezing their heads into their own class. On the surface, they didn't say anything. Secretly, they didn't envy and hate! This was watched by them. Lao Su thought to herself and suddenly became very angry. He came forward and shouted, "Zhao Yu, come here."

Other students naturally know Lao Su. As soon as they communicate with each other, they all know the origin of Lao Su. I know that this fight can't be fought today, and it will be coquettish. Anyway, it's getting dark, and so many people can't recognize Lao Su. Run!

The crowd dispersed, turned the front of the car and ran away. Zhao Yu was shocked by Lao Su. When he was in a dilemma, he saw everyone running away. Somehow, he also turned the car and ran away. Li Cheng and Han Guang had to follow. Lao Su was also confused and turned even more angry. He said to himself, "Little rabbit, can you run away from the temple?"

Old Su stepped forward and didn't run a few steps. Zhang Duo pedaled and said, "Teacher, get in the car!"

Lao Su also felt that his legs could not run two wheels. He stepped on the bicycle, waved his big hand and said, "Chasing!"

Zhang Duo hurriedly kicked up and chased after everyone. He has good physical strength. Although he has a person, his speed is not slower than everyone else, and he gradually rushed up. Zhao Yu was really itchy with hatred. He didn't want Zhang Duo to shout shamelessly behind him, "Zhao Yu, don't run away if you have the guts!" Zhao Yu was so angry that he almost overturned the car.

After all, dozens of people before

ran fast. They arrived at school early, threw their cars into the shed one by one, and ran away. Zhao Yu and the three of them have slowed down everyone's shooting, and Zhang Duo flirted with them from time to time. They always had the impulse to turn the front of the car and kill them back.

Lao Su has an impulse to shoot Zhang Duo to death. This boy really catches the flag and makes tiger skin! Originally, I thought this boy was a victim, but he didn't seem to be a good bird! I guess it's a bargain.

When Zhao Yu and the other two threw the car, everyone had already run away. It seems that it really answered that sentence, "The husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and they fly separately in the face of disaster." Not to mention some unfamiliar classmates and alumni. Those who usually talk righteously when their ears are drunk are often the first to leave you after an accident. Fortunately, there are Li Cheng and Han Guang. It's just such a big group fight, which must be well known in the school, and it was caught outside the school and seen by passers-by. I don't know how bad it will have on the city No. 1 Middle School. If everyone is there and the law does not blame the public, Zhao Yu and the three of them can be less guilty, but now the three have organized the largest attempted fight in the history of a lieutenant colonel in the city, and I'm afraid the punishment will not be light.

Qin Lan watched Zhang Duo run away and watch Zhao Yu catch up with people. When she arrived at the school gate, she saw everyone rushing back, threw away the car and ran away, which made the situation a little unclear by everyone's actions. Then I saw Zhao Yu and the other three come back, throwing away their cars and standing silently in front of the shed. Finally, I saw Zhang Duo proudly pedaling the car to carry Lao Su back. How could he look like the fox with fake tiger power?

Qin Lan was really scared. The boy No. 20 or 30 chased Zhang Duo with a stick and shouted. Once Zhang Duo ran slowly, he fell into the hands of the group of people. Although everyone had no intention to kill, there was no character who could control the scene. There were many people and miscellaneous hands. Maybe something might happen. Now Zhang Duo hasn't hurt a hair. , didn't even sweat much. I was really overjoyed. I walked over and patted Zhang Duo and said with fear, "Are you all right, Zhang Duo? I was really scared to death just now!"

Zhang Duo said with a smile, "Of course, you don't look at who we are. It's not that simple to catch me. Dozens of people think they can catch me by locking the door. They really underestimate me. Brother, this is not running away, I'm just taking a walk!"

Zhang Duo habitually brag about himself and forgot that there was an old Su behind him! Lao Su couldn't wait to cough his throat. Only then did the two of them remember that there was this person around him, and they were a little embarrassed. Zhang Duo is only used to talking nonsense unscrupulously with his best friend and making all kinds of harmless jokes. If it is some unfamiliar or inappropriate people, Zhang Duo's performance is still very mature and steady. Qin Lan felt that the relationship between Lao Su and Zhang Duo must be a little too close, a little embarrassed and a little worried.

Lao Su stared at Zhang Duo, walked to Zhao Yu and the other three, and said angrily, "Don't stand here. Go to my office."

Zhao Yu looked at Qin Lan's happy appearance when he saw Zhang Duo's safe return, and felt a little stuffy in his chest, and his heart was in pain! The Northeast man, who was more than 1.8 meters old, just had a cavity of anger and turned into a soft intestine.

"I'm about to be punished. Maybe I'll be expelled from school. I've been chasing her for so long. Why doesn't she look at me anymore? Isn't our three-year acquaintance in junior high school not as good as her three-day relationship with Zhang Duo? Ha! Stop it!" Zhao Yu sneered, but his body did not move.

Looking deeply at Qin Lan, Zhao Yu resolutely turned his head and looked directly at Su Wengong. Zhao Yu's figure and resolute eyes were still very imposing. Lao Su was a little hairy and said unhappily, "Zhao Yu, what do you want to do?"

Zhao Yu said calmly, "Mr. Su, you don't have to go to the office. Let me make everything clear. I made everything today. There is no other reason. I just want to beat Zhang Duo up. I found them all. It has nothing to do with them. If there is any punishment in the school, come to me!"

"Zhao Yu, what are you talking about!" Li Cheng and Han Guang shouted.

I don't want Zhao Yu to shout, "I said, this is a personal grudge between me and Zhang Duo. It has nothing to do with you!" Han Guang and Li Cheng were speechless.

Lao Su saw it and sighed. How could Zhao Yu's little trick hide it from him? Seeing that Zhao Yu is still a man, he is quite responsible, his anger subsided a lot and persuaded him, "Zhao Yu, don't be impulsive. Things are not so bad. After all, you haven't fought, and the school will still focus on persuasion and education."

Zhao Yu said, "Anyway, I did everything. You can do whatever you want!" I'm in a bad mood. I'm out!" After saying that, he turned around and walked outside the school.

Lao Su trembling angrily and said, "Zhao Yu, what's your attitude? What do you want to do if you want to be fired?

Zhao Yu said without looking back, "That's what your school should consider." After saying that, he strode out of the school. Han Guang and Li Cheng looked at each other and said, "Teacher, let's go and look at him!" After saying that, I caught up with him.

Qin Lan looked at Zhao Yu's distant figure and knew that she might never have an intersection with this person again, and her heart suddenly felt a little empty. Looking at Zhang Duo next to her, she clearly understood that some people, no matter how long they are together, can hardly feel; some people, just a moment's demeanor can make her flutter, even after many years, it will be unforgettable!