Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 76 Countermeasures

Zhang Duo was very unhappy after the newspaper arrived, because a person who has money is different from having an industry. Although in the past six months, his novels have brought him more than 20 million assets one after another, and his gold-absorbing ability is close to the five online literary masters in his previous life. However, in the eyes of the world, he can only be regarded as a very profitable vernacular novelist, and he actually has no status in the literary world.

But if there is an industry, it will be different. If he can develop this small Songjiang Morning Post into a cultural media empire, even if it is a cultural industry group like Benshan Media, it will be enough to make him "smile proud".

Zhang Duo's current assets are 21 million, of which "Days of Living with Stewardess" has sold a total of 1.23 million copies. According to 10% royalties, the unit price of 20 yuan is 2.16 million yuan. The price of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils is 200 thousand words, so the total remuneration of 1.5 million words of novels is only 300,000. The real big one is still published, with a total of five volumes, the lowest of 1.42 million copies and the highest of 2.28 million copies, with a total sales of nearly 9 million copies and a manuscript fee of more than 17 million. Coupled with the contribution fee of The Legend of the Condor Heroes, Zhang Duo's fortune actually exceeded 20 million, and he was shocked when he calculated it.

However, Zhang Duo thought about it carefully, but he was relieved that his little money was not at the top of the list of Chinese writers 10 years later. Do you want to know how many words those writers write in a year, and how many words did Zhang Duo write in more than half a year? He has a sense of shame for Jin Da Da!

As for Luo Lin, who earned 95.5 million yuan from China in his previous life in 2010, Zhang Duo's achievement is nothing. Thinking that people can enter the "Billionaire Club" with the Harry Potter series, Zhang Duo has a long way to go.

After the newspaper bought it, Zhang Duo comforted the remaining dozen employees in the agency and prepared to start recruiting new people. The recruitment advertisement in the Northeast Evening News accounted for a whole page.

During the period, Chen Shanming and Qin Liangmu came to find him separately and wanted to throw the money to him, but Zhang Duo directly lost it back. He remembers that Gu Long was killed by the bookseller in his previous life. Gu Long valued righteousness over money, and the bookseller gave him money and he took it to invite his friends to drink. When the money was spent, he remembered that he owed the manuscript to the bookseller and began to write desperately, which caused great harm to his health. Naturally, Zhang Duo can't open this example, otherwise other booksellers will do the same in the future, and he will never have peace.

On the evening of April 18, night fell and the lights came on. The newspaper of the Northeast Evening News is as bright as day. The conference room was filled with smoke, but I didn't know how many cigarettes I smoked.

There is such a big circle in Bincheng cultural circles, and any news has spread all over the world in almost half a day. Since learning that Zhang Duo bought the Songjiang Morning Post, some employees of the Northeast Evening News have begun to feel uneasy. Most of them are Wu Weizhong's subordinates, or some novelists. In their eyes, other content in the newspaper is not important, and a good serial novel is the soul. Now the soul of the Northeast Evening News has other bodies, which makes the "fiction-only" employees feel that the sky is about to collapse.

Of course, not all people are so pessimistic. There are also many employees who think that novels are just icing on the cake. The foundation of Northeast Evening News is still news editorial and financial analysis. However, regardless of that point of view, they all agree that once Meng Nanxing's novel is no longer serialized in the Northeast Evening News, the impact will be extremely serious, although it is not disastrous.

During the day, Tang Tianhao came to publish recruitment advertisements, which accelerated this pessimism, so that the Northeast Evening News worked overtime to discuss countermeasures.

At this time, Wu Weizhong had not been the editor-in-chief for a few days. When he got the news, he almost collapsed on the ground. It was too sudden. Although he saw Zhang Duo's ambition, he wanted to start his own company in college, but he didn't expect that he would run his own newspaper before he even studied in the second year of high school.

Of course, he will not be stupid enough to think that Zhang Duo will submit his manuscript to the Northeast Evening News in the future. From the moment Zhang Duo owned the Songjiang Morning Post, his relationship with the Northeast Evening News has changed. He is no longer a partner but a competitor.

Because there is a contract, Legend of the Condor Heroes will naturally be serialized in the Northeast Evening News. For his reputation, there is no need to worry about quality, but there is no need to think about it in the future. The Northeast Evening News, which already has the most martial arts fans in China, faces a terrible dilemma, that is, when Meng Nanxing's novels are not serialized in their newspapers, they will inevitably face a large number of readers, which is obvious.

Although many readers will continue to buy the Northeast Evening News because of their inertia, once the subsequent novels do not reach the level of Meng Nanxing, disappointed readers will definitely abandon the Northeast Evening News.

In the smoky conference room, even Chen Wenzheng, who has always been used to martial arts novels, frowned. He didn't like Meng Nanxing's martial arts novels, but at this moment, he had to admit that Meng Nanxing's novels were too important to the Northeast Evening News. When the circulation of newspapers rose from 1.1 million to more than 2 million, everyone in the newspaper thought they had made great contributions. It is foreseeable that Meng Nanxing's follow-up novels will not be serialized here, and everyone will admit who is the greatest contributor.

In the conference room, no one spoke for a long time. Wu Weizhong kept wiping his sweat. Chen Wenzheng always frowned. As for Xu Shenyan, the editor-in-chief of the financial section, kept turning the pen in his hand and didn't know what he was thinking. The three directors are like clay sculptures in the temple, sitting upright without saying a word.

Zhou Mingde looked at a "General" under his men, but suddenly felt extremely disappointed. They can neither anticipate the future, prepare for a rainy day, or respond in times of crisis. The proposals put forward are all pedantic, childish and ridiculous.

Wu Weizhong suggested playing emotional cards and signing Zhang Duo with a high salary. It seems that he really has no ability except to be quite obedient.

Chen Wenzheng suggested that newspapers increase their support for domestic and international news sections, recruit a large number of reporters, and simply take this opportunity to transform and get rid of the unfavorable image of "entertainment newspapers". Of course, the novel can continue to be serialized. Under the so-called reward, there must be a brave man. Just hire other martial arts writers at a high salary. At this time, Chen Wenzheng's eyes were only his domestic and international sections, and he had no sense of the overall situation. He really deserved to be killed. Zhou Mingde was so disappointed!

And Xu Shenyan is much more dull. In fact, since Wu Weizhong and Chen Wenzheng became editor-in-chief and deputy editor-in-chief, he has been much depressed and did not express his opinions at any meeting. If Zhou Mingde asks a question, he will say that the president has his own good plan, and we can do it. Although Zhou Mingde talked to him once, the effect was not ideal.

Zhou Mingde now has some regrets. At the beginning, he was afraid that someone would threaten his position. He repeatedly suppressed talented heroes, leaving behind selfish short-sighted people who only knew obedient people. So much so that the newspaper didn't even have a person to give advice at a critical moment, but he had to think about everything by himself.

Zhou Mingde sighed and said, "Since everyone has no objection, I will say a few points. First of all, it is true that Zhang Duo bought the Songjiang Morning Post, but it is too early to fight with us. After the serialization of Legend of the Condor Heroes, he may not be able to cooperate. After all, turning friends into enemies also has many disadvantages to him. However, the problem is that he can give us a few serials, but that we have our own novel writers!"

After saying that, Zhou Mingde clapped his hands, and a secretary came forward to send a group of information to several people sitting there.

"At present, there is a plan to support the cultural industry in the city. As the third largest newspaper in China, Northeast Evening News, of course, should actively respond to the city's call. I plan to hold a "Songjiang Cup" novel competition, which revealed that Meng Nanxing has more than 20 million yuan, which makes domestic literature lovers jealous and envious. And our slogan is 'Find the next Meng Nanxing, he can do it, you can do it!"

"The special prize of this competition is as high as one million, decreasing in order, but even the comforting excellent prize is as high as 10,000 yuan. The total prize money of the whole competition is three million, and I believe it can definitely attract literary young people across the country who are interested in novel creation.

"If you win a million special prize, you need to sign ten books. Except for the special prize, the number of books will decrease in turn. There is no limit on the number of books for the Excellence Award, but he has to sign a ten-year contract with the newspaper. Unless he does not write within ten years and wants to write, he can only publish it in the Northeast Evening News or be published by us. Of course, the manuscript fee and royalties will be carried out at the market price, which will be written into the contract so that they will not have too many objections and resistance.

Wu Weizhong and others looked through Zhou Mingde's detailed plan and found that it was very operational and feasible. Every clause and every detailed rule is clearly written, and almost all possibilities are included. This can't be done in a few days at all. Zhou Mingde has been prepared for a long time.

Wu Weizhong and others were impressed and admired Zhou Mingde, praising Zhou Mingde, praising the president's wisdom and foresight and foresight! Zhou Mingde listened to everyone's praise and looked at everyone's joy, but he lost the joy of the past.

On April 20, the front page of the Northeast Evening News published all the details of the "Songjiang Cup" novel competition. Such hot news was the first time in China and immediately caused a sensation. The newspaper that day was sold out of stock, and another 200,000 copies were printed. Such a sensational news naturally attracted the attention of the national media, and even CCTV's news channel reported this content in the noon news.

At this moment, almost all the people in the country who have read newspapers and like gossip are discussing a topic, that is, the "Songjiang Cup" novel competition. One million special prizes are really sensational. And Meng Nanxing, a 17-year-old high school student, unexpectedly collected 20 million in less than a year. This example is really shocking! Almost every literary youth believes in his heart that he can win the prize. He is the next Meng Nanxing. He writes a book and becomes famous. The publishing house begs behind him. Big, sign the contract! Then collect 20 million in a year!

On this day, the most common sentence for literature lovers and fans across the country is: "Look for the next Meng Nanxing, he can do it, and I can do it too!"

When Zhang Duo saw the newspaper, he only said, "Zhou Mingde, I'll support you!"