Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 32 Amazing Skills

On the morning of November 29, Zhang Duo took the electronic manuscript of the script to Wanbang Film and Television Company. After handing it over to Jin Yutang, a secretary printed it out.

In the conference room, Song Siwei, Jin Yutang, Gu Zongling, Du Wenhui and a capable woman with short hair in her 30s sat around the round table. After Zhang Duo entered the conference room, Jin Yutang got up and introduced Zhang Duo: "A Duo, this is Shen Qing, the director of the production department of Songjiang Satellite TV.

Songjiang TV has 8 TV channels, of which Songjiang Satellite TV is the satellite channel, and the city, variety show, film and television, public, sports and leisure, children and finance are the ground channels. However, due to the wider popularity of satellite TV, outsiders usually call Songjiang Satellite TV when they talk about it.

Zhang Duo and Shen Qing sat down after shaking hands, and a secretary sent the printed script and confidentiality agreement. Jin Yutang said with a smile, "I'm sorry, everyone, let's be the villain first and then the gentleman."

After Gu Zongling, Du Wenhui and Shen Qing signed a confidentiality agreement, they picked up the script in front of them. Song Siwei and Jin Yutang only knew a general story before, and also picked up the script and read it.

Although everyone has ten lines at a glance, after all, it is a long story of more than 500,000 words. Several people did not leave the conference room at noon and directly ordered takeout. Fortunately, it is common for people in the film and television industry to eat boxed lunches, and no one has any objection. At five o'clock in the afternoon, several people watched it one after another. But the shock in my heart was like the scene after the earthquake, which was a mess.

Song Siwei hasn't even read the manuscript of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, and the project was launched out of trust in Jin Yutang. Regardless of Jin Yutang's family background, the other party is also the vice president of the company, and he can't even have such trust.

But after reading the script of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, he finally understood why Jin Yutang praised a 16-year-old teenager so much. There is no need to repeat the wonderfulness of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, and this script makes Song Siwei shine. Because Zhang Duo did not write an ordinary literary script, but a split-camera script.

Film and television scripts can be divided into three types. The first is the literary script, that is, the original script provided by the screenwriter. The second is the shot script. The refined shot script can be used as the basis for shooting. It is usually adapted by the director on the basis of the literary script and is the director's work desk.

The third is the live camera recorder. This is the work completed by the field record after the whole filming. The director does not always follow the shot script during the filming process. I often have an idea to change the plan I set in the shot script and make some additions and deletions. The task of completing the script is to record all the technical and artistic contents of the film that has been made and finalized, and specify the number of feet of each shot in detail. For each copy of the film sold, a complete book is attached.

And what Zhang Duo wrote is exactly the shot script. When writing the shot script, the main content of the director's work is to process the picture content of the text script into specific images that can be filmed, and list the lens numbers of the lens in order. Determine the scene of each lens, such as far, full, medium, near, special, etc. Arrange to form the lens group and explain the skills of lens group connection. Mark the time of the lens in seconds to indicate the length of the lens. Describe the content of the picture to be expressed in refined and specific language, and express it with the help of graphics and symbols if necessary. The commentary of the corresponding lens group. The music and sound effects of the corresponding lens group or paragraph.

The role of the split-camera script is like the blueprint of the building, which is the basis and blueprint for photographers to shoot and editors for post-production. It is also the basis for actors and all creators to understand the director's intention, understand the content of the script, and recreate.

Reading the script, Song Siwei can completely imagine the camera picture, the far-range and near-range scene, the effect that the actor should perform, and the length of the camera time. With such a script, Song Siwei felt that even he could be a good director without touching the camera. In his original words, even if he tied a dog behind the camera, he could shoot this big production. Of course, that's an exaggeration. However, he said this before out of extreme contempt for Zhang Duo, but now he thinks it in his heart out of great admiration.

You should know that the current domestic TV drama market investment is hot and blind, and often several people come together. This is a good theme. The other said that the big shot has a schedule to be contacted, and the other said that it can attract investment. A play has directors, actors and funds, but there is no script. This kind of thing does not only appear in the novel, but is real. Of course, it also shows the chaos and blindness of investment in the current TV drama market.

Shen Qing is a strong woman in her thirties. This time she became the investment manager of Songjiang Satellite TV, and she was a little resistant in her heart. Wanbang Film and Television made by the two dboys are extremely disdainful. It's okay to hold some little stars on weekdays. This time, it's really abominable to hire a child as a director and pull Songjiang Satellite TV to share the risks.

Song Siwei's father is a domestic real estate tycoon. Although he is rich, he may not be able to do well with Songjiang Satellite TV. However, Jin Yutang is different. Jin Huaizhong is the governor of Songjiang Province and the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee. In such a government, Songjiang Satellite TV can't afford to be offended anyway. As for the Jin family, a rich family in Beijing, it is too far away for her.

Shen Qing was deeply shocked after opening the script. It's not that she hasn't seen the split-camera script, but it's the first time she's written as well as Zhang Duo and has such a sense of picture. Unexpectedly, these two dumps have poisonous eyesight. If they can write such a good split-camera script, the director's ability may not be so bad. Moreover, the story is so excellent that it seems that it should not be a big problem to recover the cost!" Shen Qing said in his heart.

After reading the script, Gu Zongling was shocked, but it was like setting off a shocking wave. After all, he is a director and a person who has written a shot script. Of course, he knows the hardships, and the biggest difficulty is that sometimes he can't think of that picture in the director's mind. Just like a novelist, he conceived the novel in his heart, character relationship, * setting, and the general main line of the story, but he can't figure out the specific plot and details. Caven scratched his heart and scratched his liver. After writing it, he read it and chewed the wax. After deleting and modifying it several times, he couldn't write a satisfactory effect. He couldn't wait to throw the document directly to the recycle bin.

Gu Zongling had this feeling. Many times, he didn't have that sense of picture in his mind when shooting. Sometimes he even had to shoot a few pictures, and suddenly flashed his mind and slightly changed the script to take a stunning lens. But the script provided by Zhang Duo made him feel as if he had a complete lens in Zhang Duo's mind.

As for Du Wenhui, he was shocked and jealously said, "How can he be such a talented 16-year-old student? It's impossible. I can't write such a good shot script after ten years with my master. I'm not convinced. I'm not convinced." Du Wenhui shouted in his heart and hated it.

When Song Siwei saw that everyone had finished reading the script in their hands, he said to Zhang Duo, who was holding the computer code words beside him, "A Duo, take a break. Don't you have to fight like this?"

Zhang Duo had nothing to do in the conference room, so he simply code the manuscript of the novel Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils. After all, because the script has been interrupted for nearly a month, he always needs to praise the manuscript. Zhang Duo closed the computer and smiled without saying anything.

Song Siwei said, "Since everyone has seen the script, let's talk about their feelings!"

Jin Yutang took the lead in saying, "I think it's very good, not only because the story of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils is magnificent and ups and downs. Because the picture of this sub-camera script is very strong, I can completely imagine the scenes I have seen. Now I think that even I, who have never been a director, can make this film in a regular way, so I think it can be completely finalized.

Shen Qing stroked his short hair and said, "I agree with Mr. Jin's opinion. Compared with some directors who did not even have a complete literary script when shooting, Director Zhang Duo can come up with such a wonderful shot script. On behalf of the investors of Songjiang Satellite TV, I agree to final the final version.

Gu Zongling said with a smile, "It's really the back wave of the Yangtze River. A new generation has replaced the old man. Director Zhang Duo's sub-camera script is wonderful, which really makes me admire me. Therefore, I also agreed to final the draft.

"Master, what about you?" Du Wenhui's eyes turned red. When Song Siwei found the master and apprentice, he had vaguely said that if Zhang Duo was not qualified as a director, Du Wenhui could direct the whole play independently. Now everyone praises Zhang Duo's shot script for being well written, doesn't it mean that he has no hope? Of course, he knew that it was Song Siwei's face that he could be a supervisor. If he couldn't replace the director, what's the point of being a nominal producer?

Gu Zongling stared at Du Wenhui fiercely. Du Wenhui had no choice but to say, "I also agree to finish the manuscript."

Song Siwei helped the frame and said, "Well, since everyone has passed it unanimously, I will announce that the script of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils is now finalized. Let's thank Director Zhang Duo for what he has done in more than a month."

After several people clapped their hands and applauded, Song Siwei said, "It's been a hard day. That's all for today. How about we discuss the role tomorrow?"

Everyone worked hard for a day and had no objection. Gu Zongling and Du Wenhui left the building. Du Wenhui said, "Master, that Zhang Duo's split-camera script is well written, but it is not that there is no room for discussion at all. Why is it so easy for him to pass?"

Gu Zong made the old man calculating and said with a smile, "Wen Hui, I know you are resentful and unconvinced with Zhang Duo. But you know, Zhang Duo is a best-selling author and is best at writing, so no matter how well his shot script is, he doesn't have to be overly surprised. After all, the best embodiment of the value of the director is on the set. It's not that you don't have a chance. But if you don't take action, it's the key to the other party. Entanglement will only lower your level, do you understand?