Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 56 Public Opinion

The results of the Songjiang Morning Post said that others did not believe it, but Tang Tianhao, Jiang Zhilan, and even the employees of the whole newspaper did not dare to believe it, but the facts were put in front of everyone, so that they had to believe it.

260,000 copies have been sold, and nearly 110,000 readers have replied. I dare not say that there is no one coming back, but it is definitely unprecedented. Although Tang Tianhao was very optimistic about "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty", he never dreamed that it would cause such a warm response. But there is also a certain reason why this phenomenon can occur.

Chinese civilization has a long history and has never been interrupted. History books have always had a high status in the cultural field, or in the hearts of the people. No one has died in life since ancient times, leaving a red heart to shine. The ancients often said, "Opening a book is beneficial and wise to read history." With copper as the mirror, you can dress upright and history as the mirror, and you can know the rise and fall. Guan Gongyue read Spring and Autumn at night, and Li Mi hung the Book of Han. Taizu of this dynasty studied the Twenty-four Histories, among which he was especially good at Zizhi Tongjian.

The princes like to read history books and care about their position in history. Ordinary citizens actually need to read history books. Although the Chinese people's traditional Chinese literacy in this world is higher than that of their previous lives, for most people, the Twenty-four Histories is still too profound and boring. The historical books written by contemporary historical scholars are also dull and rigid, boring and annoying.

Citizens can only pay attention to some wild historical dramas and watch some fabricated historical TV series as a sustenance. But at this time, "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" appeared, which told readers the historical stories and characters of the Ming Dynasty for more than 300 years in a simple and unpretentious language. Among them, the strange and vague historical figures in history have become vivid in the book. Interpret another side of history for ordinary citizens and turn history into a living life story.

How this makes ordinary citizens not excited, we can also read history books, no longer those hearsay barley officials and wild history, no longer those borderless historical jokes, but a popular historical reading of historical materials derived from the History of the Ming Dynasty and the Record of the Ming Dynasty.

But this made some historical scholars angry. A freshman in high school wrote a vernacular romance novel, a vernacular martial arts popular literary writer. In their eyes, he is at most a dilapidated scholar who sells literature for a living. He even dares to talk about history shamelessly. It's really unbearable. !

The front page headline of Yanjing Morning Post published an article by Feng Xuanqing, a famous domestic historian, a researcher at the Wei, Jin, and Northern and Southern Dynas History Research Center of Yanjing University, and vice president of the Chinese Wei, Jin and Northern and Northern Dynasties History Society.

One is about the Ming Dynasty, and the other is to study the history of the Wei, Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties. Even if it is his turn, it is not his turn. But the old man was really depressed. When he was young, he didn't choose his professional direction well. Unfortunately, he studied the history of the Wei, Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties. This history is unpopular in Chinese historiography. To put it simply, the government does not pay attention to it, the people do not pay attention to it, and the college entrance examination is not taken. Even few people write this paragraph in online novels in the previous life. But that's all right. The most important thing is that the old man's new bookmark sales time crashed with Zhang Duo some time ago. It was estimated that only 20 or 30 readers came to the signing site of about 200 people, which really hit the ambitious Feng Xuanqing a lot.

Besides, since ancient times, there have been many literati. Even if Meng Nanxing is a famous historian, the old man would say two strange words if he didn't like it. Now he is just a high school student, scolding him or scolding him!

With this mentality, Feng Xuanqing quoted the scriptures in the Yanjing Morning Post, sprinkled nearly a thousand words, and criticized Meng Nanxing's "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" for its loose structure, straightforward language, frivolous writing and subjective judgment. The Songjiang Morning Post falsified data and made a splash, which is actually the act of a clown.

The Beijing Evening News published a commentator's article, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper's sports and entertainment section, saying: "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty are not rigorous historical works, with the author's personal views and preferences, and some details are very subjective. Historical images are not equal to historical truth and cannot be regarded as historical facts. The number of replies to the reader questionnaire of Songjiang Morning Post is really incredible. I can only say that in order to cause a sensation, this tabloid has ignored readers' IQ and common sense, but it has just exposed their stupidity..."

Chutian Daily published an article by Zheng Shien, a professor in the Department of History of Chutian University and a researcher of the Chinese Society of History of the Ming and Qing Dynasties: "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty are not a history textbook, and the author is just an ordinary third-rate vernacular novelist and a high school student who is still studying. The book has a strong personal color, and some historical views put forward are not very rigorous. This book is only suitable as a pastime book for adults with a certain historical view after dinner, and is not suitable for the public, especially teenagers. Those Things in the Ming Dynasty are colorful, so readers may not be able to understand them and cause misunderstandings, and some less rigorous views in the book will make readers vague judgments about history.

As for the nearly 110,000 readers' replies mentioned by Songjiang Morning Post, it is not impossible, but only Songjiang Morning Post itself knows how many good they have received. Maybe this is the reason why they only published the number of replies but refused to report the specific survey results..."

In addition, articles such as Southern New Evening News and Southeast Metropolis Daily have expressed doubts. Zhang Duo's base camp, the Northeast Evening News, only objectively commented on "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" without any emotion. It did not mention the reply of nearly 110,000 readers. Obviously, it was afraid of offending those cultural celebrities and historians. Songjiang People's Daily did not make any comments and seemed to stay out of the matter.

In the Songjiang Morning Post, Tang Tianhao looked at a crusade newspaper and the doubts and criticisms of those great scholars about the Ming Dynasty, and he was happy and worried. The joy is that "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" lived up to expectations and caused the circulation of the newspaper to soar, making this already crumbling small newspaper not only stabilize the situation, but also has the hope of revitalization. More than 20 days ago, people's hearts were still floating in the newspaper, and most of the employees were worried. As the saying goes, if people are dispersed, it will be difficult to lead the team. At that time, Tang Tianhao and Jiang Zhilan were really helpless. Nowadays, most employees not only have no idea of leaving, but also are full of energy, and everyone's faces are full of enthusiastic and confident smiles. People are most afraid of having no hope. No one wants to stay in a company that has no future and will fail at any time. But if the company has the hope of growth, even if it is still a little weak for a while, as long as it is in the channel of rapid development, it is enough for most employees to share with it.

From this perspective, Tang Tianhao is really grateful to Zhang Duo. He is not worried about the past festivals and must report it. Instead, he generously handed over the manuscript to himself for serialization. Although it may be due to the 400-word remuneration and the difficulty of finding a newspaper that is willing to serialize, Tang Tianhao can't help but be grateful, because no matter what psychology Zhang Duo is, the result in front of him is that the Songjiang Morning Post is expected to revitalize.

But he is also worried. At present, the experts and scholars who have jumped out are only a feather to the whole Chinese cultural world, and those who have not yet jumped out are what really scare him. Although those people may not be able to sell much, they have the right to speak in the cultural world. Ordinary people still believe what they say, which is much higher than the credibility of bricklayers and beasts in their previous lives.

While Tang Tianhao was thinking, there was a knock on the door outside. He shouted in, but it was Han Zheng, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper. A man in his early 40s came in with a report. He said to Tang Tianhao worriedly, "Editor-in-chief, the situation is a little bad. Now the sales of newspapers have stagnated."

Tang Tianhao's heart trembled and took the report with a blank face. He found that newspaper sales had basically stabilized at 260,000 copies in recent days after the rapid surge in the past few days. He secretly hated those experts for being overthought, but said, "Well, let's not. The increase in our newspaper sales will stop sooner or later. When the novel is serialized more, there will be a rise. The 17th Emperor of the Ming Dynasty has only talked about the third one now. Don't worry too much.

Han Zheng saw that Tang Tianhao was confident, and his heart calmed down. He said with a smile, "The editor-in-chief is still extraordinary. Taishan collapsed in front of him without changing his color, and the elk is excited on the left and blink of an instant. This is the demeanor of a leader!"

Tang Tianhao smiled and said, "Lao Han, don't compliment me!" Go and cheer up your subordinates and let them not be discouraged. This little ordeal is nothing. No matter how big it is, we will survive!"

Han Zheng patted his head and said, "You're right. I have to go back to cheer them up. The morale that I finally raised can't be released like this!" After saying that, he turned around and left the office.

Seeing Han Zheng go out, Tang Tianhao lost his self-confidence just now, frowned, and called Zhang Duo worriedly to tell Zhang Duo about the achievements and difficulties encountered in Those Things in the Ming Dynasty.

Zhang Duo is not so busy now. Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils has entered post-production. In this regard, Gu Zongling and Chen Feiyang are much more professional than him. Now he now goes to Bincheng once every three days to see the progress of post-production and check the general direction. Of course, he must hold the power of how to edit.

Zhang Duo, who returned to school, was treated like a hero. From the principal and teacher to his alumni, he came to see him every day, and there was an endless stream of people looking for his autographs, which annoyed him. Even Zhao Yu, Han Guang and Li Chengdu came to see him, but there was a sense of kindness and hatred.

People are like this. Everyone comes out from the starting line. You are a little better than me, and I am jealous; but if you need me to look up, there will be no jealousy. Just like people can be jealous that their classmates and colleagues get 300 to 500 yuan more a month than him, but they won't be jealous of Bill Gates and Li Ka-shing's billion assets.