Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 51 Those Things in the Ming Dynasty

Bincheng's novel signing meeting was held very successfully. More than 1,000 books were signed, and Zhang Duo's right hand was numb. After the event ended after two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Duo was sent directly to the hotel to rest.

After having dinner with the activity leaders of four units in the evening, Wu Weizhong, the editor-in-chief of Northeast Evening News, came to Zhang Duo's resting room and said that he had something important to discuss with him.

After entering the house and sitting down, Wu Weizhong asked for a pot of tea. First, he chatted with Zhang Duo casually. After asking about the shooting of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, he put down the teacup and slowly said, "A Duo, the serialization of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils is coming to an end, and it will be over in less than a month. This next novel is not Do you know how your idea is going?

Although Wu Weizhong is just over 50, he has not been satisfied in the past few years. His face has long been full of wrinkles and seems to be a little old. Now that relying on the big tree of Zhang Duo and being in the newspaper, I cherish this hard-won status more and care about Zhang Duo's novel.

Zhang Duo got up in front of the desk and turned on the computer, found a word document, and turned the computer to the direction of Wu Weizhong. Wu Weizhong naturally followed him a long time ago. Seeing this, he quickly pulled a chair and sat down and looked at it with concentration. The movement is neat and agile, no less than that of young people.

Wu Weizhong sat down and looked at the computer happily, but as soon as he saw the title, his pupils shrank. "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" turned out to be such a strange name. Looking down again, he was like being poured a basin of cold water on his pocket on nine cold days, and his whole heart was cold.

"Part 1: Hongwu Emperor's Childhood

Zhu Yuanzhang

We start with a file.

Name: Zhu Yuanzhang alias ( alias): Zhu Chongba, Zhu Guorui

Gender: Male

Nationality: Han

Blood type:?

Education: without a diploma, scholars are not all scholars, and have learned by themselves later

Occupation: Emperor

Family background: (at least three generations) poor farmers

Bed: 1328-1398

Favorite color: yellow (this doesn't seem to be available)

Father: Zhu Wusi, farmer

Mother: Chen, farmer (sorry, there doesn't seem to be her name in history books)

Motto: Yours is mine, and I'm still mine

Main experience:

1328-1344 cattle herd

I was a monk from 1344 to 1347, and my main job was to go out to beg for food (this...)

The main job of a monk in 1347-1352 was to ring the bell

1352-1368 rebellion (this fierce)

1368-1398's main job was to be the emperor

Everything began on that night in 1328. Chen, the wife of the farmer Zhu Wusi, gave birth to a *. Everyone knows that this * is the later Zhu Yuanzhang.

When the emperor was born, there will be some similar strange records in later history books.

For example, it's windy, rainstorms, fragrant, stars shining in the sky, and red light everywhere. Anyway, I just want to tell you that this person is different from others. Mr. Zhu Yuanzhang was no exception. When he was born, the ground was full of red light and strange light appeared in the house at night, so that his neighbors thought it was on fire and came to save him (real record).

However, Zhu Wusi, a farmer's mood at that time, was not as good as those anxious and happy fathers we saw outside the hospital delivery room today. As fathers who already had three sons and two daughters, the first thing to consider was eating.

The work of Zhu Wusi, a farmer, consists of two parts. He has a tofu shop, but he mainly relies on the land of the landlord to make a living, which determines that as a member of this working family, he can only keep working.

One month after the birth of Xiao Zhu Wusi, his parents gave him a name (Yuanshi practice): Zhu Chongba, the name can also be called Zhu Baba. Let's introduce the names of the Zhu Chongba family here, which are very distinctive.

Zhu Chongba's name: Zhu Bailiu;

Zhu Chongba's great-grandfather's name: Zhu Sijiu;

Zhu Chong's eighth grandfather's name: Zhu Chuyi;

We introduced his father, whose name is Zhu Wusi.

Such a name was not given because the Zhu family was engaged in mathematics, but because in the Yuan Dynasty, if people could not go to school and be an official, they would not have a name, and could only be named after the age of their parents or the date of birth. ( People who register their household registration will be dazzle)"


Zhang Duo has been busy shooting TV series recently, and the manuscript of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils was not finished until February. Those things in the Ming Dynasty were only written less than 100,000 words at this moment. Wu Weizhong read it patiently and read it in more than two hours.

After reading it, Wu Weizhong took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, and said with an embarrassed smile on his face, "Aduo, don't you intend to let this book take over the serialization of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils?"

Zhang Duo has been watching coldly for a long time. Naturally, he can see what Wu Weizhong is thinking. If he is satisfied, although he is not flattering at this moment, he must also be a compliment. Now it is a crying, laughing and embarrassed expression, which is obviously not optimistic about this work.

Zhang Duo lay on the chair and said casually, "Oh, it's not. It's just that I have nothing to write and play. You can also see that its novel is not like a novel, and history is not like history. It doesn't seem appropriate to serialize it in the newspaper!"

Wu Weizhong's face was a little hot, but he still echoed, "Yes, yes, A Duo, your novel is well written. It's just that the plot is too soothing and the plot conflict is not enough. It's not appropriate to serialize it in the newspaper!"

Zhang Duo looked at Wu Weizhong, suddenly smiled and said, "Forget it, editor-in-chief Wu, I was teasing you just now! In fact, although I haven't written the next novel yet, I have a manuscript in my heart. This is also a martial arts novel, and it follows the story of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils.

Wu Weizhong took a long breath and said with a smile, "I guess so. You are now famous as a martial arts master. If you don't write martial arts essays, isn't it a waste of your great talent, but you don't know what the next martial arts novel is!"

Zhang Duo stood up and said, "The desert wind blows, and the yellow clouds rise. The vastness is nowhere to be seen, and the blue sky is thousands of miles. One arrow rushed to the two eagles and won the Khan's golden knife. My novel, which took place during the Southern Song Dynasty, was named "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Zhang Duo briefly summarized the story. Wu Weizhong's eyes lit up and even cheered him. He hoped that Zhang Duo would prepare more manuscripts, and "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" also needs to be serialized in 10,000 words every day.

Zhang Duo naturally nodded and said yes, and then sent the satisfied Wu Weizhong outside the door. When I returned to the room, I felt a little unhappy. Because Wang Cheng was serializing "The Complete Biography of the Heroes of the Ming Dynasty" in the Beijing Evening News, Zhang Duo remembered this novel that set off the history of the Ming Dynasty. Unexpectedly, Wu Weizhong did not know gold and jade, and even doubted the prospect of this book, which made him very unhappy.

"Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" sold more than 10 million copies in the past five years. It is the best-selling historical book in 30 years and has been translated into Japanese, Korean, British and other languages.

It tells readers more than 300 years of historical stories and characters of the Ming Dynasty in an online language. In his writing, the art of power, war strategy and trick are very popular. The strange and vague historical figures in history have become vivid in the book one by one.

Although Zhang Duo is unhappy, he is not depressed. He still doesn't believe that the world will not recognize those things in the Ming Dynasty, and there will always be people who know the goods.

The next day, Zhang Duo flew to the capital to attend the signing of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils held in the capital. On the way to the venue, Jin Yutang drove to pick him up. The crew of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils is still in intense shooting, led by Gu Zongling and Chen Feiyang. Jin Yutang temporarily came to take charge of the signing activity in the capital.

Beijing is the cultural center of China. Countless masters and masters gather here. The water in it is very deep. Among the four units, non-Wanbang Film and Television Jinyutang can't be solved.

Jin Yutang still drove a BMW. While driving, he said with a very gossipy expression, "I heard that Wu Weizhong came to talk to you about the next novel last night. You showed him a popular history novel, which scared him enough?"

Zhang Duo sat on the co-driver's face with a flat expression and said, "I didn't expect Lao Wu's mouth to be quite big!"

Jin Yutang explained, "That's not true. Their newspaper held a meeting last night until midnight. He has been discussing this matter, but he didn't leak the news. Wu Weizhong has leaked a lot of good news to him over the years, and he naturally doesn't want Zhang Duo to have a bad opinion about Wu Weizhong.

Zhang Duo looked out of the window and said casually, "Oh, I'm just idle. I wrote some popular history books and want to make history better."

Jin Yutang said in his heart, how busy we are, and you still say that you have nothing to do. This reason is too nonsense. He looked solemn and said, "Aduo, I don't know the quality of your book, but I'm afraid you can't touch history books now. There is nothing wrong with you robbing other popular novel authors of their jobs. They can't do anything to you. But if you annoy those masters who study the subset of classics and history, you will be in big trouble!"

Zhang Duo sneered: "It's not because they are scholars and professors. I'm just a high school student, so they suppress me!"

Jin Yutang said very seriously, "That's why their group of people pay the most attention to the inheritance of teachers. You, a person who writes vernacular romance and vernacular martial arts novels, running to write history is the greatest blasphemy for them!"

When Zhang Duo heard this, his heart moved and said in a bad tone, "What they wrote is dull and rigid, dull and boring to read. Which readers will like it? I just want to write history better so that all people can read history happily and wisely!"

Jin Yutang saw that Zhang Duo had made up his mind, but he couldn't say anything more. He just drove without saying anything. The two had nothing to say all the way to the signing venue.