Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 21 Film and Television Adaptation

Dai Anmin's car drove not far, so he stopped in front of a community door. He took out his mobile phone and made a phone call, "Junior, go and check me. He is a student of Class One of Xingshan No. 1 Middle School. His name is Zhang Duo. I want to know all the information about him. Yes, after I find the information, tell me as soon as possible. It's very heavy. Yes!"

After Dai Anmin hung up the phone, he was about to start the car when his mobile phone rang again. After picking it up, a happy voice came, "Boss, I found the information about the Meng Nanxing you want me to check. He is a student of Class One of Xingshan No. 1 Middle School, and his name is Zhang Duo..."

After the phone hung up, a strange smile suddenly flashed on Dai Anmin's original face: "It's a little interesting. It's really a coincidence!"

The next day after school, Zhang Duo went to eat outside the school and went home to prepare the code, but saw Dai Anmin's Porsche parked in front of his house. After the window rolled down, Dai Anmin said to him, "Get in the car and let's talk."

Zhang Duo got out of the car and said casually, "Well, I just ate it. Let's find a place to drink some tea and talk while drinking. How about that?"

Although Dai Anmin hasn't had lunch yet, he said, "Okay! I know a good teahouse, so let's go for tea. In the process of driving, Dai Anmin found that Zhang Duo's sitting posture was very relaxed, without any restraint or curiosity, as if he was not riding millions of sports cars, but an ordinary bus.

The two got out of the car and, under the leadership of Dai Anmin, they entered a teahouse called "Green Lake" and asked for a pot of dragon well. After a few counts, Dai Anmin said, "Zhang Duo, you are a genius. You should know my intention, right?"

Zhang Duo took a sip of tea and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in anything other than me, so I really don't know your intention."

After eating a few snacks, Dai Anmin smiled: "Do you think what I asked you to come over to talk about has nothing to do with you?"

Zhang Duo also smiled and said, "If it's related, then if people don't say secret words, why do they need to play riddles?" Zhang Duo insinued that he was not fair enough and covered up his words.

Dai Anmin was choked, but didn't care. He said with a smile, "The person who can write such an amazing martial arts masterpiece as Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils is really extraordinary, and he has his own heroism in his chest!" Then I won't give up. I'm here to talk to you about the adaptation of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils.

Zhang Duo was a little surprised. He asked publishers and newspapers to keep his identity secret, but he also knew that he could not hide those powerful people, so he was not surprised that Dai Anmin broke his identity.

He was surprised that "Tianlong Babu" had just been serialized to about 180,000 words at this time, and Duan Yumu Wanqing was trapped in the stone room. Although public opinion is very hot now, Duan Yu has not yet met the fairy sister Wang Yuyan, who fascinated him, and has not learned the six-vein sword that even Qiao Feng may not be able to catch; Qiao Feng has not experienced the war of Juxianzhuang, Shaoshishan and Yanmenguan, and even dreamed that he was a Khitan person he has always hated; Xu Zhu Still knocking on the wooden fish in Shaolin Temple, he was determined to be a good monk. He didn't expect that he would meet Menggu. One day he would not become a monk, but become the head of the Xiaoyao School.

It can be said that Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils has the current popularity, which is more caused by tens of thousands of words a day, which makes readers read a refreshing number of updated words and a master-level writing plot. However, in response to the saying, "The lion rolls the hydrangea, the good show is behind!" Compared with the front, the back is really wonderful, but the question is how did Dai Anmin see it? How did he know that my manuscript would not be unfinished and dared to talk to me about the right of film and television adaptation? Did someone reveal the plot behind me?

In a high-end office building in Bincheng, a handsome man who is a little similar to Jin Yuzhi dialed Wu Weizhong's phone number, "Chief Wu, I heard that you have been in high spirits recently. The "Dragon Babu" serialized in the newspaper is in a mess, and more than a dozen martial arts serials have been serialized. Public opinion is also very lively. Now there is no one in our whole building who doesn't talk about Duan Yu and Mu Wanqing!"

Wu Weizhong said exaggeratedly, "Oh, my young master Jin, just make me happy!" What's wrong with me? I'm almost dry! You don't know that newspapers are almost filled with letters from all kinds of readers. Some people love Tianlong Babu, protesting the relationship between Duan Yu and Mu Wanqing's brother and sister, and even urging manuscripts? You said that our newspaper is updated with tens of thousands of words every day, and there are still reminders! Hey, you don't know that we are really painful and happy now!"

The handsome man smiled and said, "Lao Wu, just show off to me!" It's useless. I just want to ask you, have you read the follow-up manuscript? How about this book? Is it made into a TV series?

Wu Weizhong lowered his voice and said sneakily, "Mr. Jin, I have read the following manuscript. It's amazing. There is no problem with the Twelve Money Darts surpassing Gong Baiyu. It is definitely a classic work in martial arts and the work of the king. If it is filmed, there will be no problem with the audience champion, and your company can go further. However, for specific matters, I suggest you contact Miss Er, who is very close to Meng Nanxing.

After the phone hung up, the handsome man pinched his chin and said doubtfully, "He is close to Yuzhi. Did Yuzhi go to Xingshan for this Meng Nanxing? No, I have to go and have a look."

"Don't mind Zhang Duo, in fact, these are just unwritten unspoken rules. In China, novels are usually serialized in newspapers and published after accumulating popularity. In the process of serialization, film and television companies will also actively pay attention to it. If they find that the novel has great potential, they will talk to the author about the film and television adaptation. Under normal circumstances, when the novel is half serialized, it will start shooting. When the serialization is over, it will be released when the popularity is not over, and then earn another round of ratings. Dai Anmin explained when he saw Zhang Duo's expression as if he were a thief.

Only then did Zhang Duo understand the operation mode of film and television dramas adapted from this world novels, which is very similar to the operation relationship between online fantasy novels and online game adaptations in the previous life. Zhang Duo said suspiciously, "What does Mr. Dai mean?"

Dai Anmin took out a business card, Zhang Duo took it with both hands and saw Dai Anmin, the general manager of Shengxin Film and Television Production Co., Ltd., printed on the exquisite business card.

Zhang Duo put away his business card and said, "It turned out to be Mr. Dai, disrespectful and disrespectful!"

Dai Anmin said, "I've heard the name of 'Xingzai' for a long time. I saw it yesterday, and today I know it. I've been looking forward to it for a long time!" I take the liberty to invite you today to talk to you about the film and television adaptation of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils! Our Sacred Heart Film and Television Production Company is very powerful in China, with dozens of artists, and has always had a good cooperative relationship with CCTV. CCTV has investment in our company's annual New Year's drama, and the works produced by it also have the opportunity to land on CCTV. CCTV's influence must be understood!"

Although Zhang Duo resists Dai Anmin from the bottom of his heart, it is undeniable that Dai Anmin's words are still attractive. At present, in the Chinese film and television industry, although CCTV is no longer the overlord of the past, it is still a dominant family. If it can be broadcast on CCTV, it will be very good for his reputation and his later novels.

But after thinking about it, Zhang Duo still refused. Jin Yuzhi's warning is on the one hand, and the main thing is that he himself feels that Dai Anmin is not easy to get along with. He is too thoughtful. He doesn't want to cooperate with a person who needs you to be careful all day long.

Dai Anmin is not disappointed, but advises Zhang Duo to consider it. Not all works have the opportunity to cooperate with CCTV. If you think about it, you can call him, and then shake hands with Zhang Duo and leave.

Zhang Duo went back to school to continue his class, but he always thought about film and television adaptations. He first watched Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils in his previous life was in high school. At that time, there was a TV in the place where he ate outside the school. When he played Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, these people watched it with great interest. Many people prefer the infatuated Duanyu played by Chen Haomin. Every time they always look at Wang Yuyan with affection and then say gently: Miss Wang... It's intoxicating and heartbreaking to hear this. It's so affectionate!

97 version of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils is an eternal classic in the hearts of countless people. It is said that the ratings were very high when it was first broadcast in the mainland. Because it was broadcast during the Spring Festival, it actually affected the ratings of the Spring Festival Gala that year. Therefore, the General Administration issued detailed regulations that Hong Kong dramas shall not be broadcast in prime time.

Unfortunately, this is just a parallel world. Although he can write Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, he can't find the 97 version of the actors anyway. Suddenly, he has an idea, that is, to make Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils into an eternal classic anyway.

The next day, after lunch, Zhang Duo was about to go home to type his words, but he saw a white BMW parked in front of the door. The window rolled down, and a handsome young man who looked like Jin Yuzhi said, "You are Zhang Duo who wrote Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils. I'm Jin Yuzhi's brother Jin Yutang. Let's find a place to talk."

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "Yo, Brother Jin is here. Have you eaten yet? If you don't eat, I'll cook for a while and eat with my eldest brother. After saying that, he stepped forward and opened the door and got into the co-driver. He looked at the configuration in the car and said, "Yo, brother, your car is good! It's so windy. I'll get one when I go to college.

Jin Yutang looked at Zhang Duo's movements and was a little stunned. He said that this was the young, extraordinary and talented genius writer in the mouth of Jiang Xiancheng and Wu Weizhong? Why do I think he is a little... a little...

When Zhang Duo saw Jin Yutang stunned, he suddenly said, "You see, I'm so happy that I forgot Sister Yuzhi. Wait, I'll get out of the car and call her. Sister Yuzhi will definitely be at home."

Zhang Duo got out of the car, turned around and smiled obscenely at Jin Yutang. He made an OK gesture and said, "Brother, wait a minute. I'll be back soon. Soon!"

Jin Yutang suddenly had the impulse to drive back to Bincheng immediately.