Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 43 Arrogance

Zhang Duo has always been humble and polite in front of outsiders. He just took a chair, sat down beside Qin Lan, and said politely, "I did well in the exam!" The top few in the class.

Chu Jingwei was a little surprised, but still said, "Oh, then you have to study hard and continue to work hard!" Look at my eldest grandson Chu Tianming, who was admitted to Huaxia Renmin University and now works in the Songjiang Provincial Government. Chu Tianshuang, his second grandson, was admitted to Songjiang University of Technology and now works in Huaxia Electric Power. Her granddaughter Wei Yalin was admitted to the first place in the class. She will definitely be admitted to Bincheng No. 1 Middle School this year and will be admitted to a good university in the future!"

Zhang Duo said, "I didn't expect Qin Lan's brothers and sisters to be so powerful. We will definitely study hard. Although Lan Lan didn't do well in the exam now, there must be a good way out in the future.

Chu Jingwei no longer took Zhang Duo's words, turned around and told his grandson about the recent TV series. For a while, Zhang Duo felt a little embarrassed and had to get up to say goodbye.

Seeing this, Chu Yuwei said to Zhang Duo, "Since you are Lanlan's classmate, come to my house some other day and aunt will make delicious food for you!"

Li Yufen, Chu Guoxiang's daughter-in-law, said impatiently, "Second sister, we haven't finished our serious business yet. What's the point of talking about? It's settled. It's a two-fifth profit. Don't let your old Qin have any demon moths again.

Chu Yuwei was suddenly ashamed. She didn't expect that her sister-in-law would not save face for herself in front of her family, and even in front of Lanlan. She blushed and wanted to say no in her heart, but she couldn't say it anyway. She was laid off from the factory three years ago and couldn't find a job because of her age and education, and the family burden was all on her husband. I had to take my family's savings and borrowed some money from my brother and sister to get a shoe hall in the mall. In the first year, I didn't understand the market, so I made a mistake and lost some money. Although the second year is much better, it doesn't make much money except interest! In the third year, the market was not good, and I was busy for another year. This year, I heard from people in the mall that the market could be good. I wanted to do a good job, but I knew that the interest rose again.

Chu Yuwei stopped talking and stammered and didn't know what to say! Qin Lan couldn't help saying, "Mom, we won't borrow this money!"

Chu Yuhan said strangely, "Lanlan, your words are too conscienceless. It's not that we forced you to borrow money, but your mother begged us to borrow it or not. You said it as if we covet your little interest."

Qin Lan's chest hurts angrily, but she is not the kind of girl who can lose her temper in public. After all, the other party is an elder, and she can't say anything too unpleasant. I have to look at Zhang Duo with tears in my eyes, which means that your girlfriend has been bullied. It's up to you!

Seeing this scene, no matter how stupid Zhang Duo is, he should understand what's going on! Although he did not make a fortune in his previous life, he also walked around the world for many years, and his eyes were still quite accurate when he saw things happened. In fact, as soon as he entered the room, he felt that the atmosphere was wrong, but he left as soon as he came in. Besides, there is an old saying that people are estranged from each other, and those who are estranged do not participate in the affairs of those who are close to them. Qin Lan's mother has nothing to do with her grandma's family. It's all other people's housework. How stupid it is to rashly be a villain! But in this situation, he can't stop looking forward. Whether it's Qin Lan's resentful eyes or Chu Yuwei's aggrieved look, he can't sit calmly.

Zhang Duo was sitting in danger, but suddenly became lazy. He leaned against the chair and said with a confident smile, "Lanlan, I didn't say that I would prepare the money your family will use this year. How can I ask my aunt to come out to borrow money!"

Qin Lan sat next to Zhang Duo. Seeing Zhang Duo's confident smile, she had a bottom in an instant. Whenever Zhang Duo smiled like this, it meant that there was nothing good! She was also a clever person and immediately said, "I told my mother. She said that I was messing around. What kind of classmate can I lend tens of thousands of yuan to our family?"

Li Yufen smiled and said contemptuously, "What a toad yawning, what a big tone! Don't say tens of thousands of yuan, but you may not have 100 yuan!"

Zhang Duo took out a box of Chinese from his pocket. He himself did not smoke, but now is the time to be a humble comoral, but he usually gives cigarettes to the staff in the crew. Anyway, it was all made by Jin Yutang, and he didn't feel distressed no matter how he sent it.

He took out another 100 yuan*, a high-end lighter, from his pocket. In everyone's surprised eyes, he lit *, and then lit the cigarette in his mouth with the burning *. Zhang Duo took a sip fiercely, then threw it on the ground, and said with an indifferent smile, "You just said I didn't have much money?"

The people in the room are suffo. They are not people who can't even take out a hundred yuan, but they can't make those men like Zhang Duo. They can take out a hundred yuan. Although they are a little reluctant, they can't learn that kind of arrogance and unrestrained temperament. As for the few women in the room, Li Yufen and Chu Yuhan are both people who spend half a penny. If you want them to harm money like this, it's better to kill them!

Although Chu Tianming and Chu Tianshuang have passed the age of rebellion, they are still young. Seeing Zhang Duo's behavior, they are full of admiration and feel that he is simply handsome. Just like the mainland teenager watching "The Young Man" for the first time, he immediately worshipped Haonan and the pheasant.

Qin Lan sat next to Zhang Duo and watched him light cigarettes with money. She even clearly smelled the smell of being lit. Looking at the faint smile on the corners of Zhang Duo's mouth, Qin Lan only felt excited and felt that she had really chosen the wrong person.

Everyone was deterred by Zhang Duo's arrogance and domineering. Although they were bened for a while, they finally woke up. Chu Yuhan said with a smile, "Zhang Duo, right? Your family is in good condition, but you can't harm money like this. It's not easy for your parents to make money."

Zhang Duo smoked a cigarette and said, "It's okay! Although it's not easy to make money, I still have 100,000 yuan of pocket money. Then he asked Chu Yuwei, "Auntie, how much is your difference? I'll take it for you first. I don't want the interest or something. I'll pay it back when I have it."

Chu Yuwei looked at Qin Lan doubtfully. Seeing Qin Lan's encouraging expression, she said shamelessly, "I need 30,000 yuan."

Zhang Duo laughed and said, "30,000 yuan. If you are not in a hurry, I will drive you to pick it up after dinner."

Li Yufen couldn't help it. She regarded Chu Yuwei as a long-term customer. It's safe to put the money to Chu Yuwei, don't have to worry that the principal can't be recovered, and the interest is high, which is more appropriate than putting it to outsiders. If it is disturbed by Zhang Duo, how can it be?

She said in a sharp tone, "yo, this is really bragging without drafting, paying 100,000 yuan of pocket money, and driving to withdraw money later. I don't even have 30,000 yuan in your family!"

At that time, 30,000 yuan was indeed more expensive. The large brick house built by Zhang Duo's family last year only used 30,000 yuan. Before he was reborn, it would take 100,000 yuan to build a house like that in the countryside.

Zhang Duo despised the Chu family in his heart. Most of the manuscript fees he earned were deposited in the bank, and some of them were released. Relatives and households basically have no interest, and the villagers use a profit of one-fifth. The Chu family has never seen such a snobbish and mean family.

For Qin Lan's sake, it is not easy for him to break up with the Chu family. At that moment, he said, "How can people like you think of how much money we have in our family?" Then he said to Qin Lan, "Let's go, Lanlan, I'll drive you to the bank to withdraw money!"

Zhang Duo got up without saying goodbye and went straight out of the door. Chu Yuwei looked at her daughter in a dream and didn't know what to do. Qin Lan picked up her mother and said, "Let's go, Mom, Zhang Duo is rich!"

Chu Yuwei wanted to leave, but Chu Yuhan said in a cold voice, "Sister, if you don't use it, we will turn around and release the money. At that time, you don't want it, don't say we didn't leave it for you."

Chu Yuwei hesitated, but was dragged out of the door by Qin Lan. Seeing that this was the case, she had to follow her daughter.

In the private room, Li Yufen and Chu Yuhan cursed. Chu Guoxiang, who has never spoken, said, "What is this? It's not good to use the money without interest. It's enough for us to release it. If that boy is just brag and can't afford the money, let's borrow some more for our second sister in the future. That is, the interest will be high then!"

The two women said with a smile, "Well, that's why. It's not easy to borrow money now, and it's normal to have three cents of profit."

Chu Guoxiang got up and said, "Let's go. Let's go home!"

A table of people got up and walked out. Chu Jingwei always turned a deaf ear to the affairs of the children and said with a smile, "Oh, today's dish is good. I just like to eat the ribs. You can stew some for me when your eldest daughter-in-law goes back."

The group went out of the gate of Junsheng Hotel and saw Chu Yuwei and Qin Lan standing at the door, but Zhang Duo disappeared. Li Yufen laughed and said, "Oh, second sister, is that boy going to withdraw money for you or pick up the car? His car will not still be in the car factory workshop!" Then he turned to Chu Tianming and said, "Tianming, go and drive our newly bought Jetta and let your second aunt have a look."

Chu Yuwei blushed and didn't know what to do, but Qin Lan thought in her heart that the dog's eyes were low. My Aduo's car was many times better than your Jetta, but she thought to herself, did he really have a car? When did he buy it?

Chu Tianming was going to pick up the car. Before he took two steps, he saw a white BMW slowly coming. He said in his heart that this is not what Zhang Duo opened! But then he shook his head and felt that his idea was a little ridiculous! At that time, it was not a later generation, Mercedes-Benz BMW on the street. At this time, driving a BMW and riding a Mercedes-Benz is definitely a symbol of status. As a middle school student, how can he drive a BMW!

The white BMW stopped in front of Chu Yuwei and Qin Lan. Zhang Duo rolled down the window and smiled faintly and said, "Lanlan, get in the car!"

Qin Lan looked at the luxury car parked in front of her, surprised and unbelievable, but she was very happy. How many girls are eager for their favorite people to pick themselves up in the seven-colored clouds at a moment of attention. Especially in front of the people they hate, in their puzzled and jealous eyes. Now, Zhang Duo is the perfect prince in her heart.

Qin Lan took Chu Yuwei, who was still dreaming, into the car, and the car roared away in the stunned eyes of the Chu family.

Chu Jingwei squeaked her mouth and said, "Lanlan is beautiful. Although she doesn't study well, the person she will marry in the future will either drive a BMW or ride a Mercedes-Benz. She really has that life!"