Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 79 Exchange

The comments on the media were very lively. The bloody resurrection of the Songjiang Morning Post also surprised people in the press and publishing industry, but Zhang Duo turned a deaf ear to all of these, because he drove to Xingshan on May Day.

Zhou Mingde's early revelation interrupted Zhang Duo's stable pace of life and added many waves. In Zhang Duo's idea, it was certain to bring his parents to the city, but he never thought it would be so early.

The trouble now is that my sister transferred to the junior high school of Bincheng No. 3 Middle School, and her parents also moved here, but left Zhang Duo alone in Xingshan. More importantly, Zhang Duo's career is now in Bincheng. If he chooses to stay in Xingshan to study, it will be troublesome at both ends, and his parents are also worried that it is not safe to drive around on the highway.

But Zhang Duo is unwilling to transfer to another school. Although his class time adds up to less than half a month, there is someone he likes here, Qin Lan. This kind of memory of the past and present life has been immersed in the bone marrow. If he doesn't frustrate, his soul can't be forgotten. How can he have the heart to leave Qin Lan here? So when his parents proposed to transfer him to another school, he flatly refused.

There are more bad things than that. Zhang Duo's mother is calm and calm. When I arrived in Bincheng, I quickly adapted to the urban life. Now I clean the room, cook for my husband and children, and watch TV every day.

Father Zhang Zhenxing came up with other ideas. He was born with great joy and dared to do it. After living in a large house of more than 300 square meters for a period of time, driving a luxury car out every day, looking at the flowers in Bincheng, I felt that the small Internet cafe or computer room in Xingshan was really too uncheated and obscene, so I came up with the idea of cashing out the Internet cafe in Xingshan and showing great ideas in Bincheng.

Zhang Duo retorted a few words and advised him to be steady. Zhang Zhenxing jumped angrily and scolded, "Well, you little son of a bitch, your wings are hard, right? Isn't that the time when you asked me for money? Let me tell you, I didn't have you when I was doing business?"

Zhang Duo hurriedly smiled and said, "Yes, you have traveled around the world for so many years, selling private salt, selling frozen goods, collecting grain, pouring vegetables, and making money in everything. Otherwise, how could our family live such a comfortable life for so many years!"

When Zhang Zhenxing heard Zhang Duo mention his "glorious deeds", he was so proud and said with a smile, "That's right, isn't your father's brain enough?" In fact, I know that Internet cafes can definitely make money, but our family has moved to Bincheng now! You can't do any business. Even if you open an Internet cafe, you have to open it in Bincheng!"

Zhang Duoxin said, my own father, living father! You are really my father, you don't have such a toss. He said slowly, "Dad, we have all arrived in Bincheng. When you have time to go back, you can send it to your relatives. If you can sell the house, you can sell it. Don't worry. What about the Internet cafe in Xingshan? I have a suitable candidate here. I'll cash it out for you. Do you think it's okay? Then you buy your own car. Don't always grab it with me. If you have nothing to do, get a driver's license. You can go shopping all over Bincheng! You don't have to worry this time. After inspecting the project and deciding what to do, there is no problem with three or five million, don't you think so?

Zhang Zhenxing was very happy. He rubbed Zhang Duo's head and said, "Oh, my eldest son is so authentic that I really don't care about you!"

After discussing with Zhang Zhenxing, Zhang Duo drove to Xingshan. After the car entered the city, Zhang Duo slowed down and drove all the way to the downstairs of Qin Lan's house. I just called, "Hey, Lanlan, what are you doing?"

Qin Lan's voice was a little lazy, "I'm lying at home. I'm on vacation and I don't like to move!"

Zhang Duo smiled and said to himself why all the girls I know like to stay in bed!" Lanlan, I'm downstairs at your house now! I'm coming up!"

"Ah! Are you downstairs?" A very surprised voice came from the mobile phone, "Don't come up, I... I haven't combed my hair, I haven't washed my face, and I haven't put on makeup. How can I see anyone!"

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "It's okay. We are all old husbands and wives. Are you still afraid of this?"

"Get out of here, who is ashamed of your husband and wife! I won't talk to you anymore. Wait for me for 20 minutes, and I'll come down after putting on makeup.

Zhang Duo hung up the phone and waited in the car. In less than ten minutes, Qin Lan went downstairs, wearing a pair of matching jeans and a white coat, which was bright and touching.

Zhang Duo hurriedly jumped out of the car and opened his arms to hug Qin Lan, but Qin Lan stretched out his hand and said, "I'm going to die. I'm surrounded by my neighbors. How can I hug you here!"

Zhang Duo said with a smile, "Oh, well, let's hug you later!"

Qin Lan nodded with a red face and said "um" like a mosquito fly. With that charming look, Zhang Duo's heart kept beating faster.

After the two got into the car, Zhang Duo hugged Qin Lan and kissed him. Qin Lan did not object, but only kissed for a while. Then she pushed Zhang Duo away and gasped and said, "I have a little cold. My nose is not very ventilated. I was about to suffocate just now!"

Zhang Duo said with an exaggerated expression, "No, you don't even say you have a cold. This is trying to infect me!"

Qin Lan raised her chin and said, "It's just to infect you. How about it? Who told you not to come to see me for so long!"

Zhang Duo said apologetically, "I've been really busy recently!"

Qin Lan held Zhang Duo's hand and said, "I know, I'm really worried about you when I see those reports in the newspaper!" Is the situation better now?"

"It's much better. It has settled down. I bought a house in Bincheng, and my hometown plans to sell it. There is also an Internet cafe in Xingshan, and I plan to cash it out.

"Is it the Dongxing Internet cafe closest to our school?"

Zhang Duo was surprised, "Yes, how do you know it's mine?"

Qin Lan said with a smile, "After your property was reported, the Internet cafe was closed. Now that you say that your family has one in Xingshan, I guessed that it is!"

Zhang Duo looked at Qin Lan and said, "Ok, wife, I don't see that you can still reason!"

Qin Lan glanced at Zhang Duo and said, "Don't look down on people, as if you are smart!"

Zhang Duo said with a smile, "I just found out that our big baby is also a shrewd person. Why don't we exchange this Internet cafe? Let's have a husband and wife file and I manage your accounts?"

Qin Lan said with a smile, "Your following sentences are quite rhymed!"

Zhang Duo said seriously, "No kidding, seriously, I want to exchange the Internet cafe to my aunt. What do you think?"

Qin Lan didn't smile and said seriously, "Do you want to help my family?"

Zhang Duo said, "I can't talk about it. I just want you to live a better life without thinking about money!"

Qin Lan looked at Zhang Duo and said sadly, "Can you really treat me for the rest of your life?"

Zhang Duo cursed and swore, "From now on, I will only love you, spoil you, and will not lie to you. I will do everything I promise you, and every word I say to you is sincere; I don't bully you, don't scold you, believe you; if someone bullies you, I will come out to help you as soon as possible; when you are happy, I will be happy with you; when you are unhappy, I will also make you happy; I will always think that you are the most beautiful, and I will dream of you in my dreams. Only you in my heart!"

There is no "Hedong Lion Roar" in this world, so as soon as Zhang Duo's classic line came out, Qin Lan was moved to tears, hugged Zhang Duo and said, "Aduo, you are so good! I will always be good to you!"

The two complained to each other for a long time before Zhang Duo started the car and drove straight to the Zhengyang shopping mall in the city center.

After taking 30,000 yuan from Zhang Duo, Chu Yuwei bought goods to set up this year's shoe hall stall, but the business was very ordinary, and the monthly money earned was only enough for the family's living expenses. Nowadays, Qin Lan has grown up day by day. Although it is relatively economical, she also needs money to go to college. If it goes on like this, when can she save money?

Although Lanlan's boyfriend is very amazing, she has made 21 million in less than a year, a number that makes her dizzy when she thinks about it. But both of them are children, and they are still uncertain, and they don't know that they can get to that day. If one day the two separated and Lanlan suffered losses again, what should she do?

She really wanted to separate the two people, but she didn't dare. That Duo is so generous. If you want to take 30,000 yuan, you can take it, that is, if you don't say the time, you don't need interest. If the two of them can really be together, the gap between Zhang Duo's fingers will be enough for their family to eat!

What's more, Zhang Duo is not bad-looking and good for Qin Lan. Mobile phones, clothes, cosmetics, and gifts are all famous brands. If the two of them are separated, it is difficult to find such a suitable one even with lanterns!

Since Zhang Duo's family was exposed by the Northeast Evening News, Chu Yuwei will think about Zhang Duo and Qin Lan almost as soon as she has spare time. There is a good saying that people don't care about loyalty, loyalty is because the bargaining chip of betrayal is too low; people don't care about decent, and decent people are not enough.

Chu Yuwei also wanted to be high, and also wanted to refuse righteously when Zhang Duo smashed her with money. But when you think about yourself, you will change first, 21 million! Just thinking about it, her heart beats so fast. If Lan Lan can get married, won't she become the mother-in-law of a local tycoon? He should always be filial!

Chu Yuwei, who was daydreaming, was shocked when she found Zhang Duo and Qin Lan standing in front of her. She wanted to say some harsh words, but when she arrived, she was like honey. "Oh, Zhang Duo is here. Did you work hard on the way? Have you eaten yet? I didn't catch up last time. This time, I have to go to my aunt's house. Auntie will cook delicious food for you!"

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "It's not very hard to drive here. Auntie, are you busy here? If I'm not busy, I want to invite my aunt and uncle to have lunch together. I want to talk to you!"

This day is May 1st, which is a good time to sell goods in the mall. Chu Yuwei looked at the flow of people and said with a smile and said, "Hey, what are you busy with? You are all wandering around. Few of them have bought them. I told the business management, pulled down the shutter door and came out. Go out first. I'll find you two at the door later!"

Zhang Duo said hello with a smile and pulled Qin Lan out of the mall. When Chu Yuwei saw that Zhang Duo and Qin Lan had left, she happily put down the shutter door, but the merchant next to her said, "Yuwei, this is a good time to sell goods. Why are you closing the door?"

Chu Yuwei said happily, "My son-in-law is coming to the door. What else should I sell? I have to go home and get some dishes for good hospitality." After saying that, he locked the shutter door and went to the mall office.

The merchant next to him sighed, "This old lady and son-in-law don't do door-to-door business, which is too important! No, her Qin Lan is only in high school. Where did her son-in-law come from?